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Social Media Influence on The Study Habits

of Accountancy, Business, and

Management Students


Gatchalian, Jayvee M.

Go, Zhyrem Mei A.

Bernal, Lady Lyn

Estocada, Mary Grace

Marcos, Daniella

Submitted to:

Ms. Krysthel Irish D. Bocobo

Title Page 1
Table of Contents 2
Background of the study 3
Conceptual framework and Paradigm 4
Statement of the Problem 5
Significance of the Study 5
Scope and Delimitation 5
Definition of Terms 6
Foreign Literature 7
Local Literature 9
Foreign Studies 11
Local Studies 12


Research Design 13
Population and Sample of the Study 13
Data Gathering Instrument 13
Data Gathering Procedure 14
Statistical Treatment of the Data 15

Curriculum Vitae

Social Media Influence on The Study Habits
of Accountancy, Business, and
Management Students
I. Background of the Study
Students' academic success is significantly influenced by their study habits, which
have been shown to be the best predictor of academic performance.It's been a part of a
student's life to have study habits that may help a student develop an interest in what they
are learning,with no pressure or interruptions while learning. One of the most vital is
developing good study habits. According to Kumar's (2015) The ingrained inclinations
and behaviors associated with studying during the process of obtaining knowledge, that
students portray through education, knowledge.
Good study habits help kids perform well in class. It appears that the entire
educational system is centered around students' academic success. The study habits of
students are one of several elements that influence academic success. In a student's
academic career, study habits are crucial. There are several reasons why some students
struggle academically. Poor study habits, which frequently have an impact on academic
performance even among intelligent students, are one such problem. It is true that
poverty has a negative impact on academic success, especially for individuals who are
inherently gifted. Menzel, cited by Rana and Kausar (2011), claims that students' failure
to succeed is not a result of their aptitude but rather a result of a lack of proper study
Nowadays due to the advancement of technology,students waste much of their
study time in using social media rather than dealing with academic issues.. There has
been widespread concern in society that Social media distracts students from their studies
and diminishes their social skills. As a result, educators have investigated techniques to
mitigate while including its detrimental effects on educational achievement. Positive
aspects are incorporated into the learning process. The purpose of this research was to
investigate the impact of social media on students' study habits.
Many students who have access to social media waste their time on it by chatting
and surfing the internet for non-educative information. They are glued to their phones all
day, making them a loose sense of time. Some students are also seen pressing their
phones during classes, seminars, and also in the libraries. Some of them will even plug in
their ear pieces and hum out the songs they are listening to when studying which reduce
their rates of assimilation and act as a source of disturbances to others around them
(Ictech, 2014)
How one studies is determined by one's study habits. That is, the habits formed
by students during their school years. How a student approaches his or her studies
considerably influences his or her degree of academic accomplishment. The degree of
preparation and learning techniques established and applied intentionally by students has
a significant impact on their academic achievement. Study habits stimulate and direct
one's cognitive processes during learning, and they have a critical impact in students'
academic achievement.
The amount to which a student excels or performs in his or her studies is
determined by the study habits that he or she establishes and employs to a considerable
extent. When compared to a student who has terrible study habits, a student who develops
and uses excellent study habits is more likely to achieve well in his studies. Thus, study
habits are critical to the academic achievement of all students at all levels.
Furthermore, Sheldon (2008) stated that with a massive growth in the number of
teenagers using social media throughout the world, many parents, religious leaders,
politicians, and educators are concerned about the unknown effects of social media on
numerous parts of human existence. It is therefore critical to monitor the impact of social
media on their academic study habits, which is a critical activity for them, particularly in
the life of a student. Since
The learning component that has the greatest effect on pupils' academic progress
is Study habits, regardless of his degree of education, are highly significant since they
help him enhance his capacity to be self-directed and self-disciplined Ebele & Olofu
II. Conceptual framework and Paradigm of the Study After evaluating the
study findings, this
stage focuses on action
plans, intervention
Input recommendations, and
other relevant data. The
1. Demographic
output aims to suggest
information of 1. Data collection
respondents (age, and analysis ways to improve
gender, grade level, 2. Assessment of the students' study habits
GWA) impact of social and academic
2. Survey questionnaires media on study performance by
and data collection habits addressing the impact
methods 3. Development of of social media use.
3. Data analysis and questionnaires and
interpretation surveys

The research will utilize the Input Process Output (IPO) model as a conceptual
framework to guide the study. This model covers the materials and information necessary
for the research process, including specific process details.
In terms of input, it involves gathering information about respondent profiles and
various aspects related to independent research variables, addressing the details
mentioned in the problem statement.
The process includes the use of survey questionnaires for data collection, data
analysis, and interpretation, covering everything from data gathering to presenting
research results and recommendations.
Regarding the output, this encompasses the steps taken after evaluating the study's
findings, which include action plans, intervention programs, recommendations, and other
relevant data. This has led the researcher to propose suggestions that enhance consumer
behavior and online shopping by improving study habits and academic performance by
assessing the impact of social media.

