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INSTRUCTION: Select and encircle the correct anwers if you want to pass the exam. choose the best and
correct answers.

1. A structure with a systematized and equitable distribution of work showing the relationship

b/w and among Individual doing the work.

A. Administration

b. Management

c. Organization

d. Unity of Command

2. Group of Individuals whose main responsibility is to run the affairs of the whole organization

with the Major function of policy making?

a. Function

b. Administration

c. Responsibility

d. Organization

3. An act providing for the professionalization of the BFP and BIMP amending the DILG Act of 1990?

a. R.A. 6975

b. R.A. 9263

C.R.A. 6713

d. P.D.1195
4. Descriptive of the work to be done in order to attain define objective?

a. Function

b. Span of Control

c. Responsibility

d. Mission

5. What is the rank of the Fire Chief of the BFP7

a. Fire Chief

b. Chlef Superintendent

c. Superintendent

d. Director

6. It is a way of effective and efficient utilization of all available resources (man, money,

materials etc.) in order to attain the objectives?

a. Span of Control

b. Vission

c. Mission

d. Management

7. Science used by Supervisor to direct, control and oversee the people working under him

in order to obtain the objectives?

a. Chemistry of Fire
c. Heirachical Structure

b. Authority

d. Supervisor

8. The BFP is a mere line Bureau of?

a. NBI

b. DÕI



9. It is an obligation to act or perform an act in a given way?

a. Authority

c. Delegation

b. Responsibility

d. Accountability

10. The BFP was created under what law?

a. P.D. 1185

b. R.A. 9263

d. R.A. 6975

11. It is a way of confering of authority of a supervisor to a subordinate?

a. Seniority

b. Coordination

c. Chain of Command

d. Delegation

12. Who is the appointing officer of the Fire Chief of the BFP7



c. President of the Republic


13. Public official and employees shall remain true to the people at all times.

a. Professionalism

b. Justness and sincerity

c. Commitment to public interest

d. Simple Living

14. What agency attest the appointment of the BFP Personnel?


b. BFP


d. Civil Service Commission

15. The head of the BFP with the rank of Director shall have a position title?

a. BFP Director. b. Fire Marshal

c. Fire Chief d. Chief Superintendent

16. Mr. Arso Nista has an incendiary materials capable to burn the house of hiss enemy while he just in
front of the gate of his house he just caught by the authorities. Being the best investigator, What should
you do?

a. Change him w/ frustrated arson. c. Charge him w/ attempted arson

b. illegal possession of incendiary mat'is d. Nothing to be charge

17. An obligation of a subordinate to an immediate supervisor when delegated certain authority?

a. Unity of command c. Function/resposibility

b. Mission d. Accountabilityb

18. Republic act of the Philippines which primary concern the code of conduct and ethical standard for
public officials and employees?

a. R.A. 6975 c. R.A. 6713

b. R.A. 1185 d. R.A. 765

19. Principle of "Only the boss" wherein any individual in the organization receives order and
report to only one person?

a. Unity of Command c. Management

b. Communication d. Heirachical structure

20. Public officials and employees shall provide service to everyone without unfair discrimination and
regardless of party affiliation or preference?

a. Justness and sincerity c. Simple Living

b. Political neutrality d. Patriotism

21. A primary subdivision of a Bureau?

a. Unit

b. Section 22. Public officials and employees shall at all times be loyal to the Filipino people and to the

a. Unit

b. Section

c. Subdivision

d. Sector

22. Public officials and employees shall at all times be loyal to the Filipino people and to the republic?

a. National and patriotism

b. Simple Living

c. Justness and sincerity

d. Commitment to Public Interest

23. What is the only rank in the BFP which can only occupied by one man?
a. Fire Chief

b. Director

c. Superintendent

d. Chief Superintendent

24. Public officials and employees and their families shall lead in modest lives appropriate to their
position and income?

a. Simple Living

c. Political Neutrality

b. Justness and sincerity

d. Patriotism

25. Function group within section when further specialization is needed?

a. Division

b. Unit

c. Bureau

d. Section

26. The law that amended certain provision of R.A. 6975 creating the BFP7

a. DILG Act 1990

b. P.D. 1184

C. P.D. 1185

d. R.A. 9263
27. Public officials and employees shall commit themselves of democratic ways of life and values
maintain the principles of public accountability and manifest by deeds the supremacy of the civilians
over the military?

