QP Ndanai2024 Mathematics 22042024

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NDA& NA. Examination (1), 2024 Wa aa arent we Teer oferat Gerd Bl AT BET WT aa aH A ae ‘Gata. : RRAN-B-MTH cadet afer sat eat wdtert afecrent 0380665 cine A wa: Shee site ae fire werter : 300 aaa adhe wrest Bt ger are, ae ya teen afeerent At aware arava ax S fe geet wAE fer wa, WT TT ET BAT Stay wert ante Bt wee ter %, at ge ee ater were Baa S| ran eat eS fs OMR Sata H, afte ear we, Vet AeA aie eteroT BferenT staH (eitetoT Ws) A,B,C UTD a, Sart & wa fara feet ew aT feels Be wet atte Gea eT A feet ‘cebtgare Ft & 1 feet sit were At yer /feeinfe ot fea H seers feet ax feo are | om ert somrgoaeergeries [| arynte fore @ | ater gferar x afte ae a fra | eat wdheror feet H 120 weer (wer) faq me E 1 wees mein fret afte atte Seti HA eI wets were Ha we (se) Re ae S| eH a ow rR A GTS, HA one oe Sifter aro Tea E | ay age Ret aA fee eH a sites eA wet E, at se we a sie ae Sh oraa wafer A | wees wei & fer Beret ue Ft weyRR GAT eI Serre ae a mega srerr B fq ay Sa-aa IH ifs aA E | eR-TI H feo ae Pier Ba | waht weaisit & sis oat € 1 Bee Feet fe arg atten glean & fea west & weqee Tees x silks BCT YE SE, sTTET we wea rer Aker TART orgETC Ge Ree seer H 2TH Sarat wa TERT a Seo H we arg Ta ae ATI a Bere Bee etter wt die & | raat aoe ara ater gfe & a At aah B wea arr & fore are ater gfe & seat H dew & | Wars Seet & faq avs: meas wert 4 gaftger are fq we Tea eet & fee evs fear eT | @) wee rer S fae ar aes a € | Sefer ga wee wer fy fee ay eH TA SER & fore wer tg frre fing ay slat ar Ue-fererg cos H eT H ae TET | GH) AR aE seca ww a afire ocx tert, Hh ss wea See AT TET, Tey Re aE set Hom oer wet then &,, fic ht oe wer & fare sade Gi ae ae aT wes fe TET | ii) aR sega gra ae wer ea At fen orm @, sai SetteaR grT sax ae feat Sete, ah oa wer & fore ang ave wet fear orem | Wa ae aver We Teer oferat Gast Bt 7 Hl WG Aa aa aT a Note : English version of the instructions is printed on the back cover of this Booklet. 1a wife 4 afk B, 3x3 ae & sreaR ah eke 1 aR dla ak [al=z. a |2B(aqj(3.A))| = are eT 2 (a) 27 27 () aD 2 Oise @1 2.af% 2 at after den @ afk iD+2-2+i-0, Wet i=V-1, F (lft) war are? @il ) 4 © 81 @ 121 3. Bett Set O, 1, 4, Saat WaT a, steel At raat fig fat ang af aK sist arch ait densit ar atrea Fate 7 (a) 44440 (b) 46460 (©) 46440 (@) 64440 RRAN-B-MTH - A 4.af x,y ak 2, we aR E aytyzt ox A TE? @ 0 () 1 © 2 @ 3 w Um Ger a 7 Reader € (4 fee, athe 3 ea) | vet vel & ot 7 Reta % (3 afeerd ak 4 qeu) | 2 Mt 3 aftersit six 3 gest at fiat were & frifra a aaa & af at 3 3 feeder you & Gf sitc 3 feeder seh uch & a? (@) 340 (&) 484 © 485 @ 469 a ue PT POR wa wR @ fe aA: 3 fag PO mm % feta &, 4 fag OR FAT am atk 5 fag RP aK fet Fl fags or ait A ace weit ax Pre wary ag | Sa wa aa ae Pit A dem fer & ? (@) 205 (b) 206 © 215 (@) 220 1. Let A and B be matrices of order 3x3. rp 1 1 It |4| = py and [B| = 55, then what is the value of |2B(adj(3.4))| ? (a) 27 27 ) ae 2 oF @1 If z is any complex number and i +22-z+i=0, where i=~/-1, then what is the value of (Jz|+1)°? @1 4 © 81 @ 121 3. What is the sum of all four digit numbers formed by using all digits 0, 1, 4, 5 without repetition of digits ? (a) 44440 (b) 46460 (©) 46440 @ 64440 4. If x, y and z are the cube roots of unity, then what is the value of xy + yz + zx? @ 0 ) 1 © 2 @3 a ‘A man has 7 relatives (4 women and 3 men). His wife also has 7 relatives @ women and 4 men). In how many ways can they invite 3 women and 3 men so that 3 of them are man’s relatives and 3 of them are his wife’s relatives ? (@ 340 (b) 484 © 485 @ 469 a A triangle POR is such that 3 points lie on the side PQ, 4 points on OR and 5 points on RP respectively. Triangles are constructed using these points as vertices. What is the number of triangles so formed ? (@ 205 (b) 206 © 215 (@ 220 A- RRAN-B-MTH 7. af& logya =p, logge = 2p FR a logye = 3p, (ace)” Fae aT e ? (@) bd7f? (b) baf © Raf @ Pap? 8. aft after ag tax + ag? +ay3+x4=0 HI V2 HR V3, TE ao, a1, a2, a3 yotes @, at Preafated 4 @ staat wae? (®) a= a,-0 () a= 0 aft a, = -5 © a= 6, a;=0 @ a,=0 aR a,=5 oar aif 2, aK ze WER A A : 2 +22 afta demi % Ff Ses =1 0 eZ} ferees aeTae % ? cy @ () 0 © 1 @5 RRAN-B-MTH - A 10. aff 26! = n8', Wet k AK n orgies @, atk a aftecn HM ae ? @ 6 ) 7 © 8 @9 Wat AE ns A aeetia areqt Aw Be eet A frafafar set 1% far Afr : 1, adj(AB) = (adjA)(adjB) 2. adj(AB) = adj(BA) 3. (AB)adj(AB) ~ | ABI, , n @HE at HT IRE safes wert #8 feat adh € 7 (a) ag oh ae ) Aae GH FTF (©) aa tat @ ait da ar 7. If logsa =p, logyc = 2p and loge = 3p, 2 then what is (ace)? equal to? (@) bf (b) bdf © bay @ Pas? 8. If —-/2 and 13 are roots of the equa- tion a + ayx + ay? + aye + x4 = 0 where do, a), a2, a are integers, then which one of the following is correct ? (@) a= a3= () a)= 0 and a= © a= 6,a;=0 (@ a,=0 and a,=5 9. Let z; and zy be two complex numbers + tala, then what is *1 — 22) Z aft} equal to? such that (@) 41 @) 0 ©. @ 5 10. If 26! = n8*, where k and n are positive integers, then what is the maximum value of k? @ 6 () 7 © 8 @9 11. Consider the following statements in respect of two non-singular matrices A and B of the same order n : 1. adj(AB) = (adjA)(adjB) 2. adj(AB) = adj(BA) 3. (AB)adj(AB) - |AB|I, is a null matrix of order n How many of the above statements are correct ? (a) None (b) Only one statement (c) Only two statements (d) All three statements. A — RRAN-B-MTH 12. HE n & aol area AH aah 4 frafefaa qari a fra ffir : 1. A(adjA") = A(adja)” 2. aR AP = 4, aA RHE nT TRH ore @ 3. aR B= 4, HARE na TTA areyg @ sade seri Ha ate-8 at @ 2 (@) aa aik2 (bo) aa 293 © Fam 1ak3 @ 1,283 13. 3K sist Ht Beh Reh ort dere & frre ast sis aH Gt? (@) 625 (b) 500 © 400 @ 256 14. af o% 1,06 a HA 8, at (Z— 100) + 1000 = 0% ea aa 7 (@) 10(1 -@), 10(10~w), 100 (b) 10(10—@), 10(10- w), 90 RRAN-B-MTH - A (©) 10(1 - @), 10(10— ?), 1000 (@) (1+), (10 + 2), -1 15. (1+)*+(1—a! frees acrax 2%, set i=VAiR? @ 4 (&) 0 © -4 @ -8 16. af 3% wm fawa aati wee Aa aot 4 frafefad at x fax afar : 1. wet feat Hema ge % | 2. areae & alt feat aaadt ar art yer @ | 3. A wifes areag e | sede ae 4 8 ates act & 2 (a) Far AK2 (b) Fae 2a 3 (©) aa a3 @ 1,293 12. Consider the following statements in respect of a non-singular matrix A of order n : 1. A(adjA?) = A(adjA)" 2. If A?= A, then A is identity matrix of order n 3. If A? = A, then A is identity matrix of order n Which of the statements given above are correct ? (@) 1 and 2 only () 2 and 3 only (©) 1 and 3 only @ 1,2 and3 13. How many four-digit natural numbers are there such that all of the digits are even? (@) 625 (b) 500 (©) 400 @ 256 14. If @ #1 is a cube root of unity, then what are the solutions of (z— 100)? + 1000=07 (a) 10(1-@), 10(10- @), 100 (b) 10(10-@), 10(10- @), 90 1 1 a a ©. 10(1~@), 10(10- @), 1000 @ (+o), (10+ 0%), 1 . What is (1+i)*+(1—1)* equal to, where i= /-1? @ 4 ) 0 ©) -4 @ 8 Consider the following statements in respect of a skew-symmetric matrix A of order 3 : 1. All diagonal elements are zero. 2. The sum of all the diagonal elements of the matrix is zero. 3. A is orthogonal matrix. Which of the statements given above are correct ? (@) 1 and 2 only (b) 2 and 3 only (©) 1 and 3 only (@) 1,2 and 3 A — RRAN-B-MTH 17. 3% 1, 2, 3, 5 at wat aR stat Ft rag fie far aK site dort arg sac & | srt 8 feet Gerd 4a fasnfia ehh 2 (a) 120 (b) 24 © 12 @ 6 18, af 2120 7 & faenfre feat sre at apa aT eT? @1 () 3 © 5 @ 6 19. n & fa Are & fore afr €@,4) C(9,3) C(10,n-2) C(1,6) C5) — C(12,n)" |=0. Clm,7) C(m,6) C(m+1,n+1) TAK m>n% far? @4 (b) 5 © 6 @7 RRAN-B-MTH — A 20. af ABC wH fas @, at ari cosC sinB OO tnd 0 sinB 0 tan(B+C) cosC A ae? (a) -1 ) 0 © @ 3 aT 21. wfafe 1, 2,3, 4 aT WaT aR He areqe #4 wfafeeat ara faaa fra are sare at wet e (Garett At safe @) 2 @ 2 () 216 (© 254 @ 768 22. HWA aif A = {x © R: -1n? @ 4 ) 5 © 6 @7 20. If ABC is a triangle, then what is the value of the determinant |cosC sinB 0 tanA 0 sinB| ? 0 tan(B+C) cosC @ b) 0 @ 1 @ 3 21. What is the number of different matrices, each having 4 entries that can be formed using 1, 2, 3, 4 (repetition is allowed) ? @ 2 (b) 216 (©) 254 @ 768 22, Let A= {x € R: —1) Pros ar Bara (©) Pras ar afore @ 2+? +2 cos A RRAN-B-MTH - A 26. af a, b,c, AP% &; b,c, d, GP HB; 2 2 n c,d, e, HP %, at eatin FB aan /ar-k wet 2/e ? 1. acim e, GPAE 21,1 Vapat ace a fea 7a ge ar ya aR we TR afr: (a) taal () Bam? © 1a 2 et @ Aa1a7h2 loga(x — 1) = logy(x —3) % Bat Mt Fe frat 2 2 @ OR ot @ aa xey>1% fer, ar ffi tor{ 2) +t(2) =kakwan frat acrat ach ht adi St aac @ 2 @ 4 23, Let R be a relation on the open interval ,, 1) and is given by R={(x, y): |x+y|<2}. Then which one of the following is correct ? (@) R is reflexive but neither sym- metric nor transitive (b) Ris reflexive and symmetric but not transitive (©) R is reflexive and transitive but not symmetric @ Ris an equivalence relation 24, For any three non-empty sets A, B, C, what is (AUB) {(4-B) UB-A UN} equal to ? (@) Nall set () 4 © B @ (4UB)-GnB) 25. If a, b,c are the sides of triangle ABC, then what is a’ bsinA sin A| |bsin A 1 cosA| equal to? jcsinA cosA 1 (a) Zero (b) Area of triangle (©) Perimeter of triangle @ &+P +2 rt 26. 27. 