Microteaching-Achieving Closure

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Name : Putri Rahayu Oktaviani 2005086002

Emma Melati 2005086009

Agista Zahwa Nabila 2005086020

Class : A 2020

The Skill of Achieving Closure in Micro-Teaching

The skill of achieving closure is a major skill of micro-teaching practiced in teacher training
institutions. To make a micro-teaching lesson plan on this skill you have to understand the
objectives and all of its components properly. In this post, you will get an explanation of the
meaning, objectives, and importance of the skill of achieving closure used in micro-teaching.

Meaning, Objectives of Skill of Achieving Closure Used in Micro-Teaching

Achieving closure is a process of determining the extent to which the objectives have been
achieved; teaching has been successful learning experiences have been provided. Achieving
Closure is the process of summing up the main points are covered during the lesson taking
pupils’ responses into account. It refers to the summary of what the pupils should know and be
able to do.

Achieving closure is similar to a stage known as recapitulation in the Herbartian steps, according
to which it is a process of associating new facts with the old knowledge, applying new
knowledge in various situations, and ensuring repetition of the facts in the best possible way.

How to Use The Components of Achieving Closure Skill?

The components of the skill of achieving closure are:

 Consolidation of learning by questioning, statement, etc.

 Cognitive Link with
(i) What already learned
(ii) What follows
 Application of acquired knowledge/skill
 Creating a sense of achievement

You should know how to use these components of achieving closure in your micro lesson plan.
So you must understand them properly. You must know when and for which teacher’s and
pupils’ activities, these components need to be used. I hope the following explanation of these
components will help you to learn the use of these components in the micro-teaching lesson plan.
Consolidation of learning by questioning, statement, etc:
This involves synthesizing the main points covered during the lesson into a meaningful whole. It
can be done either by the questions or by the statements. While ending the lesson the teacher
consolidates the main points with or without the pupils’ involvement. The approaches or media,
the teacher may use include the use of questioning, summary statements, the blackboard,
diagrams, maps, etc, either in isolation or in combination.

Cognitive Link With What already learned:

This involves creating situations where the pupils can make use of what they have learned during
the lesson in solving the problems in different or new situations. By this approach, both the
teacher and the pupils can know whether or not the pupils have understood what has been taught
during the lesson.

This helps the teacher in locating gaps in the pupils’ understanding. This involves mostly testing
situations where both the teacher and the pupils receive feedback immediately about their
performance. For this purpose, the teacher may use the same media/approaches as used in the
first component of the skill. They may be questioning- oral or written, nonverbal media like
diagrams, maps, charts, etc.

Cognitive Link With What Follows:

The teacher gives emphasis on relating the present knowledge to future learning. For this
purpose, the teacher should give homework or assignment to his/her pupils. Assignment should
therefore be carefully planned and related to the present knowledge of the pupils.

It should be such that, most of the pupils can do it correctly; it should suit the maturity level of
the pupils’; it should provide opportunities for the pupils to apply the present knowledge in new
situations, and it should demand the application of higher mental processes rather than the mere
recalling of the present knowledge.

Application of Acquired Knowledge/Skill in Achieving Closure:

This technique involves enabling the learner to apply the new knowledge acquired in various
situations. This helps both the teacher and pupils to receive immediate feedback from each other
about their performances.

Feedback can be received by means of an oral test or written test or by both. Application of
acquired knowledge in various situations can be done by means of drawings, maps, charts,
diagrams, or conducting suitable examples.

Creating a Sense of Achievement:

Creating a sense of achievement is a process through which the teacher should make the pupils’
feel that they have learned what they intended to learn and that would help them in their future

1. Introduction
Good Morning everyone, today we will learn about “the expression of asking and giving

2. Explanation
Asking and giving opinion is a way that someone does to ask and give opinions to other

For example, when a graphic designer makes an illustration, he will ask his partner,
client, or boss what they think about the illustration. Another simple example is how a
wife asks her husband for comments about the taste of the food she has cooked, and so

1. Asking Opinion in Formal Situations

This type of asking for opinion applies when you are in a formal situation. For
example, during a business meeting with colleagues, asking about responses from
teachers or lecturers, and so on.

 Would you give me your opinion on …?
 What are your views on …?
 Do you have any idea …?
 What is your feeling about …?
 Have you got any comments on …?
 Could you tell me your opinion about ..?
 Please give me your thoughts on …?
 I’d like to know your views on …?
 Do you have an opinion about …?
 What is your view on …?


 Would you give me your opinion on the marketing team's strategic plan to
prepare for the new school’s academic year?
 Please give me your thoughts on the material about managerial finance in
our class tonight.

2. Asking Opinion in Informal Situations

As you know, informal situations are usually more relaxed and casual. For example
when we are on vacation with family, hanging out with friends, watching movies with
partners, and so on.


 What do you think about …?

 Any comments?
 How do you feel about …?
 I need your opinion about …
 What is your opinion?
 What do you think of …?
 Please tell me your opinion on …
 In your honest opinion …?
 What’s your reaction to that?
 How about ..?

 Sinta, any comments for my makeup look today?
 What do you think about Rara’s outfit of the day?

3. Giving for Opinion in a Formal Situation

Giving opinion in formal situations can be applied if you want to give opinions, ideas,
or responses in formal situations, whether it's for people who are older than us

 May I make a comment on that?
 In my point of view …
 My opinion about …
 Feel that we should …
 I personally consider …
 My own view of the matter is…
 If I had my view, I would…
 I personally believe…
 In my personal opinion …
 In my mind …

 In my point of view, this business pitch does not explain the company's goals
for the next 5 years.
 I feel that we should be looking for influencers who reflect that education is
very important.

4. Giving for Opinion in a Informal Situation

This expression of giving for opinion can be the right choice when you want to
provide a comment on a question asking opinion from peers, friends, or certain
people who are already close to you.

 As for me...
 From my point of view, …
 I think that…
 Not everyone will agree with me, but …
 In my opinion, ..
 I think …
 I believe …
 As far as I know
 I reckon that …
 Well, I think …

 Not everyone will agree with me, but Siwon Choi is not as handsome as
people say.
 I think that your spaghetti is too salty.

3. Review
The teacher will say, "Today we have learned about the asking and giving opinion"

4. Question and Answer

- can you guys mention one or two the expression of asking someone’s opinion?
- can you guys mention one or two the expression of giving opinion to someone?
5. Homework
Make your own dialogue that consist of asking and giving opinion with your pair!

6. Closing
The teacher will say "Today we’ve learned about the expression of asking and giving
opinion. In next meeting, we will learn about introducing one-self and others."

“Is there any question? If no we will end this meeting here. Thank you everyone for your
participation, let’s pray together before we leave this room. Pray starts.”

“Alright thank you, we’ll meet at next meeting okay? Bye”

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