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(Write your answers here, this sheet is the only one to be collected during distribution and retrieval)

Name: Mica Joyce L. Biadoy

Year level, Strand and Section: ICT11 – Marc Lionaz

Direction: Fill out the elements of a story entitled, “Rich People Problem”. Generate slides presentation using Microsoft PowerPoint
or simply have the same graphic organizer in your WORD.doc file format.
( You can print and attach here your outputs)

Activity 2
 Bettina Ortiz y Mena
 Herman Ortiz y Mena
 Julie
 Alfred Shang
 Sip Sip Restaurant in Harbor Island.
 Bettina wants her favorite spot to be occupied by her in the restaurant, but unfortunately, there are the
tourist already using the spot that she wants. Bettina discriminate them and little she knows that those
tourists are richer than her.
 Person vs Person
 When Julie told Bettina that those tourists that she discriminates are wealthier than her, and Bettina does not seem
to be convinced on what Julie told to her.
 The theme of the story is being greed and being materialism.

Additional Activities
1. To keep our account safe, we must read and understand the content of the websites before entering it.
2. Technology made each people to be more productive on what they are doing.
3. Each software enables us to easily access for the internet in just a seconds.
4. The websites that I make attracts a lot of users every day.
5. The president’s secretary enters the data to the computer.


DATE: January 24, 2022

DATE: January 24, 2022
(Write your answers here, this sheet is the only one to be collected during distribution and retrieval)


Name: Mica Joyce L. Biadoy

Year level, Strand and Section: ICT11 – Marc Lionaz

Directions: Reflect on and answer the questions below. Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.
1. What did you feel after reading the story? Expound your answer.
 After I finished reading the story. I felt the same sadness, agony, and loss that Jake felt after Max died because I
believe that we can’t easily forget the pain of what happened after our family left us. And, based on the story’s
conclusion, I felt happy for Jake because he rediscovered again his new home and family thanks to Martha.

2.Based on the story, who is Jake and why is he in a state of loneliness?

 Jake is Max’s dog who has been left alone since Max died, and Jake feels lonely as a result of what happened to
his best friend, Max. Jake still misses Max’s presence on a daily basis, based on the couch where he used to sit.

3. What words were used to help you figure out Jake’s identity?
 The lines “tucks back his long, floppy ears” assist me to figure out Jake’s identity. I realized he is a boy because
of the word “his.”

4. Who was Max and what happened to him?

 Max has been Jake’s best friend for fifteen years, until Max died, leaving Jake alone.

5. Do you believe in the adage, ‘A dog is man’s best friend’? Elaborate on your
 Yes, I believe that a dog is a man’s best friend because dogs are always by the side of every human in the world,
regardless of their circumstances in life. Dogs always have a mutual respect for humans.

What I Have Learned

Directions: Fill out the story grammar below. Base your answer from the story that you have just read. Use Another sheet
of Paper for this activity. (Page 12) (You can use another sheet of paper)
Title: JAKE by Jim Bartlett
Characters: Jake, Max and Martha
Setting: Empty Room
Plot: Unified

Exposition – The exposition of the story begins when Jake opening Rising Action – The rising action of the story is when Jake
his eyes and then he quickly turns to the side where the couch is weighed all of his contrasting feelings towards Max, and we can also
located, that is Max spot and now it remains empty. Jake began to see to it what is truly happened to Max.
recount the past where he and Max always together .

Falling action – The falling action of the story is that when Climax – The climax of the story is when Jake was unable to sleep
Martha came into the story who is the one looking for Jake. She also and he looks around to the empty room. Then, he realized how
explained to Jake that she also experienced the same feeling as his. much his grief weights and how hard it is to even rise with such a
heaviness inside of him.
Resolution - The resolution of the story is when Martha walked
towards to Jake, then both of their eyes meet as if they both
understand each other’s feeling.

What I Can Do
Directions: Make a digital picture story of Jake. Follow the steps in creating a digital picture story. Send your output
through Messenger o Email.
1. Go back to the story, “Jake”.
2. Identify the sequence of the story that you will use in your digital picture story.
3. Import images and music.
4. Apply appropriate lighting.
5. Record a voice-over.
6. Add transitions.
7. Adjust the timeline.
8. Assess your digital picture story.

I create a Digital Picture story and I turned it

in separately in Google Classroom.

Thank You.

Additional Activities
Directions: Answer these questions with five to ten complete sentences.

If you had a pet dog, what type of treatment would you give it?
 If I had a pet dog, I would treat him or her the same way I treat myself every day, or as if he or she were a
member of our family. I will also give a safe and clean shelter for him or her to live in, so that he or she is safe
from the various dangers that surround him or her. Give him or her a fresh water on a regular basis to maintain his
or her hydration, which is critical for all animals. All dogs are social creatures who require daily interaction with
their owners, so I must communicate well with my dog every day in order to maintain our bond. Also, feed him or
her a enough amount of food to keep him or her satisfied. I also need to exercise my dog on a regular basis
because each animal requires it, in order to stay fit and participate in other enjoyable activities. All dogs in the
world cannot be our best friend unless we treat them well; giving them time, patience, and love is what they
require from their owners. I believe that if you treat your dog as if it were a member of your family, it will show
you devotion and affection in the future.

Do you believe that animals have human-like feelings and emotions? Expound
your answer.
 Yes, because animals, like humans and other living things, were created by God. God created animals, humans,
and other living beings on our planet with the ability to feel and think on a daily basis, so that they might express
their feelings more freely to others. All of us are still the same, even if we are physically different from each
other. Animals also has a wide range of feelings, emotions, and other characteristics. Animals are the same. They
are unpleasant like humans of they can feel unwell because they can feel the pain. So as you can see animals are
very much like humans when it comes to certain things. This is just one of the things that I believe in.


DATE: __January 24, 2022________

________EDNA BIADOY______________
DATE: __January 24, 2022_________

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