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Class seven, English first paper. Full marks 80 time 2.


( Seen -40)
Read the following text carefully and answer the questions.

A big frog once lived in a small pond. Because he was the biggest creature in the pond, the
frog decided he must also be the biggest thing in the world. As he sunned himself on his lily
pad, he puffed out his chest with pride.
"No one anywhere is bigger than I am," he thought.
One day a huge ox came to drink at the pond. The frog was amazed, but he refused to be
"I suppose you think you are big," the frog called out to the ox. "But I want you to know that I
can make myself just as big as you."
The ox did not reply. He just kept on drinking.
"If you don't believe me." shouted the frog, "just watch!"
The frog took a deep breath and blew himself up to twice his usual size. But still, the ox paid
no attention to him. "So, that's not big enough for you?" croaked the frog. Very well, I'll make
myself bigger still." He blew himself up even larger. Again, the ox said nothing. He simply
turned away and headed for the other side of the pond. He had had enough to drink. This
made the frog furious. Taking an enormous breath, he blew...and blew...and blew himself up
until he burst. And that was the end of the big frog in the small pond.

1.Answer the following questions. 2×5=10

(a) Where did the frog live?
(b) What did the frog decide?
(c) Who came to the pond one day? Why did he come?
(d) How do you describe the frog?

2 Choose the correct answer. 1×1=5

(a) The frog wanted to be the biggest creature in the -.
(i) pond. (ii) world. (iii) universe (iv) village

(b) The frog was enjoying the - on his lily pad.

(i) the scene (ii) the water (iii) the time (iv) the sun

(c) The ox came to pond to

(i) meet the frog (ii) drink water. (iii) wash him. (iv) see the scene
(d) The frog blew himself up by taking a
(i) much water. (ii) croak. (iii) deep breath. (iv) burst
(e) The foolish frog in the end.
(i) died. (ii) laughed. (iii) blew (iv) won

3. Write "True' for correct statement and 'False' for incorrect statement. If false, give
correct answer. 1×5=5
(a) The frog was proud of being the biggest creature in the pond.
(b) The massive size of the ox impressed the frog.
( c)The ox was attentive to whatever the frog was doing.
(d) The silence and indifference of the ox made the frog furious.
(e) Pride led the frog to his destruction.
4. Write synonym or antonym of the following words 1×5=5
(a) pride (antonym)
(b) amaze (synonym)
(c) impress (antonym)
(d) believe (antonym)
(e) turn away (synonym)

5. Read the following sentences and identify the forms of the underlined adjectives
(degree of adjectives). 1×5=5
(a) A big frog once lived in a small pond.
(b) No one anywhere is bigger than I am.
(c) The frog decided he must also be the biggest thing in the world.
(d) One day a huge ox came to drink at the pond.
(e) The frog took a deep breath.

6.Write the paragraph answering the following questions in not more than five
(a) Where do you live?
(b) How many members are there in your family? Who are they?
(c) Who is the youngest and who is the eldest?
(d) Who is the most caring and helpful?
(e) Who is your best friend?

7.Rearrange the following sentences in correct order in your answer script. You do
not need to reproduce the sentences in your script. Only the corresponding numbers
of the sentences need to be written.
(a) He thought to himself to be the biggest thing in the world.
(b) The frog died in vain trying to prove him the biggest.
(c) The frog was big in size.
(d) One day, an huge ox came to the pond for drinking water.
(e) There lived a frog in a small pond.

(Written -40)

8.Write a paragraph about “ Load - shedding 10

9.Write a composition about your Daily life . 15
10.Write an application to the principal for opening a common room. 5
11. Write an dialogue between you and your friend about his birthday. 10

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