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PROVISIONS OF LAW RELATING TO ELECTORAL OFFENCES AND CORRUPT PRACTICES IN CONNECTION WITH ELECTIONS A\SFo RIgros* Achire agowiop & SANE SUsSeorvon Skog Noosars2 ELECTION COMMISSION OF INDIA Ninvdchan Sadan, Ashoka Road, New Dali-110001, Fax 011-29713412 Website: wwwecinicin smal youngelectors@ecigovin youngelecors@gmallcom PROVISIONS OF LAW RELATING TO ELECTORAL OFFENCES AND CORRUPT PRACTICES IN CONNECTION WITH ELECTIONS 2011 ELECTION COMMISSION OF INDIA Nirvachan Sadan, Ashoka Road, New Dati-1000, Fax. O11-23713412 Website: wwwec.nicin malt youngelectors@ecigovin youngelectors@gmallcom NN ELECTORAL OFFENCES AND CORRUPT PRACTICES AT ELECTIONS The Election Commission of India has been approached by individuals and organizations with requests to create awareness among the electorate of the country on various malpracties resorted to by the candidates or thelr representatives during the elections held to the two Houses ‘of Parliament and Legislature of the States) UTs and to enlighten them on the complaint redressal mechanism available, penal actions provided under law, for such offences and malpractice. There are several offences related to elections, listed in the Representation of the People Act 1951, and in the Indian Penal Code. For convenience of reference and understanding of the various penal provisions related to elections, these provisions are indicated in this booklet. These provisions of the law also show commensurate punishment provided for these offences. The Commission has uploaded on its website various provisions of Law relating to electoral offences and corrupt practices in connection with elections and has also published Compengiums and Handbooks for reference of the Electoral Management machinery, but a ready reference book forthe information of ordinary citizens and electorate was not available. Therefore, this booklets being brought out for reference and information of the general publicas wellas other stake holders, who may fnditusefl WM PROVISIONS OF LAW RELATING TOELECTORAL OFFENCES AND CORRUPT PRACTICES IN CONNECTION WITH ELECTIONS public meeting or procession in [connection with an election; or (| cisplay to the pubic any election matter by means of cinematograph, television or other similar apparatus; o (c) propagate any election matter to| public by holding, or by arranging the holding of, any musical concert or any theatical performance or any other entertainment or amusement with a | view to attracting the members ofthe pubic thereto, in any poling area during the period of forty-eight hours lending with the hour fixed for the| conclusion ofthe pol forany electonin thepolingarea, 3 [Acting or inctng others to act in isordery manner ata public meeting, Hor the purpose of disturbing the meeting si] Brief Description of offence Section! | Type | Punishment N Rules | ELECTORAL OFFENCES CONCERNING MEETINGS: 1 [Promoting or attempting to promote on] See 125 of the [cognizable] 3 years ground of religion, race, caste,| Represen- Imprison- community or