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Leading and Managing Organisational Resources

Summative Assessment


Student Name : Jayasinghe Arachchige Anjana Dasuni Perera

UOB ID : 1947025
Unit Code : BSS064-6
Submission Deadline : 13th November 2020

Table of Contents
1.0) Assessment #1 - Professional Email……………………………………………………….3-7

2.0) Assessment #2 – Mind map………………………………………………………..……..8-11

3.0) Assessment #3 – Blog………………………………………………………………..….12-16

4.0) Assessment #4 – Business Report…………………………………………………….....17-24

5.0) Reflective Journal………………………..……………………………………………....25-27

6.0) References…………………………………………………………………………….....28-31

Assessment #1 – Professional Email
Total Word Count: 1535

To : CEO of ABC Company (Pvt) LTD

From : General Manager of ABC Company (Pvt) Ltd
Date : 15-Oct-2020

Dear CEO,
Subject: Recommendation to Post COVID Leadership Challenges
I’m reaching out with regard to the current pandemic situation of COVID and the lockdown we
have been experiencing for the past two months. I would like to post you on a few difficulties we
have endured with regard to the operational action of our business. As for known facts,
throughout the period of COVID, we have found several difficulties.

• Customer Service and Support has clogged suddenly as the department had failed to
communicate without their systems available at home. We have had several complaints
posted on our forums as the staff has been unavailable to respond to the South-East Asia
clients who did not experience the same lockdown period as we have.
• Unfortunately, 80% of the creditors have refused to hold the payments made via post-
dated cheques. Besides this, George Lucas (CFO) has received an approval from the
board to withhold all trade receivables even when the trade payables have been settled
without any delay. Thus the finance department has been continuously complaining in
terms of missing cash inflows.
• In relation to the online licenses, the local clientele has requested for an extension during
the period of lockdown. However, the suppliers have not approved any favourable reply
to this. They have stated that during the extension of subscription, the product will be
automatically recorded by the system and the calculation of 365 days is beyond their
control. We already have an unhappy customer base with regard to this.
• Unhappily, we had to suspend the entire temporary staff in the technical department as
the finance refused to bare the massive overhead cost in the absence of sales being
generated. As the decision was made in an instant, the excess workload is to be
transferred among the permanent staff and they shall expect remunerations in return.

Despite all these issues faced, as you are aware the government has declared the lockdown to end
on Monday, 27th October 2020. Resuming operations have seemed quite challenging due to
known many facts, However, it is mandatory to implement attractive solutions to overcome the
challenges and lead the team successfully.

In order to face these challenges, I trust it shall be beneficial to influence and convince the
employees the importance of leadership in order to survive this recessionary period. It is
necessary to emphasize the fact that leadership is not about a hierarchical position and that no
one will actually be penalised for leading an act or role within the organisation. By effectively
implementing this, we shall be able to overcome below declared matters.

Based on known facts, the pandemic has not come to a complete recovery stage within the
market. Nevertheless, we will have to expect a second wave to arrive in the nearer future. Given
this, it may seem extremely challenging to implement any new strategic change due to uncertain
movements of an expected lockdown or ban in imports of raw materials. However, we could still
convert the threat into an opportunity similarly as IKEA has started to produce wind farms and
Mahindra & Mahindra functioning effective waste-to-energy projects post the crisis. (Busch,

Implementing Change
Adopting to the ‘new normal’ may seem quite challenging. However, it is critical to immediately
accept the new environment and ensure effective steps are endured to influence the employees
and make sure they also follow up. We should accept this an opportunity to grow rather than
foresee it as a recession. While changing effectively it is necessary to consider impacts on all
stakeholders. As at now we already possess unhappy customers and disappointedly terminated
ex-staff amidst the unhealthy environment. The first and foremost action required to take is to
eliminate unnecessary costs in a smart way by creating hybrid teams to work from home,
allowing only the most necessary employees to report to work. However, this seems a bit
challenging as it is required to have clever leadership styles to monitor the productivity of each
significant remote worker. (Brownlee, 2020).