28. Ifa, 6, c are in AP; b, c, d are in GP; c, d, e are in HP, then which of the following is/are correct ? 1. a, cand e are in GP 21,1) 1 are in GP Beat: Select the correct answer using the code given below : (@) 1 only (b) 2 only (© Both 1 and 2 (@ Neither 1 nor 2 What is the number of solutions of loga(x— 1) = logy - 3)? (a) Zero (b) One - (©) Two (@)_ Three For x2y>1, let tae{ 2) + ton{ =) =k then the value of k can never be equal to @ 1 ®) -5 © 0 @1 A- RRAN-B-MTH 29. af ole 2sinOcos@ 0}, a z s sin20 2sin?@-1 0 0 0 t frafefaa 4 a am /aie-a wer we R/E? 1. A =adjA 2. Aferra rafts sraqe @ 3. A1=AT am fq qo ge ar wait aK Be RK afm: (@ Fa1 () 1392 (©) 133 @ 238K3 (-2fe2-dy weet F 10 x 2 Hl amis sate 2 @ aA @) 1 © 10 @) 0% qos ar afer ae RRAN-B-MTH - A 31. af (m4) Sree FH athe 3 % TH mn ai HI HATE ? @ 3 ) 3 © 6 @ 12 32. af a, b SK c (a> 0, c> 0) GPH %, Tt aia a+ bx + c= 0% Het FT frafefac a fra afifire : 1. wer & aftrefers ya e | 2. when & ait aT aA 1: 0% ve oF HH wz | 2 its tt gern (£2) zl wade wert HS aaa aah & 2 @ Far a2 (b) Bae 23 3 (©) Fat 1 #3 @ 1,233 3 i ion of aie ie Gl 31. If the 4th term in the expansion of 29. 1f A=|cos2 2sinOcosé 0|, then (rmct)iis§ ten ‘ghat thie Vane x 2 0 0 1 of mn? which of the following statements is/are correct ? @ 3 1, A! = adjA ) 3 2. A is skew-symmetric matrix © 6 3. 4+= AT @ 2 Select the correct answer using the 32. Ifa, b and c (a > 0, c > 0) are in GP, ee eee then consider the following in respect of the equation ax? + bx +c=0: (@ 1only 1. The equation has imaginary roots. (6) 1 and 2 2. The ratio of the roots of the equation is 1: @ where @ is a eat cube root of unity. @ 2 and3 3. The product of roots of the 2 uation is | 5]. 30. What is the coefficient of x!9 in the ees (4) ion of (I ay" piel)» ansion of (1— el 39 ” ( ane Which of the statements given above are correct ? (Cue (@) 1 and 2 only ®1 (b) 2 and 3 only © 10 (© 1 and 3 only (€) Coefficient of x!° does not exist (@ 1,2 and3 13 A ~ RRAN-B-MTH 33.af x & wt yates art & fa 4g, V3cosl0"-sinio° Pmt nce yee 8, o Rraaiet 6 Sazereanag RR TR? Hae wet &? @ 1 1. mus gate & ee © 3 2. nt yates & Ge oh faq ay ge a wa ae ae TK @ 4 afm: (@) a1 37. (sin 9° — cos 9°) fara aaraz @ ? () Baa 2 a aes © 1a 2a 2 @ ahi782 oe [5-3 2 34. (c+ yl yyPel & fevq weer 2 @ 5235 went a aet yt 2! ee = ar aT @ ? - ate @ 1 4 b) 2 38. aff wa Pym ABCH, sin? + sindB + . sin’C = 3sind sinB sinc, a ares foi la b | 35. He wife 4 = (1, 2,3, 4,5} ae % ‘ POUR ge aire B={6,7} FLAT BR sea Hert At dem Part 2? Pras At gard & 2 @ 10 @ atb+ec (b) 20 (b) b+ be + ca (©) 30 (©) (a+ b\(b+ce+a) (d) 32 (d) 0 RRAN-B-MTH - A 14 33. If x7+mx+n is an integer for all integral values of x, then which of the following is/are correct ? 1. m must be an integer 2. n must be an integer Select the correct answer using the code given below : (@) 1 only (©) 2 only (©) Both 1 and,2 @ Neither 1 nor 2 34, In a binomial expansion of G+ yPra—yyrrt, the sum of middle terms is zero. What 2 is the value of (4) 2 im (a) 1 (b) 2 © 4 @8 35. Let A= {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} and B = {6, 7}. ‘What is the number of onto functions from A to B? (@ 10 (b) 20 (© 30 @ 32 15 36. What is V300510°= sin" oust 192 sin25°cos25° (a 1 © 3 © 2 @ 4 37. What is (sin 9° — cos 9°) equal to? © _vs—v5 2 my a © B28 2 @ s—V5 38. If in a triangle ABC, sin?4 + sin’B + sin’C = 3sinA sinB sinC, then what is la b | the value of the determinant |b ¢ al; lc a Bl where a, b, c are sides of the triangle ? (a) a+b+e (0) ab+be+ca © @+db+oNKc+a) @o0 A ~ RRAN-B-MTH 39. af costx = sinlx, dt frrafefisr + ara wet @ ? (a) x=1 @ = 40. (sind — coso? = 2% eat At den frat @, wei-n< 0 (@) 1-cosp > 0 46. Pry ABCH, AB= 16 cm, BC=63 cm afk AC= 65 em? | cos 24 +cos 2B + cos2C @ AM FN 27? @- b) 0 © 16 Ox ae a+ p=, 47. : 4 oli FO eas TI f(a) f(B) HMI Te? 1 ar ) Rie © @ 2 RRAN-B-MTH - A 48. 49, 50. af tana afk tang atte x -6x+8=0% Wz, Tt cos(2a +26) # HM HT @ ? 2B @ oe 13 Oras 17 Os 19 @ 3 tan 65° + 2tan 45° — 2tan 40° — tan 25° ar AMT Te ? @0 ) 1 © 2 @ 4 frafafaa seri a fran aifie : 1. wm Pras aac, aft cotd-cotB-cotC>0, at frat ua gaia fry @ | 2. um Pry ABC H, af tand-tanB-tanC>0, a Prat va afte aha Pat 21 sagt writ #8 ate /ate a wet ee? (@) a1 (bo) %aa 2 © 182 et @ 7H1,782 45. Under which one of the following conditions does the equation (cosf — 1)x? + (cosB)x + sinB = 0 in x have a real root for Be[0, x]? (@) 1-cosp <0 (b) 1-cosp <0 (© 1-cosp > 0 (d) 1-cosp > 0 46. In a triangle ABC, AB = 16 cm, BC = 63 cm and AC = 65 cm. What is the value of cos 2A + cos 2B + cos 2C? @ +1 &) 0 ©1 16 Os 1 41.16 S0)= aap then what is the value of f(a) f(B) ? Sn da+p=, and a+ B=" @ -5 IOs. © 1 @ 2 19 48. If tana: and tan are the roots of the equation x7-6x+8=0, then what is the value of cos(2a:+ 26)? 