language, feeling of| tation ofthe ment enmity or hatred, between diferent] People Act, orfine classes ofthe zens ofindia, | 1951 and orboth | Seaton 1538 wuts ofthe IPC 2 [Prohibition of public meetings during| Sec 126 of the| _Non- | 2 years Period of forty-eight hours ending with] Represen- |Cognizable|_imprison- te hour xed forthe concusion ofthe} tation ofthe ment pol: No person shall — (a) convene,| People Ac, orfine hold of attend, jin or address any} 1951 or both OFFENCES CONCERNING VEHICLES 7 ]FFany person legally Fires or procures| ac 427 ofthe| Non- | © months any vehicle forthe free conveyance of| Represen- |Cogrizable|imorison- any elector other han the cancidates| tation of the ment himself, member of his family or his| People Act, orfine agent, to or from any poling station) 1951 or both. commits anoffence CONCERNING OFFICERS | PERSONS INVOLVED IN ELECTION DUTY 1.|Every officer, clerk , agent, or other| Sec 128 ofthe} Non | 3 months person who performs any duty in| Represantation|Cognizable| impison- Jconnection with the recording | of the People ment and counting of votes at and election shall] Act, 1951, fine maintain the secrecy of the voting. ls violation constiutesan offence. 2 No offal connected with conduct of| Sec 129 ofthe | Cognizabe| 6 months elections shal do any act (other than| Representatio. imprison siving of vote) forthe furtherance of he |" ofthe People iment or fine prospects ofelaction of any candidate, | Act, 1951 ‘or both 3 [Breach of official duty, without] Sec 734 of he Cognizabie Fine upto reasonable cause, by any person) Represen- IRs.s00/ involved in any dutyin connection wth|_ ‘tion ofthe {3 months anelecton | People Ac, imprisonment | 1951. lorfine or bot F|Any person in the senioe of the] Sec 134A0f | Non. —|3 months [Goverment acing as an election) the Represen- |Cognizable|imprison- agent ora poling agent ora counting} tation ofthe ment or agent ofa candidate at en election. ee fine or both | "AT OR NEAR POLLING STATION ON ‘THE DATE(S) OF POLL 7 [Prohibition on the date(s) ofpollof: | Seo 130 ofthe Cognizable] Fine upto (2) canvassing in or near poling) (Remsen Rs. 250/-. station; or Poo Ace {b)solctingthevoteofanyelectoror | 1954 A MM (c) persuading any elector not to voie| forany particular candidate; or (4) persuading any elector not to vote atthe election; or (6) exhibiting any notice or signther| than an official notice) relating tothe election. 2 [Any person shouting in a disordery| Sec 131 ofthe| On the | months ‘manner ot using loudspeakers,| Represen- | orders of | imprison Imegaphones etc, s0 as to distur the| tationcfthe | the | -ment or pol inoraround the poling station can] People Act, | Presiding |fine or both be arrested and such apparatus| 1951. | Officer, selzedby any pole officer. Police can| arrest the offender, 3 [Misconduct by any person inthe] Sec 132 ofthe |Cognizable| S months poling station, or disobedience of| Represen- imprison lawful directions of the Presiing| ‘ation of the -ment or Officer may resuitin that person being| People Act, fine or both removed