a. Justness and sincerity

b. Political Neutrality

c. Patriotism

d. Commitment to democracy

28. FO3 Alak Kero, F02 Pa Kaang-kaang, F02 Mala Tuba and FO1 Antok Kin responded to the fire scene
within the jurisdiction of their station/area. Base on the SOP of the fire operation who will act as the
ground commander upon arrival to the fire scene?

a. F02 Pa Kaang-kaang

b. FO1 Antok Kin

c. FO3 Alak Kero

d. F02 Mala Tuba

29. The best way to locate the firefighter inside the burning building by way of?

a. Shouting c. Using a flashlight

b. Text a message d. Through the hoseline Inside the building

30. BFP personnel as a sign of respect towards ranking officers or otherwise known as the most common
form of military courtisy?

a. Discipline c. Honor

b. Salute d. Duty

31. Fire Recognition Day celebrated every?

a. December 14

b. March 31
c. January 2

d. August 2

32. BFP Members honor the flag by hosting and lowering during Mondays and Fridays by singing the
national anthems?

a. Flag ceremony

c. A only

b. Flag retreat ceremony

d. A and B only

33. Founding Anniversary of the BFP is commemorated by celebrating every?

a. March 31. b. December 14

c. August 2 d. January 2

34. Manner of saluting except?

a. When in uniform

b. When receiving an award

c. When reporting to senior officer

d. When driving

35. Agencies or branches of the republic of the Philippines including gov't owned and controlled
coorporation and subsidiaries including the nat'l and local gov't is called?


b. Government d. CARAGA Region

36. Include elective and appointive officials and employees permanent or temporary whether in the
career and non career service including the military and police personnel whether or not they receive
compensation regardless of amount are what we called?

a. Public Trust c. Public officials

b. President d. Public interest

37. A manifestation or expression of consideration and respect for other?

a. Courtesy b. Dicipline

c. Salute. d. Duty

38. Refers to any personrelated to a public officials or employee within the fourth civil degree or
consguinityy or affinity including bilas, Inso, or balae?

a. Public Officials. b. Uncle

c. Relatives d. Public Employee

39. It is a scalar system of organization showing descending and ascending structure?

a. Heirachical structure.

b. Bldg. structure

c. Span of control

d. Unity of command

40. One of the Norms of conduct of public officials and employee's w/c shall always uphold the public
interest over and above personal interest?

a. Ethical Standard c. Commitment to Country

b. Commitment to Democracy d. Commitment to Public interest

41. Transfer of thought, information, fact, data and orders w/c is the usually common conferring to one
another in the organization is what we called?

a. Communication. b. Responsibility

c. Detaches Service (DS) d. Reassignment

42. Public officials and employees shall extend prompt, courteous and adequete service to the public?

a. Responsive to the Public c. Simple Living

b. Professionalism d. Political Neutrality

43. The BFP Regional Headquarters is headed by?

a. Asst. Reg'l Director (AR). b. Regional Director

c. Fire Chief d. Superintendent

44. Shall perform their duties with the highest degree of excellent, professionalism, intelligence and

a. Simple living c. Public Interest

b. Political Neutrality d. Professionalism

45. Fire Prevention Month is commemorated by celebrating the whole month of?

a. January. b. February

c. March d. April
46. The training and further schooling of the fireman being handled by?


b. BFP d. PPSC

47. A fireman is not promoted for ten (10) yrs, what probable consequence will happen to him in

accordance to R.A. 9263?

a. He will be promoted b. Hewill demoted

c. Attrition by demotion d. Attrition by non promotion

48. The highest rank in the BFP?

a. Chief BFP b. Director

c. Chief Superintendent d. Superintendent

49. Lowest rank in the BFP?

a. Fireman c. F02

d. F01 b. Patrolman

50. Criminologist, Nurse, Civil Eng'r, Electe'l Eng`'r, Chemical Eng'r, Chemist, Archetic, Dentist, and CPA
can be appointed into the BFP via lateral entry with the rank of?

a. Sr. Inspector c. Inspector

b. Chief Inspector d. Lieutenant

51. The members of the BFP will automatically terminate his service after attaining the age of?

a. 20 years c. 35 years

b. 60 years d. 56 years
52. The commander of the municipal fire station called?

a. Chief c. Mun. Fire Marshal

b. Sir d. Bossing

53. Doctor of Medicine, member of the Phil Bar and Chaplain can be appointed Into the BFP via lateral
entry with the rank of?

