MAFC Position Paper No 1 S 2024

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Municipal Agriculture and Fisheries Council (MAFC) Proposed Position Paper no.1 s.


Subject: Securing Transport Permit Fee on Copra in the Municipality of Claveria, Masbate


The Municipal Agriculture and Fisheries Council (MAFC) of Claveria, Masbate recognizes the importance
of the copra industry to the municipality's economy. Copra production is a major source of income for
many farmers in Claveria, and it plays a vital role in the local agricultural sector. This position paper
outlines the MAFC's support for implementing a transport permit fee on copra within the Municipality of
Claveria. The revenue generated from this fee will be used for initiatives that directly benefit copra
farmers and the industry as a whole.

Benefits of Implementing a Transport Permit Fee

*Improved farm-to-market roads: A portion of the collected fees can be allocated to improve the
condition of roads utilized by farmers transporting copra to processing facilities or trading centers.
Better roads will minimize transport losses, reduce travel time, and lower transportation costs for

*Enhanced industry competitiveness: The funds can be used to invest in programs that improve the
quality and marketability of Claveria's copra. This could include initiatives such as providing training on
proper copra drying techniques, establishing designated buying stations with fair pricing, or facilitating
access to financing for farmers to upgrade equipment and processing methods.

*Support for farmers' organizations: The MAFC proposes allocating a portion of the fees to support the
activities of farmers' organizations in Claveria. These organizations play a crucial role in advocating for
the rights of copra farmers, providing them with market information, and facilitating access to essential

Proposed Fee Structure

The MAFC recommends establishing a transparent and fair fee structure for copra transport permits.
The fee amount could be based on factors such as the volume of copra being transported or the
distance traveled. The MAFC suggests consulting with farmers' organizations and stakeholders within
the copra industry to determine the most appropriate fee structure.

Ensuring Transparency and Accountability

The MAFC emphasizes the importance of transparency and accountability in the collection and
utilization of transport permit fees. The local government unit should clearly outline how the collected
fees will be spent and provide regular updates to the public on the use of these funds.

The MAFC strongly supports the implementation of a transport permit fee on copra in Claveria,
Masbate. The revenue generated from this fee will be a valuable resource for investing in initiatives that
directly benefit copra farmers and enhance the competitiveness of the copra industry within the
municipality. The MAFC is confident that this initiative will contribute to the economic growth and
development of Claveria.


*Conduct consultations with copra farmers' organizations and stakeholders to discuss the proposed
transport permit fee.

*Establish a transparent and fair fee structure based on consultations with stakeholders.

*Clearly outline how the collected fees will be spent and provide regular updates to the public.

*Explore collaborating with the Department of Agriculture (DA) and other government agencies to
leverage available programs and resources that support the copra industry.

We believe that by working together, we can ensure a brighter future for copra farmers in Claveria,

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