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[10a] Active and Passive Voice sudha

Pg 146 II] passive voice

1. Yoga is practised by us every day in the morning.
2. All the arrangements will be made by him.
3. The verdict was declared by the judge.
4. The results had already been announced by them before we entered the hall.
5. Precious lives of many students were sacrificed for the sake of separate Telangana.
6. Some books were borrowed by the students from the library.
7. He can be saved by none.
8. How much loan amount has been sanctioned by the bank?
9. The helmet should be worn while riding a two-wheeler.
10. All problems can't be solved by money alone.
11. Let the lights be switched off.
12. You are requested to maintain silence in the prayer hall.
13. Many formalities have to be undergone by us for getting a visa.
14. The strike was called off by the workers.
15.The lesson is being explained by the teacher.

III] active voice

1. The courier agents will deliver the parcels at any time.
2.Chandra invited Surya to tea.
3. One should follow traffic rules.
4. Wash the vegetables before cooking.
5. Change the following sentences into passive voice.
6. How many times did I remind you of the medicine?
7. Keep the dustbin away from the eatables.
8. Have you invited all your friends to your birthday?
9. You cannot change every sentence into passive voice.
10. If you don't apply the ointment to the wound, it will not heal.
11. No one has ever beaten my brother at chess in his school.
12. The villagers believe that Sammakka and Saralamma are the saviors of their lives in times of

Pg 147 III] passive voice

1. Potholes are filled by rainwater on roads.
2. A TV set is being bought by him at the moment.
3. 100 saplings have been planted by me so far.
4. The newspaper was being read by them.
5. It had already been answered by her.
6. An essay will be written by me tonight.
7. It will have been posted by you by Monday.
8. Can the violin be played by her?
9. It may not be telecasted by them.
10. One's duty must be done.
11. Let the doctor be called in.
12. Let the door be closed.
13. It has to be done by the Government.
14. My vote has already been cast.
15. By whom could he be helped?

Pg 147 IV] active voice

1. Someone saw him crossing the road.
2. I advise you to be careful.
3. Let me see the picture.
4. I paid for her purchases.
5. There are no shops to let.
6. The class has selected her their monitor.
7. People say that the Earth is round.
8. They had repaired the road.
9. This news surprises me.
10. I hope that I shall win.

Pg 148 VI]
1. A mistake has been made by me.
2. You will be respected a great deal more for your frankness and honesty by your students.
3. Let the attention of your near neighbour be called at the table to the excellence of the coffee.
4. Is Pythagoras Theorem or Newton's Law of Gravity applied by you?
5. A quarter mark was lost by Rahul in English.
6. Trees were planted , fenced , watered and guarded by her.
7. I was given greater strength by their hope and encouragement.
8. Let the hatter be removed instantly.

Pg 228
9] i] The pace was not changed by Brasher.
ii. My vote was already cast .

Pg 231
10]i]. Let the window be opened.

Pg 235
10] i. Is Pythagoras Theorem or Newton's Law of Gravity applied by you?

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