III. Statement of the Problem

This research aims to investigate the influence of social media on the study habits
of students majoring in Accountancy, Business, and Management. The study will focus on
how the use of social media affects students’ academic performance and study habits. To
achieve this, the research will address the following key questions:

1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of:

a) Age;
b) Gender; and
c) Grade level
2. What are the effects of social media on the study habits of Accountancy, Business and
Management Students?
3. What various aspects of social media influencing the study habits of Accountancy,
Business, and Management Students?
4. Is there a significant relationship between the use of social media of Accountancy,
Business, and Management students and their academic performance and study

IV. Hypothesis of the Study

Nyll hypothesis

1. The demographic profile of respondents has no significant impact on their academic

learning in terms of;

a) Age;

b) Gender; and

c) Grade level

2. There is no significant effects in the impact of social media on study habits of

Accountancy, Business and Management Students

3. There is no various aspects of social media influencing the study habits of

Accountancy, Business, and Management Students

4. There is no significant relationship between the use of social media and the study
habits and academic performance of Accountancy, Business, and Management students.

V. Significance of the Study

The significance of this research lies in understanding how social media interaction
affects the learning quality and academic achievement of accountancy business and
management students. The following entities will benefit from this research: students,
teacher, parents, educational policy makers, future researchers.
Through this study the primarily benefits is students in the fields of accountancy,
business and management. It helps them get an insight of how social media influence
their study habits. By providing understanding, if ever social media helps or enhances
their learning process.
This study could also be have a personal effect on the parent of the students they
may obtain an understanding of their childrens study habit and discover strategies to
assists them on how to assists them in managing their social media habit, for improved
Educational Policy Makers
Educational policymakers can use the insights gained from this study to inform
and shape educational policies. It can lead to the development of guidelines and
recommendations for educational institutions on how to balance the integration of

technology and social media in the learning process while minimizing distractions and
ensuring students' academic success.
Educational Institutions
Gaining insights into the impact of social media on study habits enables
educational institutions to formulate effective strategies for fostering an optimal learning
environment. This understanding becomes a valuable asset in enhancing teaching
methodologies and refining curriculum designs for academic improvement.
Through this study teachers can be benefit as it can help them obtain
understanding, into how to adjust their teaching way to consider the influence of social
media, on student learning. They can utilize the result to create study techniques and
Future Researchers
Through this study future researcher can provide a guideline on understanding of
how social media influence the accountancy business and management students in their
study habits. This foundational knowledge can lead as a starting point for a further

VI. Scope and Delimitations of the Study

This research will exclusively investigate the impact of social media on the study
habits of students in Accountancy, Business, and Management (ABM). The study will
specifically analyze how the use of social media influences the academic performance
and study habits of ABM students. Data collection will encompass demographic
information about the respondents, including age, gender,and grade level.
The researchers limited this research to the Accountancy and Business
Management students of Tayug National High School on the main campus wherein it
consists of 50 grade 11 students and 50 grade 12 students. Questionnaires will be
distributed and interviews will be conducted for the Senior High Students of the S.Y

VII. Definition of Terms

Study Habits. For the purpose of this research, study habits refer to the systematic and
consistent behaviors and practices adopted by students to facilitate their learning and
academic performance. It includes aspects like time management, note-taking,
organization, and concentration during study sessions.
Social Media. Social media encompasses various online platforms and applications that
enable users to create, share, and interact with content. This can include but is not limited
to platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, and others.

Academic Performance. Academic performance refers to the results and achievements

of students in their educational endeavors, including grades, test scores, and overall
learning outcomes.

Demographic Profile. The demographic profile of the respondents includes information

related to the students' characteristics, such as age, gender, grade level (e.g., 11th or 12th

Intervention Programs. Strategies and measures proposed based on research findings to

mitigate negative effects and enhance positive aspects of social media on students' study
habits, aiming to improve academic performance.

