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My reflection about the “Great Reset” that World Economic Forum wants to convey an initiative

to improve the state of the world in the wake of the devastating impact of COVID-19. The Great Reset
serves as an opportunity to reinvent capitalism to create a more prosperous and peace world. When our
computer or mobile phone is malfunctioning or stops working, the crisis caused by the COVID-19
pandemic has exposed some systemic flaws, highlighting the need to reset the global economy and its
models. The underlying idea is that the world was not prepared for a crisis like the current COVID-19
pandemic and that it needs to be more sustainable and resistant to sudden changes in external
conditions, something that may be exacerbated by a phenomenon like climate change. The creation of
stakeholder capitalism, which will replace shareholder capitalism. The idea of this system is that
companies will work for the common good rather than immediate profits and benefits alone.

The Great Reset will not be easy, as the pandemic keeps the world in a state of uncertainty and our
capacity to react is being hindered in a society based on interpersonal connections and where the
economy, politics, the environment and technology are constantly influencing one another. Young
people, particularly affected by climate change and a lack of opportunities, must lead this change,
pushing companies to offer more sustainable products and services in the future.

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