3 @ 15 13 Os 7 © 19 © 3 49. What is the value of tan 65° + 2tan 45° — 2tan 40° —tan 25° ? (a) 0 ol © 2 @ 4 50. Consider the following statements : 1. In a triangle ABC, if cotd-cotB-cotC> 0, then the tri- angle is an acute angled triangle. 2. In a triangle ABC, if tand-tanB-tanC>0, then the tri- angle is an obtuse angled triangle. Which of the statements given above is/are correct ? (@) 1 only (b) 2 only (©) Both 1 and 2 (@) Neither 1 nor 2 A -— RRAN-B-MTH Sle 52. 53. ate Fa x2 +52 + 2x + 6y + 1-087 FR (a,b) % HK Prat c®, TH a+b +02 aA Fae 7 @ 19 (b) 18 © 17 @u we (1, -1, 2) a Q, 1, -1) Ha x24 y24+22 + Qux + Qvy + 2wz-1=0 & ame & sia fig & Tut yew frat acraz @ 2 @ 2 &) ©1 @ 2 ayaa 4H afin x= 5 gre Prefer fagit f don? @ TF ) ©@ @ saad: aH RRAN-B-MTH - A 20 54. 5: a 56. cafe wre 2x —3y +62 +4=07R sifticta (aie) & Repairer , Wt 4977 + m2 — nd) HM aT & ? (@ 0 @) 1 © 3 @ 71 (1, 1, 2) & aah ef ww tar fire feq-aqid <3, 2, 2> % aaa xt 2yt3z= 18% frat & | tar afk wae ar WRmae fag aa 7 (a) (4, 4, 1) © 24,1) (©) (4,1, 4) (@) G3, 4, 7) aff (1, 0, 0), (0, 1, 0) af& 0, 0, 1) & AR are aaa A ya -fag (origin to the plane) & a4

are the direction cosines of 56. anormal to the plane 2x-3y+62+4=0, then what is the value of 49(71? + m? — 2)? @ 0 ®1 © 3 @ 71 Aline through (1, -1, 2) with direction ratios <3, 2, 2> meets the plane x+2y+3z = 18. What is the point of intersection of line and plane ? @ 44 1) ©) 24,1) © 414) @ B47 If p is the perpendicular distance from origin to the plane passing through (1, 0, 0), (0, 1, 0) and (0, 0, 1), then what is 3p? equal to ? (@) 4 &) 3 © 2 @1 A- RRAN-B-MTH 57. af UH Var & Reps (©) xsin@ — ycosd = 0 ‘Waa 1+ 2m+n=0, 21-2m+3n=08 WE A724? Para Te? (@) xc0s6 — ysing + 1=0 @ in 60. & fag Pak OMT y=2x +3 % fet 13 Ht fag P otk O ft aa 29 fag RU, 5) %2 eae H AK eI © To atte O fagat % Piteren a € 2 © @ (3 ++] (-+ = A) se Ie AS) ols ds, 92 rt 101 2 4 2 ) (Je54e}-(+ RS =| 58. aft Us Ya, x + 2y-1 =09K 2x-y-1=0 tarsi & whee fag 2 4 2 dam met tak Rem ate © (IGS E) (HSH) Ad BR frac at 4B e Her fag ar tare war @ 7 at : . i (Ea ee fey lt © (55) H] (0) x +3y = 10xy 61. af feet af At at god, 2x+y—3=0 Onario= 10 af 4x+2y+5=0 tarsi a fora %, thee af or dave af sah er 2 7 @ x+3y=10 6-05 59. 8 (-sind, cosd) & Ba IAA ant ® aft Xat xcos6 + ysind = 9% aa aT () 6415 Yar ar arte aa % 2 (a) xsind — yeos@ - 1 = 0 © 625 (b) xsin® — yoos@ + 1 = 0 (@ 635 RRAN-B-MTH ~ A 22 57. If the direction cosines <1, m, n> of a (©) xsind ~ yeos0 = 0 line are connected by relation 1+ 2m+n=0, 21-2m + 3n = 0, then . s what is the value of J? + m? — n?? Cd) renee cryin no 1 60. Two points P and Q lie on line @ int y=2x+3. These two points P and Q are at a distance 2 units from another point R(1, 5). What are the coordinates eae of the ints P and QO? oS of the points P and Q 41 22 54) (pees © ia © (He55)(-p eg) 92 @ OL 58. If a variable line passes through the point of intersection of the lines x+2y—1=Oand 2x-y-1=0 and meets the coordinate axes in A and B, then what is the locus of the mid-point of AB? (@) 3x+y=10xy (b) x + 3y = 10xy 61. If two sides of a square lie on the lines (© 3x+y=10 2x+y—3=0 and 4x +2y+5=0, then what is the area of the square in square @ x+3y=10 units ? (a) 6-05 59. What is the equation to the straight line passing through the point (-sin®, cos) and perpendicular to the (b) 615 line xcos0 + ysin@ = 9? (a) xsin@ — yeos@ — 1 =0 © 625 (b) xsind — yeosd + 0 (@) 635 23 A ~ RRAN-B-MTH 62. ABC Ue Pays % frat 4 & Pree (3,5) € LAB ALAC FoTstt & em fag HAN: (-1, 2), 6, 4) KE | Pra ABC & Sam & fein are 2 (34) (3.3) of) ats . ABC TR Sania, aafzare Pras e | art aaa yard 4B sik AC Yarit Ix-y-3=03R x+y-5=0'R fea €1 aft ax seit FH sm 0 z, Tt cote ferees aera & 7? @ () © @ NowIn vis ole . Tae 9? = 8x 4, wa fet ww fag Pat atta gt 8 zane @ | frreaferftad 48 aha /air-a aa wet 2/8? 1, P% freaiss (6, 4V/3) a aaa & 2, were Ft fae 3 PH viata et 8 wage RRAN-B-MTH — A 24 66. ahs fea ay qe ar watt ax eet TaK afm: (@) Fa 1 (b) Aaa 2 © 1a 2a @ aw 1,782 . Shiga Ht sobger Fare ay ay ster | ve fe 8 athe ee ah we ‘east rea a 90° & 2 @ 4 1 o> 1 Og 1 OR aa cifitg @ =i f+k afte B=i+2j-k %1 a @x(Bxa)= ai-Bj+yk, Wat pry w AM MT et? @ 8 ) 7 © 6 @1 62. ABC is a triangle with A(3,5). The mid-points of sides AB, AC are at (AL, 2), (6,4) respectively. What are the coordinates of centroid of the triangle ABC? @ (3-4) 63. ABC is an acute angled isosceles triangle. Two equal sides AB and AC lie on the lines 7x-y-3=0 and x+y-5=0. If 6 is one of the equal angles, then what is cot@ equal to? 1 @ 3 1 o> 2 OZ @ 2 64.In the parabola y?