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Mask of Zion

“T o smile when confronted with the most severe oppression, is an act of Resistance rooted in unparalleled beauty.” ~
Jonathan Azaziah

F r i d a y, O c t o b e r 8 , 2 0 1 0

BrightSource: Obama’s Latest Gift To Israel

by Jonathan Azaziah

Just when it seemed that war criminal Barack Obama had reached the zenith of subservience to the Zionist entity, he
takes his sycophancy to the next level. Obama has already signed a deal with Israel that granted it $30 billion in military
aid alone over the next decade (1), and he has proudly declared that his administration has given more security
assistance to the Zionist entity than any other administration in history (2). He has restored Israel’s ‘Qualitative
Military Edge,’ which is an Orwellian phrase that translates to the US providing Israel with weapons, munitions, vehicles
and other technologies to uphold the genocidal occupation of Palestine (3). He has gladly granted Israel $20 5 million for
its Iron Dome missile defense system, which coincidentally, doesn’t work (4 ). He supports the internationally
condemned, criminal, and inhumane blockade of Gaza (5).

Despite the courageous efforts of Mordechai Vanunu that exposed Israel’s secret nuclear program to the world (6),
Obama refuses to acknowledge Zionist nukes and has promised to maintain ambiguity about the illegal nature of the
program, as well as defend Israel’s refusal to sign the Nuclear Non-Proliferation T reaty (7). He has increased American-
Israeli military cooperation through joint training exercises, most notably Operation Juniper Cobra, which was designed
to provoke Iran (8). All of Obama’s high-ranking intelligence officials have traveled to the usurping Zionist regime to
discuss US-Israeli collaborative plans for the future of the Middle East (9). Obama has prepared to provide the Zionist air
force with the F-35, the latest Lockheed Martin fighter jet equipped with stealth technology; and has even gone a step
further to appease his close friends in T el Aviv by offering $4 billion to Israeli defense contractors to supply parts for
the F-35 (10 ).
Made In Israel

But these impassioned displays of solidarity with the barbaric Israeli entity weren’t enough. In his most recent public
address, Obama decided to present Israel with yet another gift though he didn’t admit it openly. His speech was
centered around ‘clean energy’ policies and their grave importance to the new global economy. He trashed India, the
occupier of Kashmir, as well as China, and boasted that the world’s largest solar energy plant was located in the US, in
the state of California. T he plant was operated by a firm named BrightSource (11). Obama authorized the Department of
Energy to issue a loan to BrightSource worth $1.37 billion (12). Despite Obama’s nationalistic rhetoric to galvanize
environmentalists and his Democratic base, the plant wasn’t Californian. It wasn’t even American. BrightSource is a
company founded by a Zionist, operated by Israelis, and based out of occupied lands in Jerusalem and Al Naqab (13).

BrightSource’s founder and chairman emeritus is Arnold J. Goldman, a staunch Zionist who was honored with the
‘Builder of Jerusalem’ award (14 ) by Aish HaT orah, a radical Zionist organization that operates rabbinical schools for
Israeli occupation forces, spreads pro-Israel propaganda through its Hasbara Fellowship programs, and supports the
building of illegal Zionist settlements (15). Goldman describes himself as a ‘serious’ Kabbalist (16), a student of
‘Jewish’ mysticism that is deeply rooted in racism and xenophobia (17), and he also is one of the founding members of
the International Board of Governors of the Jerusalem College of T echnology, which produces advisors for the Israeli
Defense Ministry, trains vehicle and aircraft mechanics for IOF, and prepares students to enter the Israeli
Communications Corps and Intelligence Corps (18).

T he chief operating officer of BrightSource is Israel Kroizer, who also heads Israel Cleantech Ventures, a company that
according to its website, receives research and development support from Israeli governmental entities.
BrightSource’s vice presidents, Yoel Gilon, Jose Barak, Gabriel Kaufman, and Shmuel Huss all worked for Arnold
Goldman at his previous company Luz International Ltd., which had constructed the world’s largest Solar Electric
Generating Systems with the full backing of the T el Aviv regime in occupied Al Naqab (19).

An Initiative Covered In Oil and Blood

Obama has touted BrightSource as a part of his clean energy initiative, but there is nothing clean or environmentally
safe about the Zionist firm, especially its investors. BrightSource has raised $160 million in operating capital through
several energy companies, including BP and Chevron (20 ). BP, as it is widely known, is responsible for the gulf oil
disaster, which has been fully covered up by Obama’s administration (21). Obama has assigned Zionist asset Kenneth
Feinberg to ensure minimal liability for BP and lobby aggressively for victims of the oil spill to take out-of-court
settlements, eliminating government culpability (22). In a recent study conducted by the Center for Public Integrity, BP
has been discovered to have produced 97% of the refinery violations in the US (23). Chevron is responsible for an even
more devastating disaster in the Ecuadorian Amazon, where the corporate entity has dumped 37 million gallons of crude
oil and wastewater between 1964 and 1990 (24 ). Chevron is also complicit in the atrocities being committed in Nigeria
and has directly contributed to the ungodly oil spill that has ravaged the African nation for a disgraceful 50 years (25).

