Course Rehearsal Questions Biophotonics

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Questions for course repetition in Biophotonics 2021-05-25

For the exam the contents of the course have been grouped in five categories as listed
below. On the exam you will get a question (sometimes split in sub-questions a, b, etc.) for
each category. Some sample questions are given below. As indicated we focus on being
able to understand principles and methods..
Each question gives 10 points on the exam and the grades are set as follows
25-34 p = grade 3
35-43 p = grade 4
44-50 p = grade 5
Spectroscopy, Absorption and Fluorescence
Absorption and fluorescence spectra of fluorophores are often mirrored in shape when
plotted vs. wavelength. Why is this the case?
What is photobleaching? Describe how it can be used for diagnostics.
Microscopic imaging
Type I collagen, a main component of connective tissue, has a fluorescence spectrum in the
range 305-450 nm. It also has and ordered structure that makes it active for second
harmonic generation. Compare advantages and disadvantages for microscopy of collagen
based on single-/two-photon fluorescence and second harmonic generation, primarily in
terms of resolution, contrast and specificity.
Scattering, Polarization and photon migration
The specular reflectance of a thin film of chitin is measured with the result in the figure below.
In respect to this figure draw the resulting spectra for the following situations:

The illumination and observation angle is The thin film is submerged in water
slightly increased (in respect to the surface

The thickness is slightly decreased The polarization of the illumination and

observation is crossed with linear polarizers

Remote sensing and visual ecology

Draw typical reflectance spectra of vegetation including units of reflectance in percent and
wavelength from 0.4 to 1.6 microns. Indicate chlorophyll and water absorption. Suggest
methods for a) detecting vegetation on ground, b) estimate the growth rate, c) estimate
Optoelectronics and instrumentation
You are designing a laser based instrument and need to drive a laser diode (LD).
a) Explain why you need constant current and not constant voltage.
b) Your laser wavelength is 620 nm, what is the smallest ULD to expect?
c) You decide to use a constant voltage regulator LM317 (regulating Uout-Uajd to 1.24 V),
your LD operation current of 400 mA. Calculate R1 in the diagram below.
d) Your Uin is 9V and ULD is 2.5V and the output laser power is 250 mW, calculate the
heat deposition in the components: LM317, R1 and LD.

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