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Web Based Land Information Management System In Case of Wolaita Sodo Municiality


Information Technology

Group Members: Id
1, ASHENAFI WONAGO..............................................43637/13

2, MULUALEM MOHAMED.......................................06674/13

3, ABRAHAM GOLO......................................................03674/13

4, KALKIDAN TEKALGN.............................................25642/13

5, KURI SINTAYEHU ....................................................25335/13

Advisor’s Name: Temesign Tadese (Msc)

Sodo, Ethiopia , Date 30/07/16

Firstly we would like to thank our almighty GOD to keep as full of health to prepare and come
up with this PROJECT. At the last not the least, we would like to express our deepest
appreciation to those people who support us for successful in working of this project
Table of Contents page

LIST OF TABLE.........................................................................................................................................2

LIST 0F FIGURE…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………2


CHAPTER ONE..........................................................................................................................................4

1.1. INTRODUCTION.......................................................................................................................4
1.1.1 Background about the organization............................................................................................4
1.1.2 Introduction about the Project.....................................................................................................5
1.2. Statements of the problem................................................................................................................5
1.3 Team composition……………………………………………………………………………6

1.4. Objectives.........................................................................................................................................7
1.4.1 General objective........................................................................................................................7
1.4.2 Specific objective........................................................................................................................8
1.5. Significance of the system................................................................................................................8
1.6. Scope and Limitation........................................................................................................................8
1.6.1. Scope.........................................................................................................................................8
1.6.2. Limitation..................................................................................................................................9
1.7. Methodology....................................................................................................................................9
1.7.1. Data gathering............................................................................................................................9
1.7.2 Analysis and Design Methodology...........................................................................................10
1.7.3 Hardware and Software Used for implementation........................................................................11
1.7.4 Test methodology.........................................................................................................................12
1.4.5 Reference…………………………………………………………….………………………………………………………………………12
ADMIN Administrator

CSS Cascading Style Sheet

GIS Geographical Information System

HTML Hypertext Markup Language

LAN Local Area Network

LIMS Land Information Management System

OOSAD Object Oriented System Analysis and Design

PHP Hypertext Preprocessor

RAM Random Access Memory

SCLMS Sodo Municipality Land Information Management System

SRS System Requirement Specification

UC Use Case

UML Unified Modeling Language

List of Table Page
Table 1.1 Team Composition………………………………………………………………………………………………………….7

Table 1.2 Tame schedule……………….……………………………………………………………………………………………..9

Table 1.3 cost estimation………………………….…………………………………………………………………………………3

Table 1.4 Software Tools…………………………..……………………………………………………………………………….

List of Figure Page

Table 1.1 Waterfall Model………………………………………………………………………………………………………….2

Land information management system is the process of managing use and development of land
resource. So Sodo municipality land information management system uses a manual system to
manage lands. This leads losses of data, data redundancy, needs more man power and time,
conflict among a society, unauthorized man access to users data. Due to this reason we
developed a web based land information management system(LIMS) that facilitates various
activities taking place at Sodo municipality land management office.

To develop a proposed system we use object oriented system analysis and design methodology
and it has four main actors involving in the new system. These are Admin, staff workers
(registrar), land Owner and Tenant. We design different UML diagrams, such as deployment,
class, Use case and sequence, decomposition diagram, proposed system architecture and
persistent diagrams. To implement a proposed system we use different types of testing, Such as
system testing, integration and validation testing. Each Actor has login page and can access the
system by filling a Username and password. But actors have a privilege to access the system
determine by admin. Therefore the proposed system is secured, more user friendly and minimize
a problem of the existing system.



This chapter began by giving a brief over views of the project, background of the project,
background of the organization, objectives, limitation, scopes, significant of the proposed system
and highlights the current system problems.

Land information management system is the process of use and development of land resource.
Land is the scarce resource then we must manage those lands properly. This project is a web
Based land information management systemfor sodo municipality. It will reduce the problem in
the existing system. Since the existing system is a manual (fully paper work). So, it needs more
man power and consume time to perform an action with in a prescribed time. But, the proposed
system is more user friendly and the user can interact with it simply every time in a very where
with a LAN and it is more secured. Because we will try to authenticates the legal user by user
name and password.

