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Demographic Information:
Occupation: (student/teacher)

II. Acceptability Factors Assessment

5 4 3 2 1
Indicators Very Much Much Accepted Less Not
Accepted Accepted Accepted Accepted
Ease of use
How easy is it to use the
Portable Water Purifier?
How portable do you find
the Portable Water
Speed of Filtration
How satisfied are you with
the speed of filtration of
the Portable Water
How convenient is it to
maintain the Portable
Water Purifier?
How satisfied are you with
the durability of the
Portable Water Purifier?
how satisfactory is the taste
of the water filtered by the
Portable Water Purifier?

III. Additional Feedback:

- Do you have any additional comments, suggestions, or concerns regarding the Portable Water

IV. Comparative Analysis:

- Please indicate whether you are a student or a teacher.
1 2 3 4 5 6
In your opinion, which acceptability
factor(s) are most important for students?
Please rank them from 1 to 6 (1 being the
most important).
In your opinion, which acceptability
factor(s) are most important for teachers?
Please rank them from 1 to 6 (1 being the
most important

Note: The above questionnaire checklist is a starting point and may require further customization
based on your specific requirements and research objectives.

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