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NIM :322210072

Class:B PAGI


On this occasion, I will discuss the role of education in building a superior generation.Educa-
tion is one of the important factors in the development of a nation. Education can be a means
to improve the quality of a nation's human resources (HR). Qualified human resources will be
able to encourage the progress of the nation.

There are several roles of education in building a superior generation, namely:

a.Improving knowledge and skills

Education can improve the knowledge and skills of the younger generation. The knowledge
and skills possessed by the younger generation will be their capital to face future challenges.

b.Developing character

Education can also develop the character of young people. Good character will equip them to
become individuals with integrity and responsibility.

c.Forming awareness of nation and state

Education can shape the nation and state awareness of the younger generation. This awareness
will be the foundation for them to play an active role in nation building.

Education has a very important role in building a superior generation. Therefore, education
must be a priority for every nation.I hope, with quality education, Indonesia will have a supe-
rior young generation and be able to bring this nation to a better direction.Based on what I
have said, it can be concluded that education has a very important role in building a superior
generation. Education can improve knowledge and skills, develop character, and form aware-
ness of the nation and state of the younger generation. Therefore, education must be a priority
for every nation

I will be speaking on the theme "Climate: Challenges and Expectations".

Climate is the average condition of weather in an area over a long period of time. Climate can
be influenced by various factors, such as geographic location, topography, and human activi-

In recent decades, climate change has become one of the biggest challenges facing humanity.
Climate change is characterized by rising global temperatures, changing rainfall patterns, and
increasing frequency and intensity of natural disasters.

Climate change has far-reaching impacts on various aspects of human life, such as agricul-
ture, health, and the economy. The impacts of climate change can also threaten the sustain -
ability of life on earth.

Let me explain the challenges of climate change

Here are some of the climate change challenges facing humanity:

1. Increase in global temperature

2. Changes in rainfall patterns

3. Increased frequency and intensity of natural disasters

Climate change expectations

Although climate change is a huge challenge, there is still hope to overcome it. here are some
expectations to overcome climate change.

Increased public awareness

Raising public awareness of the importance of addressing climate change is an important first
step. People must understand the causes and impacts of climate change, and their role in ad-
dressing it.

A committed government

Governments play an important role in addressing climate change. Governments must have
clear and measurable policies and programs to address climate change.
Climate change is a big challenge, but there is still hope to overcome it. With increased public
awareness, government commitment, and the right technology, climate change can be over-


Here I will explain about “Business Strategy in the Digital Age”

In this digital era, businesses are required to be able to adapt to rapid changes. The challenges
faced by businesses in the digital era include:

1.Increasingly fierce competition

2.Changes in consumer behavior

3.Rapid technology development

To survive and compete in the digital era, businesses need to have the right strategy. The right
business strategy can help businesses to:

1.Increase efficiency and effectiveness

2.Increase competitiveness

3.Expand the market

There are several business strategies that can be implemented in the digital era, including:


Digitalization is the process of transforming a business from conventional to digital. Digital-

ization can be done by integrating digital technology into business processes. Digitalization
can help businesses to improve efficiency, effectiveness, and competitiveness.


Data-driven is a business strategy whose decision-making is based on data. Data-driven can

help businesses to understand consumer behavior and make more informed decisions.


Collaboration is a business strategy that works with other parties to achieve common goals.
Collaboration can help businesses to gain wider resources and knowledge.
Business strategies in the digital era need to be adjusted to the conditions and needs of each
business. However, some of the business strategies mentioned can be a reference for busi-
nesses to survive and compete in the digital era.

4.Indonesian General Election

I will explain about Indonesian general elections

Elections are an important democratic process to elect leaders and representatives of the peo -
ple. Elections in Indonesia have undergone a long development from time to time.

History of elections in Indonesia

The first general election in Indonesia was held in 1955. This election was participated in by
28 political parties and resulted in a victory for the Indonesian National Party (PNI). Subse -
quent elections were held in 1971, 1977, 1982, 1987, 1992 and 1997. In these elections, only
one political party was allowed to participate, the Indonesian Democratic Party (PDI).

After the reformation, elections in Indonesia became multi-party again. The first election held
after the reformation was the legislative election in 1999. This election was participated by 48
political parties and resulted in a victory for the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle
(PDIP). Subsequent elections were held in 2004, 2009, 2014 and 2019.

