Kalkidan Proposal

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By: Kalkidan Abaynehe

Submitted to:Getachew

January 27/2015

Table of contents
Chapter -1
1.1-Back ground of the study
Depression is a common mental disorder.Globally , it's estimated that 5% of adults suffer from the
disorder.its characterized by persistent sadness and lack of interest or pleasure in previous lay
rewarding or enjoyable activities.

According to Modabber -Nia et.al 2007(as cited in Yousefi ,Mansor,Juhari,Redzuan and

Talib,2010),depression is grouped as a mild mental disorder and from out of total population
approximately 150million people all over the world are affected by mental disorders such as depression
and anxiety disorders.similarliyRhoads (2011)described that major depressive disorder is the leading
disorder in the world for adolescents and adults.

According to the latest data from the world health organization (WHO) statistics in 2019,there are more
than 350 million people with depression world wide ,with an increase of about 18 % in the last decade
and an estimated life time prevalence of 15%.

According to national Institute of Mental Health[NIMH] 1999(as cited in NationalAcademy on an Aging

society [NAAAS],2000), depression is the most severe mental problem among United State population
and above 19 million adult individuals are affected by depression.Rhoads( 2011) support above findings
and out of the total population of U.S adults , approximately 14.8million Americans (about 6.7%)
affected by major depressive disorder.similarly according to APA 2000 and Kessler et al.2003 (as cited in
Rosenberg and Kosslyn,2011),in United States ,major depressive disorder is a very common disorder and
out of the total population of Americans,20 percent can expriance this disorder through out their
life.This is high rate is related to many factors like modernity or civilization and Shorf and Schultz
1999(as cited in Rosenberg and Kosslyn,2011)reported that in 2020 in United State depression will be
the second disabling disorder next to heart disease.depression is the leading cause of disability in the
world.depression also known as major depressive disorder (MDD),is a common illness that causes a
persistent felling of sadness .All ages , ethnicities and socioeconomic groups are vulnerable to
depression,and it has very high personal, social and economic costs . Depression is also a major cause of
death, particularly in young people, through suicide.
in low and middle income countries , depression is the leading cause of Mental and physical illness and
this disorder account for approximately 10 % of total years lived with disability (Federal Ministry of
Health[FMOH],n.d).in Africa there are different prevalence rates of depression.

Mental illness is the leading non communicable disease in Ethiopia and this disorder predominantly
affect rural area of Ethiopia and it accounts 11% of the total burden of diseases,with schizophrenia and
depression (FMOH,n.d).

World health organization figure on mental health shows that undiagnosed depression places high
socioeconomic burden on individuals, families and community interms of quality of life, increase medical
morbidity and mortality,leads disability,reduce occupational performance.

The reason that motivates me to do this research is in this time more students are influenced by
depression especially in university.so the purpose of this study is to determine the prevalence of
depression and is association with social , emotional and other variable among university students.

1.2-Statement of problem
Research indicates that depression can be associated with both cognitive impairment and dementia and
that depression increases the risk of developing dementia (Steffens et al 2006). it's not always easy to
diagnose depression in a person with Alzheimer's disease as Alzheimer's it self may mimic the signs of
depression.the reason why this research is conducted because of many people are victim by depression
and to give knowledge and understanding about depression.especially in our country many people don't
know about depression they think it's feeling but not a mental disorder .so the aim of this research to
give awareness about the causes, treatment, symptoms,and medication.

There is a research that is written in depression in adiss abeba sidist kilo university,my research
deferrent from that research is the researcher didn't study about the causes of and treatment of

There fore this study is designed to answer the following basic question

1-whatis the causes of depression?

2-what is the symptoms of depression?

3-what is the treatment and medication of depression?

1.3-Objectives of the study

1.3.1-General Objective of the study
The general objective of this study is to understand about depression.
1.3.2-Specific Objective of the study
based on the general objective,this study is focused on the following specific objectives

-to briefly understand about depression

-to understand causes of depression

-to know the symptoms of depression

- to know how to treat depression

1.4-Significance of study
This study will be believed to have the following significance ,students who will be included in this
study :

-their knowledge about depression increased

- they can understand a person with depression

- they can treat the person with depression

-they understand the causes of depression

-to provide minimize the felling of depression

1.5-Operational definition of key terms

The following terms and concepts here under are operational in this study as follows.

Depression - a common and serious medical illness that negatively affects how you feel ,the way you
think and how you act .

Treatment -is something that health care providers do for their patients to control a health
problem,lessen it's symptoms or clear it up .

