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Come on teens, get off the screen, go out into the green!

Screen time and

Sedentary behaviours
What is it? Why is it an issue?
Screen time is the time spent on electronic devices. It Time on screen is becoming longer as children are
involves gaming, watching TV, and social media. becoming exposed to technology and its addictive
Sedentary behavior is being physically inactive, and nature. According to the National Institute on Drug
doing things in a lying or sitting position for extended Abuse (NIDA) (n.d) teens spend approximately 7
periods of time. hours and 22 minutes on the screen per day.

Positive behaviours
Track and set limits
Set limits for 2 hours (as recommended by the Australian Government)
Apps like Forest, OFFTIME and BreakFree can help
Use these apps to track your screen time habits!
Find hobbies and dedicate time to them
To help break up blocks of sedentary time, physical activities/sports are encouraged.
Can also improve your involvement with other members of society
Turn on grayscale
The brain subconsciously has less interest in the content than with colour
The addictive nature of games and social media can be toned down
End up spending less time on the screen

The Guidelines Health effects

The Australian Institute of Sleep:

Family Studies (AIFS) (2021) In response to darkness, melatonin is released in order to assist
recommends that children your body in sleeping. However, the blue light coming from
aged from 5-17 should have screens hinders this process, lowering melatonin levels. This
no more than 2 hours of causes trouble in falling asleep and getting enough sleep.
sedentary recreational Screen time’s addictive nature also stops teens from falling
screen time per week. AIFS asleep because they want to continue spending time on the
also found that of the 5-12 screen. Lack of sleep then affects other bodily functions, like
year olds, only 15% actually your immune system, along with cognitive functions such as
meet this guideline. concentration, learning, processing and storing information.
Hours of sedentary
recreational screen Mood:
time per week
Research on the connection between
screen time and emotions is still going
2 hours underway. Some studies show that
screen time can be linked to depression,
anxiety and mood (NIDA, n.d).
2+ hours
85% Cortex Development
The cortex refers to the outermost layer of your brain and is
responsible for processing information, problem solving,
Teens are spending more time emotions, and your senses. Screen time and sedentary
on screens than anything else behaviours affect the growth of this part of the brain. The
which leads to less time in other Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development study has found that
activities. those who spend more time on screens have a thinner cortex.

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