Academic Learning. The process of acquiring knowledge, skills, and competencies

within the academic context, as measured by performance in studies, assessments, and
overall academic achievements.

Chapter II

The following are literature and studies that the proponents think are necessary in
having an in depth understanding of the research problem. Specifically, it contains
literature, studies, and the justification on why the research should be pushed through.

Foreign Literature
In the study conducted by Abdulqader and Almunsour (2020) and Bitherman and
Frempong- Kore (2021), students have increasingly turned to social networking sites
(SNS) such as Facebook and Twitter to foster connections for diverse purposes, including
their university- related endeavors (Hossain, 2017). Concurrently, amidst these societal
shifts, numerous studies have been undertaken to scrutinize the potential influence of
social networks on student academic performance (Abdulqader & Almunsour, 2020;
Bitherman & Frempong-Kore, 2021; Khan et al., 2016). This research landscape has
prompted a thorough exploration, with scholars delving into the intricate relationship
between SNS utilization and its impact on academic achievement and learning outcomes
(Vakhitov et al., 2021

Michikyan et al. (2015) discovered that more than 14% of Facebook posts revolved
around academic themes, suggesting a potential connection between students' academic
performance and their engagement with academic content shared by peers on the
platform. In contrast, Khanet al.'s (2016) investigation presents a divergent perspective,
indicating that social mediac an exert adverse effects on academic performance.
Moreover, the study by Whelan et al. (2020) highlights the negative impact of social
media overload, revealing its correlation with hindrance sto academic performance. These
findings underscore the nuanced relationship between social media usage, academic
content consumption, and its varying effects on students' educational outcomes.

According to Salvation and Adzharuddin (2014) affirm that social media play a
crucial rolein facilitating students' engagement in group discussions, enabling the
exchange of ideas and communication on academic tasks. Additionally, the integration of
social media enhances interactions between students and lecturers, with some educators
utilizing these platforms to share lecture notes and tutorials (Ahmed & Qazi, 2014),
potentially leading to improved grades due to the accessibility of educational information.
Deng and Tavares (2013) specifically highlight the contribution of web-based discussions
via social media to the development of students' abilities and critical thinking. In
comparison to face-to-face interactions, online discussions provide a platform where
students feel more confident expressing their opinions and engaging in disagreements,
ultimately contributing to better academic performance (Apeanti & Danso, 2014).

The landscape of study habits is undergoing transformation due to technological

advancements. These habits encompass the practices employed by learners to enhance the
efficient acquisition of knowledge, including activities like summarizing, note-taking,
outlining, and information retrieval, reflecting a somewhat enduring approach to
studying. Chand (2013) emphasizes that study habits encapsulate an individual's
inclination to engage in study endeavors, whether in a systematic or ad hoc manner,
demonstrating efficiency or inefficiency. A dynamic personality is intricately linked to
the cultivation of good study habits, offering the promise of a bountiful harvest in the

Moreover, study habits serve as a method through which individuals receive the
necessary input to fulfill their thirst for knowledge.

In the research paper titled "Impact of Social Media on the University of Wah
Students' Study Habits" authored by Samra Ameer and Dr. Wajiha Kanwal (2021), the
primary objective was to gain insights into the potential impact of social media on the
study habits of University of Wah students. The central research question focused on
exploring the utilization of social media technology for educational purposes and its
potential influence on university students' study habits. Employing a cross-sectional
survey design, the researchers employed random sampling to select university students.

The findings revealed that female students exhibited a higher propensity for using
social media for educational purposes compared to their male counterparts. This aligns
with the outcomes of a study conducted by Pempek et al. (2019), where female students
were also observed to spend more time on social media than their male counterparts. This
suggests a trend where female students at the university level tend to utilize social media
for educational purposes more actively than their male counterparts.

In the realm of accounting, international social media platforms serve as valuable

tools for communication and collaboration, facilitating a deeper understanding of the
accounting policies of multinational corporations. Accountants can leverage these
platforms to familiarize themselves with international accounting standards and diverse
accounting methodologies practiced across various countries. Social media proves
especially beneficial when multinational companies engage in collaborations with entities
from different countries, enabling accountants to access accounting materials on a global
scale (Radhakrishnanet al., 2018).