Health & Safety Protocols
We seem it very challenging to resume operations within all the health and safety regulations to
adhere to; according to the medical officials. As the WHO has stated, the virus is a community
spread disease, thus minimum of 1m distance is required to be maintained without any close
physical contact. (Q&A: Tips for health and safety at the workplace in the context of COVID-19,
2020). It is necessary to advice employees to wear safety masks at all times and we will have
team leaders held responsible for neglecting of assigned conduct. Sanitizing cubicles will have to
be set at all entrances and body temperature scanners to record all staff member identically
against their employee IDs. We will have banners and posters around the hallways and public
areas to keep staff posted about the precautions at all times along with mirrors for them to ensure
they are wearing their masks every time they look into it. It should be further emphasized that
this rule is adhered by all top level to operational level management without fail. Even though
the famous saying emphasizes to “walk the talk”, at this case in point we will require all leaders
to actually “talk the walk”. It is foreseen that ‘thought leadership’ is necessary to be
accomplished in order to encourage the staff to actually abide to the rules. (Taylor, 2020). We are
unaware as to how long the health precautions may have to be taken, nevertheless we have to
ensure to be economical and safe both at the same time. As leaders it is necessary to protect the
team whilst transforming the organisation into a better place to work.

Managing Employee Attendance & Motivation

As at date, the Human Resource Department has already received numerous e-mails from the
staff stating the fear of coming into work and prefer to continue social distancing for a longer
period of time. However, with the current situation of the organisation it does not seem healthy
to pause operations for any longer. My personal suggestion is to smartly communicate the
request of arriving at work by offering them an attendance allowance against 95% of reported
attendance inspired by a transactional leadership style at this situation. (Becker, 2020) By doing
so we will be able to expect a minimum of 50% staff coming to work. Conversely, since the
organisation expects full productivity at this stage, it shall be required to engage in an autocratic
leadership style by building a concept of eliminating staff who do not arrive at work against
minimum of two warning notices issued. (Grewar, 2020)

Lack of Resources
By eliminating the temporary technical staff, we are currently undergoing a deficit in meeting the
demand from the market. Since majority of staff has denied regular attendance and it has been
taking a longer time than usual for the work-in-progress, supply has reduced dramatically.
Nevertheless, due to the lack of resources available in the market and challenges in carrying out
globalised transactions post COVID, we should encourage the staff to utilize all available
resources at every possible time. This could only be managed by proper communication skills
emphasized and keeping the related people notified at all times. (Schroader, 2020)

As per received statement accounts, we have faced a shortage in terms of financial resources and
allocation of budgets for the active year are to be reduced in relation to the sustainable goals of
the finance department. Through this we are to expect that operations positively evolve in the
absence of full resources provided.
Furthermore, an effective Crisis Management Plan would have to be introduced as a solution to
the challenge. By naming each employee as a member of the Crisis Team, this will automatically
convey the message to the workforce that everyone is responsible for recovering from the
recession. The most effective style to endure during this process will be a coaching leadership
style where power is assigned to everyone and all voices are heard. (Ibarra and Scoular, 2020)
By becoming active listeners and considering employee suggestions will solve the problem.
(Brownlee, 2020).

Having considered above challenges which are to be faced post COVID, I personally suggest it is
crucial to practice humility and create better partnerships with all stakeholders. Any dispute
arriving during operations should be treated as a new problem and not recommended to be
compared with past experiences. It is required to identify stress related concerns within the
organisation by emphasizing distinctive leadership traits and being flexible enough during
decision making. (Brownlee, 2020).
However, it is not recommended to endure in leading strategic changes during this period as the
key is to actually survive rather than concern about profits during the first stage of resume.

