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Assessing Health of Population Census data

Major sources of Mortality / Morbidity • Obtain data / number / characteristic of

• Assessment to improve public health
• Continuous recording
Actual causes of death
One Health
• Attempts to account for disease history
• Broad approach
• Previous death statistics based on death
certificates Public Health System
o Filled out by clinicians; don’t account for full
• Network of different entities for good health in a
causal pathway
Community Health Information Tracking System or
Organizations and Sectors
• Public Health agencies
• Electronic tracking for medical records in PH
• Healthcare providers
Maternal – Child Health outcomes • Public safety organizations
• Human service and charity organizations
• Outcomes of pregnant women / children
• Often preventable Pre-Spanish Era
• Represents many years of potential life lost
• Harmonious relationship w/ environment
Disability – Adjusted life years • Both natural / supernatural
• Assess burden of disease Spanish Era
• Years of life lost due to disability + Years of life
lost due to premature mortality • Hospital Real
o 1st hospital in PH
Health care Disparities o Cebu 1565
• San Lazaro Church / Hospital
• Goal of Public health is to decrease disparities,
o Early medical healthcare
remove health inequity
American Era
Data sources
• Built more hospitals / education
• Health indicator data
• Board of Health for the PH islands
• Numerator data
o Act 157, July 1 1907
o Population who experienced disease / risk
• Philippine General Hospital
• Denominator data
o September 10, 1910
o Population at risk
Surveillance / Databases
• Dr. Jose Fabella
• Ongoing systematic collection / analysis /
o Head of Department of Health / Welfare
dissemination for budget allocation and focus
• Dr. Antonio Villarama
Summary measures of Health o Created Department of Health / Welfare

• Usually mortality data of general population


• For emerging diseases

FOURmula 1 / F1 Health Agenda • Develop / implement strats for expenditure
patterns in health
• Medium term reform agenda by DOH
o Internationally recommended
Financing • Develop facilities for health promotion / disease
control / prevention / standards
• Secure sustainable investments for Health o Capacity building
Local Government Level
Service Delivery
• R.A. 7160, LG code of 1991
• Ensure the accessibility of essential services
• Health devolution / decentralization
Regulation • Declaration of Alma Ata on PHC. 1978
o Healthcare is universal
• Ensure quality products / faculties o Accessible to individuals / families
Governance • Stewards of local health system
• Required to formulated / enforce local policies /
• Leadership, management capacity ordinances
Strategic Goals Private Sector
• Uses indicators to determine targets by 2022 • For profit / non-profit providers are market –
• Better health outcomes oriented
• More Responsive health system • Expanded coverage of HMO by subsidies
• More equitable health financing

Role of Government Agencies

Department of Health

• Spearheads health in the PH

• Incumbent Ted Herbosa
• Cant provide full spectrum of health services
• Makes SOPs / policies with help from LGUs
o Esp in distribution of policies
• Essence of harmonized / efficient resource
• Mandate
o Provide national policy direction
o Develop national plans / technical standards
/ health guidelines

DOH functions

• Based on Executive Order 112

• Make national policies / standards for health
• Prevent / control death / disability
• Develop disease surveillance / HIS
• Maintain health facilities, support local services
• Promote health / well-being thru public info
o Hygiene practices, Health literacy
• Provide public w/ relevant health risk / hazards
Public Health Concerns in PH Health Promotion Framework Strategy

• Noncommunicable diseases still are most Health Promotion

highest mortality diseases
• enabling people to increase control over /
1. Healthcare system is fragmented improve health

• Health disparities / unequal accessibility Administrative Order 2021 – 0063 / Health

• DOH budget 3rd most expensive Promotion Framework Strategy 2030
• Out of pocket expenditure / individual spending • All Filipinos are health literate
on healthcare still high
• Health-enabling settings
• Hospitals (esp. lvl 3) are concentrated in Urban
• Policies are supportive / protective of health
Specific Objective
2. High maternal / newborn mortality rate, High
fertility rate • Provide strategic direction
• Identify priority areas for health promotion
• SDG maternal mortality ratio
• Promote / Provide basis for technical support
o Less than 70 / 100,000 live births
• Provide guidance on Gov participation
• SDG neonatal mortality ratio
o Less than 12 / 1,000 live births Vision
• Less 5 mortality ratio
• Healthy Pilipinas, health seeking indivs / health
o Less than 25 / 1,000 live births
enabling settings / health support are present
3. Rise of NC/C Diseases
4. Shortage of Human Medical Resources
• Make healthy behaviors easier
• MedTechs only 15%, brain drain
Performance governance system, 2004
• Health literate Filipinos, Health enabling
• Strat for Gov reform of a better health capacity settings, health supporting policies
Initiation 7 Healthy Habits

• Roadmap Priority Area 1: Nutrition and Physical Activity

• Identifying obj / strat / impact indicators
• Move more, Eat Right
Compliance • balanced diet / enough exercise
• protection from NC diseases
• Align whole org (f/ brgy center to DOH) towards
one goal Priority Area 2: Environmental Health
• Evaluation
• Be clean, Live sustainably
Proficiency • focus on personal hygiene / cleaner
surroundings / sustainable living
• Strat for good execution
• Monitoring / evaluation execution Priority Area 3: Immunization

Institutionalization • Get Vaccinated

• Best protection against diseases for all ages
• Impact, breakthrough results

Being done

• Augmentation of workforce thru HRH programs

Priority Area 4: Substance Abuse

• Don’t Smoke, Avoid Alcohol

• Say no to Drugs
• Harmful use of any substance for mood altering
• Demands an effective mechanism of deterrence

Priority Area 5: Mental Health

• Care for Yourself, Care for Others

• No health w/o meant health

Priority Area 6: Sexual and Reproductive Health

• Practice safe sex

• Make informed decisions about SRH, respect
human right
• Positive / Respectful approaches to sexuality

Priority Area 7: Violence and Injury Prevention

• Do no Harm, Put Safety First

• Culture of Safety

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