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In sinusoidal situations, there is a unique power factor definition for

single-phase and balanced three-phase systems. However, in non-sinusoidal
situations and/or unbalanced three-phase systems, different power factor
definitions have been reported in the literature (Czarnecki 1995, Emanuel
1993, Emanuel 1999, Filipski 1991, Filipski 1994, Ghassemi 2000, IEEE
1996, IEEE 2000, Lev-Ari 2006, Morsi 2007, Morsi 2008a, Morsi 2008b,
Morsi 2009, Morsi 2009a, Sankaran 2002, Sharon 1996, Willems 2004,
Willems 2005). Among these definitions, three power factors are
recommended. The IEEE Working Group on Non-sinusoidal Situations (IEEE
1996) recommended the displacement power factor in order to measure the
transmission efficiency at fundamental frequency. The displacement power
factor indicates how much active power is being transmitted out of the
maximum power or the delivered power when considering the fundamental
frequency component only.

In order to be applicable for three-phase systems, the fundamental

positive-sequence power factor (FPSPF) is developed in the IEEE Standard
1459–2000, which has the same meaning as the displacement power factor in
a single-phase system. It is also recommended to use the TEPF using the

concept of effective apparent power in order to measure the overall

transmission efficiency at the fundamental plus the non-fundamental
frequency components. The transmission efficiency power factor indicates
how much active power, including the fundamental plus the non-fundamental
components, is being transmitted from the source to the load.

The following example shows that neither the fundamental positive-

sequence power factor nor the transmission efficiency power factor that are
contained in the IEEE Standard 1459–2000 are adequate enough to describe
the system utilization including the amount and quality of the transmitted

Figure 6.1 Three Phase Linear Load supplied from Sinusoidal

Balanced Source

Figure 6.1 shows a three-phase system consisting of a linear load

supplied from a sinusoidal balanced source. The source voltages are

VR 120 0 , VS 120 120 , VT 120 120 . (6.1)


Consider two loading cases:

1. Balanced such that RR = RS =RT = 20 , and LR = LS = LT =

0.0745 H

2. Unbalanced such that RR = 20 , RS = 0.05 , RT = 100 ,

and LR = LS = LT = 0 H.

According to IEEE Standard 1459–2000, the TEPF at the PCC for

the first and second case will be 0.58 although the waveforms of the
transmitted power in the two cases have different shapes. In the first case,
there is no oscillation so the transmitted power will have a dc value, while in
the second case; there will be some oscillation that is superimposed on the dc
value. These oscillations stem from the unbalance that exists in the three-
phase system; therefore, summing up the unbalanced three-phase power will
result in oscillation; however, in the balanced systems, the sum of balanced
three-phase power will be a constant value.

Furthermore, if we consider case 2, and letting the inductances in

case 1, be equal to zero, then according to IEEE Standard 1459–2000, the
FPSPF will be equal to 1 in both cases although one case is balanced and the
other is unbalanced. Thus, the FPSPF is also unable to differentiate between
the two cases.

In order to measure the quality of the transmitted power, Willems

(2004) proposed the use of the oscillation power factor (OSCPF) which is an
indication of how much oscillation is being superimposed on the transmitted
power. Low OSCPF values indicate high oscillations while high OSCPF
values indicate low oscillations in the power received by the load. For
example, when considering the two cases mentioned before, according to
Willems (2004), the oscillation power factor gives 1 for the balanced case
while giving 0.818 for the unbalanced case.

Since these three power factors are essential to describe the system
utilization, including both the amount and quality of the transmitted power,
therefore, there is a need to represent these power factors with a single value
for applications, such as customer billing, setting tariffs, and evaluating the
service quality especially in deregulated environment.

The electric power system contains many sources of uncertainties

and imprecision due to:

Voltage and current transducer inaccuracies

Measurement errors

Changes in power system operating conditions

Imprecise information caused by human involvement in the

operation management and control of power systems

Also, the nonexistence of a single accepted definition for the power

factor in non-sinusoidal situations or unbalanced three phase systems can be
considered as a source of uncertainties and imprecision when evaluating
power quality in electric power systems.