Furthermore, accounting learners can find information about accounting

professional exams, download exam questions and books, communicate with teachers and
mentors, and ask questions on social media (Khan et al., 2016). Thus, social media
provides an intermediary for students and experienced people, facilitating students to seek
help and advice from accounting practitioners of different backgrounds and obtain
accounting internship information.

In consideration of the aforementioned context, a country like Bangladesh, ranking

second in the number of active Facebook users, is advised to prioritize the utilization of
various social media platforms with a specific emphasis on educational objectives
(Murad, 2017). While existing studies have delved into the usage of social networking
sites by students and their impact on education (Sponcil & Gitimu, 2013), research in
Bangladesh, particularly among accounting students within the framework of information
systems, remains limited.

The primary aim of this study is to evaluate the academic outcomes resulting from
the use of social media among accounting students in Bangladesh. To accomplish this
primary research objective, the study investigates the significant factors influencing
students in Bangladesh to engage with social media and assesses the impact of such usage
on the academic achievement of accounting students, as measured by Cumulative Grade
Point Average (CGPA). This study serves as a valuable initiative, enabling accounting
students diverse applications of social media for academic purposes. The positive
outcomes identified are anticipated to encourage students to view social media as a
formal learning platform, fostering effective accomplishment of academic tasks (Gitimu,

Concerning social media use for the purpose of academic performance, Khanet al.
(2016) study of university accounting students revealed a significant association between
social media use and student grades. Different studies empirically tried to find the link
between university students social media use and academic performance.

In a comprehensive examination of Egyptian undergraduate students, the study

conducted by Sobaih, Moustafa, Ghandforoush, and Khan (2016) revealed the noteworthy
impact of social media on academic-related endeavors. According to the insights
presented by González Canche(2013), Facebook, along with other platforms in the social
media realm, has not merely facilitated but indeed ushered in a novel era of learning
characterized by instantaneous and meaningful interaction between faculty members and

students. The study underscores the evolving landscape of education, where these digital
platforms play a pivotal role in fostering dynamic and engaging educational experiences.

Local Literature

Commencing the cultivation of study habits is most advantageous during one's

formative years in school, a period marked by youthful impressionability. The learner's
study habits play a pivotal role in fostering the acquisition of relevant and practical
knowledge. As asserted by Bashir and Mattoo (2014), possessing good study habits
constitutes a formidable asset for individuals aspiring to achieve success in life. Palani
(2012) further underscores the importance of effective reading as a fundamental pathway
to successful learning, emphasizing its intricate connection with the entire educational
process. Within this framework, Palani (2013) posits that a thriving study habit is
imperative for educational accomplishments.

However, Palani (2013) observes a diminishing value assigned to studying in

contemporary society, attributing this decline to the allure of television for both the young
and the old. In the realm of educational institutions, there appears to be an overemphasis
on exam preparation as the paramount objective of modern education. Crow and Crow
(2017) contribute to this discourse by highlighting the significance of pace in studying,
emphasizing the reader's need to strike a delicate balance between speed and precision, a
calibration tailored to the specific subject matter. The authors advocate for the
incorporation of scheduled study times and the steadfast adherence to established
timetables as crucial components of effective study habits.

The participants of the study were the Junior High School students of the
EmilianoTriaTirona Memorial National High School-Integrated Senior High School.
Majority of the junior highschool students agree that the social media has a bad effect in
every student because it occupy their mind even in the middle of the class and affect their
study habit that leads the min to poor academic performance. However, there are few
students slightly agree that social media doesn't affect their study habit.

According to the study of Glenn M. Castillas (2023), When social media plat-forms
like Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter exist, our world is separated into online and of line
realms. Social media are online technological platforms that help to bring people together
from all over the world. They are used to foster interpersonal relationships (Shensa
al., 2015). In this study, a descriptive research design was used. Descriptive research
design is a scientific method that entails observing and describing a subject's behaviour
without influencing it in any way (Simon, 2013).

This instrument was adapted from the study "The Effects of Social Media on the
Academic Performance of Nile University Students" by Mowafy (2018). Mowafy (2018)
used a split half test with odd and even numbered items to form the two halves of the
survey to assess the reliability of the research instrument, which was also determined by

These findings corroborate Boyd's (2015) study, which found that middle and
highschool students use social media to connect with one another as well as do homework
and group projects. This is supported by a study conducted by Lenhart (2015), which
found that 92 percent of adolescents use social media on a daily basis, with 24 percent
using it almost constantly to share information with their classmates.

