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NAME: Cyra B.

Sandoval DATE: March 19, 2024



Among the six characteristics presented in the lecture, for me PLEASURE is
the most closely resembles my altitude about money. I don’t believe in the saying
that “Money can’t buy happiness” because for me? It can. When I have money, I
am happy, i forget my problems and it removes my stress. I buy things or foods
that make me feel better. But then, sometimes I’m becoming too much because I
tend forgot saving money.

A. FRUGAL: People who considered as frugal are those people who have great
discipline in terms of money. They are the one who are not showy and saves more
than spending. They spend and those purchases that they have have a long term
purpose. They are thrifty and they are the ones who mostly simple. I think
people in the community who are frugal are the ones who retired early. They
wouldn’t retired early if they haven’t enough money and to think of that, for sure
they discipline themselves before when they are working and plans for their
future very well.
B. PLEASURE: People who considered as pleasure are the ones that spends their
money for enjoyment. They spent money to satisfy themselves and fulfill their
emotions. Spending for them is like therapy that makes them happy and brings
comfort. For me, the teens/youths in this generation are mostly one f the example
of pleasure in the community including me. I tend to buy and purchase things
that makes me happy even though its not that necessary to buy.
C. STATUS: People who considered as status are the ones who purchased or
spend money just to show off their status and how well they are. For example,
when a person buys an expensive bag like Louis Vuitton, we can conclude that
he/she is rich. In my opinion, most people who are like this are the influencers
who like to show off everything in their vlogs.
D. INDIFFERENCE: In my understanding, people who are considered indifference
are the ones that believes that money doesn’t connected with any of the
emotions that we people experience in a way that for example, some people
believe that money can bring happiness, some people boosts their confidence
when they have money because they can buy and show of things to other people
and sort off but for people under this category, it doesn’t bring any emotional
attachment for them. Yes for them money is important because it is everywhere,
without you are nothing since money is also a way of transaction but they don’t
rely their emotion to that. They are not materialistic and they are not on luxury.
For me, people who are under this category are the travel enthusiast. People who
like to go to adventure with the nature. For me, they are simple and appreciative.
You can see the enjoyment of those people by just wandering around, exploring
things, culture, hiking and sort off.
E. POWERFUL: Powerful are those people who uses money to buy dignity of
others, to show off how powerful they are and they use money to threaten others
for me, these type of people are absurd and greedy. An example of this are the
corrupt and guilty politicians.
F. SELF-WORTH: People who are considered as self-worth are those people
spends money because they deserve it. They spend money because it was worth
spending for because they achieve something and deserves a treat from
themselves. They are the ones who spends their money but then spending
depends on how well they are in terms of financial ability. I think the bread-
winners in the family are one of good example of a self-worth people in terms of
how they view money.

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