from the poling station by] 1951 any poe offcer on duty. Any person| lwho has been so removed from a poling station reenters the poling station without the permission ofthe presiding officer can bearested AGAINST CARRYING OF ARMS: 1 ]lNo person, other than the Retuming] Sec 134B of [Cognizable| 2 years Officer, the Presiing Officer, any| the Represen- imprison. polce offcer or any other person) talon of the ment or appointed to maintain peace andorder| People Act, ine or both atthe poling station who is on duty at) 1954 the poling station, shal, on a poling day, go armed with arms (a cfined in the Arms Act, 1959) within the neighbourhood of poling sation. Ihe does so, he commits an offence Uy, a AU "AGAINST TAMPERING OF EVNS/ BALLOT PAPERS _ 1 JI the Presiding Officer of a poling|Sec 135 fthe| Onthe | year's station has reason to belive that any| Represen- | orders of | imprison person has removed ballot paper or| tation ofthe | the | mentor EVM outof poling station, such officer| People Act; | Presiding| fine or both, may arrest or direct a police officer to] 1954. Officer, larest such person and may search Police can| such person or cause him to be arrest the searched by apolce officer. offender. 7 [Booth capturing is an offence. Booth| Sec T25Act [Cognizable 3.6 years capturing’ includes — 1. seizure of a the Represen- imprison- poling staton ora place fixed for the| tation ofthe ment and poll by any person making poling) People Act, fine, if ‘authorities surrender the ballot papers| 1951. offence ‘or voting machines; 2. or allowing ony committed tis or ther onn supporters to exercise by parson thir right to vole and preventcnerce in govt. others from tre exercise oftheir right service , to vote; 3 seizure of a place for and 1 to3 counting of votes. ‘yrs and fine for others, T |iF any person fraudulently defaces or Sec 198 ofthe |Cogrizable) 2 years ‘reudulent destroys any ballot paper| Represen- racer or EVM or the official mark on any| tation ofthe ar belt paper or EVM or puts into any| People Act, ae: ballot box anything other than the] 1954 commited ballot paper, or pastes any paper by any tapes etc. on the symboll names/ballot| aa button of EVM forthe purpose ofthe employed on election commits anoffence. flection duty, and 6 |_ months imprisonmen tor fine, for others. TT YU MMM ‘AGAINST DENYING SOMEONE RIGHT TOVOTE 1 |Non-granting of paid holiday to the|Sec 1358 of] — Non- lemployees entitled to vote onthe date| the Represen- | Cognizable| ofthe polly the employer. tation of the: People Act, 19511 Fine upto Rs, 500. CHECKING THREAT/ INDUCEMENT OF VOTERS: 1 ]Whoever forces or intimidates a member of SC/ST not to vote oro vote 2 particular candidate oF to vote in a manner other than that providedby law | commits an offence, the Scheduled ‘Trives(Prevent| Gties)Act, 1989 Sec.) (vi) |Cognizable| ofthe ‘Scheduled Castes and ion of Ato 2 |Bribery— (1) Whoover— (0) gives a gratification to any person with the object of inducing him or any other person to exercise any electoral right or of rewarding ary person for having