According to Wilbert Villaflor (2017), This research was conducted to determine

what would the impact of social media to the students. This study will help the
students/parents to understand the dangers or the effects that have in using social media
sites, and also there has an advantage using some social media that helps the students in
their study. Lawson (2015) opined that, academic habits can be thought of as effective
routines for learning and they ultimately lead to academic skills and abilities.

In the research conducted by Alma A. Aragdon and May V. Biagan (2023), the aim
was to scrutinize the impact of social media on the study habits of sixth-grade pupils in a
public elementary school in Camarines Sur, Philippines. Employing a Descriptive-
Correlational research design, the study utilized survey questionnaires to gather data from
a sample of participants.

Mo mo The findings derived from the variables examined indicated that social
media exposure did not yield a significant effect on the study habits of the pupils. This
suggests that, despite exposure to social media, the pupils were able to maintain their
study habits effectively. It is important to note that while this outcome may not be
generalized to all contexts due to various interconnected factors, it is recommended that
further exploratory studies be undertaken. These future studies should delve into other
variables that were not addressed in the present research, such as the pupils' adaptability
to noise and distractions (Sheila Amoroso, 2023). Understanding how pupils, despite the
presence of distractions like social media, can maintain focused attention on their primary
academic tasks could provide valuable insights for enhancing educational strategies.

As noted by Oxy (2017), students extensively utilize social networking sites and
applications, integrating them into their daily routines. Particularly, university students
emerge as prominent users within various age groups. However, this increased reliance
on social media comes with a downside, as highlighted by Smith (2017). Students,
engrossed in these platforms, tend to divert their attention from academic responsibilities,
neglecting assigned tasks and diminishing their in-person interactions. The consequences
of such behavior are significant, potentially exerting a detrimental impact on grades and
hindering the trajectory toward future career goals. The outcomes suggest a clear link
between overusing social media and compromised study habits across all student
demographics (Oxy, 2017).

In the study conducted by Yncierto and Soroño-Gagani (2018) titled "The Social
Media Use and the Study Habits of Millennial," an exploration was undertaken to
understand the impact of these technologies and their effectiveness within specific school
conditions. The study specifically aimed to delineate the extent of social media usage as a
catalyst for enhancing the study habits of Carolinians, focusing on a stratified,
proportionate, and randomly selected group of 50 Grade Ten students from the University
of San Carlos, Basic Education Department-SouthCampus in Cebu City, Philippines.
Employing a descriptive survey research approach, the study utilized simple percentage,
mean, and standard deviation analyses, incorporating an adapted survey questionnaire
that underwent testing for face and content validity by Soroño-Gagani, F. (2018).

Based on the findings of the study indicate that the use of social media, including
frequent visits to social networking sites via mobile phones, even multiple times a day or
during the weekend, did not exert a negative influence on the study habits and skills of
Grade 10 junior high school students at the University of San Carlos.

In a research endeavor conducted at a state university in Iloilo, the findings

underscored a substantial influence of social networking on the study habits and academic
performance of the respondents. This heightened influence is likely attributed to the
pervasive accessibility of gadgets, such as smartphones and other electronic devices
equipped with mobile data and Wi- Fi connections. The increased affordability and
widespread availability of these gadgets in the market further contribute to their impact
(Judilla and Gemora, 2015).

Moreover, the establishment of effective study habits proves pivotal in reducing stress
and anxiety during examinations. Students who meticulously organize and adhere to their
study schedules tend to approach test-taking with confidence and composure, resulting in
improved grades (Ashish, 2013). Correspondingly, a study conducted by students at
Davao DoctorsCollege revealed that the study habits of senior high students are
influenced by factors such as time management, study environment, and the use of social
media, all of which subsequently affect their academic performance (Arita et al., 2017).
Foreign Studies

Social Networking Websites has become an international phenomenon because of its

unstoppable growth in the past several years. It began as a hobby for some computer
literate and turn as a societal norm in the life of people from all over the world. Teenagers
and young adults have especially embraced these sites as a means to connect with their
peers, share information, reinvent their personalities, and showcase their social lives
(Boyd, 2007)
The study entitled “The Effects of Social Media to the Study Habit of the Selected
Junior High School Students of ETTMNHS SY 2018-2019” by Jade N. Bacarisas (2019),
Most of the students cannot live without social media and that leads them to get lazy on
the other things. On that, we can already state that social media really has a big impact on
every student, CamilaDinero (2018). This research enables students to know the effects of
the social media to the study habit of every student. The researchers used a Quantitative
Method where the study used a Descriptive Design of research.