Symptom -aphysical or mental problem that a person experience that may indicate a disease or

Cause -a reason for an action or condition motive something that brings about an effect or a result.

1.6-Delimitation of the study

The research is delimited on the assessment of depression about their causes , symptoms and
treatments .is only about their psychological treatment or assessment.

Chapter -2
2-Review of relevant literature
This chapter of the research presents an overview of research and data on depression that are gathered
through reviewing different works and literature a through consideration is to show research gaps .
while reviewing literature an effort is made to relate the contents of this part of the paper with the
objectives and the research question of this particular study for it create an opportunity to show the
thematic areas which are not covered by previous studies .

2.1-Defnition of depression
Depression (major depressive disorder)is a common serious medical illness that negatively affects how
you feel,the way you think and how you act . fortunately,it is also treatable depression causes feelings of
sadness and or aloss of interest in activities you once enjoyed.it can lead to a variety of emotional and
physical problems and can decrease your ability to function at work and at home . depression has
become a major threat to human health and researchers around the world are actively engaged in
research on depression.in order to promote closer research ,the study of global depression knowledge
map is significant.this study aims to map the knowledge map of depression research and show the
current research distribution, hotspot , frontiers and trends in the field of depression research providing
researchers with worth while information and ideas . depression is associated with an increased risk of
suicide among college students.

2.2-Symptoms of depression
Depression symptoms can vary from mild to severe and and can include:

 feeling sad or having a depressed mood

 loss of interest or pleasure in activities once enjoyed
 changes in appetite -weight loss or gain unrelated to dieting.
 trouble sleeping or sleeping too much
 loss of energy or increased fatigue
 increase in purposeless physical activity (eg. inability to sit still, pacing, handwriting)or slowed
movements of speech (this actions must be severe enough tobe observable by others) feeling
worthless or guilty
 difficulty thinking,concentrating or making decisions
 thought of death or suicide

Symptoms must last at least two weeks and must represent a change in your previous level of
functioning for a diagnosis of depression.

Also medical condition (eg.thyroid problem,abrain tumor or vitamin deficiency)can mimic symptoms of
depression so it's important to rule out general medical causes.

Depression affects an estimated one in 15 adults (6.7%)in any given year ,and one in six people
(16.6%)will experience depression at same time in their life . depression can occur at any time ,but on
average first appears during the late teens to mid 20s.

2.3-Causes of depression
Depression stems from a combination of biological, environmental and psychological factors.people
with depression often have family members with condition,which suggests that genetics are involved.if
one biological twin has depression ,the other twin has a 70% chance of also having the condition.

Researchers have discovered differences in the brains of people with depression,as well as in the
function of chemical messengers called neurotransmitters hormonal changes may also set off depressive
symptoms. for example during a woman menustral cycle or after she gives birth.

the following factors increase the risk of depression:

-a personal or family history of depression or other mental health disorder

-trauma or stress ,such us physical or sexual abuse relationship issue or financial worries

-drug or alcohol abuse

-medical conditions such as diabetes,cancer , heart disease, stroke and parkinson's disease

-certain medication, including those used to treat high blood pressure and insomnia

-pespartum onset -depression that occurs during pregnancy or in the weeks or months after delivery
(past partum)

-seasonal pattern-depression related to changes in seasons and reduced exposure to sunlight.

2.3.1-Causes of depression in university students
(Medically reviewed by Thimothy J.Legg,PHD,PsyD-By Michael kerr-updated on jul 5,2017)

A lack of sleep,poor eating habits,and not enough exercise are a recipe for depression among university
students.The stress that comes with academia -including financial worries, pressure to get a good job
after school and failed relationships-is enough to force some students to leave college or worse . risks and consequences of depression among

university students
Many factors of college life contribute to risk factors of depression.many students are unprepared for
university life . Today's students face high debt.They also have fewer job prospects after graduation than
previous generations.these added concerns can lead to depressive episodes in university (college)

Depressed students are at a greater risk of developing problems such as substance abuse.deppressed
college students are more likely to binge drink ,smoke marijuana,and participate in risky sexual
behaviors to cope with emotional pain than their nondepressed peers.

The problem with young love

Often ,a breakup will participate about of depressive feelings .Risks of depression related to a breakup
include intrusive thoughts, difficulty controling those thoughts and trouble sleeping.as many as
43percent of students experience insomnia in months following a breakup.students that are likely to
become distressed after a breakup experienced neglect or abuse during child hood ,had an insecure
attachment style,felt more betryad ,and were more unprepared for the breakup .

Fortunately,the best therapy for depression precipitated by a breakup is time.Cognitive behavioral

therapy, interpersonal therapy,and especially, complicated grief therapy also have high success rates for
helping to heal a broken heart .

