Dolera-Cenas-Sabandal-Aca-ac Research

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Quantitative Effects of Management Strategies Towards Business Performance Among

Merchandising Business in Brgy. Ospital, Aloran"


Background of The Study

Effective management strategies play a crucial role in enhancing the performance and

profitability of businesses, especially in the highly competitive retail industry. Barangay Ospital,

located in Aloran, has a significant number of merchandising businesses contributing to the

local economy. Understanding the quantitative effects of management strategies on business

performance in this specific context will enable business owners and managers to make

informed decisions and adopt strategies that optimize their operations.

Collins & Harris (2009) investigated how ethical atmosphere and organizational politics were

seen by merchandising professionals and how it affected their ethical decision-making and

argues that putting quantitative management techniques into practice can aid in the

development of an open and equitable workplace, which in turn encourages moral decision-

making and improves business success. Additionally, Chou and Chu (2014) look into the

connections between market orientation, organizational performance, and marketing methods.

According to Ye, Y., Guo, Y., & Wei, M., (2021)Suggests that merchandising organizations can

enhance their business performance by better understanding client demands and preferences

through the implementation of quantitative management tactics, such as data analysis and

market research. It examines how quantitative management affects corporate performance in a

range of industries. Despite not being particularly targeted at the merchandising industry, the
results demonstrate the beneficia impac oft quantitative management techniques, like

performance assessment and data-driven decision-making, on improving overall corporate

performance. Liu, W. S., and Liu, J. (2019) examines the connection between organizational

performance and quantitative management in Chinese post-investment asset management

firms. While not specifically relevant to the commerce sector, the results indicate that the

application of quantitative management techniques, like risk assessment and portfolio

optimization, enhances the performance of organizations.

Moreover, this study aims to investigate the relationship between management strategies

and business performance in merchandising businesses located in Brgy. Ospital Aloran.

Specifically, it seeks to quantify the effects of different management strategies on the overall

performance of these businesses. However, lack of empirical studies that have specifically

examined the quantitative effects of management strategies on the business performance of

merchandising businesses in Brgy. Ospital Aloran. While there may be studies that focus on

management strategies or business performance individually, there is a limited amount of

research that directly explores the relationship between management strategies and business

performance in the context of merchandising businesses in this specific area.By addressing this

research gap, the study aims to provide valuable insights to business owners and stakeholders

in Brgy. Ospital Aloran. The findings of the research can inform decision-making processes and

help business owners formulate effective management strategies that can enhance the

performance and profitability of their merchandising businesses. Moreover, the study can

contribute to the existing body of knowledge on management strategies and their impact on

business performance in the specific geographical context of Brgy. Ospital Aloran.

The purpose of this study is to contribute to local business development, enhance business

performance, identify best practices, inform policy decisions, and make an academic

contribution. It will study the management strategies implemented by merchandising businesses

in the area, identifying effective strategies that can positively impact business performance. This

will help local businesses thrive, create employment opportunities, and stimulate economic

growth. The research will also provide insights on the relationship between various

management strategies and performance indicators, helping business owners and managers

make informed decisions. The findings will also serve as valuable resources for other

businesses in the same industry or location, leading to a more competitive and thriving business


Theoretical Framework

The primary focus of this study was to identify the management strategies and it's

effects on business performance.The following are the insights of the previous researchers

whose focus is related to the objective of this study.

A. Arora and K. Kaur (2016) Investigates the relationship between marketing strategies and

business performance. The authors examine how different marketing strategies, such as

product differentiation, pricing, promotion, and distribution, influence various performance

indicators. The study employs a quantitative research approach and collects data from a sample

of businesses. The findings suggest that effective marketing strategies positively impact

business performance, including sales revenue, market share, and profitability. The study

highlights the importance of developing and implementing strategic marketing initiatives to

enhance business performance.

Ting&Kadir. (2012).Focuses on the relationship between inventory management practices

and business performance in the context of manufacturing companies in Malaysia. The authors

conduct a case study approach, collecting data from selected companies in the manufacturing

sector. The study explores the impact of inventory management metrics, such as inventory
turnover, stockout rate, and holding costs, on business performance indicators, including sales

growth, profitability, and customer satisfaction. The findings suggest that effective inventory

management practices positively influence business performance outcomes, highlighting the

significance of efficient inventory management in enhancing overall organizational performance.