1.1.1 Background about the organization

Sodo city is located 390 km of south167 km 0t south west of addid Ababa and Hawasa
respectively. The Sodo city is a political and administrative center of the Wolaita Zone and South
Ethiopia Regional State. It has a latitude and longitude of 6°54′N 37°45′E with an elevation
between 1,600 and 2,100 metres (5,200 and 6,900 feet) above sea level. The total area of the is
about 3200 hectares.the city is divided in to three sub city,7 kebeles,19 ketena and

Sodo is a center of major health and education institutions in Ethiopia. Sodo Christian Hospital
has one of the 10 surgical training centers in Africa.

• Land of this municipality is managed by sodo-logia land information management

office . The land information management office performs different activities .such as
land registration, give land to investor for building industry and give lands to an
individual and group of people for normal residence and business addition to
these activities store data in a manual manner. The land information management office

• transfer lands based on status of land use for:Industry:-Is an institution which can be
constructed in individual or organizational lands for a specific purpose.
• Business:-There are different types of business activities can be implementing on lands.
Such as building of a shop, building of hotel etc.
• Residents:-The uses of land for building homes to live.
• Mixed use:-It implies land user for residence and an industry

Much of the problems of the manual system could be avoided through developing a good system
and data management practices. Therefore, there is a need in designing better filing system,
improved data storing and retrieval mechanism to solve these problems. The current activities of
the municipalityland information management systemare complex and consuming more

Generally the proposed system will improve the main problem of the existing system by
developing more user friendly interface

1.1.2 Background about the Project

Sodo municipality land information management system uses a manual system to manage
lands .The user wants to find data, change or update and register. process is more time and
money consuming, the system is not secured. So the team members want to eliminate these
problems and others. We had been develop a web based land information management
system.The proposed system is secured , user friendly, uses less man power and time to perform
an action and the proposed system use object oriented system analysis and design
methodology , interview , questionnaires’ and observation data collection methodology . The
proposed system has four main actors. These are Admin, Land Owner, Tenant and Staff workers.
We also use water fall mode for developing the new system. The proposed system design use
UML model, such as class, use case, deployment and sequence diagrams. So to implement the
system we use different testing types and hardware and software.

1.2. Statements of the problem

Currently the existing system of the Sodo municipality land information management system is
fully manual (data storage and search, file about the owner and document identification method),
it leads to losing very sensitive data. Another problem of existing system is security issue where

anybody who enters to the record office sees owners profile and can update it as he/she want.
Due to unorganized database about the lands the municipality losses a much money and time in
every years. This led time delay to assign the land to customers. On the other hand, there is the
case where more than two individuals own one plot that raises conflict between communities.
Generally, the problem of the services delivery at Sodo municipality land management could be
put as follow.

• Data storage and retrieval system is not automated.

• There is high redundancy in data storage.

• Land preparation and allocation for investment is inefficient and time consuming that
results delays and frustration especially for investment activity .This discourages
investment activity in urban area.

• Allocation of a given pieces of land to more than one legal owner leading to conflicts.

• Cross checking manual documents of the owner by document identification method is

very difficult.

• Very late delivery of owner’s land registration

• It is less secure as it is vulnerable to unauthorized access; any one enters to the office see
owners profile, edit manual document, data theft and unauthorized data modification as
it’s accessible by anyone who has access to the room (including the janitors).

1.3 Team composition

The land information management system for wolaita sodo municipality is composed of
five members and each person has its own responsibilities and their own task in the
development of the project. The following table illustrates the division of task among the

Project Land Information Management System In Case of w/Sodo municipality

Name Id No Phone Email Responsibility

Ashenafi 43637/13 0935359071 - Manager

Wonago -Data
Mulualem 06674/13 0922354032 -Designer,
Mohamed m -group
Abraham 03674/13 0933571464 -Secretary,
Golo -programer
Kalkidan 25642/13 0915697793 -Secretary
Kuri 25335/13 0924701496 -Data
Sintayehu collector
Date 30/07/2016 E.C
Advisor Mr.Temesigen .

Table1.1 team composition

1.4. Objectives

1.4.1 General objective

The general objective of this project is develop and implement web based Land
information management system for Sodo Municipality.

1.4.2 Specific objective

Specific objects are objectives which support to achieve the main objective. The project has the
following specific objective

• Gather requirement from customer and analysis these requirements that much
with customers want

• Design a land information management system

• Implementing the system

• Testing the system

• Improve access to land record information

• Make a system more user friendly

• Develop efficient and secured data base.

1.4.3 Feasibility analysis

Feasibility is a measure of how beneficial and practical the development to fan information system will be
.Given enough time, money, and personnel, almost all system project sure feasible. Feasibility studies
provide the information that allows management to:

 Pick one of several possible alternative systems that meet the requirements.