exercised any) suchright,or (i) accepts ether for himself or fr any ther person any gratification as a reward for exercising any such tight or for inducing or attempting to induce any other person to cexertise any such right, commits the offence of bribery: Provided that a decaration of pubic policy fa promise of public action shall not be an offence under this section (2) A person who offers, or agro to give, oF offers or attempts to Procure, @ gratification shall be| deemed togive'a gratfication Sections | Non- ATABII7AE of | Cognizable| the Indian Penal Code. year's imprisonm entorfine or both ](@) A person who obtains or agrees to) | T accept of aiempls to obisin a | | agralfication shall be deemed to | accept a gratification, anda) person who accep a oratcaton asamoive for doingwhat ne does not intend todo, ors a reward for doing what he has not done, shal be deemed to have accepted the graifcation as reward 3 Undue influence atelection— (1) Whoever volurary interferes of] Sections | Non- | 1 year’s altempis to interfere with the free] 171C/171F of | Cognizable| imprison- exercise of any electoral rght| the Indian et commits the offence of undue} Penal Code. a , influence atan election. Without prejudice tothe generality ‘ofthe provisions of subsection(), whoever- (a) threatens any| ccandidate or voter, or any person in whom a candidate or vote i] interested, wit injury of any kind, ‘or (b) induces or attempts to] induce a candidate or voter to| bolleve that he or any person in Whom he s interested wil become ‘or will be rendered an object of Divine displeasure or of spiritual pleasure, shall be deemed to| interfere with the free exercise of the electoral right of such| candidate or voter, within the| ‘meaning sub-section (1) declaration of pubiic policy ora promise of public acon, or the| mere exercise of a legal right vithout intent to interfere with an] electoral right, shall not be| (2) 8) deemed tobe interference wit the meaning ofthis section. ‘4 Personation atelections.— |Whoever at an election apples fora] —Secions ‘voting paper or votes in the name of] 171D/171F of any other person, whether living or| the Indian ‘dead, or in a fictitious name, or who| Penal Code. having voted once at such election lapplies at the same election for a| voting paper in is own name, and |whoever abets, procures or attempts | 0 procure the voting by any person in| Jany such way, commits the offence of| [personation at an election: Provided that nothing in this section shall apply| to a person who has been authorised to vote as proxy fr an elector under |any law forthe time being in force in so far as he votes as a proxy for such| elector. Cognizable 4 year's imprison- ment or fine or both 5 | Whoever with intentto affect the result] Sec 1716 of ofan election makes or publishes any| the indian statement purporting tobea statement| Penal Code, of fact whichis false in relation to the| personal character or conduct of any| candidate commits acrime. Non- Cognizable| Fine 6 [Whoever without the general or| Sec 17H of special authority in