=8x, the focal distance of a point P lying on it is 8 units. Which of the following state- ments is/are correct ? 1. The coordinates of P can be (6, 4¥3). 2. The perpendicular distance of P from the directrix of parabola is 8 units. 25 65. Select the correct answer using the code given below : (a) 1 only (©) 2 only (©) Both 1 and 2 @ Neither 1 nor 2 ‘What is the eccentricity of the ellipse if the angle between the straight lines joining the foci to an extremity of the minor axis is 90°? wie @ ) vis © o a @=i-frk and B=i+2j-h. 1 ay ar: @x(Bxa)=ai-Bj+yk, then what is the value of a+ B+7? @ 8 () 7 © 6 @1 A— RRAN-B-MTH 67. afe 2 sang afer ar ua afer 27 & wa 4, 3f Sara 2 ate 4k Bae aM o sare @ at ea afer & aeH ware? @ a, v2,0 () (1, -2, 1) © «a, -v2, -1) @ (1, v2, -1) Ua aaah & aia Prater 7 fran fifi : 1. fag & afta: waar, ae anita fag & eaia @ 2. Ue tar & oka: aa-areet, wa fear aft & aade ari 4 8 alam /ate-8 wet ee? @ aa 1 (o) Fae 2 © 13% 2 at @ amaze . Fett afer? % far, CIC DC AEXI)+F- Rx’ free ara 2? @ 6 7 © 2 @ 3 RRAN-B-MTH ~ A 26 70. n. 2. art fife 4 after & a after 2 site 8 atm Sm aria &, tz ate dB % dia ar ao aa 8? @ &) © IN AIA WIA NIA @ wrt aig yy) a yy) Ham atten gs et w ti at yQ)=0 3 y,(0)=4, Tt aT ye) aft ya) & whee fagait A den Frarft & ? @ até fag ae () fag © a fy @ & fagat & afte aR y=e'(a cosx + b sinx) Wet a HRS ae ax t, a felis aa ara wat alta e d’y BE eh @ sty dy av pe =0 ) ae ay say © plea d @ Poe 67. If a vector of magnitude 2 units makes an angle a with 27, a with 3/ and an acute angle @ with 4k, then what are the components of the vector ? @ a, v2, 1) @) (a, -¥2, 1) © a, -¥2, -1) @ (1, V2, -1 68. Consider the following in respect of moment of a force : 1. The moment of force about a point is independent of point of application of force. 2. The moment of a force about a line is a vector quantity. Which of the statements given above is/are correct ? (@) 1 only (b) 2 only (©) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2 69. For any vector 7”, what is CIEKD+CDEXD+ 7 DEX’ equal to? 2 (@ 0 wo? © 2 @ 37 2 70. Let @ and B are two vectors of magnitude 4 inclined at an angle 2; then what is the angle between @ and @-B ? = @% a ) 3 oF ae @% 71. Let y4(x) and y,(x) be two solutions of the differential equation a If y,(0) = 0 and y,(0) = 4, then what is the ‘number of points of intersection of the curves y;(x) and y2(x) ? (a) No point (b) One point (©) Two points (@_ More than two points 72. The differential equation, representing the curve y= e¥(a cosx +b sinx) where @ and b are arbitrary constants, is ay @ Grtr=0 dy () oh 2Gt2y=0 dy dy YD s2y=0 Oe aan 2 a EO Cree A ~ RRAN-B-MTH 73. aA fle) =ax—b BR gix)=cx+d war @ f% seQ)=s(/@), A frafefad 4 & aaa eet @ 7 @) f@) =) (b) f() + g(d)=0 (©) fla) + ge)=2a (@) fd) + g(b)=2d 1: 2 . [| @sinx—sin3x) cos?xdx fre art @? 1 Oy (b) 0 ©F a + OO; 15. Ta TART dy)? ay p-(2) | Ree AE atk ura war & ? (a) 2,2 (b) 2,3 (©) 5,2 @ 25 RRAN-B-MTH - A 28 » 3 16, af D = = 2e*y*, (0) la 2 4y2(2-e%) frm aera 2%? @) 1 ) 2 © 3 @4 efi p= f'n ste q= fireoae 21 aR fa), ct Frafefiar 4 3 aaa wet @ 7 @) p=2q ) p=-9 (©) 4p=4 @ p=q F_atsinx ‘Peat wf Daria tooae a? @) e x o> @1 @o 19. bw ae wR ATA Fae frees fare 16x? 2 we Aba 4x41 x> 0 TR F ad afte am @ ok a a aa ame? (@) 02 @ 0(2—e*) equal to ? @ 1 (b) 2 © 3 @ 4 a a Let P= [rere and g= (oa If fle)=e%, then which aeseriie following is correct ? @) p= @) p=-9 © 4-4 @ p=q 78. What is [?—2*50% —— il Jo 2atsinx+cosx to? (@) ) x 4 x 2 @ 1 @ 0 79. The non-negative values of b for 3 which the function 460 +x has neither maximum nor minimum in the range x>0 is (@ 02 @ 0 83. frafefad saat — fran fife : 1. fa) RTH (€, 00) aT & 2. fx) serve (1, &) H Brae 3. 9In7 > Tin ede writ 3 8 wea ade? @ faa ak 2 (o) Baa 2 aK 3 (© Fam 1 #3 @ 1,233 84. Prafefad aerit ox fra ffir: Lre@=4 2. fa), x=e % Baa ARIA AT we axa % 3. fo) Maria aPAH Ae & sah aera ate-a at € 7 @) faa 1 atk 2 (b) Fae 2 se S © Fae 1 a3 @ 1,233 ‘80. Which one of the following is correct in respect of f(x) = 1 ga) = (@) f(z) has some domain and g(x) has no domain (©) f@) has no domain and g(x) has some domain (©) fx) and g(x) have the same domain @ fi) and g(x) do not have any domain Consider the following for the next two (02) items that follow : 3cosx+4sinx 2cosx+5sinx Given that 8 inlpcosx+Ssinz|+e 29" 29 81. What is the value of a? @7 (b) 13 © 17 @ 2% 82. What is the value of B? @7 ) 13 © 17 @ 26 3 Consider the following for the next two (02) items that follow : Let flay= os (e>1) 83. Consider the following statements : 1. f(@) is increasing in the interval (©) 2. fl) is decreasing in the interval d, e 3. 