Partaking the above, I assume the facts have enlightened you in terms of the challenges post
COVID and how we can actually move ahead effectively as a team provided good leadership
attributes are possessed. I further kindly request you to allocate the necessary resources for the

same and support us by creating an operational recovery plan to suit my suggestions.
Yours Sincerely,
Anjana Dasuni
General Manager
ABC Company (Pvt) Ltd

Assessment #2 – Mind map
Total Word Count: 830 Board should consist of
both non-executive and
Role of CEO and Chairman executive directors Should represent an
to be separated audit committee To setup the BOD

Best Practice
Extends to
Challenges Shareholders

Extends to
faced post To ensure that
COVID transparency is
maintained at all
Hosting AGMs times
Starts with the Board
Reviewing Risk Providing

Extends to
confidence that
Administrative Issues business is being
CORPORATE run legally
Dividend Distribution GOVERNANCE Directors
Extends to

Active steps
for board to Good Governance
consider post To ensure
COVID shareholder
Enhance communication with mgt
objectives are met

Accountability Setting goals and objectives

Create operating & info systems
Determining Strategy
Reassess Corporate Strategy Providing Leadership

Supervising the mgt

Increases Trust Enhances
Reporting to Shareholders
Economic Investor
Efficiency Growth Confidence
Notes to the Mind Map

How is Good Corporate Governance Determined?

Simply as it states, Corporate Governance refers as to how a company is governed and structured
by a set of rules & practices. Effective governance within an organisation ensures that the board
along with the management works efficiently to keep consistent with the decision making
processes whilst assuring the interests of all stakeholders are met. (What is Corporate
Governance?, 2020).

The Board is directly responsible to influence good governance assuring that it is extended to the
shareholders, directors, within the management and to other stakeholders. Having elaborated
this, once these practices are comprehended to the directors, it is their key responsibility to act
ethically and in accordance to satisfy and achieve shareholder objectives. These objectives
include determining the organisational strategy by setting goals and objectives, providing
leadership and supervising management and eventually reporting back to the shareholders.
In order to emphasize good governance, it is required that below are maintained:

• Transparency – It is necessary for a company’s activities and decisions to be visible and

communicated to all stakeholders. By ensuring transparency within the shareholders and
stakeholders, this provides confidence in terms of making decisions and being a part of the
business. (Trust, 2020)
• Accountability – Having corporate accountability refers to being collectively responsible
and answerable for one’s actions within the organisation. This assures that every action and
conduct is accepted liable in which the board will determine the nature of the risks willing to
be taken, communicating a report to immediate stakeholders within regular intervals and
inaugurating risk reporting. (Trust, 2020)
• Stewardship – It is known that the rights of all stakeholders are to be protected within an
organisation. Agents are to be held liable for balancing conflicts of interest of the entire
stakeholder portfolio within a company. (, 2020)
• Integrity – This relates to corporate misconduct and how leaders with honesty and good
moral principles reside within the organisation. It is identified to be widely important in
today’s world due to the involvement of stakeholders within a business assuring that it is
fraud-free and anti-corrupted. (OECD, 2015)

Having abided to the above creates trust ultimately increasing the economic efficiency, growth of
the company whilst enhancing confidence of the investors.

Will Corporate Governance be challenged Post COVID?

Similarly, to other aspects; maintaining good corporate governance post COVID may seem
challenging given the restrictions created through it.

Annual General Meetings (AGMs)

In general, it has been noted that an AGM cannot be delayed for more than 15 months. However,
with social distancing it shall be inappropriate to have a large number of attendees at an AGM
neither can the count be limited to fewer given the fact that transparency is to be evolved
consistently. Under Irish Law, it is also concerned that virtual meetings are unacceptable. Thus it
is recommended to facilitate this through hybrid general meetings where key shareholders are
present at the AGM and others are connected by technology means of video conferencing etc.
(Casey and Scott, 2020)

Risk Review

It is key that the board shows interest to commercial risks. If the company associates with a
country highly affected with COVID, then it is the responsibility of the board to determine that
necessary actions are taken to mitigate the risks in association to the links. (Casey and Scott,

Administrative Issues

Undoubtedly all organisations face issues in terms of day-to-day operations. With employees not
reporting to work, it seems challenging to create transparency and ensure a procedure to
systematically operate in terms of approvals and signatory (Ex: payroll etc). In order to
overcome this, it is necessary to assign a committee of authorized people rather than relying on a
single personnel. (COVID-19: Some considerations relating to Corporate Governance, 2020)