writing of a} the Indian candidate incurs or authorizes} Penal Code. ‘expenses on account of the holding of fany public meeting, or upon any] advertisement, circular or publication, orn any other way whatsoever for the purpose of promating or procuring the| election of such candidate, Provided that it any person having incurred any such expenses not exceeding the [amount often rupees without author Non- Punishment rizable with fine which may extend to five hunred rupees. obtains within ten days fom the dae] con which such expenses wer incurred the approval in writing of the candidate, he shallbe deemed to have cured. such expenses with the author ofthe candidate, Statements creating ot promoting] Se.605 2) of | Comtzabeimprsonme! lenmity, hatred or wil between| the Indian nt upto eA BK Doane, “ange doerDs RYS0NS Mow, 48 Kobe SPothibos aQKo BONE devsioS sargasd Hf, do ros WSS dor asks POSSro - (Saoss SEQOURAR AYyrostio, Br 83 Sone Fonwo, ded DEBS Ger dens, wats Ost seegires efoto So | BsgtIo Vso. | 3 [88 m0 Berssinddo, wtrton | Bess | eye | Gee See Sdrderow sarrg | Wt Sgo | ae sort AB %05' WHS Si wxstoos? |1951 355 | | So Jeg0 Seite, Musen Hhowstso, | 127 Neer sehossstorr WwsQowito. Bevo ee | tonopd aire Bond apitdes L [888 0939 55h, SS] Ga@od |oS-| saeco oenoenD8 Bar ef Skotme | Avg Seo | oS jee [DbSeHov0d, OSB HGS BOOK |1951 2YS] wd | oan FRRSE wserh8, BOA Seas | 153 | sos dinSo8. arsed, eGo | Soto BEES Bor Suey FSO 860. | AQ trySS? at Songs ebaeligioes ago GSare* wo sg | Gorse [ws -| 3 a00 Sart 8, dor Sod GSadE* | dy Syo | oye [servo SO GB wOH, 46) dor [1951 2S] wd | Seo Fy] Bact, dor sboods mh | 128 |sesnm AIEEE Stoen Egos axBer, | Sao ao es Somobod srg cae = BO0d Sieg Ome aome. 609 agosos we a 880. _ 2. |gES Rigras? den Sosos | Begro | ene | 6 S00 s eOs6, gee Sef D | ngs Syo | wd | aeoay G8 GScrnvORS, a6 O08 |1951 NES eo sa '§) Dtosio6 Biber Gin [129 wed abs Aabto amissstonod) Sigua, br 80 agoibs Sybays S80. Botte 3, [Ake Aigrat Sonohod, 5 | CESS [ane [elie SHO SAS Seo Stour ss | Os Syo | wd | t.500/] epros nop abgossimses, [1051 38 = Str 4, [SDN Redes NE goS* a HB, | Gers | wS - 8, ARES dBotm dor | Noy Sgo | eye BDO Boe Bor Fodok [1951 BS] oe daotorr, ANSE Senso. | 134 O) is (sso AASo The) we, BOK HAS 5 Bar Se: 1. [aR STE (eo) ms Motergen: 2) BADOR QAS stoaes dor 3g | emo lone SaMGhoh (GHG) Tazo, | Nyg syo | md do" 1951 gS B) 5B bbw bin sie |? FPP? Sos stseio; or 1d) OSBar Lethe Sera wayGs fut BAKED BeyLho; ae 8) DsBar Lertoe AQ wren stn Bayya Bardo Saigo; bo Js) OSe% Sonchods oper wee Se wow, (Gees FSwx) Dss'on0d Bago, 2) |ASBaP Hh wahoSSStorr Derr | emda | SOK eSScio, PERS srdtho, | nay suo | ME Roratig Bospsd svete. |1951 ays (He Basses SDK S68 BayBotn08. 