 Decide if a system project should proceed to the next phase.

 Choose between several systems projects that must compete for the samese to flimited

Economic feasibility

Economic feasibility is a measure of how cost effective the proposed solution will be. It is
possible to develop the proposed system in minimum cost and also can be hosted in lower price.
The Land information management system can be used after completion free of cost.

Operational feasibility

Operational feasibility is a measure of how well the solution will work in the organization. Operational
feasibility is dependent up on the human resources available for the system. This web based system for
Land information management in Wolaita soddo municipality will attain its desired objectives. it will

minimize the amount of effort to do all through manually. And it will perform the basic content
management functionality.

Technical Feasibility

Technological feasibility measures the practicality of a specific technical solution to the problem. It is
also a measure of the availability of technical resources and expertise. Technical feasibility is assessing
the organization‘s ability to construct the system. We expect that, the system can be operated in simple
way and all users can access easily by giving some training for them.

1.4.4 Schedule of the project

This project is expected to be completed in two semesters of 2016/2024 GC academic year.
Some parts of the project component to be completed in the first semester are up to design and
activities such a simple mentation, testing and maintenance would complete in the next semester
including other minor activities.

Time schedule

Gant Chart



No. TaskName Apr25,2016May25,20161Jun88,2016Ju25,2016Agu10,2016

1 Requirement

2 System

3 System

4 System

5 Operation

Table1.2 time schedule

Cost estimation


No. Item Quantity Priceperitem Totalprice

1 Paper 20 5birr 100

2 USBflash 1 500 500

3 Pen 5 30birr 150

4 Personal Computer 1 20000 20000

5 Print 50 10 500

6 Binding 1 100 100

Total coste 21350

Table1.3 cost estimation

1.5. Scope Of The Project

1.5.1. Scope
Sodo municipality is subdivided into different organs like: land information management, house
information management and water information management etc. Among this our projects
emphasis on web based land information management system of Sodo Municipality. The project
attempt to

• Design a system that could be applicable to Sodo municipalityland information

management office.

• The system is web based and mainly used for land registration.

• The user can view parcel information and post notes

• The user can access their land information anywhere, any time with in local area network.

• The system can count free and occupied lands

• The system can support to show total areas of land

• The system can check whether user pay taxes or not by view land owners tax report. The
tax report contains receipt number, amount to pay, payer name, date and so on.

1.6. Significance of the system

The aim of this project is to develop a web based system for Sodo municipality land information
management system. Land is scarce resources that manage carefully and gives crucial role play
in the economy. So, efficient and Careful managing is required to make the best of it. Since the
existing filing system is in manual manner (data storage and search, file about the owner and
document identification method) it leads to losing very sensitive data.

So the project:

• Emphasizes on automating database that store and retrieve documents about owner of the

• Helps Sodo municipality land information management to avoid delay in service

delivery, enhancement activities.

• Ensures security issue by developing password protected data base.

• The staff workers (registrar) to registering a land with in LAN

• The staff workers easily to show vacant lands with a minimum amount of time.

• Staff worker print certificate paper with in a required format a short period of time, such
as pdf, doc.

1.7. Methodology Data collection

1.7.1. Data gathering

methods are the most important part of our project to find the main requirements of system and
how to understand the system is does. To gather the information we use the following data
collection methods that mentioned as follow:-

• Interview: to gather information from representatives of the Sodo municipality land
administration (Mr. Fatahun yonas) in order to get crucial information we need for the
project and also from direct users regarding the procedures of residents registration and
documentation system.

• Document analysis: our team members can analysis the existing manual document for
land registration form and investor license form[4]

• Direct observation: even though interview is very important to gather information,

direct observation is simple and we project team members physically observe information
that cannot maintain from the interview or others and also it is important if they are
unable to communicate with others because of the difficulties they have to the language.

1.7.2 Analysis and Design Methodology

For our proposed system we preferred the object oriented system analysis and design (OOSAD)
approach, which is by using unified modeling language (UML). This is because it includes the
overall features of OOSAD. The other reason is that using object-oriented programming we can
write clear, more reliable, more easily maintained programs. Many methodologies have been
developed and introduced in order to implement SDLC (System Development Life Cycle). We use
water fall model to develop a system.


