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SESSION: 2023-2024

Q 1. It is commonly believed that nature has enough for man’s need, but not enough for
man’s greed. Prepare a speech to be delivered in the school assembly highlighting the
role of students in preservation and conservation of environment. Use the following hints.
Children should contribute towards preservation and conservation of environment.
Reduce waste.
Avoid wastage of paper.
Conserve existing resources.
Turn electrical switches when not in use.
Use non-toxic cleaners.
Use energy saving light bulbs.
Reduce the use of petroleum based products.
Use biodegradable products.
Spread awareness about environment issues.
Q 2. Junk food can be very appealing to children, but they cause more harm to them than
they can imagine. Prepare a speech, to be delivered in the school assembly on the
harmful effects of Junk Food on School Children.
Q3. Given below is an outline of a story in which a disciple is expecting the visit of God.
Develop a complete story on the basis of the input given. Also state the moral of the story.
God’s promise to a disciple to visit her………….. disciple cleans her house and waits for
God………….. poor old lady knocks her door ………….. disciple doesn’t help
her ………….. tells her not to waste her time ………….. next, beggar comes at her door
step she doesn’t entertain him either ………….. Finally a child knocks her door
………….. she sends him away too ………….. dreams of God that night ………….. God
tells him that he had come thrice at her door step, but she didn’t bother ………….. lady
disappointed ………….. moral.
Q4. Given below is an outline of the story given in the form of phrases. Fill in the blanks
to create the complete story.
A rich man ……… had many servants……… purse with lot of money is stolen from rich
man’s drawer……… rich man files a complaint in the police station ……… all the
servants called ……… stick of same length given to each ……… servants told that stick
of the thief will grow by one inch overnight ……… the thief cuts his stick by one inch
……… he is easily caught the next day.

1. Change the following adjective into its comparative form: tall
2. Change the following adjective into its superlative form: beautiful
3. Fill in the blank with the correct comparative form of the adjective: My dog is ____
(big) than yours.
4. Fill in the blank with the correct superlative form of the adjective: This is ____
(interesting) book I have ever read.
5. Rewrite the sentence using the comparative form of the adjective: She is short, but
her sister is even shorter.
6. Rewrite the sentence using the superlative form of the adjective: This is a good
movie, but that one is even better.
7. Fill in the blank with the correct comparative or superlative form of the adjective: The
Nile River is ____ (long) river in Africa.
8. Fill in the blank with the correct comparative or superlative form of the adjective: This
is ____ (expensive) car I have ever seen.
9. Change the following adjective into its comparative form: happy
10. Change the following adjective into its superlative form: clever

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Q 6. Rewrite the sentences in reported speech.
1. John said, ‘I love this city.’
2. “Be nice to others”, Priya said.
3. “Don’t waste your money” he said to the boys.
4. She said, “everyone loves her.”
5. She said, “He works in a bank.”
6. Seema said, ‘I don’t have a laptop.”
7. Kanika said, “I don’t go to the gym very often.”
8. “We don’t travel much”, she said.
9. He said, “we like working in London.”
10. She said, “she never gets up early on Sunday.”

Q7. Change the following into indirect speech.

1. I said to Prerana, “How do you travel to office everyday?” .
2. Shivam said to his mother, “Where does the rain come from?”
3. “Do you know the way to the paradise?” A crazy man asked me.
4. Maria said to her daughter, “At what time will you come back?”
5. The man said to the mechanic, “By what time will you have fixed the tyre of my bike?”
6. Varun says to Tarun, “Where did you go yesterday?”
7. “Is there anything special in it?” She asked.
8. “Hark! I can smell something here” said Mr Naik to his colleagues.
9. “Alas! we have lost the game.” said Shishir to his friend.
10. “How intelligent you are!” Manjiri said to her grandfather.

Q 8. Rewrite the sentences into direct speech from indirect speech.

1. Miara said that she wrote a letter.

2. Kiran said that she was going to the temple.
3. The teacher said that the Sun rises in the East.
4. He said that he had been reading a novel.
5. Nelson said that he had been playing badminton.
6. He ordered her to be careful.
7. Raman exclaimed joyfully that she was very beautiful.
8. He asked where she was going.
9. He said that he didn’t know the way and asked her if she did.
10. The Science teacher told the class that ice floats on water.

Q1. Answer the following questions-
1. Why was the man dismissed?
2. How did the man’s decision to keep the visitors out of his hut have a fortunate result?
3. How did the government try to capture the long nosed man?
4. How was confusion caused in the minds of the people?
5. How did the doctors prove that the nose was genuine?
6. What did Arjuna see when he got to the pool?
7. Why do you think the voice did not allow Arjuna to drink water?
8. Why did the invisible being laugh at Arjuna?
9. What was the warning of the Yaksha to Yudhistira?
10. Do you observe any difference between Arjuna and Yudhistira in their response to
the invisible voice?
11. Why do you think all the brothers fell unconscious when they drank the water?
12. What is that, abandoning which , man becomes loved by all?
13. What is the answer of Yudhistira to the question, ‘Who rescues man in danger?’
14. Why did Yudhistira choose Nakula in preference to Bhima?
15. Why did Yama take the form of a Yaksha?
16. “Happiness is the result of good conduct.” Do you agree with this? Support your
answer with an example.

Q2. Answer the following questions by choosing the correct option.

1.) Arjuna wanted to destroy the unseen foe, but first he had to ____________________.
a.) ask permission from his brother. b.) quench his terrible thirst.

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c.) find out where it was.

2.) Yudhistira agreed to answer the questions of the Yaksha because _______________.
a.) he was afraid of the Yaksha. b.) he knew the Yaksha.
c.) he wanted to see a possible way of saving his brothers.

3.) According to Yudhistira, happiness is the ______________________.

a) result of material comfort b) result of good conduct
c) result of good friendship.

Q3. Answer the following with reference to context-

I) Students of history need hardly be told this.
a) What is it that students of history need not be told?

II) As the dismissed cook sat starving in his lowly hut, he was convinced of one thing:
his nose had acquired great publicity!
a) How did the publicity change his life initially?
b) How did it change in the long run?

III) As his shouting and revelry ended, the President thought of another gimmick.
a) What is a gimmick?
b) What was the first gimmick the President tried?
c) Did the members of the press try any gimmick? Why?

IV) There was surely some magic about it.

a) Describe the scene before Yudhistira’s eyes. What comparison does the narrator use
to describe it?
b) What was his first reaction on witnessing the scene?
c) Why did Yudhistira come to the conclusion that there is something magical or
supernatural about the event?

V) ‘What a loss which yields joy and not sorrow.’

a) Who ask this question and to whom?
b) What is the reply to this question?

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