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‘Climate Change’

NASA is hoping that nations will work together more closely in the future on topics such as
climate change, including greenhouse gas emissions, the space agency's head, Bill Nelson, said
on Tuesday.

Solutions to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions that rapidly warm the planet and drive the
climate crisis already exist, but require unprecedented changes at a new scale and pace.

"This is something that nations can work on together because the information is there," Nelson
said in Mexico City when asked about how to address greenhouse gas emissions. "It's important
that we act on it."

Satellites have emerged as powerful tools for scientists around the world to study climate change
but also, increasingly, pinpoint the origin of greenhouse gas emissions, such as methane leaks,
that would otherwise have gone undetected.

Nelson added that satellites were constantly collecting data about climate and NASA was
looking to make this data accessible, and educate people on how to use it.

It is a much more potent driver of global warming in the short term than carbon dioxide because
it traps more heat in the atmosphere, ton for ton.

"The types of concerns that we have are global," said NASA Deputy Administrator Pam Melroy.
"It's very important to recognize that not any one country can solve that problem alone."

We humans all have an ability and that is to take responsibility,

The evidence that humans are causing climate change, with drastic consequences for life on the
planet, is overwhelming.

Experts began raising the alarm about global warming in 1979, a change now referred to under
the broader term climate change, preferred by scientists to describe the complex shifts now
affecting our planet’s weather and climate systems. Climate change encompasses not only rising
average temperatures but also extreme weather events, shifting wildlife populations and
habitats, rising seas, and a range of other impacts.

Over 200 countries—193 countries plus the 27 members of the European Union—have signed
the Paris Climate Agreement, a treaty created in 2015 to fight climate change on a global scale.
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which synthesizes the scientific
consensus on the issue, has set a goal of keeping warming under 2°C (3.6°F) and pursuing an
even lower warming cap of 1.5 °C (2.7° F).
But no country has created policies that will keep the world below 1.5 °C, according to
the Climate Action Tracker. Current emissions have the world on track to warm 2.8°C by the end
of this century.

Addressing climate change will require many solutions—there's no magic bullet. Yet nearly all
of these solutions exist today. They range from worldwide changes to where we source our
electricity to protecting forests from deforestation.

Drastic changes in weather created such hardships for not just people, but every single living
organism in this planet. Which is caused by climate change. Remember, preservation of our
environment is not a liberal or conservative challenge, it’s common sense.

Now, let’s go to ALL-NEWS-MEDIA!

On April 25, the popular boy group, Seventeen, unveiled a new music video teaser for their
highly-anticipated best album. The teaser showcases the choreography for their track
"MAESTRO" and highlights the group's charisma.Seventeen surprised their fans as it unveiled
the first music video teaser for the upcoming title track, “MAESTRO”. Now that artificial
intelligence (AI) is slowly taking over technological advancements, the K-pop group used its
platform to comment about the usage of AI, asking: “Who is the real maestro?”

The teaser shared a glimpse of its members looking sharp in sleek suits, performing alongside
images of robots playing the instruments. Contrary to what Seventeen had been sharing the past
days—colorful teasers and concept photos—fans quickly noticed how the latest teaser took a
sharp turn hinting to the return of the “DARKTEEN” era of the group, which was shown in the
songs “Getting Closer” and “Fear”.

“MAESTRO” is one of the four new tracks of Seventeen’s anthology album, “17 is Right Here”,
which includes “Lalali”, “Spell”, and “Cheers to Youth”. The other three songs will be
performed by each unit—the performance unit, the hip-hop unit, and the vocal unit.

Caratdeul, are you guys ready to know who is the real MAESTRO?

That is all for today’s NEWS! As I bid you farewell, I wish you a wonderful day ahead. Stay
informed, stay safe. This is Rheanne O. Salinas, signing off.

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