DLP - English Final Demo

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

School Loreto Santos Lanzanas Central School Grade level Grade 4

Teacher Realyn Grace C. Parcon Subject English
Date and Time April 24, 2023 / 8:00 – 8:50 AM Quarter Third

Content Standards Demonstrates an understanding that reading in a wide range of texts provides pleasure and
an avenue for self-expression and personal development.

Uses literal information from texts to aptly infer and predict outcomes.
I. Objectives Standards

Analyze a story in terms of its elements. (EN4RC – 11a – 1.1, EN4RC – 11b – 27)
Objectives Write the LC
code for each

Objectives The learners should be able to:

1. Identify the important story elements such as setting, characters and
plot in a story read; and
2. Analyze a story in terms of its elements in a story read.
II. Content Analyzing Elements of a Story

A. References Teacher’s Guide pages pp. 300-315

Learner’s Material pages pp. 300-315
Textbook pages
Additional Materials from Learning Resource Worksheets, multimedia presentation, visual
(LR) portal aids
III. Learning
Resources B. Other Learning CLAS modules Quarter 3 week 7
Resources https://shortstoriesshort.com/story/the-selfish-giant.

IV. Procedures Teachers Activity Pupils Activity

Preliminary Activity

I. Prayer May I request everyone to please rise. And

who wants to lead the prayer? (The learners will rise and someone from
the class will lead the prayer)
Thank you!

II. Greetings Good morning children! Good morning, teacher Rea!

How are you today? We are okay and excited.

Nice! I'm glad to hear that all of you are okay

and excited. Yes teacher!

Now, are you ready with our new lesson?

III. Classroom Before you take your seats, may I request each (Learners will follow the teacher’s instruction)
Management and every one, to pick up all the trash under
your chair. And if there’s no more trash then
arrange the chair properly and after that you
may now take your seats.

IV. Attendance May I know if there is someone from the class is

Checking absent today? No one is absent today, teacher.

That is great! Since everyone is present today,

give yourself 10 claps. (Learners will follow the teacher’s instruction)

V. Issuance of And before we start our class, may I know what

Guidelines are the rules you need to follow when the class
is about to start?
1. Sit properly.
2. Listen attentively.
3. Raise your right hand if you want to

What else?
4. Participate in class activity.

Can I expect all that from you? Yes teacher!

As this moment, get your spelling notebook or

a piece of paper, at the same time prepare
yourselves as we will be having a short (Learners will follow the teacher’s instruction)
spelling. Number your paper from 1 to 3. After
that, we will check your papers.

Is that clear?
Yes teacher!
Words for today:
1. Story
2. Writer
3. Character
4. Plot

Good job everyone!

A. Reviewing Now, can you tell what we have discussed last

previous lesson time? Teacher it’s all about graphic organizers.
or presenting
the new lesson Correct!
And what is graphic organizers? Teacher graphic organizers are visual
displays of key content information designed
to benefit learners who have difficulty
organizing information.

(student’s answer may vary)

That’s right!
Can you give an example of graphic
organizers? Possible answers: venn diagram, semantic
map, flow chart and timeline diagram.

Very Good!
Now, to test your prior knowledge regarding to
our last discussion, let’s have a short activity.
Direction: Stand if the statement talks about (Learners will follow the teacher’s instruction)
venn diagram, stamp your feet if the statement
talks about semantic map, clap your hands if
the statement talks about flow chart and dance
if the statement talks about timeline diagram.

Is that clear? Yes teacher!

1. It is a graphic organizer that used to show
similarities and differences between 1. Venn diagram
persons, places, things, animals, stories
and ideas.

2. Eljie wants to cook a pancake. What

graphic organizer can help her to follow the 2. Flow chart
exact steps in doing it?

3. Reyald is having a difficulty to remember

the significant events in the life of Emilio 3. Timeline diagram
Aguinaldo. What graphic organizer should
he use?

Good job everyone!

Now, let’s go back to our spelling items.

And let’s discuss each item to further enrich

your vocabularies.
Is a collection of related events that put
1. Story together in correct order.

Is a person who uses written words in

2. Writer different writing styles and techniques to
communicate ideas.

Also referred to as the hero or protagonist, is

3. Character usually the most important character in the
4. Plot Referred to as plan or main story.
B. Establishing a The learners should be able to:
purpose for the
lesson 1. Identify the important story elements
such as setting, characters and plot
in a story read; and

2. Analyze a story in terms of its elements

in a story read.

Now, we will be having an activity and allow

me to read the direction.

Activity: 4 PICS 1 WORD

Direction: Identify what the word is, from a (Learners will follow the teacher’s instruction)
set of letters given below the pictures.



C. Presenting Did you enjoy our short activity? Yes teacher!
ces of the new Based on the activity, what do you think is our
lesson lesson for today? Elements of the story

That’s correct!

Now, let’s dive in our new lesson.

Character/s - These are the people or animals

in the story.

Setting - It talks about the place and the time

that the events in the story happened.

