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Lecturer : MBA. Nguyễn Kim Ngân

Group : 3

Class : 3 – Shift : 2 (Saturday)

Ho Chi Minh, 14 December 2023

Full Name Student ID Task Evaluation
Trần Quốc Thống 721K0436 100%
Lương Chí Vĩ 721K0437 100%
Lê Trần Thái Ngọc 721K0060 100%
Nguyễn Thị Bảo Trâm 721K0304 100%
Lê Minh Anh 721K0146 100%


We extend our sincere appreciation to Ms. Nguyen Kim Ngan, our instructor for the
Marketing Service course. Her invaluable contributions have profoundly enriched the
content of this essay. Throughout the semester, Ms. Ngan's impact surpassed
conventional academic instruction, embracing a broad spectrum of soft skills and
professional knowledge. Her role as a marketing educator is not only praiseworthy but
also pivotal in shaping our understanding of the subject matter. We consider ourselves
fortunate to have benefited from her guidance, and the wealth of knowledge acquired
during this period is immeasurable.
Ms. Ngan's effectiveness as a marketing teacher goes beyond the mere dissemination of
information; it extends to the creation of a positive and energizing learning environment.
Her dedication and thoughtfulness are evident in every session, not only contributing to
the accumulation of knowledge and practical experience but also instilling in us a
positive mindset crucial for personal and professional growth. The considerate approach
and commitment displayed by Ms. Ngan have played a pivotal role in providing the
guidance and insight necessary for our success in various endeavors.
We express our gratitude to Ton Duc Thang University for providing us the opportunity
to explore this incredibly beneficial subject. The university's commitment to creating a
conducive learning environment has played a crucial role in our academic journey. The
relevance and significance of the subject matter, coupled with the support from both Ms.
Ngan and the university, have collectively contributed to our success in comprehending
and applying the acquired knowledge effectively.
In conclusion, the collaborative efforts of Ms. Nguyen Kim Ngan and Ton Duc Thang
University have been instrumental in shaping our academic experience. The holistic
approach to education, covering not only theoretical knowledge but also practical skills
and fostering a positive mindset, has undoubtedly prepared us well for the challenges that
lie ahead. We extend our deepest appreciation to both Ms. Ngan and the university for
their integral roles in our academic development and success.
PART A : BACKGROUND...........................................................................................................5

1. Reason for establishment of YOW-O center...........................................................5

2. YOW-O mission.........................................................................................................5
3. Logo of the center......................................................................................................5
4. Origin and purpose of the YOW-O center’s name.................................................5
5. Operating Principles..................................................................................................5
6. Team of Experts:........................................................................................................6
PART B : FLOWER OF SERVICE.............................................................................................6

1. Core Service...............................................................................................................6
2. Supplementary service............................................................................................10
PART C : CONSUMER BEHAVIOR........................................................................................11

Three-stage model of service consumption................................................................11

PART D : POSITIONING STRATEGY....................................................................................13

1. Positioning Map.......................................................................................................13
2. Pricing Comparison.................................................................................................14
3. Diversity of service comparison..............................................................................14
4. Conclusion................................................................................................................15
PART E : PRICING.....................................................................................................................15

1. Cost............................................................................................................................15
1.1 In Room environment cost................................................................................15
1.2 Service environment cost..................................................................................19
2. Competitor - based pricing.....................................................................................21
3. Value-based pricing................................................................................................21
PART F : CUSTOMER INTERFACE MANAGEMENT........................................................21

1. Blueprint...................................................................................................................21
2. Managing demand/ capacity...................................................................................22
3. Service environment................................................................................................24
Marketing Mix Analysis for YOW-O Center...........................................................29
1. Product......................................................................................................................29
2. Price..........................................................................................................................29
3. Place..........................................................................................................................30
4. Promotion.................................................................................................................31
PART H : REVENUE MANAGEMENT...................................................................................32

1. Reason for establishment of YOW-O center
In the midst of life's bustling concerns, we often pay little attention to our own health
issues. Confronted with the pressures of modern life, individuals are increasingly
grappling with psychological challenges, stress, and mental strain.
The profound understanding of these issues, The mental health care center named YOW-
O was established with a primary motivation rooted in a robust awareness of the
increasingly vital role of mental health within the community. Furthermore, the creation
of the center also stems from a deep-seated belief in alleviating psychological difficulties
and mental stress. A keen sensitivity to the manifestations of stress and psychological
issues has generated an urgent need for safe spaces and support, where people can share,
learn, and restore their mental well-being.
2. YOW-O mission
The specific mission of the YOW-O center is mainly a commitment to providing specific
and effective mental health care services. In addition, YOW-O's mission also focuses on
supporting the building of mental health and maintaining a healthy mentality for the
community. YOW-O’s mission also aiming to convey mental strength through activities,
Intensive spiritual care services, to encourage the personal development of each
3. Logo of the center

