Ch-4-Nuclear Energy

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Chapter 4

Nuclear Power Plants (NPP)

 Introduction
 Layout of NPP
 Main Components of NPP
 Reactor
 Heat Exchanger
 Nuclear Fission
 Site Selection of NPPs
 Advantages and Disadvantages of NPPs
A generating station in which nuclear energy is converted into electrical energy is known as a
nuclear power station. In nuclear power station, heavy elements such as Uranium (U235) or
Thorium (Th232) are subjected to nuclear fission in a special apparatus known as a reactor. The
heat energy thus released is utilized in raising steam at high temperature and pressure. The steam
runs the steam turbine which converts steam energy into mechanical energy. The turbine drives
the alternator which converts mechanical energy into electrical energy. Its most important feature
is that huge amount of electrical energy can be produced from a relatively small amount of
nuclear fuel as compared to other conventional types of power stations.
Lay out of NPP
Nuclear Power Plants (NPP)

The main components of NPPs are:

 Nuclear reactor
 Heat exchanger (steam generator)
 Steam turbine
 Condenser
 Electric generator
In a nuclear power plant the reactor performs the same function as that of the furnace of the
steam power plant. i.e. it produces heat. The heat generated in the reactor as a result of nuclear
fission of the fuel is taken up by the coolant circulating through the reactor core. Hot coolant
leaves the reactor at the top and then flows through the tubes of the steam generator and passes
on its heat to the feed water. The steam produced expands in the steam turbine, producing work
and thereafter is condensed in the condenser. The steam turbine in turn runs an electric generator
thereby producing electrical energy. In order to maintain the flow of coolant, condensate and
feed water pumps are provided.
Nuclear Power Plants (NPP)

Nuclear Reactor nuclear power plant uses the energy released due to nuclear reactions.
The nuclear reaction is a chain reaction. The rate of reaction increases continuously in an
uncontrolled manner if a proper arrangement is not taken to control the reaction. In actual
nuclear reaction, uranium is bombarded with slow moving neutrons. These neutrons are called
fission neutrons. Due to this bombarding, the nuclei of Uranium is broken, which causes release
of huge heat energy and during breaking of nuclei, a number of neutrons are also emitted. To
facilitate a nuclear reaction we need four basic arrangements in the reactor:
Reaction chamber- A vessel where the reaction will occur.
Uranium-the raw material for the reaction
Graphite-The arrangement for decelerating motion of fission neutrons before bombarding
Cadmium-the reaction controlling arrangement which can highly absorb neutrons

Heat Exchanger
In heat exchanger, the heat carried by sodium metal, is dissipated in water and water is converted
to high pressure steam here. After releasing heat in water the sodium metal coolant comes back
to the reactor by means of coolant circulating pump.

Steam Turbine:-In nuclear power plant, the steam turbine plays the same role as coal power
plant. The steam drives the turbine in same way. After doing its job, the exhaust steam comes
Nuclear Power Plants (NPP)

into steam condenser where it is condensed to provide space to the steam behind it .
Alternator/generator: - An alternator, coupled with turbine, rotates and generates electrical
power, for utilization. The output from alternator is delivered to the bus-bars through
transformer, circuit breakers and isolators.
Nuclear Fission: - In fission process, the nuclei of heavy radioactive atoms are broken into
two nearly equal parts. During this breaking of nuclei, huge quantity of heat energy is released.
This release of energy is due to mass defect. That means, the total mass of initial product would
be reduced during fission.
A chain reaction refers to a process in which neutrons released in fission produce an additional
fission in at least one further nucleus. This nucleus in turn produces neutrons, and the process
repeats. If the process is controlled it is used for nuclear power or if uncontrolled it is used for
nuclear weapons.

Advantages of NPP
 The fuel consumption is quite low and hence, cost for generating single unit of energy is
quite less than other conventional power generation method.
Nuclear Power Plants (NPP)

 It has been found that complete fission of 1 kg of Uranium (U235) can produce as much
energy as can be produced by the burning of 4,500 tons of high grade coal.
 A nuclear power station occupies much smaller space compared to other conventional
power station of same capacity.
 This station does not require plenty of water (as compared to HEPPs), hence it is not
essential to construct plant near natural source of water. Because of this, the nuclear
power station can be established very near to the load center.
 There are large deposits of nuclear fuel globally therefore such plants can ensure
continuous supply of electrical energy for coming thousands of years.

Disadvantages of NPPs

 The fuel is not easily available and it is very costly.

 Initial cost for constructing nuclear power station is quite high.
 Erection and commissioning of the plant is much complicated and sophisticated than
other conventional power station.
 The fission by-products is radioactive in nature, and it may cause high radioactive
 The maintenance cost is higher and the quality of man power required to run a nuclear
power plant is quite higher since special trained people are required.
 Sudden fluctuation of load cannot be met up efficiently by nuclear plant.
 As the byproducts of nuclear reaction is high radioactive, it is very big problem for
disposal of this by products. It can only be disposed deep inside ground or in a sea
away from sea shore.

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