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MBA Semester – IV

Research Project – Interim



Increasing brand awareness of

Group Digital marketing and e-commerce

Date of Submission

A study on “Increasing brand awareness of “MAMA EARTH“

Research Project submitted to Jain Online (Deemed-to-be University)

In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of:
Master of Business Administration

Submitted by:


Under the guidance of:

Mr.Pijush Gupta

Mention your Guide’s Name

(Faculty-JAIN Online)

Jain Online (Deemed-to-be University)


I, PRAJWAL B HUNDEKAR hereby declare that the Research Project Report titled
Increasing brand awareness of “MAMA EARTH” has been prepared by me under the
guidance of the Mr.Pijush Gupta. I declare that this Project work is towards the partial
fulfillment of the University Regulations for the award of the degree of Master of
Business Administration by Jain University, Bengaluru. I have undergone a project for a
period of Eight Weeks. I further declare that this Project is based on the original study
undertaken by me and has not been submitted for the award of any degree/diploma from
any other University / Institution.


This project focuses on increasing brand awareness for Mamaearth, a leading provider of natural
and toxin-free baby and beauty products, through a comprehensive marketing strategy. The
primary goal is to establish Mamaearth as a trusted and reliable brand in the minds of consumers,
especially parents who prioritize safe and natural products for their families.Our target audience
consists of parents, primarily mothers, aged 25-40, who seek safe and natural alternatives for their
family's skincare and personal care needs.

1) Market analysis and Audience understanding:

 Conduct a detailed analysis of the current market landscape and the preferences, behaviors,
and demographics of our target audience

 Tailor marketing strategies to effectively resonate with the needs and values of potential

2) Multi-Channel advertising Campaign:

 Implement a multi-channel advertising campaign covering traditional and digital platforms.

 Utilize print media, television, radio, and online channels to maximize brand visibility and

3) Digital Advertising & Audience targeting:

 Deploy targeted digital advertising on platforms such as social media, search engines, and
relevant websites.

 Utilize advanced targeting techniques to reach specific audience segments interested in

natural and toxin-free products.

4) Partnerships & Collaboration:

 Explore partnerships with reputable organizations, parenting communities, influencers, and

health professionals.

 Collaborate with events and platforms that align with Mamaearth's values to extend brand
exposure and credibility.

5) Content marketing:

 Develop informative and engaging content focused on natural skincare, baby care,

parenting tips, and wellness.

 Establish Mamaearth as a reliable source of information and a thought leader in the

Through a strategic and integrated marketing approach encompassing advertising, partnerships,
content marketing, and data-driven optimization, this project aims to elevate Mamaearth's brand
visibility and reputation. By effectively reaching and engaging with the target audience across
various channels, Mamaearth can solidify its position as the preferred choice for safe, natural, and
reliable family products.


Title Page Nos.

Executive Summary 1

List of Tables 2

List of Graphs 3

Chapter 1: Introduction and Background 7-11

Chapter 2: Review of Literature 12-13

Chapter 3: Research Methodology 13-17

References 18



Introduction and Background:

Mamaearth, founded in 2016, is a revolutionary brand dedicated to providing safe, natural, and
toxin-free products for babies, mothers, and families. The brand was born out of the founders'
personal experiences and concerns regarding the lack of safe and gentle options in the market
for their own children Executive Summary.
Initially conceptualized by Varun Alagh and Ghazal Alagh, a husband-wife duo, Mamaearth
began its journey with a simple yet powerful mission: to create products that are as safe as a
mother's love. The founders, both parents themselves, were deeply committed to developing
solutions that addressed the specific needs of babies and mothers, while also being
environmentally sustainable.
Mamaearth's commitment to safety and quality is evident in its rigorous approach to product
formulation. The brand carefully selects natural ingredients, free from harmful chemicals like
sulfates, parabens, silicones, and artificial fragrances. Each product undergoes stringent testing
to ensure its safety and efficacy, providing parents with peace of mind.

Problem Statement:
The primary problem facing Mamaearth is the need to increase brand awareness and visibility
among its target audience. Despite offering high-quality, natural, and toxin-free products,
Mamaearth struggles with low market visibility and limited brand recognitioPurpose of Study

Purpose of the Study:

This study aims to analyze the current brand awareness levels of Mamaearth and identify
strategies to enhance its visibility in the market.