4. Origin and purpose of the YOW-O center’s name

This is the short term of “Your Only Way Out”, which means we truly believe that
experiencing our unique term of services will be the most efficient way to get rid of your
mental problems. This name was also chosen because the message it conveys is both a
reliable commitment and a humorous overstatement.
5. Operating Principles
- Diverse and Flexible Approach : The YOW’O center commits to providing
multidimensional care methods to meet the diverse needs of the community.
- Respectful and Non-Judgmental : Creating a safe, non-judgmental environment
for people to freely share without fear of evaluation.
- Transparent and Honest : Committed to transparency regarding services and
methods to build a trustworthy environment
- Continuous Assessment and Improvement : Continuously collect feedback and
reviews from customers to improve performance and quickly respond to service
user needs
6. Team of Experts:
A Comprehensive Support Network Our center's team is not just a group of psychological
experts; it's a diverse lineup providing comprehensive support. With a unique blend of
psychologists, musicians, speakers, and experienced professionals in stress reduction and
mood enhancement, this team is forging a distinctive and multidimensional support space
for the community we serve.


1. Core Service

The YOW-O center focuses on developing services to support customers in relieving

psychological issues. We emphasize five main services through five functional rooms
with different offerings.
Firstly, there is the psychological counseling service in the Sharing room, where clients
meet with a mental health professional to express concerns and address psychological

Next is the music service in the Musician room, where we create a musical space for
clients to comfortably enjoy their desired genres. Our unique feature is the inclusion of
musicians who assist clients in composing melodies that match their moods. We also
provide musical instruments such as guitars and pianos for clients to freely play.
The Stress Release room, also known as the Fury room, is another standout service at
YOW-O. In this room, clients are given the freedom to smash things, considered an
effective way to reduce stress and anger. The workshop services for painting and
meditation are also integrated into our core service offerings.
Finally, the Catalyst room offers a comfortable experience for clients to release stress by
engaging in effective stress relief toys.
Overall, YOW-O is committed to providing diverse services to cater to the psychological
well-being of our clients.
A. Service: Psychological Counseling (Sharing room)
This service provides sessions for conversations with experts, offering a space to discuss
difficult issues, sorrows, and matters that haven't been shared with anyone. Dedicated
counselors are available to passionately and confidentially assist clients in sharing.
Sharing services include:
1. Depression, Stress, Anxiety:
 Facilitating discussions on feelings of sadness, stress, and anxiety.
2. Relationship Issues:
 Addressing challenges and concerns related to various types of relationships.
3. Gender-related Issues, Gender Violence, Reproductive Health:
 Providing support for issues related to gender, gender-based violence, and
reproductive health.
4. Child Psychology Issues, School Bullying, Emotional Abuse:
 Assisting with concerns related to the psychological well-being of children, school
bullying, and emotional abuse.
5. Other Psychological Issues:
 Offering assistance and support for any other psychological concerns clients may

Our aim is to create a supportive and private environment where clients can easily share
their emotions and challenges with enthusiastic and confidential counseling professionals.
B. Service: Workshop Services
Art Therapy
Drawing is considered a form of reflecting one's inner world, capturing the unique
personality traits of each individual.
Evaluation Approach: Stillness, characters in the artwork, context, spatial arrangement,
colors, strokes, etc. can be used to identify clinical symptoms.
 Signs of Anxiety
Paired lines, broken or disconnected elements; Behavior of the artist (constant erasing,
fidgeting); Drawing techniques (strong, too dark, constant revisions, overly detailed,
messy, erased lines, etc.); Spatial distribution (very small, in one corner, imbalanced,
 Signs of Aggression:
Sharp, pointed lines, angles; Unusually large depiction of the subject; Focus on detailing
weaponry causing harm, etc.
 Signs of Psychological Disorders:
Drawing of physically disabled individuals; Missing body parts; Sparse, scattered details;
Lack of details; Unclear concepts, blocks; Unusual colors, all black or all red; Evoking
feelings of unease, horror.
Meditation is a method to stabilize emotions, calm the soul, and focus on experiencing
inner peace. Various forms include mindfulness meditation, concentration meditation,
 Combined with Gentle Music: Reduces insomnia, enhances memory, improves
concentration; Stress relief, reduction of tension and pressure; Pain reduction and
alleviation of discomfort; Prevention of cardiovascular diseases; Boosts immune
system; Slows down the aging process; Improves hyperactivity.

