Transcendental Meditation

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Transcendental Meditation (TM)(टटटटटटटटटटटटटट टटटटटटटट टट

○ Transcendental Meditation® is a meditation technique that originated in India and was brought to the Western world by Maharishi
Mahesh Yogi in the mid-20th century. It’s a form of silent, mantra-based meditation typically practiced for twenty minutes, twice daily. It is
the simplest, most natural, and effortless technique of meditation – so simple that the adult technique can be learned from the age of ten.

How to do Transcendental Meditation (टट टटटटट टटटट टटटट)

1.First sit comfortable in a chair. ( टटटट टटटट टट टटटट टट टटटटटट टट टटट टटट)

2. Then close your eyes. (टटटट टटट टट टटटट टटटटट टटट टट टट)

3. Use mantra (Ram) in mind (like ram, ram, ram, ram…...) (टट टट टटटट टटट-टटट टटटटट (टटट) टटटट टटटट टट टटट,टटट,
टटट ,टटट, ……………)

4. let all kinds of thoughts come into your mind and don’t try to stop them. ( टटटटट टट टट टटटट टट टट टटटटट टट टटटट
टटट टट टटटट टट टटटटट टट टटटटट टट टटटट)

5. Do it for 20-20 mins Daily twice. ( टटटट टटटट टट टटट टट टटट 20-20 टटटट टटटट टटटट टट)

○ Important Points about TM : 1. Ram is a mantra use it as a mantra don’t think about lord ram when you using this mantra Your practice
should be effortless (don’t make an effort to think about anything). ( टटट टटटट टट टटटटट टट टटट टटटटटटटट टटटट टटट
टट टटटट टटटट टटटटट टटट टट टटटट टट टटटट टटटटट टटटट टटटट टटटट टटट टट टटटट टटट टटटट
टटटटट टटटटट टटटट टटट टट टटट टटटट टटटट टटटटट टटट टटटटटटट टट टटट टटटट टटटटटट)

2. Put little bit effort on matra in middle of thoughts in meditation. (In middle of thoughts in meditation you realized you are doing mediation
just put little effort on saying mantra (Ram)) (टटटट टट टटटटट टटटट टटट टटटटटटट टट टटट टटट ट टटट टटट टटट टट
टटटटट टट टटट टटट टट टटटटट टट टटट टटट टटटटट टटटटट टट टट ट)

⦾ Benefits of Transcendental meditation :


 Blood Pressure , Cigarette Smoking and Alcohol Use ,Cholesterol Levels and Lipid Oxidation , Psychosocial Stress

 Atherosclerosis , Myocardial Ischemia and Left Ventricular Hypertrophy,Reduced Health Insurance Claims,Mortality
Science Research Journal : ( )
2. List of Scientific benefits from Transcendental meditation:

 Reduced Risk of Atherosclerosis

 Cardiovascular Health
 Reduced Rates of Death, Heart Attack, and Stroke
 Decreased Blood Pressure (Meta-Analysis)
 Decreased Cortisol During TM
 Faster Recovery From Stress
 More Effective Recovery From Stress/Pain

 Decreased Depression
 Effectiveness of TM For People With High Anxiety
 Decreased Perceived Stress, Increased Self-Efficacy, and Improved Mental and Physical Health In Women In Uganda
 Decreased Anxiety and Increased Resilience In Students
 Decreased Mood Disturbances In Family Caregivers
 Reduced Anger In Prison Inmates

 Reduced Alcohol, Nicotine, and Drug Abuse, Treating Addictions With TM


 Pure consciousness, creativity


 Improved Psychological Health In High School Students; Increased Resilience and Reduced Anxiety, Reduced Teacher Burnout
 Increased Graduation Rates and College Acceptance, and Decreased Dropout Rates
 Improved Intellectual Performance
 Reduced Psychological Stress and Improved Coping Ability

 Stronger Immune System

 Reduced Mortality Rate
 Increased Longevity
 Improved Cognitive Flexibility In Elderly
 Younger Biological Age
Full Scientific Journals reference Link (
○ INTERMEDIATE FASTING: Fasting for 16 hours a day, leaving an eating window of 8 hours, is called the 16:8 method or the Lean Gains
diet. Do it once a week. It benefits in obesity, inflammation, diabetes, weight loss, improved blood sugar control, heart health, brain
function, and cancer prevention. It also helps in detoxification. (8 घघघघ घघ घघघघ घघ घघघ घघघघघघ घघघघघघघघ 16 घघघघ घघ घघघघघ
घघघघ 16:8 घघघघ घघ घघघ घघघघघ घघघघ घघघघघघ घघघ घघघ घघघघघघ घघघ घघ घघघ घघघघ. घघ घघघघघघ, घघघघ, घघघघघघ, घघघ घघघघघ,
घघघघघ घघघघ घघघघघघ घघघघघघघघ, घघघघ घघघघघघघघघ, घघघघघघघघ घघघघघघ घघ घघघघघ घघ घघघघघघ घघघ घघघ घघघघघघघघ घघघ)