131 Geto) Fras, S98 DOOR HS soges, |!) EFM) TE eS winSoh FSrAD Pry BOS whsb aye, see oo SO) OR dads, Babs] 3) [ROR Base asee SG] Gees ene | seo edeSdorr GSQoddo der | a; Syo | wd [gem dw PEK G4 oh) Syarggs [1951 335 een ra PBoSSSto Sos [182 Servo] ao @RBOA eb Deow soso | Bote Sexvbibo8. SOS Sots DEBT | Boss Soghé* ax SDS h45 Stic | Say S80 88 Hod | |ecthint Sencar, OSBr ce pdbew SobodS SB, 38h MORSE BIEL, OBAA ofiSE MO wHHE® Het HBO [eogdansy 4, wdiapors SoeStye On acti: 1) |6OQF @bS5, GPEA whas, | SES [Ere | Bone ASB BOM Sh55 Sor SDK | HH So | ms | Be Ay RRSS 08 gion eases |1901 BES ea Basmons ospr wpe | SAO — SwSsstov00, Boh dame | SF? Kod DDE SBF waiocrent 5 er aotine (hy ang 195: Doow D80005 Geto ) SOK Has $x) SOSrE Se . DSBw er SOA dol at Sto BOS artorr SOrdoxeatiores, 1, [adooe: ee BSQq godo Sacto: 1) [es S08 SeSe' BOOK | Bardo [eget] 1 sore Job85, a5Dar 8 arBHS Sse | Des digo | BSS | geo 4g, SonoePeD SmyS Sor DIG x [1951 DES] yO |” dor DOR SES odbos BBeso | 185 | Ae | wean Sob, Sut whist w HED | Sev PLS so 60h Badsiy dor cogdat ax Be | Bom 200K ee oe Sosisr ae | os Bayly, © H§ Shio BES 5 85 | 280% nee a fest] Sor Sod Sse) oS SOS ohO8 Beye, 2) and eihtohi e868 By So: “ar si0oh woil” 1) BOK RAS as6s0 | Gros Gee dxrstSoo ae ‘sock B | Rap Spo = sepa BBe00% S°DOK Eowsos" axigar [1951 TES angered 8, 185 @) 3-5 Beso sae BOoK eprom oh soe Be Sam do kbc ake oats Bybso Sabi ecto; dor 80% 2) 8% dor 85 Os HH eee lerdses, Somsiqgod bes eee SabDiigho, Doter ON SH Eto n smo Ayre DNaehoioet Dégtorr “eyBiSdo, Gass Boistio. 3) key Bad Bdeg ahs Saeco” 2, [aSr He eared, Sar wed | Geese [one | 2y80 Fea eDOSom Seth | nog ago | md | 24 Hoitio, DurReo dor Bs |1951 BES se S85 Pr BOD OPS ©8508 |196 Beso bse MOqo% SwiHowto weds sip 38, Dsbrrhor 38 sdog, rod ow he Sdabtio, Spa Baeow Bes Ege BhGs PHD woo by, BSte8 Eda obS PS woboiiéo a ANS Agraso Swot Be SBhoséo wh Ado Bod mee SErBosersbos. Daow oy tie Scaor GBxoBosstio :~ D |obedrd 8S SS SO dS | eee |oe-| adiyoot BOON’ dba ano | Deg sigo | eye 500-0 ban seo Doemocotsocn | 58 AD wd | Behm BQow S88 ZomHGarsy | 195 © or SSb0ssaSCO Esto Bertie BBC0% , Syd dadio:- | a mel | 5. Sh) oof | md 1) [asgar sd a8 08.8, 08.6 eo | te Schercein emstsio, | ‘pe Bow weigs te Said lasts a6 Besodo Babto, do seo | wersds BOBSEgT Eoc BS O¥orr less, 1980] SSQouto, Storr senda. | 6 ags 3a) vib Beso 2 leowo i= (1) asper HE a8 GEO | sodas Son Ltndobibd nodose dS, sms | £5 5 [ere loose eSso, Por bb. ssp [ALY IT1| wd | doe DIBrMowdos Soc, Tor |O/ 171 a SOs er08 sy SCO od DOAPhoswijows aswssarr Botte Gages asgio dx (2) blo reiyh DOE rMorswiowy Is 80 Er asthe S60 Atos WOSHR Awvoosso Sa BED eosodo Ueto Bo Pesosom assarag [eoQowstc, woo ‘xyes S8orr SSrisosatioran, Joon af Gar Dero Bots Bor Ger SUE ertiorr BS Sosdh, a bes os Brsstoncs anion SG HG SOS ways dor fasgerO8 wohtoosens dor Bsostsrns dar eis A SOoSG8 [SaBosso, ois Systorr @rDaeto, 3) axe weohStoxio, de Pas Bios'scd8 soheso Bostic tro cove &yktemd POR. dx Sar dyes ASB HG oY, ocwbo RsSB0%40, S98 wofiswo Eton sobsesesdo. joesosom adsto, bbs SchSotsts Gaseor Sos Bago SwREHSo SusEs oomes EeSoDStyrd eros Sob SiO dQseR edoe Beso sirsesor jasper 8 Ayyr si i [reyko Daarhowsfaxyoom Sghodor wmyscéo sax SBE, ANSE swt GwrSo cwstiorr gD0d, Borr Ba. s086S5 bad 85 ah 171 afin 5 mS - tye ad Ko Sorts eer abi Bote 85 DES (1) 6 BOS Forde AGLERSED wHHOOD, Dtnsod wirdindgren Stor, 2580- 1) d wah Sor Et Sor DSB 38 BS SxBe weg dor LO 68 Spbd, PODT Mme wd masse