Although each method follows certain different techniques and steps, they have the same
development phases (planning, analyzing, designing, testing and implementation) there are many
system development methods known today, but the methodology we use system design

methodology. This method follows a proto type approach which moves logically from one phase to
the next. The works done in each phase need to be approved by the project advisor before it can
proceed to the next development phase.
We preferred Object-oriented approach for the following advantages: -
 To simplify the design and implementation of complex programs.
 Increase reusability: support reusability of code
 Increased extensibility: to add and change the existing module without affecting the rest
of the program
 To make it easier for teams of designers and programmers to work on
 To decrease the burden of maintenance.

1.7.3 Hardware and Software Used for implementation

We use different hardware and software tools to develop this project

A. Software Tools

These are tools that we need to develop our system. Before starting our project, the software
tools should install and ready to use.


Software Purpose

Notepad++,Notepad visual For editing php, css and html codes

studiocode editor

Edraw max or visual To draw UML diagrams


Xamp server To run php code

Microsoft word 2010 To edit the documentation of the project

mysql server To test mysql database

Sniping tool For sniping (cutting or re shape) images.

Back end:

XAMP server and Php

Front end:

• HTML, Css, JavaScript

• Html: To create web applications forms

B. Hardware tools:

• Printer: for printing document we are developing.

• Paper, pencil, pen for writing the requirement.

• Pen drive (USB flash): For transferring data from one pc to another pc.

• Personal Computer: for doing the entire application (documentation and code).

1.7.4 Test methodology

• Testing is a process used to identify the correctness, completeness and quality of
developed computer software.

• The aim of testing is to discover bugs in the software.

• During the implementation of the system the team members will be expected to conduct
the following testing.

1. Unit test: every developer and analysis tests each module.

2. Integrated test: the integration of two or more modules will be tested by taking sample test
data for its functionality.

3. System testing: after the whole integration of all expected system modules, the whole system
tested using sample.

1.7.5. Limitation
• The system Use Only English language. Hence it does not support local language.

• The system not support licensee for the investor .it is simply give information whether or
not the land is vacant

• The system needs a local area network connection(LAN)

• The system does not support maps of the lands and GIS. But the system can upload the
maps of the lands as image from a local machine (computer).

• The system doesn’t integrated with bank system. Because it needs additional time to do
the bank system.

1.8 Risk Assessment & Management

The unavailability of data source (information gathering) on time may extend the project
completion time. We will manage this problem by searching information from
sodo municipality management office.

Damaging the computers that we work on, it will be managed by using backup.

Unavailability of internet also another problem we will use other reference materials

Shortage of Time. We managed such problem by using additional time from our rest

Virus can attack our project. We used updated antivirus to manage this problem. Power
fluctuation problem. It is using laptop that have high power pack up sare used.

1.7.4 Reference
 [1] M. G. Magondu, D. N. Kuria and M. M. Ngigi,’’ WEB-BASED LAND
 [2] Esiefarienrhe Michael Bukohwo et a, “The Design and Implementation of Land
Management Information System (LMIS), Bauchi State Ministry of Lands and Survey”, Vol.
5 No. 05 May 2014.
 [4] Manual documents of wolaita sodoMunicipality land information management system
A TOOL OF LAND RECORD MANAGEMENT.’’ , B/50/8196/2001,B.A (Land
Economics) Hons, Nairobi University
 [6]UNECE (United Nations Economic Commission for Europe). ‘Land Administration
Guidelines ‘. Geneva, 1996
 [7] (Proclamation) Federal negarit gazette (the whole document is depend on this article
because we concern Land registration in the case of Ethiopia)
 [8] M. G. Magondu1, D. N. Kuria2 and M. M. Ngigi1. ‘WEB-BASED LAND
 [9] Dhal, N (Brig), Goel, S.P, Ravi, S. and Kiran, D. K.S (1995) Development of modern
Technology for Cadastral surveys and Land Information system. Indian Cartographer vol 15.
1995 pp 111-112.
 [10] Kite, Software testing in the real world: Improving the process. Reading, MA: Addison
Wesley, 1995.
 [11] L.B., Cost Estimation for Software Development, Wokingham: Addison-Wesley, 198
 [12] R. Martin, the Process Object Oriented Analysis and Design, Addison Wesley, 19987.
 [13] S. a. M. Shaler, Object Oriented Systems Analysis: Modeling the World in Data, Engle
wood Cliffs: Yourdon Press, 1988.
 [14] C. Jacobsen. I, Object Oriented Software Engineering, Wokingham: Addison-Wesley,


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