9In7 > 7in9 Which of the statements given above are correct ? (@ 1 and 2 only (b) 2 and 3 only © 1 and 3 only @ 1,2 and 3 84. Consider the following statements : 1. f= 2. f(x) attains local minimum value atx=e 3. A local minimum value of f(x) ise Which of the statements given above are correct ? (a) 1 and 2 only (b) 2 and 3 only (© 1 and 3 only @ 1,2 and3 A - RRAN-B-MTH amt am art at (02) weit & fer sade art Ha ate-a at & 7 ao carat: (@) faa tak 2 Tere at uate fe gG)=2—5 AK fosts)=¥ 55. (© Fam 13 85. gf f(a) — 3x] Prat arat ? @ 1,233 @ pel 88. lim A(x)+ lim A(x) Pra aera & 7 ¥ ee Ot 1 © OS @ geek Ore © -5 251 ore of 86. f"(x) Free ATE 7 3 @ 5 2 Oe am amt aa Bt 02) Feat & fem & 2+ frafataa a fra fife : x (© +3 : a i o(a)= [7 ins @ & a am amt aa a (02) weit & fee 89. o(a) fra aE e? frafafaa oc fra fifi : (a) 0 am sftfire fx)=|al+1 AR 2@)=[)-1, (b) @ rel (.] aftr qtr er 2 | (©) 1004 _f@) (@ 200 ar ifr A(x) = 3 7. Prfattea aero Pree fry: ee eS 0 1. fc) Wt x < 0% fq Tapert & e z 2. g(x), x=0-0001 % Haat & (© 100 3. g(x) BI x= 25% same 12 @ 200 RRAN-B-MTH - A 32 Consider the following for the next two (02) items that follow : Let f(x) and g(x) be two functions such that (x)= -t and fog)=-4. 85. What is gf f(x) - 3x] equal to? 86. What is f"(x) equal to ? ame @ -3 2 2+ ) 2+ © 6r+3 @) 6 Consider the following for the next two (02) items that follow : Let fx) =|x|+ 1 and g(x) = [x] - 1, where [.] is the greatest integer function. Let h(x) = L a(x) 87. Consider the following statements : 1. fle) is differentiable for all x <0 2. g(x) is continuous at x= 0-0001 3. The derivative of g(x) at x=2:5 is 1 Which of the statements given above are correct ? (@) 1 and 2 only (®) 2 and 3 only (©) 1 and 3 only @ 1,2 and 3 88. What is lim A(x)+ lim A(x) equal = aes to? 3 @ a 1 ®) -> 1 Oz @ 2 @ 5 Consider the following for the next two (02) items that follow : Let o(a)= [7 sinsla 89. What is (a) equal to? @ 0 (b) a (©) 1004 @ 200 90. What is '(a) equal to ? (@) 0 (b) x © 100 @ 200 A ~ RRAN-B-MTH at am aa St (02) weit & fara © 0 freafatra we fae Fifi: 1 we samara Gert f(y at earita srftrerert @3 A x=0R ZI s am afire y= f(a) +ar—b@ | 94, [n(x)de Fores aerae & 7 91. Prafifan #8 at-e/aee att ‘ee ue ) ‘ Lf@=0 a 2. £0) <0 ©o TAR faq ae ae aT wT aR AE SK oF afr: @ aaa 1 am a ara St (02) ReTiait faq (&) Fae 2 frafefad 1 Par Fifi : 5 © 132 at sar aig J me mate @ 7%1,4782 Ree 92, Peafiea HB fees fre very a | AR ATR? x=0R afte aftect ae? ® ay @ a>0,5=0 3 (b) at b ak a=0% faq © 2 © Fae wh b> 0% far 3 @ wh a atk b= 0% fy On oF amt a aa & (02) wet & faq SoS i 96. pw ATI a? at aAifira f(x) =[x- 1, aC) = fx] ate y One after quis wer os ' © -+ 93. freer ‘fram aac 2%? ‘ 3 OF @ -F 3 &) -1 5 RRAN-B-MTH - A 34 Consider the following for the next two (02) items that follow : A differentiable function f(z) has a local maximum at x=0. Let y=2ftx) + ax -b. 91. Which of the following is/are correct ? 1. f@=0 2. £10) <0 Select the correct answer using the code given below : (a) 1 only (b) 2 only (© Both 1 and 2 @ Neither 1 nor 2 92. The function y has a relative maxima at x=0 for (@) a>0,b=0 (b) for all b and a=0 (©) for all b > 0 only (@) for all a and b=0 Consider the following for the next two (02) ‘items that follow : Let f(x) =|x- 1], g(x) = [x] and h(x) = fe)g(x) where [.] is greatest integer function. 93. What is Pncyar equal to? @ (b) -1 35 © 0 1 35 94, What is fuer equal to? 3 @ 75 (b) -1 © 0 5 Consider the following for the next two (02) items that follow : ad 3 = n2 Let lef Toa) 2 Alx-1)? +e 95. What is the value of a ? (@) (o) © Sein ole @ ele 96. What is the value of f ? 2 3 1 5 (a) 1 One 2 Os A-~ RRAN-B-MTH amt am at A (02) weit & fac Beet, Preafefre ac fare Fir: Ogata Fat P22 = 0, Vl y=r aI a Gt @ pesacaih % frontier fear avar @ | ae afore A), Ap Sree t gra: de sik ay Gal & Gaat ZI 100, 8[7/(o)de Pras aoae & 2 97. Ay wl A FAT Be? @ mn(eve) a @ = (b) In(4ve) se © m2 Ooi (@ 2-1 pea 101. eH Ar-H 5 are she 4 we HE EH 4 atts agen er 8 oe fara a) 342 2 ar sateat 2 3 a ow a ry aad? 2A, + 4p) £ 98. aia wa ee? @& @« aa ) 1 108 © -4 ie @ -« 2 5 amt am art st (02) weriat & faq @ i5 frafafad oc far fifi : Sar 102. af we area wR (x) Rue set aT va aie ayo j(4)=241 sqrt wer % frat are 5 ak wart 4 @ afk 5BP(v=3)=24, at 99. flx) Pram aT % 7 La AT FT Re? dee 1 Oe On 34 ) 5 Bex 3 Cr Cra er @ 25 RRAN-B-MTH ~ A 36 Consider the following for the next two (02) seit items that follow : © gtsts The Circle x?+y?