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Quality Improvement Initiative

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Quality Improvement Initiative

Quality Improvement Initiative in Current or Recent Practice Setting

A quality improvement initiative is a set of planned and carried out actions by a

healthcare provider to evaluate, track, and enhance the standard of care they provide. Medication

Therapy Management (MTM) is an example of a quality improvement project in healthcare

settings that is usually handled by pharmacists. Besides administering medication, pharmacists

educate patients about their health. Initial treatment can improve therapeutic results and client

care for numerous disorders.

Pharmacists provide vaccination information and services to boost immunization rates for

vaccine-preventable diseases. The ad also targets patient care costs. Also crucial is lowering

therapy variation by improving preparedness and change competencies. This project uses data-

driven decision-making to improve healthcare policy and programs (Mathis et al., 2022). This

project provides client-centered, collaborative medication management services to improve

health outcomes. These services prioritize pharmaceutical safety, efficacy, and properness.

Nurse’s Role in the Project

The nurse's project duties include educating patients about their medicine and ensuring

they take the right amount. Nurses follow safe medication protocols and promote safety. They

also consider the patient, environment, and drug while determining therapeutic efficacy (Mathis

et al., 2022). By knowing medical error causes and preventing them, nurses reduce harm.

Following medication reconciliation rules and rigorously verifying actions, such as triple

checking, can help nurses avoid these errors. Medication Therapy Management (MTM) nurses

do more than medication management in healthcare projects. Their competence in medication

reviews, patient education, and healthcare team coordination helps patient care programs succeed

(Mathis et al., 2022). MTM nurses advocate for safe and effective medication usage, ensuring

patients receive the best treatment tailored to their needs. MTM nurses improve healthcare

quality and patient outcomes via their passion.Nurses also perform diagnostic procedures and

operate medical equipment. They also plan and organize client care with their team.

Medication Therapy Management (MTM) documents and communicates essential

information to the client's other primary care physicians. It monitors and evaluates client therapy

response for safety. MTM has also conducted thorough medication reviews to identify, resolve,

and prevent adverse drug occurrences (Mathis et al., 2022). MTM connects treatment

management services with other healthcare management services for clients.

Outcomes of the Project

Medication Therapy Management (MTM) lowers systolic and diastolic blood pressure

and low-density lipoproteins. This has improved patient awareness, client quality of life, and

treatment adherence. Mediation treatment review, which gathers client information and identifies

medication issues, is vital to MTM (Li et al., 2023). Pharmaceutical action plans allow clients to

manage and track their own improvement. Interventions and recommendations connect patients

to additional resources that can improve therapy. For billing and accountability, documentation

and follow-up help record services accurately.

Sustainment of the Improvement

The enhancements have been consistently maintained within the healthcare environment

due to their significant advantages for the patients. For example, there has been a notable

decrease in the number of fatalities among the patients (Li et al., 2023). The personal medicine

record is the final essential component that provides a comprehensive overview of a client's

medications, including dietary and botanical supplements. MTM has also enhanced the

utilization of pharmaceuticals in a manner that is both secure and efficient.


Li, N., Song, J., Zhang, M., Lv, X., Hua, H., & Chang, Y. (2023). Impact of medication therapy

management (MTM) service model on multi-morbidity (MMD) patients with

hypertension: A pilot RCT. BMC Geriatrics, 23(1).


Mathis, A., Spates, J. D., & Suther, S. (2022). Developing medication therapy management

training for community health professionals serving low-income patients. Journal of

Pharmacy Practice, 36(4), 810–816.

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