Study habits are changing as a result of technology advancements. Study habits

are characterized as practices used by learners to aid in the efficient learning of the
content at hand,such as summarizing, taking notes, outlining, or locating material. It
suggests a mode of study that is more or less permanent. According to Chand, a student's
2013 study habit is theirproclivity to study when given the opportunity, whether
systematic or ad hoc, efficient orinefficient. The essence of a dynamic personality is
good study habits.

A good study habit allowsa person to reap a good harvest in the future. Furthermore,
study habit is a method by which anindividual receives adequate input to satisfy his or her
need for knowledge. As a result, goodstudy habits can help people realize their full
potential (Vyas, 2002). Vyas goes on to say that,despite having strong brain and
personality, academic success is hampered by a lack of appropriate study habits. As a
result, students' study habits play a vital role in learning and are critical to school

According to Oye (2012), most younger students use social networking sites for
socializing rather than academic purposes, and they engage in conversations on a variety
of issues via social media. Kuppuswamy and Shankar (2010), reviewed that social
network websites grab students’ attention and then diverts it towards none educational
and inappropriate actions including useless chatting.

In another study conducted by Shana, (2012), it was revealed that studentsuse social
network mainly for making friends and chatting. The resultshowed that only 26 percent of
the students (the respondents) indicatedthat they use social media for academic purpose.

However, In a related study, Shopera (2017) conducted a quantitative analysis to

assess the level of social media addiction among University of Ghana students. Grounded
in the Uses and Gratification theory and Media Systems Dependency theory, the research
aimed to determine the existence and extent of social media addiction among students.
The study involved a sample of 200 students from the four colleges of the University of
Ghana, utilizing a self-administered questionnaire comprising 13 items from the Internet
Addiction Test (IAT) to measure social media addiction levels. Findings indicated that
nearly 19% of respondents fell outside the social media addiction bracket, while only
1%exhibited severe addiction. The majority, constituting 80% of respondents,
demonstrated moderate to mild addiction levels. Additionally, the study highlighted
WhatsApp as the most subscribed and frequently used social media platform, with a
significant number of students utilizing social media primarily for entertainment
Local Studies

Social media is seen as a valuable source of information, as well as a useful platform

for communication and socialization. It becomes people's oxygen, particularly for
students in their academics and social lives. The Filipinos are recognized for being active
users of social media. It's become a part of their daily routine, as students use digital
platforms to socialize and obtain information. It kept them informed about current events
and challenges in their communities.

In the Philippine Daily Inquirer (Camus, 2018), states that the Philippines again
topped the world in terms of social media usage as the number of internet users in the
country hit 67 million people. Its Digital 2018 report, said that Filipinos spent an average
of 3 hours and 57 minutes a day on social media sites, mainly on Facebook. It also said
that there were 67 million accounts on Facebook in the Philippines, matching the total
number of internet users in the county. Another 10 million Filipinos were on Instagram,
which is owned by Facebook. The Philippines were ahead in terms of social media usage
in a list of 40 countries. Least 16 interested in social media were the Japanese, who spent
an average of 48 minutes a day updating their Facebook status and posting pictures on
Instagram. Other heavy social media users were Brazil (3 hours and 39 minutes),
Indonesia (3 hours and 23 minutes), Thailand (3 hours and 10 minutes) and Argentina (3
hours and 9 minutes).

The Philippines was also No. 1 in the world in terms of social media usage in 2017.
Overall, Filipinos spent 9 hours and 29 minutes a day on the internet, based on the 2018
report. This was the second-highest in the world after Thailand at 9 hours and 38
minutes.These alarming findings have a significant influence on Students. Improper
usage of social media might cause health concerns and poor academic achievement.

In the study conducted by Yncierto and Soroño-Gagani (2018) titled "The Social
Media Use and the Study Habits of Millennial," an exploration was undertaken to
understand the impact of these technologies and their effectiveness within specific school
conditions. The study specifically aimed to delineate the extent of social media usage as a
catalyst for enhancing the study habits of Carolinians, focusing on a stratified,
proportionate, and randomly selected group of 50 Grade Ten students from the University
of San Carlos, Basic Education Department-SouthCampus in Cebu City, Philippines.
Employing a descriptive survey research approach, the study utilized simple percentage,
mean, and standard deviation analyses, incorporating an adapted survey questionnaire
that underwent testing for face and content validity by Soroño-Gagani, F. (2018).