Morsi (2008b) extended the FRQPF index to be suitable for the

three-phase systems; therefore, a single value that represents the three power
factors can be obtained. Thus a fuzzy-logic-based approach is proposed by
Morsi (2008b) to calculate the RQPF for three phase unbalanced systems in
non-sinusoidal situations, using Mamdani’s FIM.

Figure 6.2 shows a schematic diagram of the FRQPF module. This

module can be built using the Fuzzy Logic Toolbox (Matlab 2008) available
in MATLAB. The design procedure is as follows:

6.2.1 Input and Output Fuzzification

The inputs to the FRQPF module are the FPSPF, TEPF, and
OSCPF. The value of each of these three power factors ranges from 0 to 1. A
value close to 0 indicates the minimum power factor value, while a value
close to 1 indicates a high power factor.

Power Factor
Logic Fuzzy Logic
based based
Transmission RQPF Representative
Efficiency Module Quality Power
Power Factor Factor

Power Factor

Figure 6.2 Schematic Diagram of the FRQPF Module for Three-Phase


The triangular form can be used for the membership functions due
to its simplicity to represent input variables. Thus, three linguistic variables,
Low (L), Medium (M), and High (H) are used. The output is the FRQPF
which is represented by seven linguistic variables; Low (L), Moderately Low
(ML), Somewhat Low (SL), Medium (M), Somewhat High (SH), Moderately
High (MH), and High (H).

6.2.2 Fuzzy If-Then Rules

The FRQPF module has three inputs and each input is represented
by three linguistic variables. Therefore there are 27 rules in the FRQPF
module. The fuzzy inference rules are stated below.

1) If (FPSPF is L) and (TEPF is L) and (OSCPF is L) then

(RQPF is L)

2) If (FPSPF is L) and (TEPF is L) and (OSCPF is M), then

(RQPF is ML)

3) If (FPSPF is L) and (TEPF is L) and (OSCPF is H), then

(RQPF is SL)

4) If (FPSPF is L) and (TEPF is M) and (OSCPF is L), then

(RQPF is ML)

5) If (FPSPF is L) and (TEPF is M) and (OSCPF is M) then

(RQPF is SL)

6) If (FPSPF is L) and (TEPF is M) and (OSCPF is H), then

(RQPF is M)

7) If (FPSPF is L) and (TEPF is H) and (OSCPF is L), then

(RQPF is SL)

8) If (FPSPF is L) and (TEPF is H) and (OSCPF is M), then

(RQPF is M)

9) If (FPSPF is L) and (TEPF is H) and (OSCPF is H) then

(RQPF is SH)

10) If (FPSPF is M) and (TEPF is L) and (OSCPF is L), then

(RQPF is ML)

11) If (FPSPF is M) and (TEPF is L) and (OSCPF is M), then

(RQPF is SL)

12) If (FPSPF is M) and (TEPF is L) and (OSCPF is H), then

(RQPF is M)

13) If (FPSPF is M) and (TEPF is M) and (OSCPF is L) then

(RQPF is SL)

14) If (FPSPF is M) and (TEPF is M) and (OSCPF is M), then

(RQPF is M)

15) If (FPSPF is M) and (TEPF is M) and (OSCPF is H), then

(RQPF is SH)

16) If (FPSPF is M) and (TEPF is H) and (OSCPF is L), then

(RQPF is M)

17) If (FPSPF is M) and (TEPF is H) and (OSCPF is M) then

(RQPF is SH)

18) If (FPSPF is M) and (TEPF is H) and (OSCPF is H), then

(RQPF is MH)

19) If (FPSPF is H) and (TEPF is L) and (OSCPF is L), then

(RQPF is SL)

20) If (FPSPF is H) and (TEPF is L) and (OSCPF is M), then

(RQPF is M)

21) If (FPSPF is H) and (TEPF is L) and (OSCPF is H) then

(RQPF is SH)

22) If (FPSPF is H) and (TEPF is M) and (OSCPF is L), then

(RQPF is M)

23) If (FPSPF is H) and (TEPF is M) and (OSCPF is M), then

(RQPF is SH)

24) If (FPSPF is H) and (TEPF is M) and (OSCPF is H), then

(RQPF is MH)

