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Filipinos “Gullibility”: Its impact to the future generation

The term gullible is often referred to as Filipinos because we are known for believing

everything that we see online, even though it is fake we still believe with what the article or post

is saying. Nevertheless, these articles suggest trolls to comment online as well as to make their

viewers believe that it is true. More likely, it is some kind of phishing that is continuous to every

individual in the media.

So far, the generation now are more aware compared to the adults that uses social

networking sites. The generation now can help future generation to be able to know which is

more credible than those that are not. The generation now sees to it that everything that they will

see online needs to have a fact check whether it is supported by a credible source or a scientific

source where they can trust where the article is coming from.

In the future generations, these generation can help you learn not to be gullible when

you’re online. The generation now sees to it that all facts are straight before publishing it so that

the next generation will lessen the gullible side of each Filipinos.

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