The third chapter of the paper is commited to the research method. The methods and techniques
utilized to arrive at the sudy’s conclusions are presented in this chapter. It took into consideration factors
like the research design, population and sample, instrumentation, data gathering procedures and
statistical treatment of the data

Research design

This study adopts a straightforward quantitative research design, utilizing a structured survey
questionnaire to explore the influence of social media on the study habits of Accountancy Business
Management (ABM) students at Tayug National High School. The aim of this study is to analyze the
meaning behind these experiences for each participant, rather than generalizing to a bigger population.
This design covers the relationship between the social media impact and it's impact on the study habits
of Accountancy, Business and Management students at Tayug National High School.
Population and Sample of the Study

Population refers to individuals or object that is the focus of the study. The researchers choose a
sample of one hundred (100) students to participate in the study.

The sample of this study was selected through non-probability/non-random sampling wherein the
samples are selected on the basis of convenience. According to Research Methods for the Social
Sciences (2024), convenience sampling is a way of picking people for a study because they're easy to
reach and willing to join, rather than randomly selecting them. It's commonly used when getting a
random or representative group is hard due to time, money, or logistical reasons. In this method,
participants are chosen based on their availability or closeness to the researcher. Convenience sampling
is either a collection of subjects that are accessible or a self-selection of individuals willing to participate
which is exemplified by the volunteers. The researchers used the convenience sampling since it is the
easiest way to gather respondents and conduct a survey.

Research Instrument

A survey questionnaire will be used as the instrument to gather data for this investigation. The
instrument is made up of two sections. The participant's age and gender are included in their personal
profile, which is the first section. In the second section, participants were asked to determine which of
the items could potentially have an impact on how students study using social media. To collect the
necessary data from participants in the chosen study, the researchers will employ survey forms and
questionnaires as research tools. Several of the questionnaire's questions will clarify how social media
use and the study habits of Grades 11 and 12 Accountancy, Business, and Management
After, the researchers tested formulated questionnaire to another set of population which possess the
same characteristics of the target respondents for reliability purposes, and determine what the areas of
improvement are.The finalized questionnaire is comprised of various parts that will gather data in terms
of respondents’ demographic profile, behavior towards academics and the effect of using social media in
the academic performance of responden

Data Gathering Procedure

The following processes and steps will be used by the researchers to collect the data required for
the study. To start, the researchers will obtain consent from the participants to collect the data needed for
the study. To elaborate, they will also ask the selected students for permission to serve as the primary
data sources and aid in the study's implementation. They will also be informed about the benefits, risks,
and responsibilities of participating in this research, and they will be given complete discretion over their
identity and the confidentiality of any information they choose to share. After then, a survey
questionnaire will be created by the researchers and used to collect data from the respondents. After that,
the responders would get the questionnaires from the researchers.

The actual process of obtaining the required information will begin once the participants' status
as information sources has been established. At this point in the data collection procedure, instructions
are given. Participants were informed of the goals and purpose of the study. They will also be made
aware of the manner in which the data will be gathered from them. The researchers will arrange,
evaluate, and interpret the data that has to be collected from the respondents once they have gathered all
the information required for the study.

Statistical Treatment of the data

While there are numerous techniques for handling statistical data, surveys and polls are the most
widely used. Large volumes of consumer data can be gathered using surveys, which can also be less
expensive and time-consuming to conduct.Vishak. (2023)
In the study, the researchers will be sort and categorize the collected information based on the research
plan and formulated issues. We assigned codes, counted occurrences, and created tables to make it easier
to present and understand the findings using the following:

1. Frequency and Percentage

The respondents were categorized based on personal background factors like age and gender
using percentage and frequency distributions
The frequency shows how many respondents answered a specific question, while the percentage for that
item is calculated by dividing it by the total number of survey participants. The formula used is:
%= (f / n) x 100

%= percentage
f = frequency
n = number of cases or total sample

2. Weighted Mean
The researcher will use the weighted mean to find the average responses for each option in the
questionnaire sections. This method is applied to the Likert Scale using a specific formula.
x = Σfx / n

x = weighted mean
Σfx = the sum of all the products of f and x, f being the frequency of each weight and x as the weight of
each operation
n = total number of the respondents


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