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RMIT Classification: Trusted

BAFI3280 Financial Instruments and Technology

The Business School, RMIT Vietnam

Assessment 2: Case study report – Analysis of a crypto currency or asset

Assessment type Case study report

Word limit 2500 (+/- 10%)

Due Date Sunday 28 April 2024 23:59 (Vietnam time) – Week 8

Weighting 40%


In this assessment, you are required to conduct a case study analysis with a chosen crypto
currency or asset (except Bitcoin or Ether). Through the case analysis, you are required to
answer the following questions:

1. What economic problems or inefficiencies is the crypto currency or asset trying to


Hint: Firstly, describe the historical background surrounding the creation and
development of selected crypto currency or asset. Secondly, identify and discuss the
primary economic challenges or inefficiencies prevalent within the traditional
financial systems that the selected crypto currency or asset aims to resolve. Lastly,
categorize the economic challenges or inefficiencies targeted by selected crypto
currency or asset according to different functional areas of finance, such as money,
payment, borrowing & lending, trading, portfolio management, risk management,
insurance, brokerage.

2. Does it really have the potential to address the problem and why, or if not why not?
(Critically evaluate the proposed solution)

Hint: Firstly, describe the underlying technology or protocol of crypto currency or

asset by analyzing the whitepaper or official documentation. Secondly, analyze the
design, features, functions, or mechanisms within the crypto currency or asset that
contribute to mitigate the identified challenges or inefficiencies. Lastly, identify and
discuss any recent developments, updates, or challenges facing your crypto currency
or asset and how these factors may influence its ability to continue addressing
economic problems or inefficiencies in the future.

You are required to provide empirical examples of how the chosen crypto currency or asset has
been used to address the problems it is proposed to solve.

According to Coinbase, the most popular cryptocurrencies, by market capitalization, are

Bitcoin, Ether, Bitcoin Cash and Litecoin. Other well-known cryptocurrencies include Tezos,

RMIT Classification: Trusted

EOS, and ZCash. Some are similar to Bitcoin, others are based on different technologies or
have new features that allow them to do more than transfer value. There are currently several
thousand crypto currencies and assets out there (

The purpose of this assessment is to allow you to critically evaluate the limitations of fiat
money in the current financial system and how cryptocurrencies built upon blockchain
technology, could address some of the limitations. It also allows you to demonstrate your
understanding of different usages of cryptocurrency and assets except transferring of values.

Assessment criteria

This assessment will measure your ability to:

• Critically evaluate the economic problem the cryptocurrency or asset proposes to
solve (15%)
• Assess the abilities of the cryptocurrency or asset to address the economic problems
with supporting empirical examples (15%)
• Research and reference relevant report and literature (5%)
• Use appropriate language, grammar as well as report structure (5%)

Course learning outcomes

This assessment is relevant to the following course learning outcomes:

• CLO1 - Identify the nature and key components of financial systems domestically and
globally to apply in diverse contexts.
• CLO2 - Analyse the characteristics and functions of the main financial intermediaries
operating in financial systems in a global context.
• CLO3 - Understand the roles of financial markets and the recent developments of
financial technology.
• CLO4 - Identify the application of technology in financial services and wealth

RMIT Classification: Trusted

Assessment Details
Prepare a report answering the following questions:
1. What economic problem is the crypto currency or asset trying to solve?
2. Does it have the potential to address the problems and why, if not why not? (Critically
evaluate the proposed solution)
You are required to provide empirical examples of how the chosen crypto currency or asset has
been used to address the problems it is proposed to solve.

You can start by reading the whitepaper of the chosen crypto currency or asset as well as
reviewing relevant videos, social media as well as blog posts.

You could use the following structure for your report:

1. Introduction (1.1 describe the historical background surrounding the creation and development
of selected crypto currency or asset and 1.2 describe the underlying technology or protocol
of crypto currency or asset by analyzing the whitepaper or official documentation)
2. Statement of problem or issue (identify and discuss the primary economic challenges or
inefficiencies prevalent within the traditional financial systems that the selected crypto currency or
asset aims to resolve)
3. Critical analysis (3.1 categorize the economic challenges or inefficiencies targeted by
selected crypto currency or asset according to different functional areas of finance and 3.2 analyze
the design, features, functions, or mechanisms within the crypto currency or asset that contribute
to mitigate the identified challenges or inefficiencies)
4. Conclusions (identify and discuss any recent developments, updates, or challenges facing your
crypto currency or asset and how these factors may influence its ability to continue addressing
economic problems or inefficiencies in the future)
5. Reference list

The report is to be based on credible literature, report as well as database searches; that is: peer-
reviewed journal articles, papers, books, etc. You can also reference published industry reports
and publications, institutional reports and regulatory standards, and other similar official
materials. You are not permitted to use simply general websites for information.

You are expected to cite at least 10 references in your report.

RMIT Classification: Trusted

Referencing guidelines

Use RMIT Harvard referencing style for this assessment.

You must acknowledge all the courses of information you have used in your assessments.

Refer to the RMIT Easy Cite referencing tool to see examples and tips on how to reference in
the appropriated style. You can also refer to the library referencing page for more tools such as
EndNote, referencing tutorials and referencing guides for printing.

Submission format

Use Microsoft Word or a similar. The assessment will be submitted in Canvas as a file upload.

