Salmah Railoun PAT Phase 1

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Salmah Railoun

AUGUST 4, 2024
TOPIC ............................................................................................................................................................................3
INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................................................3
KEY QUESTION ..............................................................................................................................................................3
PLANNING .....................................................................................................................................................................3
INFORMATION INTEGRATION .......................................................................................................................................9
SPELLING / GRAMMAR CHECK....................................................................................................................................11


Surname Railoun
Name Salmah
Did you receive any help / information from anyone to complete Phase 1?
Yes No
If yes, please provide more details below.
Name of person:
How they assisted you:
Did you use an Artificial Intelligence source (such as ChatGPT) in Phase 1?
Yes No
If yes, please provide more details below.
AI source: ChatGPT
Prompt: Things to consider when investigating teenager’s internet use
I hereby declare that this PAT is my own work (except where there is clear acknowledgement
and appropriate reference to the work of others) and that I have not plagiarized, copied from
someone else or used work previously submitted for assessment by anyone.
Yes No
Date: 2024/08/04

Protecting the “Screenager”.

The internet is now widely used by teenagers, and this has had a significant impact on their social, academic, and
recreational experiences. Although the internet provides a wealth of educational resources, social connectivity,
and personal development opportunities, there are concerns about some of its potential drawbacks, such as
misinformation, cyberbullying, and excessive screen time. It is essential to assess its advantages and disadvantages

Is it healthy for teenagers to have as much access to the internet as they do?


Question # 1 Which social media apps do teenagers use most often?

Open / Closed Open
Category Investigative
Methods and Sources Questionaire
Plan / Strategy for Observe questionaire answers
Package used to Word Processing / Spreadsheet /Presentation
organise data
Answer to question
Evidence Bookmark to
screen dump/
Reference to Appendix
How/Why information
will be used
Citation of reference
Proof of authenticity Author:
Date created / updated:
Date accessed:

Question # 2 How much time do teenagers spend online?

Open / Closed Open
Category Investigative
Methods and Sources Internet
Plan / Strategy for Online research and observations

Package used to Word Processing / Spreadsheet / Presentation
organise data
Answer to question
Evidence Bookmark to
screen dump/
Reference to Appendix
How/Why information
will be used
Citation of reference
Proof of authenticity Author:
Date created / updated:
Date accessed:

Question # 3 What measures do teenagers take to be safe online?

Open / Closed Open
Category Investigative
Methods and Sources Questionaire
Plan / Strategy for Observe questionaire answers
Package used to Word Processing / Spreadsheet / Presentation
organise data
Answer to question
Evidence Bookmark to
screen dump/
Reference to Appendix
How/Why information
will be used
Citation of reference
Proof of authenticity Author:
Date created / updated:
Date accessed:

Question # 4 How often do teenagers experience cyberbullying online?

Open / Closed Open
Category Factual / Investigative
Methods and Sources internet
Plan / Strategy for Use internet research and articles
Package used to Word Processing / Spreadsheet / Presentation
organise data
Answer to question
Evidence Bookmark to
screen dump/
Reference to Appendix
How/Why information
will be used
Citation of reference
Proof of authenticity Author:
Date created / updated:
Date accessed:

Question # 5 Do parents monitor teenagers internet use?

Open / Closed Closed
Category Investigative
Methods and Sources questionaire
Plan / Strategy for Observe quetsionaire answers
Package used to Word Processing / Spreadsheet / Presentation
organise data
Answer to question
Evidence Bookmark to
screen dump/
Reference to Appendix
How/Why information
will be used
Citation of reference
Proof of authenticity Author:
Date created / updated:
Date accessed:

Question # 6 Would teenagers be willing to give up internet acess?

Open / Closed Closed
Category Investigative
Methods and Sources questionaire
Plan / Strategy for Observe questionaire answers
Package used to Word Processing / Spreadsheet / Presentation
organise data
Answer to question
Evidence Bookmark to
screen dump/
Reference to Appendix
How/Why information
will be used
Citation of reference
Proof of authenticity Author:
Date created / updated:
Date accessed:

Question # 7 Are teenagers more likely to trust information found on the

internet or information from traditional sources such as books
or newspapers?

Open / Closed Open / Closed

Category Factual / Investigative / Change / Comparison
Methods and Sources
Plan / Strategy for
Package used to Word Processing / Spreadsheet / Database / Presentation /
organise data Website / Movie / Video
Answer to question
Evidence Bookmark to
screen dump/
Reference to Appendix
How/Why information
will be used
Citation of reference
Proof of authenticity Author:
Date created / updated:
Date accessed:

Question # 8 Are teenagers concerned about privacy and security issues


Open / Closed Closed

Category Factual / Investigative
Methods and Sources Questionaire and internet research
Plan / Strategy for Observe questionaire answers and look up online recourses
Package used to Word Processing / Spreadsheet / Presentation
organise data
Answer to question
Evidence Bookmark to
screen dump/
Reference to Appendix
How/Why information
will be used
Citation of reference
Proof of authenticity Author:
Date created / updated:
Date accessed:

Question # 9 Are there corelations between exsessive internet usage and

feelings of depressions and anxiety?
Open / Closed Closed
Category Factual /comparitive
Methods and Sources internet
Plan / Strategy for Search articles and statistics online
Package used to Word Processing / Spreadsheet / Presentation /
organise data
Answer to question
Evidence Bookmark to
screen dump/
Reference to Appendix
How/Why information
will be used
Citation of reference
Proof of authenticity Author:
Date created / updated:
Date accessed:

Question # 10 What drives teenagers to spend so much time online?

