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a. This is a record of proceedings of a formal meeting.

b. It is formal because it is led by a chairperson in the company of other officials and


c. Ordinarily, minutes are taken and read by the secretary upon being prompted by the

d. Minutes have the following components:

1. Preliminary: This is where the chairperson welcomes the members to the

meeting. This is then followed by prayers by a member who is present in the

2. Reading and confirmation of previous minutes: After prayers, the secretary is

invited by the chairman to read the previous minutes. After reading, the
chairperson welcomes members to confirm the minutes. This requires two
people; one to propose and another to second.

3. Matters arising: The chairman prompts members to raise and discuss any
pending matters that were not concluded in the previous meeting(s).
Subsequently, the concerned officials or parties react to the pending matters.

4. Discussion of the agenda: The major items are discussed at this point.

5. AOB: The chairperson gives members room to say anything else that is relevant
but is not on the agenda.

6. Adjournment: This is the section in which the chairman declares the meeting
ended for there being nothing else to discuss. The date, time and venue of the
next meeting should be communicated. Lastly, a member upon prompt by the
chairperson prays to close the meeting.

e. Minutes are written in the passive voice and the past tense.

f. Caution should be taken when writing the minutes’ numbers depending on the meeting. If
the meeting is said to be second and the last minute of the first meeting ended with
minute six, then the second meeting begins with minute seven. Secondly, when writing
matters arising, they should be written as they appeared in the previous meeting. Thirdly,
during the discussion, avoid mentioning the names of the speakers. Fourthly, do not use
an emotional tone but strive to sound as polite as possible.


a. A memo is a short form of memorandum. It is a formal communication from one office

to another about a given subject which requires attention.

b. Mostly, it is written by a higher office to a lower one.

c. It should be brief.

d. It has the name of the institution as the heading; followed by the group name if there is
any. Then the phrase internal memo is written. The phrase internal memo should be
written in capital letters and underlined.

e. There is a reference number that helps the recipient to respond appropriately and file the
memo properly.

f. The recipient(s) of the memo appears first.

g. The sender of the memo appears second.

h. The people that the memo has been copied to appear third.

i. The date of the memo appears fourth.

j. The subject of the memo appears fifth. The subject should also be underlined

k. The content of the memo.

l. Sign off the memo.



Ref No: 01/05

To: All Prefects

From: -The Discipline Master

Cc: The Principal

The Deputy Principal

Date: 2nd February, 2023


It has come to my notice that there could be very many students who own and use phones in
school illegally. Despite this, no prefect has taken it upon herself to report such incidents to the
office. Moreover, there are allegations that some prefects are also using the illegal phones instead
of being the ‘eyes’ of the school administration. Owing to this fact, all prefects are asked to
attend an urgent meeting that will be held on Friday, 3rd February, 2023 in the Boarding Room at
7:30 pm.

All members are asked to attend the meeting. Punctuality should be observed.

Yours faithfully,

Reuben Kyalo,


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