Academic integrity and plagiarism

Academic integrity is about honest presentation of your academic work. It means

acknowledging the work of others while developing your own insights, knowledge and ideas.
You should take extreme care that you have:
• Acknowledged words, data, diagrams, models, frameworks and/or ideas of others you
have quoted (i.e. directly copied), summarised, paraphrased, discussed or mentioned in
your assessment through the appropriate referencing methods

• Provided a reference list of the publication details so your reader can locate the source
if necessary. This includes material taken from Internet sites

If you do not acknowledge the sources of your material, you may be accused of plagiarism
because you have passed off the work and ideas of another person without appropriate
referencing, as if they were your own.
RMIT University treats plagiarism as a very serious offence constituting misconduct.
Plagiarism covers a variety of inappropriate behaviours, including:

• Failure to properly document a source

• Copyright material from the internet or databases
• Collusion between students

For further information on our policies and procedures, please refer to the University website.

Assessment declaration

When you submit work electronically, you agree to the assessment declaration

RMIT Classification: Trusted

Criteria Ratings Pts

Problem Comprehensively Accurately Generally Limited Did not Did not
identification researches a researches a researches a research on a research a complete
crypo currency crypo currency crypo currency crypo currency crypo currency
Critically or asset and or asset and or asset and or asset and not or asset and did
evaluate the clearly identify identify the partially clearly identify not identify the
economic the economic economic identify the the economic economic
problem the problem in a problem but economic problem problem
cryptocurrency concise and easy not easy for problem
or asset to understand readers to
proposes to way digest
solve (15%)
15>11.99 pts 10.49>8.99 pts 8.99>7.49 pts 7.49>0 pts 0 pts 15 pts
Critical Provided Provided clear Provided Provided Did not Did not
thinking and thorough and arguments and partially clear minimal provide complete
analysis detailed justifications arguments and arguments and adequate
arguments and for how the justifications justifications arguments and
Assess the justification for chosen crypto for how the for how the justifications
abilities of the how the chosen currency or chosen crypto chosen crypto for how the
cryptocurrency crypto currency asset is able to currency or currency or chosen crypto
or asset to or asset is able to address the asset is able to asset is able to currency or
address the address the economic address the address the asset is able to
economic economic problem with economic economic address the
problems problem with good problem with problem with economic
(15%) robust supporting supporting some empirical not well- problem with
empirical empirical examples thought no examples
examples examples examples
15>11.99 pts 10.49>8.99 pts 8.99>7.49 pts 7.49>0 pts 0 pts 15 pts

RMIT Classification: Trusted

Criteria Ratings Pts

Research and Consistently Integrates Generally Integrates Fails to use Failed to
referencing integrates research and integrates relevant theory relevant theory provide any
research and ideas from relevant theory from a number / or number of reasearch
Demonstrate ideas from relevant and from a number of mostly sources methadology or
clear, logical relevant and appropriate of mostly appropriate indicates lack refrencing
and consistent appropriate sources appropriate sources but of research
research and sources sources with occasional
referencing Consistently Clear, well- irrelevant Does not
skills (5%) clear, well- integrated Paraphrases information paraphrase
integrated evidence using adequately to correctly
evidence using accurate avoid Generally References
accurate paraphrase and plagiarism paraphrases positioned
paraphrase and summary adequately to incorrectly or
summary References avoid used
Uses mostly generally plagiarism inaccurately
Consistently accurate accurately
uses accurate references, positioned References
references, appropriately generally
appropriately positioned accurately
positioned positioned
5>3.99 pts 3.99>3.49 pts 3.49>2.99 pts 2.99>2.49 pts 2.49>0 pts 0 pts 5 pts
Clearly Not well
Writing and
structured and Not well organised No
presentation Clearly
organised organised report, no clear organisation Writing was
structured and
report report, no clear structure being and structure not
Use appropriate organised
structure being used being used submitted
language, report
Consistently used
grammar as
uses Generally, uses

RMIT Classification: Trusted

well as report correct Mostly uses Communicates correct Incorrect use of

structure (5%) grammar (verb correct meaning grammar grammar (verb
tenses, subject- grammar (verb through use of (verb tenses, tenses,
verb tenses, subject- clear and subjectverb subject-verb
agreement, verb unambiguous agreement, agreement,
pronouns agreement, language pronouns etc.) pronouns
etc.) pronouns etc.) Consistent use etc.)
Consistent use of Generally, uses Vocabulary
of Mostly uses appropriate Appropriate limited and
appropriate appropriate vocabulary and vocabulary and frequently
vocabulary and vocabulary and sentence sentence inappropriate;
sentence sentence structure structure; some sentence
structure structure enabling lapses causing structure often
enabling enabling clear unambiguous lack of clarity incorrect/does
unambiguous grasp grasp of the Adequate not
grasp of the of the meaning meaning punctuation convey
meaning Consistent use and spelling; meaning
Correct of some
Correct punctuation correct lapses Inadequate
punctuation and spelling grammar punctuation
and spelling (verb tenses, Generally, and/or spelling
Communicates subjectverb communicates
Communicates meaning agreement, clearly; some Language fails
meaning through pronouns etc.) instances of to
through use of use of clear and incorrect use of communicate
clear and unambiguous Correct language meaning
unambiguous language punctuation clearly
language and spelling
5>3.99 pts 3.99>3.49 pts 3.49>2.99 pts 2.99>2.49 pts 2.49>0 pts 0 pts 5 pts
Total 40 pts

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