BrightSource will be building its 370 -megawatt power plant in California’s Mojave Desert, and it has already faced
objections and protests from 8 environmental groups and several Native American tribes, due to the threat it poses to
the endangered desert tortoise and many rare native plants (26). Representatives from the Colorado River Indian T ribe
and the Mojave Indian T ribe have said that BrightSource threatens their tribal heritage, their homes, their religious
freedom as the plant will be built directly on top of their places of worship, and the habitat of several federally-
protected (and tribally-sacred) animals including bighorn sheep, mountain lions, snakes and hawks (27).

In 20 0 8, BrightSource launched the Negev Solar Development Center at the Rotem Industrial Park, near the Zionist
entity’s illegal nuclear facility in Dimona (28). It is Dimona, where Israeli nuclear scientists and intelligence officials
dump nuclear waste which has created an atmosphere of cancer and other radiation-related diseases in the southern
regions of occupied Al Khalil and Al Naqab. While the T el Aviv regime approved the distribution of iodine tablets to
‘protect’ people living near the Dimona reactor, it has never admitted to its illegal disposal of nuclear waste and
materials. Palestinian physicians like Mahmoud Sa’ada, the co-founder of Palestinian Medical Relief, have determined
that there is no plausible cause for the growing cancers and mutations in Al Naqab and Al Khalil except Israeli
radioactivity (29).

Israel has engaged in a malicious campaign of ethnic cleansing against the Palestinian Bedouins of Al Naqab since Al
Nakbah of 194 8, and has stepped up its racist, destructive policies considerably since the summer of this year,
destroying one village, Al Araqib, four times in less than a month (30 ). T o offset the increased coverage on
international solidarity activism efforts to end the razing of homes in Al Naqab, and to cover up its horrific crimes of
ethnic cleansing, the Israeli government approved a deal between Arava Power Company, owned by Yosef Abramowitz,
and collaborationist Bedouins of the T arabin and Abu Karinath clans (31).

Abramowitz has served on the board of the ultra-Zionist World Jewish Congress (32), and lives on the Kibbutz Ketura, in
occupied Umm Rashrash (Eilat), home to scores of illegal Zionist settlers turned environmental entrepreneurs (33).
Arava and BrightSource work together very closely in Al Naqab to accommodate the Zionist entity’s solar energy needs
(34 ). Obama’s generous administration wasn’t happy with providing just one Zionist energy company with a loan, so it
has provided Arava with a massive loan as well, worth $30 0 million (35). It is important to note that the deal between
Zionist corporation Arava and the collaborationist Bedouins hasn’t pulled the wool over anyone’s eyes; the ethnic
cleansing in Al Naqab desert continues. T he Zionist entity destroyed rebuilt homes in Al Araqib for a fifth time just two
weeks ago (36), and Israeli bulldozers demolished four homes belonging to Palestinian Bedouin families in Khashim Zema
on Monday, October 4 th (37). T he alliance between Obama, T el Aviv, BrightSource, and Arava is a genocidal existential
threat to indigenous peoples from occupied Palestine to California.


With bloodstained operating capital money and a billion dollar Obama loan fresh in hand, BrightSource is now moving
forward with an IPO in 20 11. T he Zionist firm has hired none other than Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley, two of the
criminal banking institutions bailed out by Obama’s administration, to handle the initial public offering. Goldman Sachs
was the largest contributor to Obama’s presidential campaign (38).

Distinguished scholar, author, and activist Ali Abunimah, who first broke the story about BrightSource (39), commented
in his follow-up piece regarding the BrightSource scandal that "Obama did not say anything about a BrightSource IPO, but
nevertheless his boosterism about the company in a presidential address clearly has market implications. Obama's
intervention on behalf of BrightSource seems particularly odd and inappropriate. He touted it as an example of creating
American jobs with American technological ingenuity, and specifically warned against allowing jobs and ‘competitive
advantage’ to flow to India, China or other foreign countries. But as an example of supporting domestic clean energy
industries, BrightSource is at best a dubious case. Many of the jobs will be created and stay in Israel, and the high-tech
benefits and patents are also being developed in Israel (4 0 )."