Boe D) ep0%éo Bo ete = ib BS tbe Peyto, Sitithio ahQ agidaren Log HIsiHS Brsos Io BSSEDS Side Gerdes’, re Faggyr ktm Sb amigo BES S085 Kom SOoNScso Storr god ptsiboa, Ser Ors Bes Sr Ger aSaeK args, Sor IAySo Lo sins! dio AxB om OES ONT Bint, & BES Ss80~Lkn Six artsehibore Ehigo Seoshsio DOME. DSS 280 SHEE Eig Seotio (Gor beg) aR BSS Sho Exh, SOUEODS arth Ew OS at mo by bs doe Oar SOySbobS aRSE LBOK DSE8%0 Soe Faddo dor 88 a8 Seotns dm btm dadeto, Ser ed ase 35 Sxohoo Bend, B0A Sk) E6oR O55 86, EBcborNs WStio, ISGr ip oSto EBHOM BSE srovsdio, Sgoso Awstsso dr} DEORE Moms Sto, SSE Son btn Big Sto od SErBosetss08. Joond, aS Litt exrendt ai SQr¥0, wi Ob) Lotor DSRS DESED SRO [Seo Let ah) kbar SgSirOod SBS ad SQoses. so865S | eye &s5 | wd SEED fag& 171 a/in 8 Bou sorte adSear Bote DEES 6&8 SPEao 60D Eo GSS MON, AR¥o Se BSerddo Shorr Sagonw sr a PSmhowSi Gb, 08 Dertnd? arxiied ddd, Ket 38 Sto abSenrr Soros aderth. ati asm orig oe pte do BEE COE OS PHY wri Show, Densob ofrtot ss Dégkroder, [sos Doseddar, Sox0Seo ayer, Seset xboIm dx SE Sxgostaw Sarto Ther © DQLE weit egiQ SS 1800 dero8 arto Seton, Tessseo wiorde0rr SQHE BHT, HIBS wiys, gs Kyat Boohdasro. Joand Hitt 48, Savrdrabot Rodtboa Sh siete esiioD Stor ARKo spaorr Scbissty, cond eer Syab0 dS SHS mos C8 rc PEPE wHHSd Aysoowd. leone 699, eGscv0 eHSVSS HSYTASOYT PDR. ScReHbey Seyeho Sor sigs bar hoe soho otroder Say | Gsorren Savvo, J2SBa, Deosiod AUR Ser OY, SrbHS wrds wh, dor eo HSSIDS FG, Geo Sy spose Eo Geto Saxts Bo, So, Br, obs bse 6 evo Bone Soe a wodto acne 99S (BE¥0, DaPSo, ws, Hoo aa Syo do siigr soto eqrsorr ads 8yas0, Jesirgerso, dor te6Dardbo Sone Sezstto... dor 225 Lour0 Lot, Sie Lot, ore: or ole ee eg ern dor spon ses BHT DSHS GSose, Soden, Sabo SR Bor grad SOPs 8 DGR. AN0 ode) SSS PENSE, D8 abies dor SofoHD sod G0 wero 408 8 [Sep BADE SMEpodtio, | SHS |F5-| sem Bor wegY szngoDs wSudsset | Och Seo | ye] Bo Sx Fos SirrrgH rods, ae ee) SHEDS Segoe, | 3s al Eso AQS LY eer Soa0do0 | weds [ws -| Ison Log ender Soi SSiee Ber | 90h Sgo | eye |B aE SOiddbSo Sor Op bh Sart | 1950 | ad | oe Scotiod? Spt Siimmto | PEE abs sigto. 31 Beso do Bove 1. (D8 degrade ag wGeED mobisthtie / mbdaato. 1. [OSB Ssoswerso age D8 | aodadS | sryps | 2 G08 Digrad’ 4% eheop doses | SsdsE | ms | 10 Scr eras 8 Scbto der | PER 352 Bono PSBRLO, rabstytio dyderys | /233/ sosr 860. ~ 353 wore evo ee BS Sires / PE [Bok OF / Serbo 9000. 1 jasper anse ded exggo SEHS Kn|God ANYo Warren, BR oF 2G, Howe Sir Sod rss SSNSOM TORS BobS Hoc sss 28, DSS! SEF SoBOrd. m5 - rhe ad 6 dee ge tg dc om, 250/- © pa aor 2) SB SSE, acess Soe argo 28 eehp ds dor 50 aot dor 3S osBE HB ds JsegQS eohvoosebs dior, ep eS) oQge SB Bs |SSB0sadS aivsrso, D SEBO Sky Storr Sor Jd DGOrP wiigerstio. a) osBar dQSE eaOre éeaeade ae yee DImoswas dor (wegQego R8iom Tor Dio Saotoor soticrnl) dor; 8) aS bie age 3S Een Acorns, dor Ltn Acosoor netposmas, doe sms isgeOs- D ad weap ogee ad Bosons Eo deatssom Srdoierns, Ser (SS wasHaiQ0) assorrbots Stiwas soe | axisoxroosshoom Exanot sons Fo ex sQr [Beronier8 do; Gereo Des Sto 195i ES 125) Srto