Electoral process in Indonesia

The electoral process in Indonesia is regulated by Law No. 7/2017 on General Elections. The
electoral process in Indonesia consists of several stages, namely:

-Registration of political parties

Determination of presidential and vice-presidential candidates

-Registration of legislative candidates

-Nomination of legislative members


-Vote counting

-Election result declaration

The role of elections in democracy in Indonesia

General elections have an important role in democracy in Indonesia. Elections are a means to
realize the sovereignty of the people. Through elections, people can choose the leaders and
representatives they want. Elections are also a means of realizing a democratic government.

Elections are one of the pillars of democracy in Indonesia. Elections must be conducted in an
honest, fair and transparent manner in order to realize people's sovereignty and democratic

5.Good Health

Here I will talk about the importance of maintaining good health.

What is health?

Health is a state of well-being of the body, soul, and social that allows everyone to live so -
cially and economically productive lives.

There are factors that affect health, namely:


Genetics is a factor that cannot be changed. However, by adopting a healthy lifestyle, we can
minimize the risk of diseases caused by genetic factors.


The environment includes the physical, social, and cultural environment. A clean and healthy
physical environment can support health. A social environment that supports health can im-
prove mental well-being. A cultural environment that supports health can encourage healthy


Behavior is the most changeable factor. Healthy behaviors can improve health, while un-
healthy behaviors can increase the risk of disease.

what are the tips for maintaining good health

the first one is there:

Eat healthy food

Healthy food is food that contains a variety of nutrients that the body needs, such as carbohy-
drates, proteins, fats, vitamins, and minerals.

Second, exercise regularly

Regular exercise can help maintain physical and mental health. Recommended exercise is aer-
obic exercise, such as walking, running, cycling, or swimming.

Third,Get enough sleep

Adequate sleep is essential for health. Adults are advised to sleep for 7 until 8 hours every

And lastly, avoiding bad habits

Bad habits, such as smoking, drinking excessive alcohol, and taking drugs, can increase the
risk of disease.

Thank you.

6.Life Below Water

I will talk about life below water.

The ocean is home to a wide variety of living things, from fish, to marine animals, to marine
plants. Life underwater is diverse and unique, and there is still a lot we don't know about it.

Types of underwater life

Underwater life can be divided into two major groups, namely marine animals and marine

1. Marine animals

Marine animals are living things that can move freely underwater. Marine animals can be di-
vided into several groups, including:

a. Fish are the most numerous marine animals. Fish come in all shapes and sizes, and live in
a variety of underwater habitats.

b. marine mammals are lactating marine animals. The most famous marine mammals are
whales and dolphins.

c.Crustaceans are animals that have hard skin made of chitin. Crustaceans that live underwa -
ter include shrimp, crabs, and lobsters.
d. Molluscs are animals that have soft bodies. Mollusks that live underwater include squid,
octopus, and clams.

2.Marine plants

Marine plants are living things that cannot move freely underwater. Marine plants can be di-
vided into two major groups, namely algae and flowering plants.

Important role of underwater life

Life underwater plays an important role for humans and planet Earth. Some of the important
roles of underwater life include:

* Food source

* Oxygen supplier

* Climate regulator

Underwater life is an important part of Earth's ecosystem. We must preserve underwater life
so that it can continue to provide benefits to humans and planet Earth.

Thank you.

7.Peace and Justice

On this occasion, I would like to talk about the themes of peace and justice. These are

fundamental values that are very important for human life. Peace is a state without
conflict or hostility, while justice is a state that is fair and not one-sided.Peace and jus-
tice are

complementary and need each other. To realize peace and justice, we need to work to-
gether and respect each other. We also need to uphold human values and human

Peace will not be achieved if there is no justice. Conversely, justice will not be
achieved if there is no peace.Some things we can do to realize peace and justice:

* Increase understanding of peace and justice.

* Build dialog and cooperation between groups and countries.

* Uphold the law and human rights.

* Empower the poor and vulnerable.

In closing, I invite the audience to play an active role in realizing peace and justice.
We can start with ourselves, by being fair and respectful to others. We can also sup-
port peace and justice efforts by governments and non-governmental organizations.

Let us together build a more peaceful and just world for everyone.


On this occasion, I will discuss the importance of partnership in the academic world.-
Partnership is an activity carried out by two or more people to achieve a common
goal. Partnership is very important in the academic world, because it can help us to:

a.Achieve greater goals

Partnership allows us to combine the strengths and resources of different parties, so

that we can achieve greater goals than we could achieve alone.

b.Develop skills and knowledge

Partnership can help us to develop our skills and knowledge, as we can learn from the
experiences of others.

c.Building good relationships

Partnership can help us to build good relationships with other people, because we
have to work together and communicate well to achieve a common goal.

d.Partnership in research

Research conducted by one person alone will usually take a long time and the results
will not be maximized. However, if the research is done by a team consisting of vari-
ous experts, then the research will be completed faster and the results will be maxi-

e.Partnership in learning.