C. Service: Music Therapy Services

This service utilizes music therapy methods to enhance and uplift the mood of customers.
The center employs the Benezon music therapy, an active therapy approach. When
participating in this therapy, clients are supported in discovering their musical identity by
creating music combined with specialized concepts from psychoacoustics. The purpose
of the therapy is to accurately describe the sounds that best align with the client's inner
emotional state, aiming to create a profound sense of connection with oneself.
The effects and benefits of music therapy have been researched for decades. Key findings
suggest that this therapy can be beneficial for individuals dealing with depression,
anxiety, sleep disorders, and even cancer.
Music therapy can be highly personalized to suit individuals of all ages, including young
children. This therapy is also highly flexible, providing benefits for individuals with
varying levels of music experience, mental health, and physical health. Overall, music
therapy can enhance positive feelings such as calmness, serenity, happiness, confidence,
strength, and intimacy.
D. Service: Fury Room - Stress Relief Room
This service provides rooms filled with randomly arranged objects, such as old or
damaged items (plates, vases, cups, rice cookers, TVs, etc.). Customers enter
soundproofed rooms equipped with professional protective clothing, gloves, and helmets,
allowing them to comfortably release their anger by smashing these items. People can
break and destroy items, and the violence here does not affect anyone. It is controlled
violence that takes place in a very short period. After the destruction, individuals often
feel physically and mentally relieved. The tools for smashing include baseball bats,
wooden sticks, or rubber guns. These objects are arranged randomly, providing an
authentic feeling.
The Fury Room is an ideal place to relieve stress and anger. In today's world, pressure
from work and daily life often pushes us to the limit. The Rage Room allows us to
express emotions freely, providing an opportunity for release and stress reduction.
Beyond being a cathartic activity, the Fury Room also has the potential to improve mood,
helping customers face life more optimistically. Additionally, the service enhances
problem-solving skills for customers. Engaging in destructive activities symbolizes
overcoming challenges or issues in life.
Therefore, the Fury Room creates numerous opportunities for customers to connect with
themselves, offering a unique and exciting choice.
E. Service: Catalyst room
- Fidget Toys:

 Stress and Anxiety Reduction: Fidget toys help alleviate stress and anxiety by
providing a gentle, small-scale means of movement, enhancing focus, and
reducing stress.
 Improves Concentration: Using fidget toys can enhance concentration, particularly
in individuals with ADHD or those uncomfortable with stillness.
- Puzzle Games:
 Develops Cognitive Skills: Puzzle games challenge the mind and problem-solving
skills, improving logical thinking and creativity.
 Entertainment and Stress Relief: Playing puzzle games can be an entertaining
activity that helps reduce stress and induce relaxation.
- Squish Toys:
 Stress Reduction: Squish toys typically have stretchy and soft textures, aiding in
stress reduction and promoting a comfortable state.
 Enhances Comfort: When using squish toys, individuals often experience a sense
of comfort and natural stress relief.
- Slime:
 Stress Relief: Slime is often used as a means to relieve stress and tension. Its
gentle and flexible nature can create a state of relaxation and reduce stress.
 Stimulation of the Senses: Slime can offer a multisensory experience with
sensations of weight, softness, and fragrance. Stimulating the senses can
contribute to stress reduction.
- Kinetic Sand:
 Comfortable Sensory Experience: Kinetic sand has a soft, stretchy, and
comfortable texture, providing an interesting and soothing sensory experience.
 Stress and Anxiety Reduction: Playing with kinetic sand can be an activity for
stress and anxiety relief, focusing the mind and helping players relax.
2. Supplementary service
In addition to the main services we have mentioned, YOW-O also provides
supplementary services to support and ensure comfort for customers during their
experience at the center. This includes complimentary snacks, lemongrass tea on various
floors and in the rooms, ensuring that customers will not go hungry or thirsty during their
time at the YOW-O center. Moreover, in our service rooms, we equip them with all the
necessary tools such as towels, carpets, pens, coloring materials, and paper for customers
to use. The infrastructure is always maintained in the best condition, featuring modern
facilities, comfortable spaces, and aesthetically pleasing decorations to create a
comfortable and pleasant atmosphere for customers.
We strive to instill an optimistic and positive feeling in our customers, hoping they can
partially relieve their worries and pressures. Our staff at YOW-O is always ready to
provide enthusiastic assistance, guiding customers through package registration, and
offering meticulous advice to meet their desires when coming to the center.


Three-stage model of service consumption
A. Pre-purchase stage
Awareness of need: Customers realize the need for psychological healing, recognizing
that they need to find a mental health care center. Their desire is to find a center that
actively supports them in finding solutions to alleviate some of the psychological issues
they are facing.
Information search: There are various ways for customers to search for information about
mental health centers, such as through Google, Facebook, Instagram, advertisements, or
by seeking opinions from friends, family, or individuals with real experiences at mental
health centers.
Evaluation of alternatives: Currently, there are many mental health centers like
Sunnycare, Midcare, Giang Vũ, etc., all of which have been present for a long time.
Customers will begin to filter and choose a center that can meet their criteria, including
YOW-O. Despite being a relatively new center, YOW-O meets many criteria set by
customers and offers outstanding and unique services.
Make decision on service purchase: In the end, customers decide to choose the YOW-O
center to experience its services, a place where they can trust and find assistance in
alleviating their psychological issues.
B. Service encounter stage
Low-contact service
Our YOW-O center supports customers in choosing services and making payments on the
center's website, providing convenience for customers. In addition to services,
information about the services, real experiences, and images at the center are regularly

We also have our own Facebook, Youtube, and TikTok channels. Through these
channels, customers can easily access the center. Through social media channels, we will
design specific functions for customers to easily follow and understand more about the
nature and missions that YOW-O aims for. For example, on Facebook, we will create a
Confession space where people can write confessions, share their perspectives, and we
will completely ensure confidentiality of identity so that customers can feel comfortable
sharing more. Other customers can read and comment, creating a sense of sharing and
comfort for everyone. We will also post real photos, as well as workshop sessions filled
with laughter at the center on Facebook.