Suicide and college students

In the United States ,suicide is the second leading cause of death among people aged 15-34 years .
Among young adults aged 18-25 years ,8.3 percent have had serious thoughts of suicide.

Depression is the biggest risk factors for suicidal youth .other risk factors include:

-substance abuse

-a family history of depression and mental illness

-a prior suicide attempt

-stressful life events

-access to guns

-exposure to other students who have died as a result of suicide

-self harming behaviors such as burning or cutting.

University students have a potential influence on the family and their contribution to the country's work
force in the near future in agiven country.Because of there potential role in society,as well as in the
country,it is significant to study on their depression problem.

Increasing trend found for the prevalence of depression among university students as well as in severity
.in a recent review,the prevalence of depression among university students was reported to be higher
than the general population.

2.4-Types of depression
Symptoms caused by major depression can vary from person to person.to clarify the type of depression
you have ,your doctor may add one or more specifiers.A specifier means that you have depression with
specific features such as

-Anxious distress -depression with unusual restlessness or wrong about possible events or loss of

-mixed features -simultaneous depression and mania , which includes elevated self esteem, talking too
much and increased energy

-melanchoic features -severe depression with lack of response to something that used to bring pleasure
and associated with early morning awakening,worsened mood in the morning,major changes in appetite
and feelings of guilt , agitation or sluggishness.

-A typical features -depression that includes the ability to temporarily be cheered by happy events ,
increased appetite, excessive need for sleep, sensitivity to reductionand a heavy feeling in the arms or
legs .

-psychotic features -depression accompanied by delusions or hallucinations which may involve personal
in adequecy or other negative themes .

-catatonia-depression that include motor activity that involves either uncontrollable and purposeless
movement or fixed and inflexible posture.
-pre menustral dysphoric disorder -this involves depression symptoms associated with hormone
changes that begin a week before and improve within a few days after the onset of your period and are
minimal or gone after completion of your period.

-other depression disorders -this includes depression that's caused by the use of recreational
drugs ,some prescribed medication for another medical condition.

2.5-Treatment of depression
Medication and psychotherapy are effective for most people with depression.your primary care doctor
or psychiatrist can prescribe medications to relieve symptoms.how ever many people with depression
also benefit from seeing a psychiatrist, psychologist or other mental health professional.when you are
depressed it can feel like you'll never get out from under a dark shadow .how ever even the most severe
depression is treatable.so if your depression is keeping you from living the life you want to , don't
hesitate to seek help.from therapy to medication to healthy life style changes ,there are many different
treatment options available.

Ofcourse just as no two people are affected by depression in exactly the same way , neither is there a
"one size fits all"treatment to cure depression.what works for one might not work for another.by
becoming as informed as possible ,tough you can find the treatments that can help you over come
depression,feel happy and hopeful again and reclaim your life .

2.5.1-Depression treatment tips

It's important to determine whether your depression symptoms are due to underlying medical condition
if so that condition will need to be treated first .the severity of your depression also a factor.the more
severe depression,the more intensive the treatment you are likely to need .

-It takes time to find the right treatment.in might takes some trial and error to find the treatment and
support that works best for you.

-Don't relay on medication alone.although medication can relieve the symptoms of depression it is not
usually suitable for long term use .

-Get social support.the more you cultivate the social connections,the more protected you are from
depression.if you are feeling stuck , don't hesitate to talk to trusted family members or friends,or seek
out new connections at depression support group,for example asking for help is not a sign of weakness
and it won't mean you are a burden to others.often the simple act of talking to someone one face to
face can be an enormous help .

-Treatment takes time and commitment -all of these depression treatment takes time and some times it
might feel overwhelming or frustratingly slow .that is normal recovery usually has its ups and downs .

Life style changes

an essential part of depression treatment.life style changes are simple but powerful tools in the
treatment of depression some times they might be all you need .even if you need other treatment as
well, making the right life style changes can help lift depression faster and prevent it from coming back .

Life style changes to treat depression

Exercise -regular excercise can be as effective at treating depression as medication.best of all you don't
have to train for a marathon in order to reap the benefits.even a half hour daily walk can make a big

Social support -strong social networks reduce isolation,akey risk factor of depression.volunteering is a
wonderful way to get social support and help others while as helping your self.

Nutrition -eating well is important for both your physical and mental health.

Sleep -sleep has a strong effect on mood.when you don't get enough sleep, your depression symptoms
will be worse .make sure you're getting enough sleep each night .

Stress reduction-make changes in your life to help manage and reduce stress .