Dividend Distribution
With the unprecedented times, it is questionable as to whether the undivided dividends are to be
distributed during this period. As this creates unhappy shareholders, it is uncertain whether good
governance is practiced over here. As cashflow seems key during post COVID, the organisation

could either decide to liquidate assets to generate cash and settle dividend debts to overcome this
challenge. (COVID-19: Some considerations relating to Corporate Governance, 2020)

As per the above stated, the active steps for the board to actually consider is:

• Enhancing Communication with management – The board should ensure sustained

dialogues within this period as there is high uncertainty of health risks and operational
encounters. Thus it is necessary to provide clear instructions to the management ensuring
they remain fixed over a period of time. (Kucera, Simala, Noreuil and Brown, 2020)
• Create Operating & Information Systems - By generating a reporting system, this will
ensure that all stakeholders are kept posted about the relevant information within a timely
manner and up-to-date. (Kucera, Simala, Noreuil and Brown, 2020)
• Reassess Corporate Strategy - As the pandemic has brought in new challenges to the
companies, it is essential to reconsider the strategic direction of the organisation in order
to align to good governance. (Kucera, Simala, Noreuil and Brown, 2020)

Assessment #3 – Blog
Total Word Count: 1388

How important is it to sustain the Organizational Culture within a

Post Pandemic crisis?
Basics of Organizational Culture

Any and every organization has a unique technique of behaving and simply doing things, which
is known as the organizational or corporate culture. Organizations have distinct attributes to one
another in terms of corporate culture. (D.Watkins, 2020) A strong culture ensures that it always
stays in line with the company’s strategies, vision and mission statement standing as a key
considered area of most successful companies. (Baumgartner, 2020) The work culture allows
employees to run on a common platform and define company policies in an attractive way.
Whilst being established by leaders of the company, it has a significant impact as to how
innovative and creative functions of an organization lay. However, an unsuccessful culture could
also result in the demolishment of the business’ activities. (Understanding and Developing
Organizational Culture, 2020)

Effects on Corporate Culture Post Covid 19

As we are aware, the pandemic has created transitions in almost all aspects of a business, making
it challenging for most leaders. Besides many other, the organizational culture is one of the key
affected as identified below:

• Changes to Symbols

Symbols of a company are expressed by the setup of the workplace filled with employees
wearing appropriate attire as prescribed by the culture. However, with the new-normal of social
distancing and working from home, it seems very demanding to actually get to work wearing the
assigned attire. Even certain employees reporting to the workplace could now be seen behind
Perspex screens wearing Personal Protective Equipment. This has created a shift in the guideline
of the culture. (Spicer, 2020)

• Changes to Rituals & Routines

Back in the days, employees had the opportunity to actually relieve their stress through their
casual water-cooler talks around the corner, where they became much flexible to each other
during work. Meetings ended with tea and snacks to enhance the knowhow of the team creating a
comfortable workplace. However today, all of this has been replaced by virtual/online meetings
creating an adjustment to the cultural rituals. (Spicer, 2020) Furthermore, it has created a
practical problem in approaching customers and communicating the values of the company due
to the crisis. (Spicer, 2020)

• Changes to Control Systems & Power Structures

The company’s culture can be determined by the way it is controlled or by the method power is
distributed within the organisation. However, post Covid, it has been quite challenging as to how
power can be dispersed within the hierarchy as the crisis has twisted the mindsets of people and
leaders find it fairly difficult to control the work assigned to employees. Shifts to the leadership
styles have also contributed to the way employees are controlled changing the cultural aspect of
the organisation.

How has shifts in the culture affected the business?

The corporate culture contributes to the improvements of a business. However due to sudden
shifts to it, the operations of the business has also been affected. Below identified are a few of

• Competitive Advantage

Corporate culture has always subsidised to the competitive advantage of the company. At certain
instances, the culture of a company has allowed to win over competitors by communicating the
values in order to attract business. As a result, the downturn in the culture has brought in
reductions to the competitive advantage. (Brower, 2020)

• Encouraging people and enhancing skills

Even though this is quite unknown, the culture contributes to the productivity of the employees.
The greatest issues during this period is where cultures have been put into stark and employees

have the opportunity to clarify whether the proposed culture is actually put into practice. For
instance, companies which spoke about high technology have been unable to technologically
facilitate their employees to actually work from home. This has allowed the employees to decide
whether or not they will actually sustain within a company which does not live by the word.
(Brower, 2020)

How could you actually sustain the corporate culture post Covid?

