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The teacher will use this rubric to evaluate each group’s video. The class will be divided in to
three groups and will choose and research both primary and secondary sources about local
history of their place and make a promotional video out of it. The video will
feature/display first, the LOCAL HISTORY of the place (why was it named that place, what
significant historical events that happened in the past, the people that lived in the past with
great contribution to the place, and etc.,). Second, the HISTORICAL SITES that is located at
the chosen place such as old churches, buildings, monuments, relics and remains. Third, the
CULTURE, TRADITIONS, AND TRIVIA/FUN FACTS about the place must also be
included in the video. Lastly, since it is a promotional video, the students will need to include
the TOURIST DESTINATIONS of their chosen locality. Students can look at this rubric so
they may understand what they are being graded on.
CONTENT Accurate Information: The video 25
provides accurate historical facts and
information about the local area.
Relevance: The content is relevant to
the target audience and aligns with the
goals of the promotional video.
Inclusion of Key: The video
effectively highlights key themes,
such as significant historical events,
landmarks, and cultural influences.
Narrative Quality: The storytelling is
engaging, capturing the audience's
attention and maintaining interest
VISUALS Quality of Footage: The video 25
contains clear and visually appealing
footage, including historical images
and videos.
Storyboard Execution: The sequence
of shots follows a logical flow,
contributing to a cohesive and well-
structured narrative.
Creativity: The video demonstrates
creative approaches in storytelling,
visuals, or presentation.
Originality: The content and style of
the video distinguish it from generic
promotional materials, making it
unique and memorable

PRODUCTION Technical Quality: The video 25

demonstrates high production values,
including clear audio, appropriate
lighting, and smooth transitions. The
video must also have the duration of a
minimum of 3 minutes, and a
maximum of 8 minutes.
Editing: The use of editing software
enhances the overall visual appeal and
Music Selection: The chosen music
enhances the overall mood and tone of
the video.
Audio Quality: Voiceovers,
interviews, and ambient sounds are
clear and well-balanced.
THEME/MESSAGE Clarity of Message: The main 25
message and objectives of the video
are clear and easy to understand.
Alignment with Goals: The content
aligns with the stated goals of the
promotional video.
Call to Action: A clear and
compelling call to action is included,
motivating viewers to engage with
local history.

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