25) If (FPSPF is H) and (TEPF is H) and (OSCPF is L) then

(RQPF is SH)

26) If (FPSPF is H) and (TEPF is H) and (OSCPF is M), then

(RQPF is MH)

27) If (FPSPF is H) and (TEPF is H) and (OSCPF is H), then

(RQPF is H)


In this chapter, an ANFIS based RQPF for unbalanced three-phase

system is proposed. The ANFIS based approach is used to calculate the
ANFIS-RQPF which is a single value index that represents a blend of the
three recommended power factors, FPSPF, TEPF and OSCPF, each having
three linguistic variables assigned as inputs. The proposed ANFIS-RQPF was
applied to balanced and unbalanced cases. The results obtained reveal that
the ANFIS-RQPF is meaningful and accurately represents the existing power


This section explains the ANFIS based approach used to calculate

the ANFIS-RQPF which is a single value index that represents an
amalgamation of the three recommended power factors, FPSPF, TEPF and
OSCPF. This module was built using the Fuzzy Logic Tool Box available in
MATLAB. About 500 samples were trained to obtain the desired results.
Figure 6.3 shows the Schematic Diagram of the ANFIS-RQPF Module for
Three-Phase System.

The proposed ANFIS based approach has many advantages, such

as simplicity, ease of application, flexibility, and being able to handle
imprecise or uncertain problems. The problem formulation of defining the
power factor for unbalanced systems and the proposed ANFIS based approach
used to calculate the RQPF are similar to that of them, in single phase

Figure 6.3 Schematic Diagram of the ANFIS-RQPF Module for Three-

Phase System


The FRQPF and ANFIS-RQPF were applied to different test cases

that include balanced and unbalanced sources. For given values of the FPSPF,
TEPF and OSCPF, the FIS and ANFIS modules were used to calculate the
FRQPF and ANFIS-RQPF, respectively. Table 6.1 shows the six different
cases of linear loading conditions in which the FRQPF and ANFIS-RQPF
have been tested. Table 6.2 shows the rule viewer input and output of FRQPF
and ANFIS-RQPF for the two cases, an ideal and non ideal case. The ideal

case corresponds to the linear load supplied from balanced sinusoidal source
while the non ideal case corresponds to the linear load supplied from
unbalanced sinusoidal source.

Table 6.1 Six Different Cases of Linear Loading Conditions

Case 1 20 20 20 0H 0H 0H
Case 2 20 20 20 0.1 H 0.1 H 0.1 H
Case 3 100 100 100 0.3 H 0.3 H 0.3 H
Case 4 20 10 1 0H 0H 0H
Case 5 20 10 1 0H 0.1 H 0.3 H
Case 6 20 1 1 1H 0.1 H 0.3 H

Table 6.2 Rule Viewer Output for Ideal and Non-Ideal Cases

Input Output
Ideal Case 1 1 1 0.947 1
Non-Ideal Case 0.705 0.548 0.151 0.492 0.462

Figure 6.4 and Figure 6.5 show the Rule Viewer diagram of
FRQPF and ANFIS-RQPF, respectively for the ideal case of Table 6.2.
Figure 6.6 and Figure 6.7 show the Rule Viewer diagram of FRQPF and
ANFIS-RQPF, respectively for the non-ideal case of Table 6.2.

It is observed that the ideal case corresponds to the sinusoidal

balanced linear system where all of the input power factors have a value equal
to one (that is, at their maximum) and therefore, the ANFIS-RQPF gives its
maximum value which is nearly equal to one, while the non-ideal case

corresponds to any other case than the sinusoidal balanced linear system;
therefore, the values of the three power factors, the FPSPF, the TEPF, and the
OSCPF will be less than one and, as seen, the value of the ANFIS-RQPF is
less than one.

