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Buoyancy is the magical upward force that keeps objects afloat in fluids, like water or air.

Imagine a beach ball gently bobbing in the waves. That's buoyancy at work! This invisible
force arises from the pressure differences within the fluid. As you go deeper, the pressure
increases due to the weight of the fluid above.
 An object submerged in a fluid experiences higher pressure at the bottom than the top.
This pressure difference creates a net upward push, counteracting gravity's pull and
allowing objects to float or feel lighter underwater.
 The key player here is the volume of fluid displaced by the object. The more fluid an
object pushes aside, the greater the buoyant force it experiences.
 This is why a large inflatable raft floats more easily than a small, dense object like a
 Buoyancy is a fundamental principle in many areas, from designing ships to
understanding how hot air balloons soar through the sky.

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