Objective of Study:

The objectives of the study are as follows:-

 To increase the brand value of Mama Earth.
 To help them to reach more consumers with the help of new marketing techniques.
 Evaluating the brand awareness of Mama Earth by using the growth marketing techniques.
 Make consumer to understand about the products of Mama Earth.
 To make the company to reach more consumer with their unique products by new ways of
connecting the consumers

Product Line, Vision, Mission, Financials:

Mamaearth offers a wide range of natural and toxin-free products designed for babies, mothers, and
families. Mamaearth's vision is to create a healthier and happier world by providing safe, natural,
and sustainable products for families. The brand aspires to become a global leader in natural and
toxin-free personal care, setting new standards for quality, safety, and environmental sustainability.
Mamaearth's mission is to offer safe, natural, and toxin-free alternatives to conventional personal
care products, ensuring the well-being of families without compromising on efficacy or
affordability. The brand is committed to innovation, transparency, and social responsibility,
striving to make a positive impact on both people's lives and the planet. And While specific
financial data may not be publicly available, Mamaearth has demonstrated significant growth since
its inception in 2016. The company has experienced a steady increase in revenue and market share,
driven by its strong brand reputation, innovative product offerings, and expanding customer base.
Mamaearth's commitment to quality, safety, and sustainability has resonated well with consumers,
contributing to its success in the competitive personal care market.

Mamaearth has also attracted investment from various venture capital firms, indicating investor
confidence in the brand's growth potential and business model. These investments have supported
the company's expansion efforts, product development, and marketing initiatives, further
solidifying its position as a prominent player in the natural and toxin-free personal care segment.

Company and Industry Overview:

Mamaearth is a leading Indian personal care brand that specializes in natural and toxin-free
products for babies, mothers, and families. Founded in 2016 by Varun Alagh and Ghazal Alagh,
Mamaearth has quickly emerged as a trusted name in the personal care industry, known for its
commitment to safety, sustainability, and innovation.

PESTEL Analysis:

A; PESTEL analysis examines the political, economic, social, technological, environmental, and
legal factors affecting Mamaearth.

Porter’s 5 Forces Analysis:

Porter's Five Forces analysis assesses the competitive intensity and attractiveness of the Beauty care
Industry, considering factors such as the bargaining power of buyers and suppliers, the threat of new
entrants, the threat of substitutes, and the intensity of rivalry among existing competitors.
Overall, while Mamaearth faces competition and challenges, its unique product positioning,
brand reputation, and commitment to quality and sustainability provide it with a solid
foundation to maintain its market position and continue its growth trajectory.

SWOT Analysis

 Strong brand reputation: Mamaearth has built a strong brand reputation for providing safe,
natural, and toxin-free products. Its commitment to quality and sustainability has earned trust
and loyalty among consumers.
 Wide product range: The company offers a diverse range of products catering to babies,
mothers, and families, including baby care, mother care, beauty and personal care, wellness,
and men's care products.
 Innovative Formulations: Mamaearth continuously innovates to develop new formulations
using natural ingredients. Its research and development efforts ensure unique and effective
products that meet consumer needs.
 Eco friendly practices: Mamaearth prioritizes sustainability, using eco-friendly packaging
materials and participating in initiatives to reduce its environmental impact. This commitment
aligns with growing consumer preferences for environmentally responsible brands.


 Limited Market Research: While Mamaearth has gained popularity in urban areas, its market
penetration in rural or less developed regions may be limited. Expanding distribution networks
to reach untapped markets could be challenging

 Premium pricing: Some consumers perceive Mamaearth products as expensive compared to

conventional alternatives. This could deter price-sensitive consumers from purchasing
Mamaearth products, limiting market share.

 Dependence on Natural Ingredients: Mamaearth's reliance on natural ingredients may lead to

supply chain challenges, such as sourcing difficulties, price fluctuations, or seasonal

 Competition: The personal care industry is highly competitive, with numerous brands offering
similar natural and toxin-free products. Mamaearth faces competition from both established
players and emerging brands in this space.


 Growing Demand For Natural Products: Increasing consumer awareness about health and
environmental sustainability drives demand for natural and toxin-free products. Mamaearth can
capitalize on this trend by expanding its product offerings and market presence.
 International Expansion: There's an opportunity for Mamaearth to expand its presence
beyond India and enter international markets where demand for natural personal care products
is growing.
 Product Diversification: Mamaearth can diversify its product range by introducing new
product lines or variants tailored to specific consumer needs or preference.


 Competitive Pressure: Intense competition in the personal care industry poses a threat to
Mamaearth's market share and profitability. Competitors may introduce similar products or
offer lower-priced alternative.
 Regulatory Changes:Changes in regulations related to product safety, labeling, or
advertising could impact Mamaearth's operations and increase compliance costs.
 Supply Chain Disruptions:Disruptions in the supply chain, such as raw material shortages,
transportation issues, or production delays, could affect Mamaearth's ability to meet
consumer demand and maintain product availability.
 Economic Uncertainities: Economic downturns or fluctuations in consumer spending
habits may impact Mamaearth's sales and revenue growth, particularly if consumers
prioritize essential items over premium personal care products.



Gap Analysis

In the literature, gap analysis in the context of brand awareness typically involves identifying the
variance between the current state of brand awareness and the
desired or optimal level. Researchers often employ quantitative and qualitative methods to
measure brand awareness, including surveys, interviews, and brand tracking studies. Several
studies emphasize the importance of understanding
consumer perceptions, preferences, and behaviors to bridge the gap effectively.
Strategies for addressing gaps in brand awareness may include targeted
marketing campaigns, brand positioning initiatives, and improving customer engagement and
communication channels.