a. Doc, Atty or Father c. Chief Inspector

b. Inspector d. Sr Inspector

54. Is the burning of one's property with malicious intent?

a. Pyromaniac

b. Arson

c. Fire Alarm

d. Fire Investigation

55. Per centum to be charge of the gross sales of companies, person or agent selling firefighting
equipment, appliance or devices including hazard detection and warning system?

a. 0.2%

b. 0.1%

c. 10%

d. 2%

56. Heat transfer by direct contact from ane body to another?

a. Radiation c. Conviction

b. Conduction d. Sunrays
57. A device used by the arsonist to spread the fire within the room or throughout the structure?

a. Accelerant

b. Traller

c. Smoke

d. Pyromaniac

58. The commander of the Prov'l Headquarter is called?

a. Prov'l Commander

b. Regl Fire Marshal

c. Prov'l Fire Marshal

d. Prov'l Chief

59. Minimum height requirement for male applicant in the BFP?

a. 1.62m

b. 1.57m

c. 1.65m

d. 5'2"

60. Any act or condition that removed or neutralized a fire hazard?

a. Fire Hydrant

b. Abatement

c. Fire

d. Arson
61. Minimum height for female applicant in the BFP?

a. 1.62

b. 1.55

c. 1.56

d. 1.57

62. Under sectioin 71 of R.A. 6975 a fireman who was already in the service for almost 5 years,

how many percent he is entitled to receive as far as longevity pay is concerned?

a. 5% c. 15%

b. 19 % d. 20%

63. This act shall be known as the Department of the Interior and Local Government Act of 1990?

a. PD 1185 C. RA 6875

b. PD 6975 d. RA 9263

64. A means of heat transfer when energy travel through space or materials as waves?

a. Convection

b. Radiation

c. Conduction

d. Heat rays
65. Limit given to a supervisor w/c can effectively control and over see people due to space and time?

a. Off-limit

b. Space and time

c. Span of control

d. Control tower

otherwise known as the Fire Code of the Philippines?

66. Presidential Decree no..

a. R.A 1185

b. R.A. 6975

c. P.D. 1184

d. P.D. 1185

67. It is the best way of building of teamworks, cofidence, and trust among individual in the

a. Coordination c. Unity of command

b. Camaraderie d. Friendly

68. Any liquide having a flashpoint at or above 37.8 deg Celcius (100 deg Fahrenheigt)?

a. Combustible liquid

b. Flammable liquid

c. Blasting agent

d. Flame retardant
69. How many per centum to be charge to the verified estimated value of building or structure to be
erected but not to exceed P50,000.00?

a. 0.01% c. 0.1%

b. 0,02% d. 0.001%

70. Any act or condition w/c may increase the cause of probability of the occurrence of fire or w/c
obstruct, delay or hinder the fire fighting operation?

a. Fire hazard

b. Firewall

c. Fire alarm

d. Abatement

71. Mr. Arso Nista intentionally burned the house of Mr. Patulog-tulog w/c unfortunately only the sala
of Mr. Patulog-tulog was burned. What criminal liability of Mr. Arso Nista was done?

a. Frustrated Arson

b. Incomplete Arson

c. Attempted Arson

d. Consummated Arson

72. The commercial bldg. of Mr. Co tong was on fire. The best place to put a command center/

operation at the fire scene should be in?

a. At the back of the bldg. c. At the front center of the bldg.

b. At the left corner of the bldg. d. At the opposite corner of the bldg.
73. Designed to prevent the spread of fire, having a fire resistance rating of not less than four (4) hours
with structural stability to remain standing even if the adjacent construction collapse under fire

a. Fire trap c. Fire

b. Fire wall d. Flame

74. Minimum length of fire hoses used in the fire operation?

a. 50 1/2 ft c. 50 ft

b. 25 ft d. 100 ft

75. A minimum temperture to initiate or cause a self contained combustion w/out the addition of heat
from the outside source?

a. Flashpoint c. Ignition temperature

b. Flame d. Combustion

76. Size of hose commonly used in the fire opertion in the Philippines?

a. 1 1/2" diameter

b. 21/2" diameter

c. 2" diameter

d. 4" diameter

77. The active principle of burning characterized by heat and light combustion?

a. Chemistry of Fire

b. Classes of Fire

c. Fire

d. Fire Alarm
78. A pre requisite to grant permit/license by local government for any particular establishment?

a. Fire Investigation

b. Fire Code

c. Fire Safety Inspection

d. Fire Drill

79. A piece of metal or an electrical conductor use to bypass a safefy device in a electrical system?

a. Short circuit

b. Overloading

c. Jumper

d. Jump off

80. The use of one or more electrical appliance or device w/c draw or consume electrical current

beyond the designed capacity of the existing system?