The biggest challenge of maintaining culture has been due to remote working implemented by
businesses post Covid. As hard as it is, it is also extremely important to maintain the culture as

Establishing culture while working remotely

1. Induce real time virtual meetings

Methodology in hosting meetings could be on top of the list of any company. Different
organisations have their own ways of accommodating their conferences or weekly meetings.
Remote working has permanently removed this practice from the usual. However, zoom
meetings or video conferencing could be done regularly planning it meaningfully by sending a
questionnaire to every employee prior to the meetings. This could provide the confidence to the
teams that the culture of gatherings remains the same where each individual has the opportunity
to present their ideas and bring in questions just as they were seated round the conference table.
(Myers, 2020)

2. Support in providing a similar workplace at home

Many employees have complained that working remotely has not provided them the usual
environment and comfort to focus on their work which has affected the levels of productivity.
Organisations are required to create this outer environment by facilitating with the needful in
order to provide the workplace culture at home for everyone. Companies such as HSBC have not
only delivered essentials such as laptops and internet connections to their employees, but also
travelled to the extent of facilitating with ergonomic chairs, large screen monitors and office
tables respectively to setup their own workstation at home. (Khetarpal, 2020)

3. Educate leaders consistently

It is the sole responsibility of leaders to continuously motivate and communicate employees in

relation to maintaining the culture of the organisation. Leaders should be consistently trained
and motivated themselves as to how this could be done. As leaders are key in setting the culture,
they are the only ones who could actually convey the values effectively. (Brower, 2020)

4. Over communicate and build inclusivity

In a general workplace talking to the next desk is as simple as that. However, working remotely
has created a barrier to this. Always ensure that the team knows when you are logged into work,
make it a practice to have lunch together as usual and ensure that, not only work is
communicated but to also post the results in the group before ending work daily. This will assure
the whole team is kept engaged and informed about how well subordinates are working from
home, ultimately not only supporting to maintain culture but to enhance productivity as well.
(Cook, 2020)

5. Have trust in your team

Having trust in your team is extremely vital, specially to sustain a culture. When work is carried
out remotely, it is necessary to trust employees and monitor them in such a way that they do not
get offended. If you could trust the fact that your team works similarly as to how they would
work physically at office, the results would truly be imaginable. (Chandiramani, 2020)

The sudden breakdown has affected the corporate culture in so many aspects as observed
throughout. Relatively has it also contributed to affecting the organisational strategies. Every
organisation has a unique culture whether it is accepted or not. Besides other daily challenges
and best practices, maintaining the culture is extremely important as it is the key to achieving the
ultimate goals and mission of the company. (Holub, 2020)

If an organisation could collectively contribute to sustaining the culture during this period, this
will ensure all stakeholders are kept satisfied whilst ensuring that the business accepts the crisis
as an opportunity to grow rather than a period to sustain.

Below stated are a few recommendations for organizations use in the pandemic in order to fulfil
the corporate culture effectively:

• Organisational leadership must take active part to remove anxiety and uncertainty from
the stakeholders by providing them motivation to cope with the culture during the

• Organisations should ensure that the pandemic is spoken about and employees have
required knowledge about the future plans of the company
• Organisations are required to stick to the culture even when working remotely
• Organisations should consistently check on the team and address to any official issue
they encounter due to post pandemic situation

How effective do you think it is to maintain organisational culture in a post Covid environment?
Any further suggestions?

Anjana Dasuni
November 12, 2020

Available at URL:


Assessment #4 – Business Report

How should effective leadership be implemented in approaching the new normal?