While Israeli cleantech companies have taken a major hit and are unable to secure venture capital due to the slow
recovery in the ‘green’ sector, BrightSource, Avara, and another Obama-funded company, Ormat T echnologies, are
thriving. Obama has guaranteed Ormat $350 million in loans for three geothermal power plants in Nevada (4 1). Ormat is
also building a 120 megawatt solar power plant in Ashalim, an illegal Zionist settlement in Al Naqab, populated with
Israeli students and entrepreneurs strengthening their relations through the Ayalim Association, founded by a group of
IOF veterans in 20 0 2 (4 2). Ormat is owned by the ardent Zionist husband and wife team of Lucien and Yehudit Bronicki.
Lucien serves as a member of the Executive Council of the Weizmann Institute of Science, which has several
interdisciplinary programs closely tied to Israeli intelligence; he has received the Rothschild Award for Innovation,
which is handed out by the Zionist entity’s president; and in 20 0 5, he received honors from Ben-Gurion University of the
Negev, a key research center for Israel’s nuclear program (4 3).

T he BrightSource scandal has emerged during the latest round of fraudulent peace talks, this time between mass
murderer Benjamin Netanyahu and the treasonous collaborationist Abbas-Fayyad Palestinian ‘Authority.’ It is just one
more example that the parties involved have no interest in securing peace in the region, only perpetuating the
unrelenting and illegal Zionist occupation. Additionally, it is an excellent example of Barack Obama showing his true
colors once again: Israeli blue and white. Obama was designed by Zionists from the inception of his political career, and
from the moment he was selected as President, he has done nothing but kowtow to T el Aviv’s every whim. He is not a
friend of the Palestinian people; he is their enemy’s willing partner, and their blood will stain his hands for the
remainder of his existence.

Peace talks will be considered legitimate when the US stops sending billions in military aid to Israel. When the torturous
blockade against Gaza is lifted. When Israeli planes stop dropping bombs on the coastal sliver. When Zionist occupation
forces stop shooting innocent men to death on their way home from work (4 4 ). When illegal settlements stop being
built. When Israel stops detaining, assaulting, and murdering activists in international waters with impunity. When
ethnic cleansing stops. When lemon trees and olive trees stop being uprooted. When Gaza fishermen stop being shot at
and killed. When thousands of Palestinian prisoners, including young children, are released. When Palestinian women
stop being raped. When Palestinians can travel to their places of worship without being harassed or beaten, or both, or
worse. When the people choose their own governments and aren’t subjected to collaborationist marionette regimes.
When every single Israeli bulldozer is destroyed. When Israel’s murderous politicians are prosecuted for crimes against
humanity. And when Zionist companies complicit in several of the aforementioned crimes like BrightSource, Avara and
Ormat stop receiving billions in taxpayer monies under the guise of federal loans.

Palestine will know peace when the Zionist entity is completely dismantled and its racist ideology is buried beneath its
ashes. Once Zionism ends, the occupation will end, Palestine’s lands will be liberated and the right of return for its
people will be implemented. A steadfast commitment to this discourse, along with the dignified Resistance of
Palestine’s magnificent people, and the BDS efforts of activists from all over the world, can make the Zionist regime’s
demise a hastened reality. Any other option is co-opted by the occupier. And anyone adhering to such a crooked path, is
dwelling in the realm of delusion.

~ T he End ~

(1) Israel T o Get $30 Billion In Military Aid From U.S. by Steven Erlanger, T he New York T imes

(2) Interview Of T he President by Yonit Levi, Israeli T V

(3) U.S.-Israeli Arms Cooperation Quietly Growing by Nathan Guttman, T he Jewish Daily Forward

(4 ) Iron Dome May Not Be As Effective As IDF T hinks by Yossi Melman, Haaretz

(5) Obama Endorses Gaza Siege by Press T V

(6) T he Woman From Mossad: T he Story Of Mordechai Vanunu and the Israeli Nuclear Program by Peter Hounam

(7) T he State Of U.S. - Israel Relations July 6, 20 10 by National Jewish Democratic Council

(8) T he Obama Administration’s Approach T o U.S.-Israel Security Cooperation: Preserving Israel’s Qualitative Military
Edge by Andrew J. Shapiro

(9) US-Israel Cooperation Continues At T he Highest Levels by David Streeter

(10 ) US Arms ‘Bonanza’ In Middle East by Jonathan Cook

(11) Obama T outs Israeli-Developed Solar Company BrightSource by Karin Kloosterman

(12) BrightSource Gets A Billion by Karin Kloosterman

(13) Meet BrightSource’s Arnold Goldman by Green Prophet Staff

(14 ) Guma Aguiar Honored As ‘Builder of Jerusalem’ By Aish HaT orah by Hana Levi Julian, Israel National News

(15) Rabbi Noah Weinberg, Founder of Aish HaT orah, Dies by Ben Harris, JT A

(16) Solar Power Pioneer, Arnold Goldman: How Our Electricity Can Become "Fuel For Life" by Jewish Climate Initiative