a. Occupancy

b. Over reacting

c. Overload

d. Over crowded

81. Any building or structure where fifty (50) or more people gathered or assembled for any purpose?

a. Movie house c. Public disturbance

b. Cockfighting arena d. Public assembly

32. An integrated network of hydrraulically designed piping installed in a building structure arranged in a
system pattern which authomatically discharge water when activated by heat or combustion product
from a fire?

a. Stand pipe system c. Sprinkler system

b. Hydraulic system d. Water system

83. Under a system of vertical pipes in a building to which fire hoses can be attached on each floor?

a. Sprinkler system

b. Stand pipe system

c. Water system

d. Hydraulic system

84. Grace period given to owner, administrator or occupant of the building or structures existing at the
time of the effectivity of the fire code?

a. 1 1/2 year

b. 2 1/2 year

c. 1 year

d. 2 years

85. Under section 14 of the PD 1185 all taxes, fees and fines shall be collected by and for remittnce to
national treasury?

a. Fire Safety Inspector c. Municipal Eng's

b. Municipal Fire Marshal d. Municipal Treasurer

86. A fire involving ordinary combustible materials?

a. Class A.

b. Class B

c. Class C

d. Class D

87. A fire involving energized electrical equipment?

a. Class A b. Class B

c. Class C d. Class D

88. A fire involving combustible metal?

a. Class A

b. Class B

c. Class C

d. Class D

89. A fire involving combustible liquid

a. Class A

b. Class B

c. Class C

d. Class D

90. A fire w/c heat & smoke build up and will not easily escape in atmosphere?

a. Outdoor fire

b. Indoor fire

c. Back draft

d. Smoke

91. An instantaneous combustion cause by the sudden introduction of air the smoldering fire?
a. Outdoor fire

b. Back draft

c. Free burning

d. Indoor fire

92. A fire w/c heat & smoke easily dissipate into the atmosphere?

a. Outdoor fire c. Back draft

b. Indoor fire d. Free burning

93. The most dangerous of all professions and most physically demanding job?

a. Firefighter

b. Fire fighting

c. Fire truck driver

d. None of the above

94. Natural desire to conserve human resources to prevent neeilless suffering from physical pain or
emotional stress?

a. Human factor

b. Economic factor

c. Firefighting

d. Injury
95. Factors that motivate accident control efforts w/in firefighting profession that inslutes legal
expenses caused by less man power?

a. Human factor

b. Economic factor

c. Health factor

d. Safely factor

96. Unplanned, uncontrolled event resulting from unsafe occupational condition w/ will result to injury?

a. Injury

b. Accident

c. Death

d. Fracture

97. Define as hurt, damage or loss sustained as a result of an accident?

a. Injury c. Death

b. Accident d. None of the above

98. A chemical reaction reaction known as combustion, it is frequently defined as a rapid oxidation of
combustible materials accompanied by a release of energy in the form of heat and light?

a. Heat

b. Fire

c. Combustion

d. Oxidation

99. A form of energy w/c is produced when substance undergoes a change from a higher state of energy
to lower one?
a. Heat c. Combustion

b. Fire d. Chemical reaction

100. Extinguishing fire by means of slowing down the rate of burning by cooling? c. Extinguishment

a. Control

b. Suppression

c. Extinguishment

d. Smoldering


1. C

2. B

3. B

4. A

5. D

6. D

7. D

8. D

9. B

10. D

11. D

12. C

13. B

14. D

15. C
16. D

17. D

18. C

19. A

20. B

21. B

22. A

23. B

24 A

25 B

26 D

27 D

28 C

29 D

30 B

31 A

32 D

33 C

34 D

35 B

36 C

37 A

38 C

39 C
40 D

41 A

42 A

43 B

44 D

45 C

46 D

47 D

48 B

49 A

50 C

51 D

52 C

53 D

54 B

55 D

56 B

57 B

58 C

59 A

60 B

61 D

62 B

63 C
64 B

65 C

66 C

68 A

69 C

70 A

71 D

72 C

73 B

74 C

75 C

76 A

77 C

78 C

79 C

80 C

81 D

82 C

83 B

84 D

85 D

86 A

87 C

88 D

89 B
90 B

91 B

92 A

93 A

94 A

95 D

96 B

97 A

98 B

99 A

100 B

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