To : CEO, ABC Company (Pvt) Ltd

From : XYZ Management Consultants

Total Word Count : 1685

Table of Contents
1.0) Introduction…………………………………………………………………………………19

2.0) Leadership in a new work context

2.1) The new normal for workplaces…………………………………………………19-20

2.2) Leadership skills required post Covid

2.2.1) Accept everything as an opportunity………………………………..…….20

2.2.2) Ability to manage people remotely……………………………………20-21

2.2.3) Ability to take processual change through uncertainty……………….…..21

2.2.4) Maintain good governance at all times………………………………..…..21

2.2.5) Managing working capital…………………………………………….…..22

3.0) Leadership styles in pandemic

3.1) The Transformational Leader……………………………………………………….22

3.2) The Regenerative Leader……………………………………………………………22

3.3) The Technological Leader………………………………………………………..…22

3.4) The Contingent Leader…………………………………………………………..22-23

4.0) Conclusion………………………………………………………………………………….23

5.0) Recommendations………………………………………………………………………23-24

1.0) Introduction

The COVID 19 Pandemic has created a greater impact to not only the health of the community
but to the entire economic system globally. Whilst many industries have been affected within
this, businesses have no option but to adjust to the ‘new normal’.

What really is this new normal? The greatest significance occurred with the crisis is the change
in flexible working arrangements such as working from home or working according to a roster.
(Harper, 2020) However along with this, several challenges have been identified; how will
employees be motivated? Or how will productivity be monitored? Besides working from home,
the new normal has adapted people to several health, safety and security guidelines. Social
distancing has become the newest practice within all communities followed up by several health
precautions such as regular sanitization and wearing masks. How will this affect the
psychological aspect of employees? Will this be practical in the working environment? Above
all, most companies are currently experiencing scarce resources and facing difficulties in
budgeting and forecasting with the uncertainty. (Change and uncertainty - the business impact of
COVID-19 - Emergn, 2020).

In order to facilitate these issues, it is necessary for a true leader to take place. True leadership is
where an individual has the unique ability of driving his/her followers to achieve a successful
goal. (Prentice, 2020). A true leader will have the capability to cleverly enhance productivity
within employees by allocating the required resources in the right time at the right place;
effective workforce management. (What Is Workforce Management? | Genesys, 2020)
Throughout this report you would be addressed as to how leaders should approach the challenges
by efficiently leading and managing organisational resources whilst adapting to the new normal.
I trust this shall be beneficial for you and your organisation as well.

2.0) Leadership in a new work context

2.1) The New Normal for Workplaces

The COVID-19 pandemic has created significant changes today to the entire globe as a whole.
Even though the cause is significantly unknown, it has been noticed that globalisation and
several technological enhancements have contributed to the crisis. As a result of this, the
government has induced several health guidelines where remote working has become the largest
challenge in today’s work life. (, 2020)

2.2) Leadership Skills required Post COVID

Leading through a crisis may seem very challenging. From the thinking patterns to the process of
implementation it is necessary for leaders to adopt and accept change. Below are few identified
aspects to be approached by leaders:

2.2.1) Accept everything as an opportunity

During this period, leaders should acquire the ability of seeing opportunities in everything.
Leaders should be broad-minded to see the positive side of day-to-day activities and have
patience to deal with the workforce and wait for results. (Llopis, 2020)

2.2.2) Ability to manage people remotely

The toughest challenge during this period would be to monitor the workforce remotely. With the
principle of working from home, it is natural that anyone could bore themselves and lose focus
easily. On the other hand, every employee complained about being mentally stressed without
usual interactions at work. However, whilst certain roles can be handled by the work-from-home
concept, certain other have to be hands-on at the workplace. (Mull, 2020)

However, Big giants such as Google, Microsoft, Amazon, Paypal etc are successfully embracing
this change for a longer period. Whereas CEO Jack Dorsey of both Twitter and Square has
announced the work from home practice forever. (Kelly, 2020). The secret behind their
successful approach is by:

i. Setting goals

By assigning guidelines and setting boundaries effectively to employees, this will allow to ensure
they engage in their work successfully. Leaders should have the capability to outline each team
member’s performance through this and evaluate accordingly. (Gurchiek, 2020)

ii. Creating connections and engaging with the team

With the new normal, it is natural for most employees to feel isolated and disorganized. Over
effective communication and being actively engaged with the team through video conferencing,
creating blogs or having a chat forum once in a while will enhance the connections with the team
assuring a healthy relationship. Gurchiek, 2020)