(17) Jewish History, Jewish Religion: T he Weight Of T hree T housand Years by Israel Shahak (rip)

(18) Haredim, Hi-T ech And T he IDF by Judy Seigel Itzkovich, Jerusalem Post

(19) Solar Energy In Israel by Professor David Faiman, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev

(20 ) Reclaiming His Place In T he Sun by Eric A. T aub, T he New York T imes

(21) Censorship And Cover-Up In T he Gulf Oil Disaster by T om Eley
(22) From Agent Orange, T o 9/11, T o BP: Kenneth Feinberg Is Master Of Disaster by Sander Hicks

(23) Study: BP Refineries Produce 97% Of Violations by CBS News

(24 ) Chevron’s T errestrial Oil Spill: Less Media, More Insidious T han T he Gulf Slick by Starre Vartan

(25) Oil Companies Complicit In Nigerian Abuses by Human Rights Watch

(26) BrightSource Energy Gets OK For 370 -Megawatt Solar Plant In Mojave Desert by Dana Hull, Mercury News

(27) American Indian T ribes Protest Proposed Solar Power Complex by Kenneth Artz

(28) BrightSource Energy Raises $150 Million Series D Financing by Jonathan Shapira

(29) Dimona’s Buried Nuclear Waste Spreads Cancer And Sterility In Southern Hebron And Negev by International Press

(30 ) Israel’s Ethnic Cleansing Of Palestinian Bedouin by Kim Bullimore

(31) Arava Power Company Signs Solar Deals With Negev Bedouins by Moshe T erdman

(32) Interview With Yosef Abramowitz, CEO Of Arava Power by Avner Warner

(33) Israel’s Kibbutzim Shift From Red T o Green by David Wainer, Bloomberg News

(34 ) Green Business Double Book Review by Karin Kloosterman; Green Day For AJC by Sharon Udasin, T he Jewish Week

(35) Arava Power Signs Land Deal With Bedouins T o Build Solar Field by Ehud Zion Waldoks

(36) Israel Reportedly Razes Bedouin Village For Fifth T ime by Ma’an News Agency

(37) Israel Razes Bedouin Homes In Negev by Press T V

(38) BrightSource Energy Quietly Moves T oward IPO In 20 11 by Iris Kuo, Reuters; Goldman Sachs Was T op Obama Donor
by Robert Yoon, CNN

(39) Obama Uses Weekly Address T o Lobby For Israeli Firm BrightSource by Ali Abunimah

(4 0 ) Israel-Based Firm BrightSource T hat Obama Misleadingly Boosted Has Been ‘Quietly’ Planning For IPO by Ali

(4 1) Global Investment Plummet Hits Israeli Cleantech Companies... Except BrightSource and Ormat by Lisa Damast

(4 2) Plant An Olive T ree In Israel by T he Ayalim Association
(4 3) Lucien Bronicki: Executive Profile And Biography by Bloomberg Businessweek

(4 4 ) IOF Forces Shoot And Kill Another Palestinian Worker by T he Palestinian Information Center

Mask Of Zion at 12:52 AM



Anonymous Octobe r 9, 2010 at 10:35 AM

T hank you for this cle ar docume ntation of this case . It is a fine e xample of the large r proble m of Israe l insinuating itse lf into our State
as a pre fe rre d re cipie nt of subsidie s. T he re is a long history at this point. I think one of the e arlie r one s was calle d BIRD, but the ide a
has be e n e stablishe d that the US gove rnme nt should always fund a pie ce for Israe l's busine ss as a priority. T he e ntire "gre e n" fie ld is
compromise d this way.

T hink of Obama as some one who built his care e r on the politics of e xpanding minoritie s' (e ve ryone wrongly assume s "black") slice of the
pie . For e xample , he ne ve r oppose d the financial sche me s; he only wante d a large r slice for minoritie s. Of course no one can e ve r
compe te with Goldman Sachs in that busine ss, so basically all the othe r spe cial inte re st groups are simply squabbling ove r who ge ts
the most crumbs. Obama runs a franchise . T he more he he lps the home office in T e l Aviv, the more crumbs his gang ge ts.

Ame ricans have be e n so e age r to not be bigote d, that the y have spe nt z e ro time asking the mse lve s what rule book the re st of the
world is playing by. T he world is compose d of familial-base d crime familie s shaking down and taking ove r gove rnme nts. Ours has just
be e n the bigge st tre e to shake . Once the fruit is gone , Ame ricans will be ve ry surprise d to find out how bigote d the re st of the world
Re ply

Anonymous January 20, 2011 at 10:15 AM

e xce lle nt information. T hanks
Re ply

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