Module 2 Activity 1

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Module 2 Assessment 1

1. Create a folder and name it as Module2Assessment1 (1)

2. Create a blank document and save it as your name_surname in Module2Activity1 folder you
created previously. (1)
3. Write your name and surname as a header of your document. (1)
4. Insert a cover page called Slice (Dark). (1)
5. Write your name as a document title. (1)
6. Write the text “Module two assessment 1” as a sub title. (1)
7. On the second page insert table of contents. (1)
8. Bellow table of content insert page break. (1)
9. On page 3 write Introduction as a heading. (1)
10. Bellow the introduction insert a page break. (1)
11. On page 4 write a Pictures as your heading (1)
12. Bellow the text pictures insert a page break. (1)
13. On page 5 write Tables as a heading. (1)
14. On page 3 write “ICT in rural areas” bellow the heading (Introduction) as a sub heading. (1)
15. Bellow the sub heading write the following paragraph. (1)

Information and Communication Technology (ICT) can play a transformative role in

rural areas by bridging the gap between urban and rural communities, and facilitating
socio-economic development. (4)

16. Centre align the sub heading called ICT in rural areas. (1)
17. Change the paragraph beginning information and Communication… to bold. (2)
18. Apply font color green to the paragraph beginning Information and Communication. (2)
19. Change the font size of the paragraph beginning Information and Communication… to 14pt. (1)
20. On page 4 below the heading Picture write Concept of ICT as the sub heading. (1)
21. Open paint, draw and label the image as indicated below:

a. (20)
22. Save the image as Concept_of_ICT, and close paint. (1)
23. On page 4 below the heading pictures insert the image you have created. (1)
24. Apply 3” shape height and 5.33” width. (1)
25. On page 5 Insert a Table with 3 columns and 3 rows as indicated below. (10)

No Name Age
1 Thabo 30
2 John 20

26. Make the first row bold. (2)

27. Change the font of the first row to 18. (2)
Module 2 Assessment 1

28. Insert a new row bellow the first row and populate it as indicated below. (5)

3 Tato 25

29. Center align the second column as indicated bellow. (5)


30. Insert a new row above the first row as indicated bellow. (5)

Your surname

31. Insert an extra column between the last column and second last column as indicated below. (5)


32. Merge and center your surname across all columns and make it bold and the font size to 18 as
indicated bellow. (5)

Your surname
No Name Age City
1 Thabo 30 Durban
2 John 20 Mtata

33. Apply heading 1 style to all headings (Introduction, Pictures and Table) (2)
34. Apply heading 2 style to all sub headings (ICT in rural areas, Concept of ICT) and center align the
sub heading again. (2)
35. On page two update the table of contents. (2)
36. Insert page numbering at the bottom of each page, save and close all open documents. (2)

Total marks [100]

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