Company Profile Analysis

Literature on company profile analysis often examines various aspects of an organization,

including its history, mission, vision, values, product offerings, financial performance,
and market positioning. Researchers emphasize the significance of a strong company
profile in shaping brand identity, attracting customers, and fostering trust and credibility.
Studies highlight the role of
corporate storytelling, branding strategies, and corporate social responsibility initiatives in
enhancing company profiles. Furthermore, scholars discuss the impact of company
profile on consumer perceptions, brand loyalty, and
competitive advantage. Case studies and empirical research offer insights into effective
approaches for crafting and managing company profiles in diverse industries.

These literature reviews provide valuable insights into understanding the

importance of gap analysis and company profile analysis in the context of enhancing
brand awareness, providing a foundation for developing targeted strategies for



Objectives of Study:

Primary Objective: The primary objective of Mamaearth is to provide safe, natural, and
toxin-free products for families, especially babies and mothers.

Secondary Objectives: Secondary objectives of Mamaearth complement its primary objective

and support the overall growth and success of the brand. Here are some secondary objectives:

 Market Expansion: Expand Mamaearth's market presence by increasing distribution

channels and entering new geographical regions, both domestically and internationally.
This includes establishing partnerships with retailers, pharmacies, and online platforms to
reach a wider customer base.
 Brand Awarness & Visibility:Enhance brand awareness through targeted marketing
campaigns, social media engagement, and influencer partnerships. The goal is to increase
Mamaearth's visibility among its target audience and strengthen brand recognition.
 Product Diversification: Introduce new product lines or variants to diversify
Mamaearth's offerings and cater to different consumer needs. This could include
expanding into new categories within personal care, wellness, or home care.
 Customer satisfaction & loyalty: Focus on delivering exceptional customer experiences
to foster loyalty and repeat purchases. This involves providing excellent customer service,
listening to feedback, and addressing any concerns promptly.

Scope of Study:

This study investigates the challenges individuals encounter in managing their daily spending
and proposes strategies to simplify budget management while enhancing brand awareness for
Mama Earth Company’s direct-to-consumer (D2C) brand. It aims to identify common
difficulties people face in tracking expenses, evaluate existing tools and techniques for expense
tracking, and develop innovative solutions to expedite expense tracking processes and notify
consumers of potential budget gaps promptly. By combining data analysis using SPSS methods
and customer feedback analysis, the study seeks to provide Mama Earth Company with
strategic recommendations to effectively target specific demographic groups and increase brand
recognition in the competitive D2C market, while also addressing consumer needs in financial

Research Methodology:

Research Design: This study uses descriptive, exploratory, and empirical methods. To explore
how Artificial Intelligence (AI) affects skill requirements across industries and sectors,
descriptive research approaches will be used. Exploratory research will reveal insights into this
influence, including trends, patterns, and developing difficulties. The study will be based on
empirical research, using survey, interview, and case study data to validate findings and
develop conclusions. The study uses these three research methods to thoroughly explore the
topic and critically assess its validity and dependability.
Data Collection:

 PRIMARY DATA: This study has been done by collecting the information through
Questionnaires about the company from the sample.

 SECONDARY DATA: This study has been done with reference to the Mamma Earth
Company. For this study, the data have been collected from the company’s annual report,
published reports and websites of the company.

Sampling Method:

The target population will consist of consumers familiar with Mama Earth’s D2C brand. A
representative sample will be selected using random sampling techniques to ensure diverse

Sample Size:

Determine an appropriate sample size based on the population size and the desired level of
statistical significance to ensure the study’s reliability and validity.

Data Analysis Tools:

Obtain ethical approval from relevant institutions, if required, to ensure the research adheres to
ethical guidelines.
Administer the questionnaire to the selected sample of consumers familiar with Mama Earth’s
D2C brand.
Utilize various data collection methods, including online surveys or face-to-face interviews,
based on participant preferences and feasibility.
Maintain confidentiality and anonymity of participant responses to encourage honest and candid

Period of Study:

● The research will be conducted over a period of [specify duration], allowing for sufficient
time to collect data, analyze findings, and draw actionable insights. The duration may vary
depending on the complexity of the research design and the availability of resources.

● Sample Bias: There may be limitations in the representativeness of the sample due to
factors such as non-response bias or self-selection bias, which could affect the
generalizability of the findings.
● Time Constraints: The research may be constrained by time limitations, which could
impact the depth and breadth of data collection and analysis.
● Scope Limitation: The research focuses specifically on brand awareness and may not
address other aspects of marketing effectiveness such as brand engagement or customer

Utility of Research:

● The findings of this research will provide actionable insights for “MAMAEARTH” to develop
targeted brand awareness strategies that resonate with the target audience and differentiate the
brand from competitors.
● By optimizing marketing efforts and allocating resources effectively based on research
findings “MAMAEARTH” brand equity, increase market share, and achieve its business
objectives in the insurance industry.





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