Cheng and Yen. (2008). Investigates the relationship between customer relationship

management (CRM) practices and company performance in the electronic industries of Taiwan.

The authors employ a quantitative research method and collect data through surveys

administered to managers in the electronics sector. The study explores the impact of CRM

dimensions, such as customer involvement, relationship quality, and customer satisfaction.

The effects of Management Strategies into:

-Pricing optimization

-Inventory management Busines Performance Among

Merchandising Business in Brgy.
-marketing and promotions Hospital,Aloran Misamis Occidental
-costumer relationship management

Table 1. Schematic Diagram

Statement of the Problem

This study seek to identify the most effective approaches to improve the overall

performance of these business by quantitatively analyzing these strategies.

1.The following specific objective provide light on how

a.)effectiveness of pricing optimization strategies

b.) Inventory management strategies ?

2.. What is the relationship between marketing and promotion strategies and the quantitative

business performance of merchandising businesses in Barangay Ospital, Aloran?

3.. How do customer relationship management strategies quantitatively influence the business

performance of merchandising businesses in Barangay Ospital, Aloran?

Significance of the Study

The study on the quantitative effects of management strategies on business performance in

merchandising businesses in Barangay Ospital, Aloran, is significant for various stakeholders. It

provides valuable insights for:

1. Business Owners: This research can provide valuable insights to business owners in the

merchandising industry and understand how different management strategies impact business

performance and make informed decisions to optimize their operations.

2. Managers and Decision-makers: This study can benefit managers and decision-makers

within merchandising businesses in Barangay Ospital, Aloran. They can use the research

findings to develop effective management strategies, allocate resources efficiently, and improve

business performance.

3. Employees: The study can indirectly benefit employees of merchandising businesses in

Barangay Ospital, Aloran. By implementing effective management strategies, businesses can

improve their performance and potentially create more job opportunities, provide better working

conditions, and offer greater job security.

4. Customers: The research can also have implications for customers of merchandising

businesses in Barangay Ospital, Aloran. The findings can lead to businesses offering better

products, services, and customer experiences, thereby enhancing customer satisfaction and


5. Government and Policymakers: The study's insights can help inform policies and regulations

related to the merchandising industry in Barangay Ospital, Aloran. Policymakers can use the

research findings to design policies that foster a conducive business environment, promote

economic growth, and support the development of small and medium-sized businesses.

6. Researchers and Academics: This study contributes to the existing body of knowledge in the

field of business management. Researchers and academics can reference the study's findings

for further research, analysis, and academic discourse on management strategies and their

impact on business performance.

Scope and Limitation

Studying the effects of various management strategies on the productivity and prosperity

of merchandising enterprises in Brgy. Ospital Aloran is the goal of the research project

"Quantitative Effects of Management Strategies towards Business among Merchandising

Business in Brgy." Ospital Aloran. In order to assess how successful these tactics are, it

primarily looks at metrics like market share, profitability, revenue growth, and customer

happiness. Data for the study is gathered from a selection of Brgy merchandising companies.

Ospital Aloran and seeks to determine the best management approaches for expansion and

sustainability. Nonetheless, the study is subject to several limitations, including those related to

generalizability, sample size, data collecting, time constraints, and data analysis.

Research Design:

The research will adopt a quantitative research design. Johnson& Brown( 2020),

examines the quantitative relationship between management strategies and business

performance. The research likely involves data analysis to assess how various management

approaches influence key performance indicators within businesses, providing insights into

effective strategies for enhancing overall performance.This design allows for the collection and

analysis of numerical data to determine the relationship between management strategies and

business performance among merchandising businesses in Barangay Ospital, Aloran. The

research design will involve the use of structured questionnaires to gather data from the


Research Settings:

The research study was conducted among merchandising businesses located in

Barangay Ospital, Aloran. These are Maxine General Merchandise,V- Sing Store,J-Zel

Merchandise. The respondenta of this study are the owners,managers,and employees working

in merchandising businesses. This study was conducted within the second semester academic

year 2023-2024.
Research Respondents:

The respondents for this research will consist of business owners, managers, and

employees working in merchandising businesses in Barangay Ospital, Aloran. A stratified

random sampling technique will be used to select a representative sample of respondents from

different business categories (e.g., small, medium, and large-scale businesses) to ensure a

diverse range of perspectives.

