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Republic of the Philippines


Bangued Campus
AY: 2024-2025

Name: Cherrybell T. Galibao Course Code: HUM 101

Course & Year: BSED Filipino 2. Semester: 2nd semester
Descriptive Title: Art Appreciation
Instructor: Ms. Von Ameri Escobar

Source of subject (nature, history, Greek and Roman mythology, Judeo- Christian
tradition, sacred oriental texts, other works of art)

Source of subject
 The term “source of subject” in art refers to the inspiration or the origin of the theme or
concept that the artist chooses to depict in their work. It’s essentially the idea or topic that
the artwork revolves around.

The source of the subject matter can be derived from a wide range of areas such as;
1. Nature: Artists often draw inspiration from the natural world around them, depicting
everything from landscapes to animals.
Examples: Claude Monet’s “Water Lilies”

At this triptych’s center, lilies bloom in a luminous pool of green and blue that is frothed
with lavender-tinged reflections of clouds. Thick strokes in darker shades seep into the
left panel, while on the right, sky and water are gently swallowed by an expanse of
reddish-green vegetation. Claude Monet. Water Lilies. 1914-26 |

The Starry Night, oil on canvas by Vincent

van Gogh, 1889; in the Museum of Modern
Art, New York City, The Starry Night, an
abstract landscape painting of an expressive
night sky over a small hillside village by
Dutch artist Vincent van Gogh in 1889.
2. History: Historical events, periods, and figures can serve as powerful subjects in art.
Examples:Pablo Picasso’s “Guernica”

Picasso’s painting is based on the events of April 27, 1937, when Hitler’s powerful
German air force, acting in support of Franco, bombed the village of Guernica in northern
Spain, a city of no strategic military value. It was history’s first aerial saturation bombing
of a civilian population.
The Mona Lisa is a half-length portrait Supper, one
painting by Italian artist Leonardo da of the most
Vinci. Considered an archetypal famous
masterpiece of the Italian Renaissance, artworks in
it has been described as “the best the world,
known, the most visited, the most painted by
written about, the most sung about, Leonardo
[and] the most parodied work of art in da Vinci
the world”. probably

1495 and 1498.The painting depicts the story of Jesus at the Last Supper with his twelve

disciples. In this story, he tells them that he has been betrayed by one of them in the room.
Leonardo da Vinci shows the personality of each disciple with many religious themes.
3. Greek and Roman Mythology: The myths and legends of ancient Greece and Rome
have been a rich source of inspiration for artists throughout history
Example: “The Birth of Venus” by Sandro Botticelli

The Birth of Venus” by Sandro Botticelli is a painting by the Italian artist Sandro
Botticelli, probably executed in the mid 1480s. It depicts the goddess Venus arriving at
the shore after her birth, when she had emerged from the sea fully-grown (called Venus
Anadyomene and often depicted in art).

The Metropolitan Museum of Art is one of

the world’s largest and finest art museums. 4. J
Its collection spans 5,000 years of world u
culture, from prehistory to the present and d
from every part of the globe. e

-Christian Tradition: Religious themes, stories, and figures from the Judeo-Christian
tradition are commonly represented in art.
Example: Michelangelo’s “The Creation of Adam” in the Sistine Chapel

The Creation of Adam (Italian: Creazione di Adamo), also known as The Creation of
Man[2],: plate 54 is a fresco painting by Italian artist Michelangelo, which forms part of
the Sistine Chapel’s ceiling, painted c. 1508–1512.[3] It illustrates the Biblical creation
narrative from the Book of Genesis in which God gives life to Adam, the first man. The
fresco is part of a complex iconographic scheme and is chronologically the fourth in the
series of panels depicting episodes from Genesis.

Christianity is an Abrahamic monotheistic

religion based on the life and teachings of
Jesus. Christians believe that Jesus is the Son
of God, whose coming as the Messiah was
prophesied in the Hebrew Bible (called the Old
Testament in Christianity) and chronicled in
the New Testament.

Collection of Judaica (clockwise from top):

candlesticks for Shabbat, a cup for ritual
handwashing, a Chumash and a Tanakh, a Torah
pointer, a shofar, and an etrog box.

5. Sacred Oriental Texts: Sacred texts from Eastern traditions, such as the Vedas,
Upanishads, Tao Te Ching, and others, often serve as sources of inspiration for artists.
Example: The paintings of the Tang dynasty

The art of the tang dynasty- “light-emitting miraculous image”

World History Encyclopedia from the “Country of Magadha.”

Buddha displaying the earth-touching gesture,

adorned with an armlet, part of the Qibaotai
sculpture group, formerly in Baoqingsi. Chang’an,
China, Tang dynasty, ca. 703-4. Stone, h. 104.5 cm.
Nara National Museum. After Nara National
Museum, Dai kentöshi-ten, pl. 65

6. Other Works of Art: Artists often draw upon the work of their predecessors, either as a
form of homage, critique, or reinterpretation.
Example: “The Scream” by Edvard Munch

The Scream, 1893 by Edvard

Munch, Munch defined how we see
our isown
Time age – wracked
precious, 2022 with
anxiety and uncertainty.
By Gillian Brin
Painting : acrylic, Knife Painting
39.4 x 28.7 x 1.2 inch

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