Open / Closed Open
Category Investigative
Methods and Sources Questionaire/ internet
Plan / Strategy for Observe people i know and lookuo online recourses
Package used to Word Processing / Spreadsheet / Presentation
organise data
Answer to question
Evidence Bookmark to
screen dump/
Reference to Appendix
How/Why information
will be used
Citation of reference
Proof of authenticity Author:
Date created / updated:
Date accessed:

Question # 11 Is there a specific dynamic of teenagers who use the internet

more than others?
Open / Closed Closed
Category Factual / Investigative/ comparitive
Methods and Sources Observations/ Internet
Plan / Strategy for Observe statistics from social medias on what dynamic of people
searching most frequantly use their websites
Package used to Word Processing / Spreadsheet /Presentation
organise data
Answer to question
Evidence Bookmark to
screen dump/
Reference to Appendix
How/Why information
will be used
Citation of reference
Proof of authenticity Author:
Date created / updated:
Date accessed:

Question # 12 When assessing trust in information sources, what criteria do

teenagers consider?
Open / Closed Open
Category Investigative / Change
Methods and Sources Online research
Plan / Strategy for
Package used to Word Processing / Spreadsheet / Presentation
organise data
Answer to question
Evidence Bookmark to
screen dump/
Reference to Appendix
How/Why information
will be used
Citation of reference
Proof of authenticity Author:
Date created / updated:
Date accessed:

Question # 13 When seeking advice and support, what are the perceived
advantages and limitations of turning to online communities
compared to trusted adults?

Open / Closed Open

Category Investigative / Comparison
Methods and Sources Internet/ questionaire/ consulting
Plan / Strategy for Questioning teenagers and looking on the internet
Package used to Word Processing / Spreadsheet / Presentation
organise data
Answer to question
Evidence Bookmark to
screen dump/
Reference to Appendix
How/Why information
will be used
Citation of reference
Proof of authenticity Author:
Date created / updated:
Date accessed:

Question # 14 Does using the internet less have academic benefits?

Open / Closed Closed
Category Factual / Comparison
Methods and Sources Internet/ consulting
Plan / Strategy for Consulting peers
Package used to Word Processing / Spreadsheet / Presentation
organise data
Answer to question
Evidence Bookmark to
screen dump/
Reference to Appendix
How/Why information
will be used
Citation of reference
Proof of authenticity Author:
Date created / updated:
Date accessed:

Question # 15 Do online activities eliviate feelings of loneliness?

Open / Closed Closed
Category Investigative
Methods and Sources internet
Plan / Strategy for
Package used to Word Processing / Spreadsheet / Presentation
organise data
Answer to question
Evidence Bookmark to
screen dump/
Reference to Appendix
How/Why information
will be used
Citation of reference
Proof of authenticity Author:
Date created / updated:
Date accessed:



2. introduction
3. question?
4. benefits of internet usage

5. negatives of internet usage

6. long term effects of internet usage on society

7. policies to be put in place to help excessive internet usage

8. ending summary

9. outro/sources

use word for

use excel to tally report
data from
use powerpoint for
send questionaire charts/pictures
out via instagram
import charts from
all questionaire






Evidence (Task 1) / Comment

The description of the problem explains what is
expected in the PAT
A key question was formulated
Fifteen questions are formulated that support the
main question
Questions are categorised and methods of
obtaining information in clearly stated.
Evidence (Task 2)
Evidence of information found, e.g., notes,
photocopies, clippings, printouts, electronic copies,
screenshots, etc.
Evidence of completed questionnaires/surveys/
notes on interviews conducted
Important facts have been highlighted or
Evidence that information found is linked/cross-
referenced to questions
Evidence that the information is usable and of good
quality (listing the date it was published, last
updated, etc.)
Evidence of how the information will be used and
why it will be used (indicate which question(s) it will
answer or partly answer)
Framework in an appropriate format – e.g.,
diagram, mind map, word outline, story board, etc.
– forms a whole
Purpose and use of at least two of the following
applications is clearly stated and appropriate:
 Spreadsheet
 Database
 Presentation/Movie/Video/Website
Purpose and integration between applications is
Checked the Word Processing Assessment Tool
and mark off requirements achieved during Phase 1


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