Figure 6.4 Rule Viewer Diagram for FRQPF in Ideal Case

Figure 6.5 Rule Viewer Diagram for ANFIS-RQPF in Ideal Case


Figure 6.6 Rule Viewer Diagram for FRQPF in Non-Ideal Case

Figure 6.7 Rule Viewer Diagram for ANFIS-RQPF in Non-Ideal Case

6.5.1 Linear Load Supplied from Balanced Sinusoidal Source

The linear load shown in Figure 6.1 was supplied by a balanced

sinusoidal source voltage described by equation (6.2).

v R (t ) 169.7 sin (377t )

v S (t ) 169.7 sin (377t 120 )

vT (t ) 169.7 sin (377t 120 ) (6.2)


The graph of Figure 6.8 shows the three-phase instantaneous

balanced source voltage generated using equation (6.2). This source voltage
was applied to the six different cases of linear loading conditions shown in
Table 6.1. The graph of Figure 6.9 shows the three-phase instantaneous
current for case 2 of Table 6.1. The graph of Figure 6.10 shows the three-
phase instantaneous current for case 4 of Table 6.1. Table 6.3 shows the
FRQPF and ANFIS-RQPF values for linear load supplied from balanced
sinusoidal source.

Figure 6.8 Three-Phase Instantaneous Balanced Source Voltage


Figure 6.9 Three-Phase Instantaneous Current for Balanced Source

Voltage – Case 2


Figure 6.10 Three-Phase Instantaneous Current for Balanced source

Voltage – Case 4

6.5.2 Linear Load Supplied from Unbalanced Sinusoidal Source

The linear load shown in Figure 6.1 was supplied by an unbalanced

sinusoidal source voltage described by equation (6.3).

v R (t ) 290 sin (377 t 24.18 )

vS (t ) 67.86 sin (377 t 90 )

vT (t ) 290 sin (377 t 155.8 ) (6.3)

The graph of Figure 6.11 shows the three-phase instantaneous

balanced source voltage generated using equation (6.3). This source voltage
was applied to the six different cases of linear loading conditions shown in
Table 6.1. The graph of Figure 6.12 shows the three-phase instantaneous
current for case 2 of Table 6.1. The graph of Figure 6.13 shows the three-
phase instantaneous current for case 4 of Table 6.1. Table 6.4 shows the
FRQPF and ANFIS-RQPF values for linear load supplied from unbalanced
sinusoidal source.


Figure 6.11 Three-Phase Instantaneous Unbalanced Source Voltage


Figure 6.12 Three-Phase Instantaneous Current for Unbalanced Source

Voltage – Case 2

Figure 6.13 Three-Phase Instantaneous Current for Unbalanced Source

Voltage – Case 4

Table 6.3 and Table 6.4 show the comparison of the values of
FRQPF (Morsi 2008b) and the proposed ANFIS-RQPF for the same input.

Table 6.3 FRQPF and ANFIS-RQPF values for Linear Load supplied
from Balanced Sinusoidal Source


Case 1 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.947 1.0
Case 2 0.47 0.47 0.5535 0.489 0.68
Case 3 0.66 0.66 0.6823 0.647 0.768
Case 4 1.0 0.196 0.2675 0.491 0.111
Case 5 1.0 0.727 0.716 0.762 0.75
Case 6 0.069 -0.39 0.4 0.19 0.347

Table 6.4 FRQPF and ANFIS-RQPF values for Linear Load supplied
from Unbalanced Sinusoidal Source


Case 1 0.995 0.882 0.78 0.792 0.878
Case 2 0.376 0.85 0.65 0.792 0.285
Case 3 0.583 0.918 0.802 0.728 0.344
Case 4 0.995 0.082 0.848 0.41 0.0001
Case 5 0.995 1.0 0.88 0.876 0.791
Case 6 -0.069 0.456 0.54 0.331 0.521

Observation of all cases shows that the ANFIS-RQPF represents

the three recommended power factors FPSPF, TEPF and OSCPF more
accurately in three-phase systems. Thus the proposed ANFIS-RQPF will be
useful in many applications, such as customer billing, setting up tariffs, power

quality assessment and evaluating the power quality mitigation techniques in

three-phase systems also.

ANFIS enhances the performance of the existing power quality

assessment systems in several ways:

1. Maximizing the knowledge gain from the huge amount of

power quality data available.

2. By setting the proper boundaries of abnormal behavior,

unnecessary invocation of more complex power quality
analysis software will be prevented, hence the efficiency
(including cost effectiveness) of the service currently offered
will be increased drastically.

3. The adaptive technique used eliminates the need for any prior
power quality knowledge on behalf of the customer or system

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