Research Instruments:

The primary research instrument for data collection will be a structured questionnaire. The

questionnaire will be designed to gather information on management strategies employed by

the businesses and their corresponding business performance measures. The questionnaire will

include closed-ended questions with rating scales and Likert-scale items to measure

respondents' perceptions and attitudes towards various management strategies.

Validation of Research Instruments:

To ensure the validity of the research instruments, a pilot test will be conducted prior to the

actual data collection. The pilot test will involve administering the questionnaire to a small group

of respondents who are similar to the target population. Feedback from the pilot test participants

will be used to evaluate the clarity, relevance, and comprehensiveness of the questionnaire.

Any necessary revisions will be made based on the pilot test results.

Data Analysis:
The collected data will be analyzed using statistical methods. Descriptive statistics will be

used to summarize the data and provide an overview of the management strategies and

business performance measures. Inferential statistics, such as correlation analysis and

regression analysis, will be conducted to examine the relationship between management

strategies and business performance. Statistical software, such as SPSS or Excel, will be used

to analyze the data.

Data Gathering:

The data gathering process will involve the distribution of questionnaires to the selected

respondents. Prior to distributing the questionnaires, the researchers will obtain the necessary

permissions and approvals from the merchandising businesses in Barangay Ospital, Aloran.

The questionnaires will be distributed either in person or through online platforms, depending on

the preferences and convenience of the respondents. The researchers will also provide clear

instructions and ensure the confidentiality and anonymity of the respondents' data.

Ethical Considerations

The researchers explained in both oral and written communication to the owners about the

purpose of this study and they have the rights to decline to participate and have the right to

have a copy of the results of the study if they wish. The owners/managers signed a consent

form. That form was proof of their willingness to participate in this study and was not forced in

any way. The researchers of this study adhered to the ethical guidelines of conducting a

research study . All data were kept and we're only used for this research.
Definition of Terms

Barangay Ospital,Aloran Misamis Occidental-Ospital, formerly Poblacion, is a barangay in the

municipality of Aloran, in the province of Misamis Occidental. Its population as determined by

the 2020 Census was 522. This represented 1.87% of the total population of Aloran.

Merchandising Businesses-companies that buy products and then resell them to end

consumers, whether online or in brick-and-mortar stores. Merchandising businesses are specific

to products rather than services. If a business only offers services, it does not qualify as a

merchandising business.

Profitability-measure of an organization's profit relative to its expenses

Businesses Performances- is a management approach which encompasses a set of processes

and analytical tools to ensure that an organization's activities and output are aligned with its

goals. BMP is associated with business process management, a larger framework managing

organizational processes

Management strategies-a comprehensive approach to planning, organizing, and leading

organizational resources to achieve an organization's goals.

Strategies-describes how the ends (goals) will be achieved by the means (resources).

1. How long have you been running your merchandising business in Barangay Ospital, Aloran?

2. How would you rate the overall performance of your merchandising business in terms of


3. What management strategies have you implemented in your business to improve its


4. Have you experienced any significant changes in business performance after implementing

specific management strategies? If yes, please provide examples.

5. On a scale of 1 to 5, how effective do you consider your management strategies in improving

business performance?

6. How frequently do you review and update your management strategies?

7. How do you measure the success or effectiveness of your management strategies?

8. Have you faced any challenges or difficulties in implementing management strategies? If yes,

please explain.

9. What resources or support do you require to implement effective management strategies?

10. To what extent do you involve your employees in the decision-making process regarding

management strategies?

11. What role does technology play in your management strategies and business performance?

12. How do you ensure that your management strategies align with the changing market trends

and customer preferences?

13. Do you believe that there is a relationship between the implementation of management

strategies and business performance? Please explain your perspective.

14. Are you aware of any other merchandising businesses in Barangay Ospital, Aloran that

have implemented different management strategies? If yes, how do their performances

compare to yours?

15. How do you plan to further improve the performance of your merchandising business in the


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