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Lost Hours, Lost Marks: Examining the consequences of Sleep Deprivation on Grade 10
Learners Academic performance

Mga Nawawalang Oras, Nawala na Marka: Pagsusuri sa mga bunga ng Kakulangan sa Pagtulog
sa Grade 10 Learners Academic performance

Possible question:

how does sleep deprivation help you to achieve your high grade?

Ang pag aaral na ito ay isinagawa upang malaman ang karanasan ng mga mag aaral sa grade 10
na nakararanas ng kakulangan sa tulog para sa kanilang hinahangad na grade, layunin din nito na
malaman ang mga motibasyon ng mga estudyanteng sa grade 10

Ang pag aaral na ito isinagawa upang malaman ang dahil kung bakit tumataas ang porsiyento ng
mga mag aaral sa jj

Interest changes are one of the most frequent causes of course switching among college students.
Students' interests and passions change as they mature and develop, and this can cause them to
choose alternative academic disciplines. One student might decide to switch to a psychology
program after initially enrolling in a business program because they have a renewed interest in
the subject. Student exploration of new subjects and the discovery of hidden abilities are
frequently sparked by shifting interests.
Passion of Practicality: Exploring Senior high school Students Dilemma in choosing their
College Course


According to Berger, S.L. (2014)

Choosing a Career Dilemma: How Do You Know What The Right Choice Is? —
Unapologetically Karen


(Shahid Kazi, 2017)

(Nimra et al. 2019)

1. What factors are most important to you when deciding on a college course, and how do
you prioritize them in the face of conflicting options or expectations?
2. Can you describe a time when you felt torn between following your personal interests and
passions and selecting a college course that aligns with potential career opportunities or
societal expectations?
3. How do you navigate the tension between pursuing a college course that guarantees
financial stability versus one that fulfills your intellectual curiosity and personal
4. Share an experience where you faced pressure from peers or mentors to choose a
particular college course. How did you handle this pressure, and did it impact your
decision-making process?
5. Reflecting on your own values and aspirations, describe any internal conflicts you
encountered when choosing a college course. How did you resolve these conflicts, and
what factors influenced your final decision?
6. Discuss a situation where you had to balance the desire for prestige or status associated
with certain college courses against your genuine interest and aptitude in other fields.
How did you reconcile these competing factors?
7. Can you recall a moment when you had to consider the long-term implications of
choosing a college course, such as job prospects, salary potential, or work-life balance,
versus pursuing a path that resonated more with your passions and values?
8. Share an example of a dilemma you faced when choosing between a college course that
offered practical skills and immediate employability versus one that provided a broader,
more interdisciplinary education. How did you approach this decision-making process?
9. Describe a time when you felt pressure to conform to societal norms or expectations
regarding your choice of college course. How did you navigate this pressure, and did it
influence your final decision?
10. Reflecting on your experiences, discuss any lessons you've learned about decision-
making and self-discovery through the process of choosing a college course. How have
these insights shaped your perspective on education and career planning?
1. Can you give an example of conflicting choices in choosing a college course based on
personal interests or professional prospects rather than pursuing passions and personal interests?
2. How do you balance taking a course in college that will ensure your financial security with
one that will satisfy your intellectual curiosity and sense of fulfillment?
3. When pressured by peers to enroll in a specific college course, how did you respond and how
did it impact your decision-making process?


1. Can you give an example of conflicting choices in choosing a college course based on
personal interests or professional prospects rather than pursuing passions and personal interests?
2. How do you balance taking a course in college that will ensure your financial security with
one that will satisfy your intellectual curiosity and sense of fulfillment?
3. When pressured by peers to enroll in a specific college course, how did you respond and how
did it impact your decision-making process?


1.What are the factors and obstacles affect senior high school dilemma in choosing college

2. How do students perceive themselves regarding future career?

3.What could be the main influence of students in terms of choosing their career?
Good Everyone especially to our dear panelist. I am (Joseph B.
Payabyab) together with me are (Kielle leonard S. Deloroso, Charles
Jastine C. Principe, Michael L. Velayo, Jandrei J. Baluyot). We are
Present our research with the title (Passion or Practicality: Exploring
Senior High School Students Dilemma’s in choosing their College

Our dear panelist we are now ready for your questions.

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