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(1) Municipality of: _______________________________ (2)Province: _____________________

(3) Municipal water area (hectares): __________ (8) Name of Coastal Barangays:
(4) Length of shoreline/coastline (km):________ _______________________________

(5) Major Fishing Ground: _________________ (9) No. of Resorts: ______

_______________________________________ List of Resorts and Resort Owners
_______________________________________ (attachment)
(6) No. of Barangays: (7) No. of Coastal (10) NO. OF ISLAND__________________
______ Barangays: _______ Name of island:

(11) Fish Sanctuary and Marine Reserve (FSMR)/Marine Protected Area (MPA)
No. of
No. of FSMR / Coral Cover Estimated
Ordinance & Date Established Hectares
MPA Condition Fish Biomass
Title of Mun

(12) Mangrove Areas

Barangay Size (hectares) Mangrove Species

(13) Coral Reefs

Barangay Est. Size (hectares) Type Conditions/Status

(14) Seagrass
Barangay Est. Size (hectares) Conditions/Status

(15) River/Lakes/Lakelets/Reservoir/Dams

Common fish
Name of River/Lake/Lakelet/Reservoir/Dam Address Size / Area (ha.)

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Fishing Boats Fishing Gears Used

Type of Gear No. of Units Est. Catch (kgs)
Non- Total
FishR Moto Non-
Motori Fishing Moto Non- Motoriz Motori Non-
rized Motor Total Total
zed Boats rized Motorized ed zed Motorized

2000 300 200 500 gillne Hook and

t line


Location No. of No. of Area (has.) Qty Species Remarks

(brgy) Units Operators Physical Productive (no.) Cultured
Area Area
Brackishwater Brgy 1 5 100ha. 50 ha.
(Non- FLA)
(gov’t owned)
Freshwater Cages
Marine Cages
Fish pens (no.)
Mussel Farms
Oyster Farms
Seaweed Farms

Hatchery (private)

Hatchery (gov’t

(18) Demographics (latest update, include the source of data and date of survey)
No. of Fishing
No. of Population No. of Coastal Population No. of Households

(19) IP Community, if any (latest update, include the source of data and date of survey)
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Status of Ancestral Total Source of Fishing
Name of Land (awarded or Area Income Activities
Tribe Name Population
Chieftain with *CADC or (ha.)

*CADC – Certificate of Ancestral Domain Claim

*CADT – Certificate of Ancestral Domain Title

(20) No. of Fisherfolk (FishR); major sources and average annual income of fisherfolk
No. of Fisherfolk Major Sources Other Sources Est. Ave. Monthly
Income of Fisherfolk

Kindly use the PSA guide form attached in

computing the volume of Fisheries Production
(21) Major fishery Commodity/ies in the municipality
Est. Volume of Fisheries Production (CY 2019), metric tons
Capture Commercial Aquaculture Capture Municipal
Commodity Vol. of Prod’n, Commodity Commodity
Vol. of Prod’n Est. Vol. of Prod’n
/Species metric tons /Species /Species

(22) Presence and profile of Fishery Based Organizations/Cooperatives

If Yes, Indicate
Scope of Operation Year Number Type and Registered registering
Organiz Status of
(Indicate if municipal, Organize of Economic or not (Yes authority (e.g.
ation Organization
provincial, regional) d Members Activity/ies or No) CDA, SEC, DOLE,

(23) Other enablers of the fishing industry (NGAs, NGOs, POs, Development Partners, SUCs, etc.)
Other NGAs/NGOs/Private Institutions Type of Services they provide
Other NGAs (specify)


Private Institutions

(25) Fisheries Intervention By BFAR and Other Agencies

Name of Agency/Institution Recipient/Beneficiary Location Project Cost Status/Remarks
Project (Php)

(26) Inventory of Fishery Facilities and Equipment

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Total Individual Farmers and Fisherfolk Farmers and Fisherfolk Group
Provided by Provided by
Type of Own Provided by Own Provided by
Other Other
Facility / Unit of Number Acquisition DA-BFAR Acquisition DA
Institutions Institutions
Equipment1 Measure of Units
No. of No. of No. of No. of No. of No. of
Status/2 Status/2 Status/2 Status/2 Status/2 Status/2
Units Units Units Units Units Units

1. Minimum Requirement: Major Facilities and Equipment

2. Specify Status, as follows:
a. Operational and Being Used d. Non-Operational but can be Repaired
b. Operational but Not Being Used e. Non-operational but beyond Repair
c. Partly Operational

((27) Fisheries Schools

Name of Fisheries School Address

(8) ) Prospects and Challenges

1. Prospects of the area in fishery development

2. Needs, problems and challenge

Guide Form in computing the volume of fisheries production (from PSA)

Province: ________________________
Municipality: _____________________

Name of Municipal Landing Centers: _________________________________________________

PFDA and LGU Managed Municipal Landing Centers: ___________________________________
Common species Average monthly volume of fish unloadings Average monthly price

Common fishing gears used: ________________________________________________________

Number of fishing boats: __________________________________

Name of Commercial Landing Centers: _______________________________________________

PFDA and LGU Managed Commercial Landing Centers: __________________________________
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Common species Average monthly volume of fish unloadings Average monthly price

Common fishing gears used: ________________________________________________________

Number of Philippine-flagged vessels: _______________________________
Number of foreign-flagged vessels: _________________________________

Number of Inland Fishermen: ______________________________

Common species Average monthly production Average monthly price

Common fishing gears used: ________________________________________________________

Number of aquafarm operators by environment

Number of aquafarm operators Total Area

Aquafarm average monthly production and price

Common Species Average monthly production Average monthly price

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