YouTube and TikTok channels will be where YOW-O chooses to upload videos about
healing podcasts, real experiences at the center. We also try to incorporate positive
messages to increase trust and create a positive impression for customers.
High-contact service
 At-door service
o As our clients, you will never worry about your vehicles, which are
definitely valeted to the parking lot by our security guards.
o While waiting for room assignment, clients will be served well by free
sweets & snacks, chrysanthemum tea and up-to-date magazines & books.
o Customers can also have a quick brief about every single room from our
servers (to get a quick skim of the available service).
 Main service
o In the Sharing Room, the clients will be pleased to open up and be
responded to by extremely accurate and methodical advice from
psychologists, and you will also receive suggestions on choosing to use
functional rooms to optimize your journey. mental health recovery process.
YOW-O's psychologists always put the following factors in the highest
level of their priority: professionalism, closeness, and understanding.
o In every other single room, there is at least 1 guider/professioner in order to
moderate the therapy activities in the room and support the clients as their
requirements. They will go along closely with the clients during the
duration of room activities.
o There are first-aid boxes in all the rooms to make sure that everything will
be just fine whenever some small accidents occur unfortunately.

o After entering every kind of room, you are allowed to or not follow the
instructions of the guides/professioners, as well as not harming yourself and
others. This additional policy lets clients be free in their duration of healing
experiences (for example, a client can ask to be on his/her own in terms of
playing instruments in the Musician room).
o There is always more than one psychologist or available function room
working at a time in the same specific row in case the client’s guidelines
are reconsidered or if the client just wants to try out the other rooms.
 Check-out service:
o Before leaving our center, clients will be politely asked to fill out their
opinion about all of the services that they have just experienced, or to give
feedback on service quality and then receive a 5% discount for using one of
four function rooms in exchange. Clients will also Succulent with a
Terracotta pot.
o Our security guard will take out your vehicles for you in a second, and
umbrellas will always cover over your head as well whether it is sunny or
C. Post-purchase stage
We will provide evaluations of the customer's recovery level after experiencing services
at the center. We will also offer advice to customers, assessing whether they need to
continue coming back for counseling sessions. We emphasize customer satisfaction when
experiencing services at YOW-O. The center strives to encourage and motivate
customers to explore additional psychological relief methods, and return to experience
more services at YOW-O. Our goal is for customers to return for multiple experiences,
creating a synergistic effect as more people come, and as they feel improved moods,
generating curiosity and enhancing credibility. YOW-O Center not only offers counseling
services but also provides various special services, so customers can return anytime.

1. Positioning Map

2. Pricing Comparison

Center Price Time

YOW-O 900,000 60 minutes

Sunny Care 1,200,000

Mind Care 1,000,000

Med 247 750,000

The table above shows the price of YOW-O Center and its competitors, which are Sunny
Care, Mind Care and Med 247. The comparison is based on the standard service of those
mental centers - psychological consultation service for one hour. We can see that the
price range is from 750,000 VND to 1,200,000 VND, and the price of Sunny Care Center
is the highest - 1,200,000 VND. The lowest price is 750,000 VND from Med 247 Center.
YOW-O Center decided to set the price at 900,00 VND for our consultant service.
Therefore, the price of YOW-O stays at the middle point of the pricing line. With that
pricing strategy, it is reasonable for everyone having mental issues to approach and
experience our services.
3. Diversity of service comparison

Center Service

YOW-O Service consultation

Function rooms for healing

Sunny Care Service consultation

Skill class

Mind Care Service consultation

Business consultation

Med 247 Service consultation

Besides the core service of psychological consultants in YOW-O Center, we also offer
many different function rooms for our customers, so that they can improve their emotions
and also their mental issues without using medicine. However, the competitors of YOW-
O Center have just focused on consulting services, so there is no environment for the
clients to relieve their mood. For Med 247, the diversity of that center is the lowest
because they do not have any supplement services for clients. It is clear that the location
of YOW-O Center in the diversity line is the highest because of its diversity of services
revolving around solving clients' issues.
4. Conclusion
As the findings above, we know that YOW-O Center positions itself as a reasonable price
center with considerable diversity of service, so they focus on the customer-centric

approach strategy by creating a pleasant environment from listening to issues of
customers to provide them a place to relieve their stress and forget their daily problems.
Some advantages of YOW-O Center:
 Having a reasonable price is a good point because it can approach different types
of customers.
 Having a considerable diversity of service can attract a large number of customers
who Have mental issues but also want to experience new services.
 Having a pleasant environment by choosing a customer centric strategy can make
the loyalty of customers.
Some disadvantages of YOW-O Center:
 The brand name of YOW-O Center is quite new in the market, so we have to put
more effort to build our brand name

1. Cost
1.1 In Room environment cost
To make sure that our clients will eventually meet their requirements, YOW-O center
guarantees that even the tiniest detail will be covered by the appropriate design theme for
each of the sections of our building center, specially about the interiors and the relevant
equipment of the function rooms. Below is the list of interior costs of each kind of room.