é 88°d dor grOowsetowsob. ne onde igserdmex 1. feowe:- ii) a8 Lot Bm Sdwots Ear btn Sabthowr SStwoce 2) Oper sobs sto dor COGS ScrOs whos, Sar BBsoo, SAS sei Srejorr dor sritrr Brotso- 2) 8 SY wapQrr DontierDs Sor Readtborr aowierns Sor ONG ESSAENE (aS Somrbats dor wags 45 Soir dodaberns, dor; 2) ape SEds eaiget, eo HWAGET bo Fassoou wer’ Sor Ltn SaoarN8, Ser sedostyens do aosod DGS” GobAosso, sor e389 SS SasQe50 Sonesosiion setae (BSSOSSt%, BSSoHSO Srser08 Bh wadepo) 2 DSbSRS Gers: Beyorr Se Boor, styo BE OAS'stio, 8 Sg Eo 68D Saot S655 Soo Tasso 9 as| ibe, te orm sano ior (ees eofstost Sor 8D dBm sofistos*) etyStito... Georro 3a go 1951 RES 12312) Beto Eee TIS dnosie® SHS00D, AMET 48 woil, SdS- 1) OSBar wehQ Sor AxBT bets dor OSBr HG PS SFY wig SOAS TEA, LOGI NiyoHoseio dor Pabst, Sar D N6Bar a) Rots Gotiien Pabilo, 60 Bdsodros, [SSITOS BSerd8o Sabiio Sor Ssasgs BerSo SrSSo, Sit weep Bor Lest Sib Eto srSyho DREPRODE SON GePDSO Sattio, 8 ger Eos Stan. feond ak Gees Os GES Sor a8 HE Gidves arBSo, Scr E800 BxS BS DDErHow So ASSO HY di SS Sy96' ago debs eomerr oases th ger God BAB RaSiFonoigen aaron, 3. [asp ea dor 68d dB0t, | Boa 7) dor Sb O86 ph wom e€§8 | fee spo ome wofstos’, dor ed da08 |" ays BAABE* Sihv Lo, 31, eo, 2 ood go do ws do wh weso | ME eee Sos &to dobmas do den | 1238) Co Bohtoor AsgryEs Hoyt | Gevo ‘Betatio daispe, ceri SosS6ne os tigen Stosgpes dor THO a wESSpto der anbdvoroxteo 2 ESSp Ber bch Boor Bor whch tne, se danse MOSHE whBxyipe, dor e580 x58 Nordsyso Beycoorng ‘Best arta Spt Ge erer SARA, 4, |grdbob Beet Sodo, BK, Seo, | Sarda S¥0, Sor grie wordor | Ags So Wsyrsio, dom oy) | 1951 Paso, dor On oayrg | PES 123 DSYoZoss SaoGoso, 3(@) evo @ RDS SqemOD DeMrBorse Babapstio. a& wesg dor osD dBm Sor ad ea siges’, Ser 68 dBm Ssyss’, aye ©GQ Teawshio, doe SQ Teaweso dor 36 es8 bod sso 580 BOG GOs aSarAosseirsst, DEBT wth So esd Sais bo 83 aay too: wofstos', dor eS) daoe | wofitos', ANSE wth of Broder, dor SExK wes LER chowbe “8” coororerA) PaHprosio, Er wy Myr Bdohoiseic, Karo Hatbtio Sto. (Somers | di so 1951 | ngs 12s 3@) Bevo DSR wig dor wD daots So sdar 8 dv dabed Hoe A(gQ wohswos* der | SO Bot sayes*) dor BEBE HSarolS Deve dadtio, Dros 6 wagénd 60d, ©6 B50. cov wd daosrtsd adds So waged 28) Seyhode 88 ey SY KS BORE, SEYS, res Hero8 Gorho Sono’ 686%, do axBe w: 85 THALES aSSorrooiw Ago weiartse Saisclo, BSbSeo siglo BwEsD of ©9758 ANSE Roswas Beoggos* EK. Styeorm, Séor Sondtosssceros, Serre ig 0 195i ‘RES 123 ) eee oe be 50 SBE HS AeasQ sohsss® dor wap dugb DBotm XeiyBs*) 6 Eo: dood ao Es 1961 *g5| 128 6) Bao SHS wiSo Tor So BH BmmNQEpe dee BuooDsEe, tag BQ02 Bor BQostboor wbsiyt dor, (etnbod airSo, dor 6} AOS Srer P8%j0 SO araSgpts) 9 Later BOA PASS Biomedics, Sor Bon 08 SiS Boiicens Aspe dor DES 25 Bos dor 253 [Seronods BES 29 se BYS (D) Goss obs Shs Weds Bsiso 880. (Cand 8% ex Spoor 8S inom Sago, do ss BOOK SBokn’s asso POTS 36 Garey dodo do Wetxwgdo 325989. BRESCKHED ABtyoo Hod Sisto etosto ddor POR. 5en00,) & [AES 77 Gedo, anss 38 | GPSS oStio, is

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