iii. Hosting regular meetings

Regular meetings are necessary to be held in order to keep employees informed about new
company improvements, achievements and to pass the message to each individual that the rest of
the team is also engaged actively quite similarly to them. This will provide them the confidence
similarly to being in the real working environment. However, ensure they are kept short rather
than lengthy meetings. (Gurchiek, 2020)

iv. Building tech-savvy skills

In order to function within the new normal, it is mandatory for all leaders to be tech-savvy and
build their IT skills. This is quite essential in order to align day to day activities with remote
access having a solid knowledge about Cloud, Data Systems, Data Literacy etc and the internal
IS Infrastructure. (Lukins, 2020)

2.2.3) Ability to take processual change through uncertainty

Covid 19 is a new experience for all generations living on the planet, bringing challenge to
leaders in taking decisions where they should acquire the ability to take unplanned and instant
changes when required. In order to do so, it is necessary for leaders to be transparent at all times
with the workforce by communicating new policies. It is further required for them to maintain
consistency at all times. (, 2020)

2.2.4) Maintain good governance at all times

During a period where employees get to work from home, changes have occurred to retail
distribution etc, maintaining corporate governance within the organisation is extremely
important. Especially when it comes to dividend distribution which has been tough to implement
with the scarcity of financial resources. It is necessary to consider holding the dividends for a
period of time, or distributing in portions. However, leaders should be smart enough to practice
this in such a way that governance is maintained effectively. (S.Paine, 2020)

2.2.5) Managing Working Capital

Financial resources are key during a crisis as such. The key task in this is managing the trade
receivables and liquidating inventory. It is necessary to ensure high liquidity and low
profitability in order to survive whilst assuring overtrading doesn’t take place. Thus, leaders
should smartly discover a method in reducing the cash tied within the working capital rather than
focussing on the traditional ‘cost-cutting’ approach.

3.0) Leadership Styles in the Pandemic

3.1) The Transformational Leader

Transformational Leadership determines providing innovation, enhancing performance whilst

creating a primary vision and mission aligned up with developing the personal developments of
his/her followers. (Cinnioglu, 2020) It is foreseen that during such crisis, a transformational
approach is necessary to assure followers will significantly accept the charisma of the leader and
build trust.

3.2) The Regenerative Leader

In comparison to the traditional styles, it is more viable to approach a new way of looking at
things. As we have all foreseen this crisis occurring through nature, it is essential to give back to
the resource providers whilst utilizing resources. This is clearly emphasized in a regenerative
leadership. As such leadership is approached, this contributes to the long term sustainability
where survival is crucial in such a period. (Hutchins and Storm, 2020)

3.3) The Technological Leader

Above all styles, it is observed that being a leader during this period is technologically important.
Such leaders will create strategies in such a way to suit modern technologies whilst meeting
organisational objectives. Such leadership will guide employees to use technology effectively
and efficiently. (Cinnioglu, 2020)

3.4) The Contingent Leader

This type emphasizes leaders who possess the capability of matching a given situation rather
than adapting to it. It is noticed that the contingency approach relates to the success of a leader
who does not solely depend on his/her abilities. If a leader’s effectiveness is contingent
regardless of the leadership styles to suit a certain situation, this is what is required in a pandemic
as such.

4.0) Conclusion

Through effective leadership, this new normal could be accepted as an opportunity to grow
rather than a threat. As per the findings, it is challenging to specifically target one leadership
style or a single approach to be taken in order to deal with the new normal. Successful leadership
is having the capability to act as a combination of a transformational, regenerative, technological
and contingent leader. Many followers shall possess tacit knowledge and suggestions as to how
to deal with the new arrangements where it is the leader’s responsibility to withdraw such

5.0) Recommendations

#1 – Simply, accept the new normal

It is impossible to actually change the new normal rather than accepting it as it is. Leaders should
be able to define smart objectives in order to achieve shot-term goals within the crisis ensuring
there are backup plans consistently.

#2 – Carry out Training & Development

Rationalizing training is not the smartest move for a leader to approach. In a period like this,
special training is required to boost the mental wellness of employees while adjusting them to

work with the pandemic. With effective T&D on technological enhancements, it will be possible
to improve their technical abilities which will be productive with new working arrangements.