Ord Title Price Quantit Total cost


Sharing room

1 Working desk 5,950,000 4 800,000

2 Working chair 1,960,000 4 600,000

3 Coffee desk 6,750,000 4 60,000

4 Client chair + sub-desk 6,700,000 4 60,000

5 Psychologist chair 5,000,000 2 10,000,000

6 Copied customer painting (for copyright) 200,000 20 2,000,000

Total interior & equipment cost of sharing room 13,520,000

Fury room

1 Protection bodyware 200,000 4 800,000

2 Goggles + gloves 150,000 4 600,000

3 Metal stick (for breaking things) 15,000 4 60,000

4 Wooden bat (for breaking things) 15,000 4 60,000

5 Protection shoes - 5 different sizes (pair) 500,000 20 10,000,000

6 Towel 10,000 20 200,000

Total interior & equipment cost of Fury room 11,720,000

Musician room

1 Chair 750,000 3 2,250,000

2 Sofa 9,000,000 1 9,000,000

3 Electric guitar 10,000,000 1 10,000,000

4 Acoustic guitar 3,000,000 1 3,000,000

5 Upright electric piano 10,000,000 1 10,000,000

6 Drum set Roadshow 10,000,000 1 10,000,000

7 Sound insulation materials 10,000,000 1 10,000,000

8 Audio system 20,000,000 1 20,000,000

9 Soundcard & Desktop 25,000,000 1 25,000,000

Total interior & equipment cost of musician room 99,250,000

Catalyst room

1 Kinetic sand 1kg 20,000 10 200,000

2 Slime 1kg 10,000 10 100,000

3 Fidget toys (combo) 2,000,000 1 2,000,000

4 Puzzle games (combo) 2,000,000 1 2,000,000

5 Squishy toys - squishy 50,000 20 1,000,000

6 Low desk 100,000 7 700,000

7 Sitting pad 70,000 7 490,000

Total interior & equipment cost of Catalyst Room 6,490,000

Drawing Room

1 Painting frame 30,000 8 240,000

2 Painting tools (pack) 500,000 10 5,000,000

3 Display board 300,000 3 900,000

4 Desk 100,000 1 700,000

5 Chair 100,000 7 490,000

6 Wardrobe 500,000 3 1,500,000

7 Art decorations (combo) 7,000,000 1 7,000,000

Micro & Speaker 5,000,000 1 5,000,000

Total interior & equipment cost of Drawing Room 11,475,000

Meditation room

1 Wicker carpet 150,000 11 1,650,000

2 Mirror 600,000 50m2 30,000,000

3 Locker 4,500,000 1 4,500,000

4 Diffuser 750,000 1 750,000

5 Lemongrass Essential Oil 300,000 1 300,000

6 Micro & Speaker 5,000,000 1 5,000,000

Total interior & equipment cost of meditation room 42,200,000

1.2 Service environment cost

Category No. Product Quantity Price Total

F&B 1 Gery cheese cracker 10 56,000 560,000

2 Rice cracker 10 23,000 230,000

3 Mint candy 10 16,000 160,000

4 Fruit candy 10 11,000 110,000

5 Glass jar for water 6 600,000 3,600,000

6 Lavie water 19L 10 68,000 680,000

7 Kaffir lime 1kg 80,000 80,000

8 Lemon grass 1kg 40,000 40,000

Decoratio 9 Aglaonema Butterfly 2 220,000 440,000
10 The Fiddle Leaf Fig 2 180,000 360,000

11 Parlor Palm 12 780,000 9,360,000

12 Rosemary 3 55,000 165,000

13 Hydrangea 3 85,000 255,000

14 Silk lotus 2 980,000 1,960,000

Gift 15 Small succulent 50 60,000 3,000,000

16 Terracotta pot 350 6,000 2,100,000

Total cost of service environment and management cost 23,100,000

2. Competitor - based pricing

As our positioning strategy, we are a reasonable price center. Therefore, we decided to
set the competitive price at 900,000 VND for one hour consulting with our psychologists.
The price for the next one hour is 600,000 VND, which is reasonable for clients wanting
to have more time to get advice from our experts. Besides that, we offer more discounts
for customers deciding to use our function rooms after consulting with psychologists,
which is at 50,000 VND off.
For the function rooms, the price is also attractive for our clients. We set the price for the
Fury room from 198,000 VND to 688,000 VND, and it cost 150,000 VND for customers
to experience the
Catalyst room. Our clients will pay 500,00 VND to be musicians in the Musician room.
For the workshop room, the price of the drawing room and meditation room is 400,000
VND and 300,000 VND respectively.