— 2x =0 is partitioned by line y=x in two segments. Let Aj, A> be the areas of major and minor segments respectively. 3 Ox 97. What is the value of A, ? us (@ In(sve) Oo ) In(ave) zn © m2 @ 2-1 100. What is sf f(a)ae equal to? 101. A bag contains 5 black and 4 white balls. A man selects two balls at random. What is the probability that both of these are of the same colour? Z A+) 1 98. What is the value of <1? wt @ x @1 ©) jos @©- i @ -« O35 Consider the following for the next two (02) Oo items that follow : 18 Let ssonrs(Z)=341 102. If a random variable (x) follows binomial distribution with mean 5 and variance 4, and 5?3P(X=3)= 24, 99. What is f(x) equal to? ee (aly @ a 34 (b) 5 3 © 2B Oe @ 25 37 then what is the value of 4? A-~ RRAN-B-MTH 103. 104, 106. Bat C4, 1), C1, 2), 2,7) HRB, 1) y Bt x We SAP WaT y= at bx WTA A oh B, dha + 156s AA FAT e ? (a) 6 ) 11 © 17 @ 21 waa aifire x+ 2y+1=0 at 2x +3y+4=0 tt Bara tae é a fart feax tar ofafert Ft ae 21 aft os ahi & da apa 2, 488tan30 4 ATT Fae ? @ 191 (b) 161 © 131 @ 121 ae at agieem aX a Y dae 2xX-3¥ Se ae t ok x fc der a aaa ace @ frre wer (Genfter) n= 108 p=3 & dar wee eB? 810 361 2 ©) 5 a 361 121 361 aao cut, a b-a b= fares aera 2 ? @ © @ RRAN-B-MTH - A 107. ole tN + iedet 3 late aa fem ge Howie a ae ols (@) Fw 1 () 4a 2 © FR 3 @ 1,233 Us GE aa wMIK aK ae H 150, 200, 250, 300 wae wafer attex St aI HK ferret @ | are cifie ga ae aa HO ufar 4 afat os aa srafit aa Re A, ta a We che shes erat H (wat) wT e ? (@) 210 (b) 220 © 230 (@ 240 108. af seq “TIRUPATI” & avi (Hert) a aghes ey & far og, dt aT sift @ ff at T ean ema arg ? @ Blo Be ale Nin 103. 104, From data (-4, 1), (-1,2), (2,7) and @, 1), the regression line of y on x is obtained as y= a+ bx, then what is the value of 2a+ 155? @ 6 ) © 17 @ 21 Let x+2y+1=0 and 2x+3y+4=0 are two lines of regression computed from some bivariate data. If @ is the acute angle between them, then what is the value of 488tan30 ? @ 191 () 161 © 131 @ 121 105. If two random variables X and Y are 106. connected by relation 2X-3Y¥ =4 and X follows Binomial 5x+4¥ ner distribution with parameters m = 10 and pap. then what is the variance of Y? 810 @ 36 ©) i5 a 361 ma 361 © @ If a, b, c are in HP, then what is 39 107. Select the correct answer using the code given below : (@) 1 only (b) 2 only (©) 3 only @ 1,2 and3 An edible oil is sold at the rates 150, 200, 250, 300 rupees per litre in four consecutive years. Assuming that an equal amount of money is spent on oil by a family in every year during these years, what is the average price of oil in rupees (approximately) per litre ? (@ 210 (b) 220 © 230 @ 240 108. If the letters of the word “TIRUPATI” are written down at random, then what is the probability that both Ts are always consecutive ? @ ) Nie ale Nin © @ z A - RRAN-B-MTH 109. a ARE m=77" B | ATA n Ht arefees er 8 em quite at fear Sarat & | sar ware & fm 3 ATH wet % et K 1 a? L @t ) + © 1 @; 110. Teet 15 wat denst FS dia fra Fem aghes <7 ai ort EI war safteat @ fe srt 8 2 densi aT rnd diet ear F arat Bt ? @ ) © @ amt at aa ST (02) wera fee frafafaa « fra fie : amt affine 4 aft Bat wea ae wa ef P(AUB) = 0-75 aR 0-125 < P(ANB) < 0-375 zl RRAN-B-MTH - A 40 111. P(A) + P(B) Ht RRA TT AT BP (@) 0-625 () 0-750 © 0825 (@) 0875 112. P(A) + P(B) BH are ATT FAT B 7 (@) 0-75 (b) 1-125 © 1375 @ 1-625 art at aa et (02) Herat & fee frafafad « fran fifig : 4, Bak C dit wet ea van @ f& P(A) = 06, P(B) = 0-4, P(C) = 0-5, P(AUB) = 0-8, P(ANC) = 0-3 AR PLANBNO) = 02 HR P(AUBUC) > 0°85. 113. P(BNC) Ht EIA AT FAT B 7 (@ O41 @ 02 (©) 035 @ 04s 114. PIBNC) wt afreraH ATT HTB ? @) 0-1 (b) 02 (© 035 (@ 0-45 109. Let m=77", The index n is given a positive integral value at random, What is the probability that the value of m will have 1 in the units place ? 1 @ 5 1 5 1 ©4 1 @ 5 110. Three different numbers are selected at random from the first 15 natural numbers. What is the probability that the product of two of the numbers is equal to third number? 1 @ 7 Oy ae © CO ties Consider the following for the next two (02) items that follow: Let A and B be two events such that P(AUB) = 0-75 and 0-125 < P(ANB) < 0375. 111. What is the minimum value of P(A) + PB)? (a) 0-625 () 0-750 (©) 0825 @ 0875 112. What is the maximum value of P(A) + PCB)? (a) 0-75 (b) 1-125 (©) 1375 @ 1-625 Consider the following for the next two (02) items that follow : A, B and C are three events such that P(A) = 0-6, P(B) = 0-4, P(C) = 0:5, P(AUB) = 0-8, P(ANC) = 03 and P(ANBNC) = 0-2 and P(AUBUC) 2 0:85. 