Partnership in learning can help students to understand the subject matter better. Stu-
dents can help each other to understand difficult subject matter, and they can also
learn from other students' experiences.
f.Partnership in extracurricular activities.

Extracurricular activities such as sports, arts, and culture require partnerships from
various parties to run smoothly. Partnership between players, coaches, and commit-
tees is very important to achieve the goals of these extracurricular activities.

Partnership is important in the academic world. Partnership can help us to achieve

greater goals, develop skills and knowledge, and build good relationships. Therefore,
we should always strive to develop our partnership skills.

9.Life On Land

I will explain about ,

Life on land is one of the most important aspects of ecology. Life on land includes a
variety of living things, ranging from plants, animals, to microorganisms. Life on land
is also influenced by various environmental factors, such as climate, soil, and water.
Life on land can be divided into two major groups, namely plants and animals.

A. Land plants

Plants on land are an important component in the terrestrial ecosystem. Plants act as
producers, which are living things that produce their own food. Plants also act as oxy-
gen providers and carbon dioxide absorbers.Plants on land have a variety of shapes
and sizes. Plants on land can be divided into two major groups, namely flowering
plants and non-flowering plants.

1.Flowering plants are plants that have flowers. Flowering plants generally have roots,
stems, leaves, and flowers. Flowering plants are the most common plants found on

2.Non-flowering plants are plants that do not have flowers. Non-flowering plants gen-
erally have roots, stems, and leaves. Non-flowering plants can be divided into two
major groups, namely moss plants and ferns.

B. Animals on land

Animals on land are another important component of the terrestrial ecosystem. Ani-
mals act as consumers, which are living things that eat other living things. Animals
also act as balancers of terrestrial ecosystems. Terrestrial animals come in many
shapes and sizes. Animals on land can be divided into various groups, such as verte-
brates and invertebrates.

1.Vertebrates are animals that have a spine. Vertebrates can be divided into five major
groups, namely mammals, aves, reptiles, amphibians and fish.

2.Mammals are lactating animals. Aves are vertebrate animals that have wings and
feathers. Reptiles are cold-blooded vertebrates. Amphibians are vertebrate animals
that can live on land and water. Fish are vertebrate animals that live in water.

3.Invertebrates are animals that do not have a spine. Invertebrates can be divided into
various groups, such as arthropods, mollusks, annelids, and echinoderms.

4.Arthropods are animals with external bones. Molluscs are soft-bodied animals that
have shells. Annelids are long-bodied and segmented animals. Echinodermata are ani-
mals that have spiny skin.Life on land is one of the important aspects of ecology. Life
on land includes a variety of living things, ranging from plants, animals, to micro-
organisms. Life on land is also influenced by various environmental factors, such as
climate, soil and water.

10.Clean Energy

so I will explain about clean energy.

Clean energy is energy produced from resources that do not produce greenhouse gas
emissions, such as carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide.

Clean energy has many benefits, including:

-Reducing the impact of climate change

-Improving air quality

-Creating new jobs

-Improving energy security

There are various sources of clean energy, including:

-Solar energy is energy that comes from the sun's rays. Solar energy can be used to
generate electricity, hot water, and thermal energy.

-Wind energy is energy that comes from the movement of the wind. Wind energy can
be used to generate electricity.

-Water energy is energy that comes from the flow of water. Water energy can be used
to generate electricity, drinking water, and irrigation.

-Geothermal energy is energy that comes from the heat stored in the earth. Geother-
mal energy can be used to generate electricity, hot water, and space heating.

-Other renewable energy is energy that comes from resources that will not run out,
such as biomass energy, hydrogen energy, and nuclear energy.

Clean energy has great potential to replace fossil fuels, such as coal, oil and natural
gas. Fossil energy is a non-renewable energy source and produces high greenhouse
gas emissions.

The Indonesian government has targeted to achieve a new and renewable energy mix
of 23% by 2025. The government has also made various efforts to encourage the de-
velopment of clean energy, including:

-Providing incentives for clean energy developers

-Conducting research and development on clean energy

-Conducting socialization and education on clean energy.

Clean energy development is one of the efforts to address climate change and improve
people's quality of life.

Clean energy is the right solution to address climate change and improve people's
quality of life. The Indonesian government needs to continue to encourage the devel-
opment of clean energy so that the new and renewable energy mix target of 23% by
2025 can be achieved.

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