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Students are required to wear the official school uniform for Oryx International
School as decided by the school Board. You should take pride wearing the
uniform of your school, it is unique. BY wearing correct uniform smartly, you show
respect for yourself, your parents, your school and Qatar Airways.
If any student has problem preventing wearing correct uniform you must have a
note from your parents which you should give to your class teacher (primary) or
form tutor (secondary) explaining the issue.
If you do not wear correct uniform or if you do not adhere to the uniform
regulations, your parents will receive notification letters and you may be
sanctioned by the school according to the Rewards & Sanctions procedures.
Link to the School Uniform Brochure

• Black leather smart shoes. (compulsory) - trainers or shoes with logos
are not permitted
• Black leggings worn under PE Shorts for PE and sports fixtures only.
• Trainers are only to be used for PE lessons or after-school activities.

• All students should wear the official PE Kit for PE Lessons and
other approved sports fixtures / activities (compulsory)
• Students should wear only the official school swimwear as per the
brochure (compulsory)
• Students can only wear their Black hoodie team kit when instructed by
the PE staff.
• PLEASE NOTE: Boys and girls from Year 4 upwards must wear their
tracksuit trousers over their shorts when arriving and leaving school ,
and during the school day when not taking part in a PE or Sports activity
. You may remove your tracksuit trousers once on school grounds or
when they reach a sports fixture outside of the school grounds. This is
a directive from Qatar Airways and the MoEHE .

• Blue (Saturn), red (Mars), yellow (Jupiter), green (Venus) or orange
(Mercury) t-shirts with house names and school logo. Foor use at House
Events only.
• Black shorts.(not PE kit shorts)

• Girls - Year 3 and upwards, black leggings must be worn under the
• House shirts and shorts are compulsory to purchase from the uniform
supplier for House Competitions. Students from Y3 upwards must wear
PE track suit over the shorts when arriving and leaving school if wearing
House Kit (as with PE Kit)

• Students may wear one set of stud earrings, nose and other piercings
are forbidden except for cultural reasons and only with the express
written permission of the Executive Principal.
• Students may wear a watch but no other jewellery is permitted, e.g.
necklaces, rings, etc.
• Jewellery must be removed or covered with tape or a band-aid for PE
and certain other activities in school.
• No religious symbols are allowed
• Accessories such as necklaces , bracelets, wrist bands etc…. are not
permitted for safety reasons
No other accessories or items jewellery are allowed.
• Girls up to Year 9 may wear a light neutral foundation only
• Girls in Y10 -Y13 may wear light foundation and discrete , light eye
shadow (no bold colours).
• Lipstick and eye liner are not permitted
• Girls in Y10 – Y13 may wear neutral nail varnish – no colours allowed
• False nails or eyelashes are not permitted
No other make up is allowed

• Oryx International School bags from the uniform shop are compulsory,
please do not bring other bags into school.

• Hijab colours may include grey, black or burgundy.
• White socks for girls and boys (compulsory)
• Black tights can be worn under skirts (no other colours)
• Leggings are not permitted to be worn with the school uniform.
• Hair bands colours may include grey , black , burgundy or white

Please ensure that ALL belongings are clearly and permanently labelled with
your child’s name and class.

No other clothing items are allowed to be worn at school, e.g. a student may
not wear a fleece to school unless it is the official school burgundy fleece,

NB: Fizzy drinks including power drinks, Chewing gum, sunflower seeds and nuts
are not allowed in school.

D. Laidlaw , Executive Principal

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