To compete with other competitors, YOW-O is confident in its brand recognition and the
unique experience it offers customers, based on the attractive & creative themes of the
building & functional rooms, as well as the uniqueness of condensing and unifying
psychological healing services into a single entity, serving as a direct bridge for the
therapies provided by psychologists to customers.
3. Value-based pricing
YOW-O Center also sets the price based on the value that we bring to our customer.
Firstly, we provide an environment with a complexity of services that meet the demand
of different types of customers. It is from healing to boosting their emotions coming from
four different rooms, such as the Sharing room, Fury room, Catalyst room, Musician
room and Workshop room. Secondly, as the customer centric approach, we personalize
the customer route being suitable for different individuals. Moreover, customers will feel
relaxed and entertained when they come to YOW-O Center. Finally, we prove to protect
the personal information of the customers if they experience our services to protect


1. Blueprint
A service blueprint visually represents the customer experience and the underlying
processes that make up a service. For the YOWO Center, a mental health service
provider, the service blueprint could include various stages and interactions. Below is a
simplified service blueprint for the YOWO Center:

This service blueprint provides an overview of the customer journey, from the initial
online interaction to the in-person service delivery and post-service engagement. It also
highlights the importance of continuous improvement for delivering high-quality mental
health services at the YOWO Center.
In the service blueprint provided for the YOWO Center, potential failing points and
waiting points can be identified:
Potential falling points:
- Appointment availability
- Reservation desk
- Psychologist provide wrong room suggestion
- Quality of function rooms
- Unclear payment method, discount
- Inadequate follow-up to address client feedback
Potential waiting points:
- Appointment Booking
- Check-in
- Manage parking lot
- Unforeseen interruptions
- Vehicle Location
2. Managing demand/ capacity

Approaches to
Excess Demand Excess Capacity
Manage Demand

Client Education - Educational programs may - Utilizing these intervals for

and Workshops generate increased demand, other services, such as
especiaPôPPPofrelly if they individual sessions or divide
address prevalent or pressing into groups, helps optimize
concerns. overall capacity

- Managing excess demand

involves optimizing scheduling,

potentially offering repeat
sessions, or providing alternative
educational resources.

- While flexible scheduling can - Flexible scheduling may

help accommodate client result in variations in demand
availability, it might lead to throughout the day or week.
increased demand during peak
Flexible - Managing excess capacity
Scheduling involves optimizing
- Proactive management, such as psychologist schedules and
offering extended hours or peak- room usage during non-peak
time availability, can address hours.
excess demand during these

- Providing specialized room - Regular assessment and

services can attract clients seeking adjustment of room
a specific environment for their allocations are necessary to
sessions. This may result in excess balance usage.
Room Services
demand for these rooms.
- Implementing a reservation
system or optimizing room usage
can help manage this demand.

- Client feedback can identify - Addressing client feedback

areas of unmet demand or can lead to improvements,
dissatisfaction, contributing to a potentially affecting demand.
Client Feedback more responsive service.
- Periods of excess capacity
Mechanism - Managing excess demand may occur during transitions,
involves using feedback to adjust requiring ongoing
services promptly. adjustments based on

Partnerships and - Effective partnerships can - Collaborations can lead to

generate additional demand variations in demand for
through referrals. specific services.
- Proactively managing excess - Managing excess capacity
Referrals demand involves fostering involves adjusting resources
collaborations that align with the based on referral patterns and
center's capacity and service ensuring the capacity to
offerings. accommodate additional

3. Service environment
a) Common space
- Reception Area:
Welcoming Reception Desk:
 A friendly reception desk with a welcoming receptionist.
 Comfortable seating for clients while they wait.
Calming Décor:
 Use calming colors and décor to create a soothing atmosphere.
 Artwork or visuals promoting relaxation and positive emotions.
Reading Materials:
 Provide informative and uplifting reading materials.
 Brochures about different therapeutic approaches and mental health resources.
- Consultation Rooms:
Private Consultation Rooms:
 Individual therapy rooms designed for privacy and confidentiality.
 Comfortable seating for the therapist and client.
Flexible Furniture:
 Adjustable furniture to cater to different therapeutic modalities (e.g., traditional
seating, relaxation chairs, floor seating for expressive therapies).