113. What is the minimum value of PBN)? (@) O1 (b) 02 (© 035 (@) 0-45 114. What is P(BNC)? (@) 01 (b) 02 (©) 035 (a) 0-45 the maximum value of 41 A- RRAN-B-MTH amt at art St (02) wert faq Frafafad x fra fifi : we safirra fas Sn aR ToT aA ze | aa 8 a we ta a At waft p @ att ar S a tt ta amt A wife g 2 ate p-q= 28 | 115. nH AM wT e ? @4 @) 5 © 6 @7 116. p+g HAR Te? 37 32 53 ®) 3 @ 51 OD @1 a aR aa Ft (02) weit & faa frafafad a far Sifie : oa ede 2k (3a am Fia| eae 2 eae. 117. Six. f Pree wea & 7 ati n42 yet 2p? yet @ (b) RRAN-B-MTH - A 2l4n+2 el gy 7 © @ 118. et ar AEA FT 7 2 —n+2 2-1 2tl—n-2 yr no 2m =1 2-42 aes @ () © @ am att at a (02) weal & fac frafefad 1 fra fife : aiferdt & ade #10 writ get wre fa ‘Ay sie 24, 47, 18, 32, 19, 15, 21, 35, 50.3 41é | 119. waa BS ara Revolt at wre Reeser aa a? (@ 48 ) 55 © 6 @ 75 120, wae ay Gta Revit at wat Fare? @ 146 (b) 21:8 (©) 252 @ 468 Consider the following for the next two (02) ‘items that follow : An unbiased coin is tossed n times. The probability of getting at least one tail is p and the probability of at least two tails isqandp-q= =. 115. What is the value of n? @ 4 (b) 5 © 6 @7 116. What is the value of p + q? 57 @ x 53 ® 3 51 32 @i © Consider the following for the next two (02) items that follow : PA tol e2e eae] aan Fal 1 [Sees ze) 117. What is )"x,f, equal to? al —n+2 Or corte 2l-n-2 OFsagers 43 al 4n42 et © 2m! _n-2 Ole 118. What is the mean of the distribution ? 2l—n+2 Oey 2p? a amin? 2-1 © 2 in+2 OS Consider the following for the next two (02) items that follow : The marks obtained by 10 students in a Statistics test are 24, 47, 18, 32, 19, 15, 21, 35, 50 and 41. 119. What is the mean deviation of the largest five observations ? (@) 48 b) 55 © 6 @ 75 120. What is the variance of the largest five observations ? (@) 146 (b) 21:8 © 252 @ 468 A ~ RRAN-B-MTH SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK DO NOT OPEN THIS TEST BOOKLET UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO DO SO T.B.C. : RRAN-B-MTH Test Booklet Series TEST BOOKLET MATHEMATICS Time Allowed : Two Hours and Thirty Minutes Maximum Marks : 300 3 4 10. INSTRUCTIONS IMMEDIATELY AFTER THE COMMENCEMENT OF THE EXAMINATION, YOU SHOULD CHECK THAT THIS TEST BOOKLET DOES NOT HAVE ANY UNPRINTED OR TORN OR MISSING PAGES OR ITEMS, ETC. IF SO, GET IT REPLACED BY A COMPLETE TEST BOOKLET. Please note that it is the candidate’s responsibility to encode and fill in the Roll Number and Test Booklet Series Code A, B, C or D carefully and without any omission or discrepancy at the appropriate places in the OMR Answer Sheet. Any omission/discrepancy will render the Answer Sheet liable for rejection, You have to enter your Roll Number on the Test Booklet in the Box provided alongside. DO NOT write anything else on the Test Booklet. This Test Booklet contains 120 items (questions). Each item is printed both in Hindi and English. Each item comprises four responses (answers). You will select the response which you want to mark on the Answer Sheet. In case you feel that there is more than one correct response, mark the response which you consider the best. In any case, choose ONLY ONE response for each item. ‘You have to mark all your responses ONLY on the separate Answer Sheet provided. See directions in the Answer Sheet. All items carry equal marks. Before you proceed to mark in the Answer Sheet the response to various items in the Test Booklet, you have to fill in some particulars in the Answer Sheet as per instructions sent to you with your ‘Admission Certificate. After you have completed filling in all your responses on the Answer Sheet and the examination has concluded, you should hand over to the Invigilator only the Answer Sheet. You are permitted to take away with you the Test Booklet. Sheets for rough work are appended in the Test Booklet at the end. Penalty for wrong Answers : THERE WILL BE PENALTY FOR WRONG ANSWERS MARKED BY A CANDIDATE IN THE OBJECTIVE TYPE QUESTION PAPERS. (@ There are four alternatives for the answer to every question. For each question for which a wrong answer has been given by the candidate, one-third of the marks assigned to that question will be deducted as penalty. (i Ifa candidate gives more than one answer, it will be treated as a wrong answer even if one of the given answers happens to be correct and there will be same penalty as above to that, question. Gi) If question is left blank, ic., no answer is given by the candidate, there will be no penalty for that question. DO NOT OPEN THIS TEST BOOKLET UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO DO SO tara %: aqeil ar fed eaek sa yt & gays K oT eI

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