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Akeelha Harding

Chemistry Lab #7 (P&D)

Statement of Problem:
Four bottles A, B, C, D are found in the laboratory. One bottle contains a strong monobasic acid
and another contains a weak monobasic acid, both of concentration 1 moldm³. The third bottle contains
another reducing agent of Eo = -1.39V while the fourth bottle contains reducing agent of E o = -0.14V. All
are colourless liquids. You have access to all the reagents and equipment and hydroxide peroxide. Plan
and design an experiment to allow you to correctly classify the chemicals.

If we test for acidity using pH indicators, conductivity, and then determine the reducing agents'
potentials through voltaic cell measurements, we can accurately classify substances A, B, C, and D.

To classify the substances A, B, C, and D by conducting experiments to identify their acidity and
measure the reducing agent potentials.

Materials: Apparatus:

 4 small pieces-Metal samples (e.g. zinc,  pH paper

iron)  Conductivity tester
 50 mL-1M Base solution  Voltaic cell setup (including wires,
 Reagent bottles A, B, C, D electrodes, and beakers)
 100 mL- 1M Hydrogen peroxide  Standard hydrogen electrode
solution  Electrode potential meter

Independent: Type of substance (A, B, C, D)

Dependent: pH, conductivity, and electrode potential measurements
Constant: Temperature


1. Take note of any odor, color, or visible characteristics of the substances in the bottles.
2. Dip pH paper into each substance and record the color change.
3. Use the conductivity tester to check if the solutions conduct electricity.
4. Set up a voltaic cell for each substance by placing it in a beaker with a standard hydrogen
5. Measure the voltage using the electrode potential meter.
6. Add a few drops of each substance to separate test tubes containing base solution and observe for
neutralization reactions.
7. Place a metal sample (e.g., zinc or iron) into each substance and observe for hydrogen gas
8. Add hydrogen peroxide solution to each substance and observe for oxygen gas evolution.
9. Tabulate results in a table with columns for pH, conductivity, and electrode potential.
10. Based on the observations and measurements, identify the strong monobasic acid, weak
monobasic acid, and the reducing agents.

Results Table:

Substance pH Conductivity Electrode Potential

Expected Results:
Upon conducting the experiments, the substance exhibiting low pH and high conductivity
is likely the strong monobasic acid, while the one with slightly higher pH and lower conductivity
is the weak monobasic acid. The substance with the most negative electrode potential is likely the
reducing agent with Eo = -1.39V, and the one with a less negative potential is the reducing agent
with Eo = -0.14V. Confirmation reactions with base, metal, and hydrogen peroxide should further
validate these classifications.


 Reagents in bottles are pure and not contaminated or mixed

 Standard conditions are maintained during the experiment

Sources of Error:

 Impurities in reagents
 Temperature fluctuations
 Calibration errors in instruments


 Calibrate instruments before measurements.

 Ensure all reagents are uncontaminated.
 Maintain constant temperature during experiments.

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