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1st UNIT EXAM 26/10/2020


1. Order the next steps of scientific method:

Collect data and analyse it.


Design a method to experiment.

Identify the problem and make a question.

Think a hypothesis.

2. What cell is This. Name It´s parts.

3. Which of these conditions are neccesary for life?. Mark the CORRECT answers.

o The distance between the Earth and the Sun.

o The existence of an atmosphere.
o The size of the Earth.
o The existence of seasons.

4. Write T (true) or F (false) as appropriate.

 Biomolecules are lipids, proteins and sodium chloride.

 Lipids contain a lot of energy.

 Living matter is made up of water, mineral salts, carbohydrates, lipids, proteins

and nucleic acids.

 DNA is a complex molecule that contains the instructions for the cell
to perform its function

 Biomolecules form part of non-living matter and living beings.

5. Answer the following questions.

A. What´s the main different between Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic cell?

B. List the organelles of plants cell.
C. What unit do we measure cells?
D. What is the main difference between autotrophic nutrition and heterotrophic nutrition?

6. What kingdom or kingdoms have the following characteristics?

 Include autotrophic organisms__________________________________________________

 Include Unicellular organisms___________________________________________________

 Include organisms with tissues__________________________________________________

 Include organism with tissues, organs and systems__________________________________

7. Name the following materials.

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