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Culvert Inspection Manual & Deterioration Curve Estimation

8SGDWHG 3/29/2023 Completed Project

3URMHFW1XPEHU 3,&  UT21.205

3URMHFW7LWOH Culvert Inspection Manual and

Deterioration Curve Estimation
3URMHFW&RVW $ 40,000.00
8'275HVHDUFK30 David Stevens, Vincent Liu
2UJDQL]DWLRQ University of Utah

There were three research objectives in this project: 1) Utilize machine learning algorithms to generate deterioration curves for
Utah's culverts based on culvert inspection data collected from three states of the US (Utah, Vermont, and Colorado). 2) Based on
the generated culvert deterioration curves, estimate the inspection frequency of Utah's culverts using the risk-based prioritization
approach. 3) Develop a draft of the Culvert/Storm Drain Management System Manual for Utah in accordance with the proposed
approach for inspecting culverts.

After preprocessing the collected data from three states' culvert inventories, 2,070 rows were included in the final dataset. Support
Vector Regression (SVR) and Random Forest Regression (RFR) models were developed to generate deterioration curves of various
culvert materials. The RFR and SVR models developed for this dataset achieved 79% and 71% accuracy, respectively. We used the
risk-based prioritization approach and the output of the developed models in order to estimate inspection frequencies for 272
culverts in Utah. As a result, UDOT should cost-effectively focus on inspecting 10% of the inventory instead of the entire inventory.

The generated deterioration curves plus the risk-based prioritization approach developed in this research project provide an
effective inspection procedure for the culverts of Utah. Using the proposed method can enhance the culvert network system's
performance level and reduce the network's potential for disturbance. Also, UDOT may be able to save money and time by
implementing this method. The draft Culvert/Storm Drain Management System Manual can assist UDOT with implementing an
effective culvert management system to inspect culverts, maintain them systematically, and meet federal and state regulations.

The inspectors and UDOT personnel can use the developed manual in this project to handle their routine inspection tasks more
efficiently and uniformly. The inspection and inventory forms developed in the manual can be added to the ATOM database. The
generated deterioration curves plus the risk-based prioritization approach can be directly utilized by UDOT personnel to monitor
Utah culverts efficiently. The result of combining these two models (deterioration curves and risk-based prioritization) is a number,
which represents the inspection frequency of culverts.

)LQDO5HSRUW/LQN (Report No. UT-23.02)
/LQNVWR2WKHU'HOLYHUDEOHV (Draft Culvert Manual ver. 04)

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