Plot - This is made up of the events that

happened in the story. It consists of beginning,
the middle, and the ending

Beginning - It gives the problem faced by the

main character.

Middle - It presents the actions made by the

characters to solve the problem.

Ending - It gives the solution to the problem.

D. Discussing new Now that you have already idea about the (Learners will follow the teacher’s instruction)
concepts and elements of the story, let us have this activity
practicing new but first check your armchair and look for a
skills #1 number. That number is connected to my
spinning wheel and as I spin the wheel and if
your number has pointed out then it means that
you’ll be the one who will answer the question.
But let me first read the story and after reading,
you need to tell what elements of a story is the
given word.

Is that clear? Yes teacher!

Anyways, class have you seen a crow? Yes teacher!

Where they usually live? On a tree

(Learner’s answer may vary)

The Crow and the Pitcher

Aesop’s Fable

One day, a thirsty crow wanted some water to

drink. He looked and looked for a well. He could
not find any. Then he saw a pitcher on the road.
There was some water at the bottom of the
pitcher. He could not reach the water. (Learners are attentively listening)
He sat down to think. He thought and thought.
He saw some small stones beside the road. He
smiled and said, “I know what to do.” He got the
stones one by one. He dropped them into the
pitcher. With each stone that he dropped; the
water rose a little higher. Soon the water
reached the brim or top of the pitcher. He drank
all the water he wanted.

Are you ready? Yes teacher!

(The teacher will start to spin the wheel)

For the first word, is it a Character? Setting? Or
a Plot?
Crow 1. Character

Correct! And how about this one?

One day
2. Setting
That’s right!
How about this one, is it a Character? Setting?
Or a Plot?
On the road
3. Setting

How about this one also?

Thirsty crow wanted some water to drink. He

looked and looked for a well. He could not 4. Plot
find any. Then he saw a pitcher on the road.
There was some water at the bottom of the
pitcher. He could not reach the water.

That’s correct!
And last but not the least.

He got the stones one by one. He dropped

them into the pitcher. With each stone that
he dropped; the water rose a little higher. 5. Plot
Soon the water reached the brim or top of
the pitcher. He drank all the water he

Is this a character? Setting? Or a plot?

Great job, my dear students

E. Discussing new I will divide the class into three groups and (Learners are attentively listening)
concepts and listen attentively as I read the direction for each
practicing new group’s activity.
skills #2
And what are the guidelines during group
activity? 1. Listen attentively.
2. Be participative
3. And minimize our voice.


For group 1: Read the story below and analyze

the characters, plot and settings found in the (Learners will follow the teacher’s instruction)
story. Give three (3) answers at the table

The Monkey and The Crocodile

The Wife Crocodile was sick so she requested

for a monkey’s heart to her husband. She
believed that the monkey’s heart would cure

The next day, the Husband Crocodile saw the

Monkey eating fruits near the river and said,
“Monkey my friend, do you know that there are
more fruits on the other side of the river?” The
Monkey said, “Really? I’d love to go there but I
don’t know how to swim.” The Husband
Crocodile said, “I can let you ride on my back!”
So, the Monkey happily accepted the Husband
Crocodile’s offer.

After reaching the deepest part of the river, the

Husband Crocodile suddenly submerged and
the Monkey was drowned. The Crocodile did
not help him. And upon his last breath, he saw
his friend Crocodile smiling at him.

Character Plot Settings

For group 2: With the same story analyze

which of the following plots is the beginning,
the middle, and the ending of the story. Put an
X if it is not a plot of the story. (Learners will follow the teacher’s instruction)
The Monkey and The Crocodile

The Wife Crocodile was sick so she requested

for a monkey’s heart to her husband. She
believed that the monkey’s heart would cure

The next day, the Husband Crocodile saw the

Monkey eating fruits near the river and said,
“Monkey my friend, do you know that there are
more fruits on the other side of the river?” The
Monkey said, “Really? I’d love to go there but I
don’t know how to swim.” The Husband
Crocodile said, “I can let you ride on my back!”
So, the Monkey happily accepted the Husband
Crocodile’s offer.

After reaching the deepest part of the river, the

Husband Crocodile suddenly submerged and
the Monkey was drowned. The Crocodile did
not help him. And upon his last breath, he saw
his friend Crocodile smiling at him.

___________Husband Crocodile saw Monkey

and offered him a ride on his back to get into
the other side of the river.

___________Wife Crocodile

___________Husband Crocodile drowned

Monkey and never helped him.

___________The Wife Crocodile was sick so

she requested for a monkey’s heart to her
____________Deepest part of the river

For group 3: Activity: Amazing maze!

Direction: Read the story below and identify
the elements of the story by connecting them
through the maze. Keep your answers clear.
(Learners will follow the teacher’s instruction)
The Selfish Giant

A giant has a beautiful garden and he never

let anyone enter it. But whenever he was
away, children would come there to play.