#3 – Assure communication with stakeholders

The most affected ties to this would be the external stakeholders rather than the internal
stakeholders. They will have a huge power towards the movements of the business as they are
capable of implying regulations and demands at their convenience. Thus, it is crucial to bring in
changes to the style of dealing with stakeholders.

#4 – Willingness to Change

There will not be any fixed guideline as to how the business should operate within these times.
However, it is required to adopt to change at any given time whenever required. An autocratic or
democratic leadership shall not be the best to approach.

#5 – Develop contingency plans

Scenario planning and contingency plans could relatively support decision making as there is an
evaluation of an outcome which is quite important during this period. Operational contingency
planning will enable technology to remain credible between leaders and followers. While
building trust within individuals, it reduces the impact created due to changes in business’s

5.0) Reflective Journal
Model – Gibb’s Reflective Cycle

The unit of Leading and Managing Organisational Resources had a broad subject line including
topics of leadership, corporate governance, ethics, finance, performance management,
productivity enhancement, information systems, organizational culture and change management.
Concluded the unit with how globalization, power and politics affects an organization.


As operations and business development manager to the organization that I work for, this unit
was a good experience. My initial thought was that leading an organisation should be done by a
CEO of the company and my role was to manage according to the organizational goals and
vision set by our superiors.


While studying this unit my perception of being a manager changed drastically as I understood
that being manager, I can bring change to the company as a leader. I have had the
misunderstanding that leadership relates to seniority within an organisation or a certain position
within a hierarchy of an organization. Throughout the unit, many theories and frameworks have
proven this fact wrong and that leadership is all about influencing and maximizing the efforts of
others to actually reach their ultimate goals.


Due to the current situation, monitoring productivity levels and performance is a huge challenge.
Information system session and based on the classroom discussions held, we clearly concluded
as to how a culture could still be maintained during a work from home concept and why it is
important to be done. The financial learning taught me about cost management and theories on
economic recoveries which I had never come across earlier. This cleared many of my doubts in
relation to the articles I had been currently reading on several recoveries of economies.

The teachings of Corporate Governance, CSR and ethics required for a business was clearly
revealed in the unit.

Eventhough I had learnt the content in my career, I was able to demonstrate a better
understanding on how CSR practices could be actually implemented during a crisis and how
important it is to do so.

Being an operations manager myself, leadership styles like veryday leadership and reRgenerative
leadership has pushed me to reevaluate my leadership style and I have raised recommendations
to my organisation from the first 3 weeks of learning. As a team we started an employee review
program where we give due credit to high performing employees. I was able to come up with a
process improvement plan to cut overhead costs of the company where knowledge gathered from
work capital management was a big advantage. The assignment also cleared a lot of problems
which arouse due to the pandemic situation. The shift of leadership style worked really well as I
feel that I have gained the respect and attention of my followers.

Learning about CSR was really useful, but the CSR plan me and my colleagues came up with did
not get approved. Even though we were able to convince the board that it can gain long term
sustainability to the company in reality shareholders try to avoid spending. It is evident that it
takes time to change the organisational culture but the knowledge gathered from this unit has
improved my way of thinking and contribution towards the organisation. That keeps me
motivated to become a leader and keep on trying to make change in my organisation.


Throughout the unit, all areas significantly taught me how effective leadership should be in line
with managing key resources of the company; HR, Finance, IT etc. It provided a broad exposure
to many learnings any individual should have within a master’s level programme. The whole
concept of the e-portfolio enhanced my technical knowledge better, where I was able to
experience doing a Blog for the first time.

I trust it would be better if the duration of the unit was longer than the rest since it had so much
content to process within a very short period. So, I personally felt whether we were exposed to
the bases of each area.
Nevertheless, guided learning has provided a vast amount of resources to refer to allowing us to
actually put theory into practice by the smart evaluation.

Action Plan

As I have described in my analysis, I have actioned most of my learnings. My plan is to

reevaluate what I learned and identify topics I have missed to improve myself as a leader.

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