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HP FutureSmart printers
Security Level: For HP and Customer Verbal Use

NOTE: This flowchart provides a high-level overview of the troubleshooting process for intermittent 49 errors. For step-by-step
instructions, go to c05930413. If at any point in the process the customer cannot or will not perform the steps, escalate the call.

Intermittent 49 errors - Occur only part of the time with the printer alternating between functioning correctly for a period of time and then not functioning again.

IMPORTANT NOTE: If the customer has

Power Cycle the printer

Turn the power off, and then on. called previously for the same issue, and

2 the steps below have already been

Print an Event Log

This is most likely an intermittent 49 error. performed, elevate the case.

1. Ask the customer to print an Event Log so you can validate how often the error occurs.
2. Explain to the customer that these errors can be challenging to troubleshoot but will
not harm the printer.
Does error
No 3. Ask the customer for as much detail as possible about how the printer is being used
when the error occurs.
4. Use this knowledge to try to isolate any actions that might be leading to the error.
5. Review the Event log with the customer, note any other 49 errors, and determine the
Yes frequency of the occurrences.

Do NOT replace the Formatter

Close this
3 Determine the frequency of error

Gather Background Information

PDF and
go to the Do the errors • What are the 4 numbers that follow the 49 error (49.WX.YZ)?
Persistent occur more than • What task is being performed when error occurs (sleep, wake
49 error one time per boot, print, copy, fax, etc.)?
flowchart week? • What is the frequency of the error?
(c03116876) • What is the firmware version in use?

Check for known issues
Reassure the customer
Search WISE for specific 49 errors for that printer model,
check the Control Panel Message document (if available), and
Explain to the customer that while these errors
check the Firmware Readme file. Follow any steps provided.
might seem critical, a frequency of one time per week
or less is not cause for alarm and is similar in severity
to an infrequent paper jam. The errors will not harm
the printer.

Turn on the Auto Recovery feature

4 Update firmware

(If trying to enable the Auto Recovery feature, tell the

customer they need to update the firmware to obtain it.)
Let the customer know that HP recommends that
customers keep their firmware version
Explain to the customer that HP printers have an up-to-date with latest available firmware.
Auto Recovery feature which allows the printer to If no known issues are identified and 49 errors are
automatically recover and return to a Ready state if a reoccurring at unacceptable levels, help the customer
49 error occurs. update the printer firmware.

Solves the
Auto Recovery Yes
No error?
feature available?


Turn the Auto Recovery feature ON.

5 No
Perform a Partial Clean

If no known issues were identified, and upgrading

the firmware does not reduce the errors, and/or
the 49 errors are seen at unacceptable levels, a
Partial Clean might help.


Solves the
error? No
Inform the customer that Intermittent 49 errors can
often be caused by custom settings that are not
compatible with the firmware. A Partial Clean will
return the printer to factory default settings and
Yes clear the IP address.

Explain to the customer that all custom settings

Inform the customer that this is the extent of the will be lost including the IP address, address book
troubleshooting that can be done with infrequent errors contacts, fax numbers, network settings, printer
and that the steps taken today should help. If they configurations, stored jobs, etc. and that these will
continue to see errors they are welcome to call again. need to be manually reconfigured after the Partial
Clean. Make sure that the customer is comfortable
with this before performing a Partial Clean.

END If the customer is comfortable, perform a Partial

Clean. If the customer prefers, perform a backup
or print a Menu map and Configuration Status
pages, before performing the Partial Clean.

8 Perform a Format Disk

Explain to the customer that a custom setting is likely
6 Reconfigure the printer

causing the error and that a Format Disk procedure will

clear all custom configurations and settings. The IP Yes Does the error
address, address book contacts, fax numbers, network reoccur?
settings, printer configurations, stored jobs, etc. will need
to be manually reconfigured after the Format Disk.

7 No

Turn on Auto Recovery

Does the error Explain to the customer that HP printers have an

reoccur? No Auto Recovery feature which allows the printer to
automatically recover and return to a Ready state
if a 49 error occurs.

ELEVATE the case using the standard process. END

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