One day, the giant decided to visit his friend

and left for the neighboring kingdom. The
giant came back and saw children play in his
garden. He angrily chased them away and
built a high wall around the garden. After that,
the children stopped coming to the garden.
The trees and plants were so sad that they
lost their beauty and their leaves and flowers
withered. No birds came to sing there, too. His
house turned gloomy and dark.

One morning, the giant saw children playing in

the garden again. They had entered through a
small hole in the wall. The trees and flowers
gradually bloomed again and he was so happy
to see it. The giant realized that he had been
selfish and was very sorry for what he had
done. From now on, he let the children play in
the garden every day.

(Source: Short Stories, 2013. Children’s

Stories & Fairy Tales, “The Selfish Giant”.
January 18, 2021

On the other hand, I’ll give you five minutes

and you will present that in front of the class
and here’s the rubrics.

Rubrics Weight
Content 50%
Presentation 30%
Cooperation 20%
Total 100%

Do you understand? Yes teacher!

Alright! The timer starts now!

F. Developing Directions: Read and understand the story (Learners will follow the teacher’s instruction)
mastery (leads below. Answer the items by shading the circle of
to formative the correct answer.
Hidden Treasure

Once upon a time there lived an old farmer. He

had four sons. There were very lazy. He wanted
to teach them the value of hard work. But the
lazy sons did not care for his advice.

One day, the farmer got ill. He was on death

bed. He called his sons and said “I have buried
a treasure in my field. But I do not remember
the exact place. Dig it out after my death.”

After the death of their father, they went to the

field. They dug it from end-to-end. But they
found no treasure. They became sad.

In the meantime, an old man passed on their

field. He knew what the farmer meant. He
advised them to sow seeds. They acted upon
his advice. They reaped a rich harvest. They
became rich. Thus, they learnt the value of hard
G. Finding practical Class, who among you are familiar with MMK (Learners will raise their right hands)
applications of and Magpakailanman?
concepts and
skills in daily What have you observed? Teacher, we observed that it is based on a
living real-life story.

(learner’s answers may vary)

That’s right!
Now, do you agree that each one of us has a
different and unique story to tell? Yes teacher!

Also, do you agree that we are the main

character and writer of our own story? Yes teacher!

That’s right!
That’s why we should be firm all the time,
despite of all odds because at the end of the (Learners are attentively listening)
day, we are the one who responsible for the
ending of our story that we are making of.
Do you understand class? Yes teacher!

Now, give yourselves a roller coaster clap. (Learners will follow the teacher’s instruction)

H. Making What are the elements of the story? Ma’am the following are the elements of the
generalizations story;
and abstractions
about the lesson Character/s - These are the people or
animals in the story.

Setting - It talks about the place and the time

that the events in the story happened.

Plot - This is made up of the events that

happened in the story. It consists of
beginning, the middle, and the ending

Beginning - It gives the problem faced by

the main character.

Middle - It presents the actions made by

the characters to solve the problem.

Ending - It gives the solution to the



On the other hand, do you have any

questions or clarification? We don’t have any questions, teacher.

Alright! If you don’t have any questions

or clarification then prepare yourself for
our short quiz.
I. Evaluating Read each question carefully and circle
learning the correct answer that corresponds to
each question.

1. In a story, they are the people, 1. In a story, they are the people,
animals or creatures. What do we animals or creatures. What do we
call them? call them?
a. Setting a. Setting
b. Characters b. Characters
c. Problem c. Problem

2. The __________ is the time and 2. The __________ is the time and
place that the story takes place. What place that the story takes place.
is it? What is it?
a. Setting a. Setting
b. Plot b. Plot
c. Character c. Character

3. The _______ is made up of the 3. The _______ is made up of the

events that happened in the story? events that happened in the story?
a. Setting a. Setting
b. Character b. Character
c. Plot c. Plot

4. It usually tells where the character 4.It usually tells where the character
goes and what happens, at the same goes and what happens, at the same
time it leads the reader through time it leads the reader through events
events that gives solution to the that gives solution to the problem.
problem. Which part of the story it can Which part of the story it can be found?
be found? a. Ending
a. Ending b. Middle
b. Middle c. Beginning
c. Beginning
5.How does the elements of a story help
5. How does the elements of a story us understand?
help us understand? a. By aiding in comprehension
a. By aiding in comprehension and and deeper understanding.
deeper understanding. b. By improving our handwriting.
b. By improving our handwriting. c. By sharpening our mathematics
c. By sharpening our mathematics skills.

J. Additional Create a mini pop-up booklet that contains

activities for characters, setting and plot. And you’re freely to
application or express any theme, ideas, concepts,
remediation creativeness, etc.

V. Remarks
A. No. of learners who earned 80%on the formative assessment
B. No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation

C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of lessons who have caught up
with the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue to require remediation

VI. Reflection E. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did this work?

F. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor can

help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized materials did I use/discover which I wish
to share with other teachers?
Prepared by:


Student Intern

Checked by:

Cooperating Teacher/Teacher I

Observed by:

Noted by:


Principal IV

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