Eklavya CBQ

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Answer the following questions in 40-50 words.

Q1. Who was Eklavya? What did he aim for?
Q2. How did Eklavya attain mastery in archery?
Q3. Why did Dronacharya ask for divine forgiveness?
Q4. Do you think the story is relevant in today’s time? Why/Why not?

Answer the following questions.

Q1. Where there is a will, there is a way. Throw light on the statement in
context to the story of Eklavya.
Q2. “I am a Brahmin, the highest caste in the kingdom. I cannot teach a shudra
A) Who is the speaker of the above lines?
B) Who is being addressed in the above lines?
C) Based on the given context, discuss the caste system and social hierarchy
present during that time.

Objective -
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
Q.5 Which is not one of the qualities of Eklavya?
a) An obedient student.
b) A brave archer.
c) Being ruthless to others.
d) passionate to achieve his dreams.
Q.6 Why did Guru Drona ask Eklavya for his guru dakshina?
a) He wanted to test Eklavya’s dedication and devotion towards him as his guru.
b) He wanted Arjuna to be the best archer in the world.
c) He knew that Eklavya would not give him the guru dakshina as he was weak.
d) He wanted to teach Eklavya as his guru.
Subjective - (AIS – G 46)
Answer the question in 40 – 50 words:
Q.7 What made Drona appreciate Eklavya’s skill?
Answer the following in 40-50 words.
Q 1. What special act of Eklavya stunned Guru Drona and the Pandavas?
Q2. What had Dronacharya promised Arjuna? How was he able to fulfill his promise?
Answer the following in 40-50 words.
Q1. Who of the two do you think is worthy of more respect Drona for being an excellent
teacher or Ekalavya for being a meticulous or sacrificing student.
Q2. Determination and dedication leads to success. Elaborate in context to the story of

Q1 : Do you have any society that can progress where discrimination prevails?
Elucidate with reference to Eklavya the Brave Archer.
Q2: Imagine you are Dronacharya, you feel extremely upset after seeing how
Eklavya severed his thumb when demanded as Guru Dakshina. You are filled
with remorse after this incident. Write a diary entry in 100 -120 words
expressing your feelings.
Q1. Which of the following quality does not describe Eklavya?
a. Brave
b. Determined
c. Arrogant
d. Polite
Q.2. Directions- In the following question, there are two statements marked as Assertion (A)
and Reason(R). Read the statements and choose the correct option.
Assertion (A) - Eklavya was a skilled and mighty archer.
Reason (R) - Dronacharya asked for Eklavya’s right thumb as ‘guru dakshina’.
i. Both A and R are true but R is not correct explanation for A.
ii. Both A and R are true and R is correct explanation for A.
iii. Both A and R are false.
iv. A is true and R is false.
Q. Who of the two do you think is worthy of more respect? Drona for being an excellent
teacher or Eklavya for being a meticulous or sacrificing student. Justify your answer.


1. Why did Eklavya’s father feel that his son’s ambition was not an easy one?
2. We all know about Arjuna the brave warrior. However, we get to see a
different character of Arjuna in this chapter. How is this Arjuna different from that
of the whole of Mahabharata?
3. How does the story of Eklavya tell you about the injustice done towards
people from lower castes and classes. Do you think it is still prevalent today?
4. Teachers like Dronacharya should not be taken as a general example for
teachers. Elucidate.
He accused Drona. “How can a common hunter become better than me?”
I. Who said these lines?
a. Arjuna
b. Duryodhana
c. Yudhirshistir
II. What do these lines tell us about the speaker:
a. The speaker is angry
b. The speaker is arrogant and proud of his skills
c. The speaker has no manners while talking to his Guru
III. What should Drona have done in response to this statement?
a. Slapped the speaker
b. Not respond to his satement
c. Guide and counsel the speaker on his vanity and pride

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