2.5.2-Psychotherapy for depression treatment

If there is no underlying medical cause of your symptoms of depression, talk therapy can be extremely
effective treatment.what you learn in therapy gives you skills and insight to feel better and help prevent
depression from coming back .there are many types of therapy available there of more common
methods used in depression treatment include cognitive behavioral therapy, interpersonal therapy and
psychodynamic therapy.often a blended approach is used.

2.5.3-How depression is treated on college campuses

Treatment for depression is very similar on a college campus as it is out in community.one of the
benefits of seeking help while in college is that the services are convenient to access and are usually low
cost or free to the student.campus mental health counselors are usually well prepared to engage in
therapy,and they are also able to refer students to health center for a medication evaluation if
indicated .

Depression treatment for college students may include:

Therapy:provided by a licensed mental health professional . through the therapeutic process,you will
talk about your struggles and develop a plan to help you cope . therapy for depression can be life-
changing for many people andit's often helpful for gaining a more positive and recovery -oriented

Medication:some times medication is needed to treat symptoms of depression.

a primary care doctor or psychiatrist can complete a medication evaluation and determine if medication
is right for your specific situation.many people find that once they are taking the right for your specific
situation.many people find that once they are taking the right medication, their mood improves and
they are able to better implement coping strategies.

Exercise: exercise can help with mild to moderate symptoms of depression.physical movement can also
help in preventing relapse of symptoms.

Complementary Approaches :yoga , meditation, acupuncture, nutrition, support groups,and spirituality

can all be components that contribute to awell rounded recovery from depression.

2.6-How to cope with depression

When it comes to depression,there are many factors that can help or hurt someone who has the
condition or is at risk .There are lots of resources available to become more informed and help navigate
the road to recovery.

Mobile apps can be helpful in tracking moods and provide tips and tools for coping .

these apps canbe used for mood tracking,guided meditations , positive thinking, mindfulness activities
and improving sleep habits . although they are not an alternative to treatment with a mental health
professional,they canbe used as tool while engaging in treatment.

Here are seven additional tips for college students with depression:

1.Talk to someone about how you are feeling

2.Seek professional help from a counselor or doctor

3.Track your moods and symptoms

4.Get recommended amount of sleep

5.Exercise on a regular basis

6.Eat a weel balanced diet

7.Decrease stress where possible

what to avoid:

Trying to "make your self better"or do it on your own "

Dismissing thoughts of harm to yourself or others

Using alcohol or drugs to cope

Chapter -3
3-research design and methodology
3.1-Study design
The central issueof this research under this section was collected valid and relevant data .the section will
be collected valid and relevant data .the section tries to describe the methods , which the researcher
would use .the respondent who participate in the study , sampling procedure, procedures that use for

3.2-Study area
The study will be conducted in Bonga University.Bonga University,located in Bonga city , South West
Ethiopia peoples regional state .Bonga located in keffa zone upon ahill in the upper Barta valley,it has a
latitude and longitude of 7°16'N 36°14'E with an elevation of 1.714 meters above sea level.

3.3-Target population
The population of this study will be conducted in Bonga University the population study will be 3rd year
social students which contain 389 students .

3.4-Sampling and sampling technique

3.4.1-Sample technique
The searcher wilbe used startified rondom sampling techniques because of startified rondom sampling is
used when population is heterogeneous and when the population consists of several population sub
population or sub groups that have different characteristics or behavior on given research problem so
the researcher will be selected randomly by startified sampling techniques.

3.5-Methods of data collection

In order to collect data from the respondent,the researcher will be collectinformation by
questionnaires,the questionnaires prepared by the researcher based on research question it include
both close ended and open ended questions.

3.6-Data collection procedure

In order to gather relevant data from the participants,first the researcher ask the permission from the
department head of psychology.before starting to collect data from the informants,the above purpose
of study will be briefly explained to them and they will ask whether it's good enough for them to
participate in the study .informants who don't wish to participate will not compel to do so.after having
the consent of the informants to participate in the study ,the researcher arrange convenient meeting
places and other equipments that are quite necessary for particular data collection technique to be used
in collecting the data from the informants agreed to participate.then distribute questionaries for each
participants and asking their willingness to fill the questionnaires in private way.

3.7-Methods of data analysis

After collecting required data from respondents the researcher was utilized quantitative data analysis
method to analyze the numerical data .it was described through simple statistically tools such as
tables ,percentage and frequency,the qualitative data is also analyze through thematic analysis method.

3.8-Ethical consideration
In this study the participants are respect and protect from any possible problem from the study .


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