Natural Light:
 Maximize natural light to create an open and airy feel.
 Use curtains or blinds for privacy when needed.
- Relaxation Zones:
Comfortable Waiting Area:
 Cozy seating arrangements with calming visuals.
 Soft lighting to create a relaxing ambiance.
Mindfulness Corner:
 A designated area with comfortable seating for clients to practice mindfulness or
relaxation exercises before or after sessions.
- Administration Area:
Psychologist Workstations:
 Individual workstations for psychologists equipped with necessary tools.
 Privacy partitions to maintain confidentiality.
Client Records Management:
 Secure and organized storage for client records.
 Digital systems for efficient record-keeping.
- Accessibility and Inclusivity:
Accessible Design:
 Ensure the facility is wheelchair accessible.
 Consider the needs of clients with various abilities and diverse backgrounds.
Inclusive Décor:
 Decor elements that reflect cultural diversity and inclusivity.
 Signage and materials in multiple languages if applicable.
- Additional Amenities:
Refreshment Station:
 Provide a small refreshment station with water, tea, or coffee.
 Consider healthy snack options.

Comfortable Staff Break Area:
 A comfortable space for psychologists and staff to take breaks.
 Foster a supportive and collaborative staff culture.
- Technology Integration:
Client Portal Kiosk:
 Set up a kiosk for clients to access online resources or schedule appointments.
 Implement a secure client portal for easy communication.
Online Booking System:
 Implement an efficient online booking system for clients.
 Streamline appointment scheduling and cancellations.
- Safety Measures:
Security Measures:
 Security cameras and measures to ensure the safety of clients and staff.
 Emergency exits clearly marked.
Safety Protocols:
 Incorporate safety measures in line with health guidelines.
 Provide hand sanitizing stations and ensure proper ventilation.

b) Room service
- Music Therapy Room:
 Musical instruments such as guitars, keyboards, drums, and percussion.
 Recording equipment for clients to create and listen to their compositions.
Seating and Decor:
 Comfortable seating for clients, with adjustable chairs or floor cushions.
 Calming and acoustic-friendly decor, including sound-absorbing panels.
Visual Elements:
 Soft lighting with the option to control brightness.
 Inspirational artwork and visuals related to music and self-expression.
Therapist's Station:
 Therapist's workspace with a computer for analyzing and creating music.
 Storage for musical resources and therapeutic materials.
- Stress Relief Room (Fury Room):
Breakable Items:
 Variety of breakable items like old dishes, glassware, and electronics.
 Securely anchored items for safety during the stress-relief activities.
Safety Measures:
 Protective gear storage, including helmets, gloves, and safety goggles.
 Emergency stop buttons to halt activities if needed.
 High-quality soundproofing to contain noise within the room.
 Safety features to ensure clients can express themselves without risk.
- Psychological Counseling Rooms:
Privacy and Comfort:
 Individual counseling rooms with soundproofing for privacy.
 Comfortable and neutral-toned furniture for a calming atmosphere.
Therapist's Workspace:
 Therapist's desk with necessary tools for sessions.
 Visual elements to create a warm and inviting environment.
Technology Integration:
 Audio-visual equipment for presentations or teletherapy sessions.
 Comfortable seating for both therapist and client.
- Workshop Room:
Art Supplies:
 Tables equipped with art supplies for workshops.
 Easels for painting sessions and creative expression.
Flexible Seating:

 Flexible seating arrangements for various workshop activities.
 Movable partitions to create smaller breakout areas.
Inspiring Atmosphere:
 Inspirational artwork and motivational quotes on the walls.
 Soft lighting to enhance a creative and relaxed ambiance.
- Catalyst Room:
Sensory Materials:
 Shelves with sensory materials like slime, dynamic sand, and stress balls.
 Soft rugs or mats for a comfortable sensory experience.
Calming Decor:
 Visual elements promote relaxation and tranquility.
 Soft, diffused lighting with adjustable brightness.
Comfortable Seating:
 Comfortable seating options such as bean bags or lounge chairs.
 Soundproofing to create a quiet and focused environment.
Interactive Elements:
 Interactive walls with textured surfaces for tactile stimulation.
 Aromatherapy diffusers for additional sensory engagement.


Marketing Mix Analysis for YOW-O Center
1. Product
YOW-O Center offers a comprehensive array of mental health services designed to cater
to diverse needs. In the Psychological Counseling Service, conducted in the dedicated
Sharing Room, individuals have the opportunity for personalized counseling sessions.
The emphasis is on tailored counseling approaches within a confidential environment,
ensuring a safe space for clients to express their concerns.
In the Musician Room, the Music Service provides a unique and inclusive musical
experience. With the assistance of musicians, clients can explore and enjoy a musical
space, accompanied by the provision of various instruments such as guitars and pianos.