( Scientific Research Journal

○ FOOD: We Should eat healthy food like Green Vegetables, Fruits, Curd, buttermilk, almonds, and cashews. Avoid spices, Ginger,
Garlic, Onions, and Chili in food. We should eat more homemade foods(Like roti, and sabgi ) and avoid market foods. We should avoid
deep-fried foods like (samosa, burgers, etc). We should avoid anything packaged or processed products from the market (like chips,
biscuits, packaged milk, and Coca-Cola) because they contain chemicals. (घघघघ घघघ घघघघघघघघ, घघ, घघघ, घघघ, घघघघघ घघ
घघघघ घघघघ घघघघघघ घघघघ घघघघ घघघघघघ घघघघ घघघ घघघघघ, घघघघ, घघघघघ, घघघघघ घघ घघघघघ घघ घघघघघ घघघघघ घघघघ घघ घघ
घघघ घघघघ (घघघघ घघघघ, घघघघघ) घघघघघघ घघघघ घघघघघ घघ घघघघघ घघ घघघघ घघ घघघघ घघघघघघ घघघघ घघघघ घघघ घघघ घघघघघ
घघघघघघ घघघघ (घघघघघ, घघघघघ घघघ) घघ घघघघ घघघघघघ घघघघ घघघघघघ घघ घघघघ घघ घघघघघघघ घघ घघघघघघघघघघ घघघघघघ
(घघघघ घघघघघ, घघघघघघघ, घघघघघघघ घघघ घघ घघघघ-घघघघ) घघ घघघघ घघघघघ घघघघघघघ घघघघघ घघघघघ घघघघ घघघघ)

○ HYDRATION: Drinking enough water each day is crucial for many reasons: to regulate body temperature, keep joints lubricated,
prevent infections, deliver nutrients to cells, and keep organs functioning properly. Being well-hydrated also improves sleep quality,
cognition, and mood. 4L for man , 3L for woman ,1.5L for young peoples . (घघघघघघघघ घघघ घघघघघघघघ घघघघ घघघघ घघ घघघघघघ घघ
घघघघघघघघघघ घघ: घघघघ घघ घघघघघघ घघ घघघघघघघघघ घघघघ, घघघघघघ घघ घघघघघ घघघघ, घघघघघघघ घघ घघघघघ, घघघघघघघघ घघ घघघघ
घघघघ घघघघघघघघ घघ घघघघघ घघ घघघ घघ घघघ घघघघघ घघघघघ घघघ घघ घघघघघघघघघघ घघघघ घघ घघघघ घघ घघघघघघघघ, घघघघघघघ घघ
घघघ घघघ घघ घघघघघ घघघघ घघघ घघघघघ घघ घघघ 4 घघघघ, घघघघघ घघ घघघ 3 घघघघ, घघघघ घघघघघघ घघ घघघ 1.5 घघघघघ)

( Scientific Research Journal

○ DO YOGA AND EXERCISE DAILY TO BE STRONG.(घघघघघ घघघघ घघ घघघ घघघघघघ घघघ घघ घघघघघघघ घघघघ)

○ Do not smoke or drink or Any substance which leads us to habit. (घघघघघघघघ घघ घघघघ घघ घघघ घघ घघघ घघघघघघ घ घघघ घघ घघघघ
घघघ घघ घघ घघ घघघ ! घघघघ घघघघ घघ घघघ घघघघ घघघघ घघ घघघघघ घघघघघघ घघघघ घघघघ घघघघघ घघघघ घघ घघघघघ घघ घघघघ घघ
घघघघ घघघघघघ

○ Treat others just as you want to be treated. (घघघघघघ घघ घघघ घघघघ घघ घघघघघघघ घघघघ घघघघ घघ घघघघ घघघ घघघघघ घघघघ)

○ Don’t abuse each other and help each other . (God always watching you). (घघघघ घघघघ घघ घघ घघघघ घघघघ घघघघघ घघघघ घघघघ घघघ
घघघघघ घघ घघघघघ घघ घघघ घघघघ घघघघघ घघ घघघ घघघघ घघघघघ घघ घघघघघ घघघघघ घघघघ घघघघघ घघघघ घघ)

○Don’t use bad words. (language should be clean).(घघघघ घघघघ घघ घघघघ घघघघ घघघघ घघघघघ घघघघ घघघघ घघघघघ घघघ घघघ घघघघ

○ Don’t watch porn or masturbate (10 reasons why porn is unhealthy article =
unhealthy-for-consumers-and-society/ ). (घघघघघ घघ घघघघघघघघघ घघघघघ घघघघ घघ घघघ घघघघघघघघ घघ)

○ When you have kids teach them about God and give them good manners (it is the duty of parents) (scold them or discipline them
also if needed)(Take care of your children never leave them alone with anyone)( घघ घघघघ घघघघघ घघघ घघ घघघघघघ घघघघघ घघ घघघघ
घघघ घघघघघघ घघ घघघघघघ घघघघघ घघघघघघघ घघघ (घघ घघघघ-घघघघ घघ घघघघघघघ घघ) (घघघघघ घघघघघ घघ घघघघघघ घघघघघघ घघ
घघघघघघघघ घघ घघघघ) (घघघघ घघघघघघ घघ घघघघघ घघघघ घघघघघघ घघघ घघ घघघघ घघ घघघ घघघघघ घ घघघघघघ) (Youth held for
sexually assaulting and killing 10-year-old boy {10 घघघघघघ घघघघघ घघ घघघ घघघघघघघघ घघघघ घघ घघघघ घघघघघ घघघघ घघ घघघघ घघघ
घघघघ घघघघघघघघ}
○ The best use of money is on Education.( घघ घघ घघघघ घघघघघ घघघघघ घघघघघघ घघ घघघघ घघघ)

○ Don’t pollute nature (your surroundings).( घघघघघघघ (घघघघ घघघघघघ) घघ घघघघघघघघ घ घघघघघ )

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