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Permit number : P240-00-6693635

State : Live (16 Mar 09:31 - 16 Mar 19:00)

Lifetime expires on 20-03-2024

Industrial Cleaning - High

Title Grit blasting of Roof Plates of SP-23 Tank.

Description of work: • Mobilization of Material & Manpower to site

• Site Preparation – Installation of green net with roof reeling for enclosed space
• Grit blasting of Roof plate of SP-23
• Barricade & Removal of green net after grit blasting.
• Housekeeping & Demobilisation

Emergency Information
Muster point Assembly Point

Communication VHF Channel 1, Ext 224

Other Emergency Information Arrange TBM before start of work

Follow the manual handling protocol
Follow the ERP protocol


Planned Start Date: 08 Mar 2024

Planned End Date: 15 Mar 2024

Site: DS T&S East Keamari

Area Authorization DS T&S East Keamari

Work locations: P240 - B - Upper Tank Farm

Equipment description: Storage Tank Terminal B (P240-TANKS_B)

Tank, SP-23 SUPLL (P240-SP23)
Hazardous Substance and Hazardous Area Grit
Work order number:

Work Performer: Naseem and Son

Vehicles, Equipment and Tools to be used Scaffolding Material,, green net, grit , compressor, hopper and other general hand tools

Expected Number of People 15

ICC Requirement Full P240-00-6385660

Is Start Work Check required? No

Selected Checklists: Energy Isolation, Hot Work, Working At Height
Lead Discipline: Maintenance

Initial Gas test by Authorised Person: Yes

Continuous gas monitoring required? No

Influence of nearby activities:

Hazardous Area Classification Zone 1

Expected Re-issue Date:

General comments

Any information entered should not affect the Ensure Gas testing before starting work
assigned risk level, identified hazard/controls Ensure Proper Housekeeping
or permit type:

Initial signatures
P240-00-6693635 03/16/2024 09:34 Page 1 of 4
Type Name: Date: Dep./Company:

Authorise by Permit Authoriser Shahnawaz Khan 11 Mar 2024 12:36 Shell DS T&S East
High Risk
Verify by Permit Verifier Mirza Zeeshan Baig 11 Mar 2024 12:21 Shell DS T&S East

Request by Permit Requester Mohammed Arshad 08 Mar 2024 16:22 Naseem & Sons

Signature History
Type Name: Date: Dep./Company: Remarks:

Accept re-issue by Permit Mohammed Arshad 16 Mar 2024 09:33 Naseem & Sons
Re-issue permit by Permit Mirza Zeeshan Baig 16 Mar 2024 09:31 Shell DS T&S East
Suspend by Issuer Shahnawaz Khan 14 Mar 2024 13:32 Shell DS T&S East

Suspend by Permit Holder Mohammed Arshad 14 Mar 2024 13:27 Naseem & Sons

Accept re-issue by Permit Mohammed Arshad 14 Mar 2024 09:37 Naseem & Sons

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Industrial Cleaning Workpermit

Substances to be measured Carbon Monoxide [CO <35ppm]

Hydrocarbon [LEL <1perc]

Hydrogen Sulphide [H2S <10ppm]

Oxygen [O2 20perc - 21.5perc]

Note - The printed measurement are the last measurement for each substance, entered into Permit Vision

Date Time Substance Value Signer Remarks

P240-00-6693635 03/16/2024 09:34 Page 3 of 4

Keep this record with the PTW paper copy, & display these at the worksite

All members of the work party have participated in the LMRA and are Name of holder Mohammed Arshad
familiar with the Jobscope and Hazard&Controls.
Company Naseem & Sons
Name Initials Name Initials
Permit number P240-00-6693635
......................... ......................... ......................... .........................
Date 16 Mar 2024
......................... ......................... ......................... .........................

......................... ......................... ......................... ......................... What kind of work are you going to do?

......................... ......................... ......................... ......................... Grit blasting of Roof Plates of SP-23 Tank.

......................... ......................... ......................... .........................

Has the Permit Issuer discussed the hazards & Does the work party know the emergency alarm
controls with the Permit Holder? Yes n/a and action required in event of an alarm or Yes n/a
Has the Permit Holder warned others that may be
affected by your work? Yes n/a Does the work party know the most effective Yes n/a
escape route and the location of the nearest
muster point?
Is there conflicting work that may affect you? Yes n/a Yes n/a
Does the work party know the location of the
If yes describe hazards and controls below.
nearest eyewash station, emergency shower, first
aid kit and AED device?

Are there additional hazards that need to be controlled? If newly identified hazards are material changes to the permit, contact Permit Issuer!

Hazards Controls / Recovery Measures

.............................................................................................................. ..............................................................................................................

.............................................................................................................. ..............................................................................................................

.............................................................................................................. ..............................................................................................................

Pictograms for key hazards Indicate which Life Saving Rules are applicable.

Bypassing Safety Confined Space Driving


Obtain authorization Obtain authorization before Follow safe driving rules

before overriding or entering a confined space
disabling safety controls
Energy Isolation Hot Work Line of Fire

Verify isolation and zero Control flammables and Keep yourself and others out
PRESSURE TOXICS energy before work ignition sources of the line of fire
Safe Mechanical Work Authorisation Working At Height

Plan lifting operations and Work with a valid permit Protect yourself against a fall
control the area when required when working at height

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