This service aims to foster creative expression and relaxation through the therapeutic
power of music.
The Stress Release Room, also known as the Fury Room, is dedicated to creating a
controlled environment for stress reduction. Here, clients have the innovative option to
release stress by smashing items, offering a physical outlet for emotional tension.
Workshop Services, encompassing activities like painting and meditation, are conducted
to further promote creative expression and relaxation. Clients can participate in diverse
artistic workshops and meditation sessions, providing holistic approaches to mental well-
The Catalyst Room features stress relief toys and interactive experiences. This room is
designed to provide engaging tools within a comfortable environment, offering clients
additional avenues for stress relief.
2. Price
YOWO Center has strategically designed its pricing strategy to offer competitive and
attractive rates for its array of mental health services and function rooms. For
consultation services with psychologists, the initial rate of 900,000 VND per hour is
positioned competitively in the market. The provision of a reduced rate of 600,000 VND
for subsequent hours serves as an enticing incentive for clients seeking extended advice
from experts. Additionally, the center extends added value by providing a 50,000 VND
discount on function rooms for clients opting to utilize these spaces after consulting with
psychologists, creating a holistic and immersive experience.
In the realm of function rooms, YOWO has implemented a nuanced pricing structure to
accommodate diverse preferences and budgets.

Type of room Duration Price/pax

Musician Room 2 hours 500,000 VND

Fury Room 30 minutes 198,000 VND

368,000 VND/2 pax
688,000 VND/3 pax

Catalyst Room 1 hour 150,000 VND

Sharing room 1 hour 900,000 VND

Painting Workshop 2 hours 400,000 VND

Meditation Workshop 1 hour 300,000

This comprehensive pricing strategy not only positions YOWO competitively in the
market but also encourages customer retention and exploration of different services
within the center. Opportunities for future enhancements lie in the creation of bundled
packages, collaborative promotions, and continuous assessment of market dynamics to
ensure YOWO's pricing strategy remains appealing and aligned with the evolving needs
of its diverse clientele.
3. Place
YOWO has strategically positioned itself with a physical presence at 19 Nguyễn Hữu
Thọ, Tân Hưng, Quận 7, Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh. This central headquarters serves as a
tangible space, easily accessible to the local community, particularly those residing in and
around District 7 in Ho Chi Minh City. The convenience of this location enhances
accessibility for individuals seeking in-person consultations, workshops, and other
services provided by YOWO.
Complementing its physical presence, YOWO has established a robust online footprint.
The official website acts as a central hub, offering a wealth of information about services
and facilitating online bookings. The user-friendly interface ensures potential clients can
explore services and gather essential information with ease. Embracing popular social
media platforms such as Facebook, TikTok, and YouTube, YOWO extends its reach
beyond geographical constraints. These platforms not only broaden the audience base but
also provide avenues for dynamic and engaging multimedia content. YouTube
accommodates in-depth video content, while TikTok caters to short-form content,
enhancing YOWO's presence across diverse online spaces.
4. Promotion
Marketing Plan

A. Indirect marketing
- Social Media:
 We will conduct marketing campaigns on the center's online channels such as
Facebook, TikTok, and YouTube to enhance the center's visibility with customers.
We will run marketing campaigns on all three channels to increase the center's

 We will collaborate with singer Orange, who has recently released the song "Đừng
kết thúc hôm nay", addressing the pressures and burdens faced by young people in
general. Through this collaboration, we aim to convey messages that, despite life's
challenges, we will overcome them, and no matter how sad or desperate. We will
create a campaign "Don’t end today" combined with various singers. YOW-O's
logo and message will be incorporated into the music videos to boost the center's
recognition. Through the messages and images we convey, customers will become
aware of and choose the center as a place for stress relief.

 On YouTube and TikTok channels, we will upload promotional videos conveying

positive messages through artwork, podcasts, talk shows, as well as videos and
images of real experiences at the center. Each video will include messages and
different hashtags to create widespread dissemination. This approach aims to make
YOW-O videos go viral, reaching a larger audience and gaining more recognition.
- Direct Marketing:
 Currently, young people, including students at high school and university, are
facing various pressures and psychological issues. They often find it challenging
to express their concerns to others. Understanding this, YOW-O will collaborate
with schools to organize talk shows covering different topics related to the
challenges young people commonly face. Topics may include school bullying,
body shaming, peer pressure, and many others. Through these discussions, we can
deliver positive messages and promote the center's image to a wider audience.
During school interactions, we will provide staff to introduce the center to

 Together with the "Don't End Today" campaign, in addition to promoting on

social media through music videos featuring various singers, we will also print
materials such as brochures, posters, and design billboards with cheerful images
and positive messages. These materials will also include additional information
about the YOW-O center. They will be strategically placed in various locations
such as hallways, bridges, cafes, and convenience stores for easy visibility.


YOW-O revenues will come from these streams:
 Mainstream: service packs from 4 functional rooms: Fury room, Musician room,
Catalyst room, Workshop.
 Sidestream: advice fee by hour of psychologist in Sharing room.
About sharing rooms, our center commits to bring to the clients the best of the best
psychological counseling sessions in the price range. Besides, the other 4 function rooms
are expected to bring back more clients due to its unique scale and style. We are
confident that YOW-O Center is the first psychological recovery service provider in
Vietnam to provide clients with a sophisticated model in the same building.
Moreover, after a very first year, if our center operates effectively and gains significant
trust from the community, we will expand our revenue channels by offering large-scale
service packages to schools and businesses for the purpose of taking care of the mental
health of students and employees.


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