Rich Mind, Poor Mind

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- By Adeleke Oluwaseyi James

Why are we here?
Getting a topic becomes a problem while I was preparing for this… what will
I even call it? Is it a lecture or a talk or speech or a reflection or motivational talk
or a gist? Perhaps we call it a dialectic or dialogue. It is a dialectic because I am
about lead you to discover some idea like a midwife or perhaps hewn out from your
mind some things you knew but really don’t pay attention too. Remember we would
not be able to perform a bit of this task if you are not open-minded. Be wise with
your decisions in these next few minutes…

Are there really poor people?

Little Cerebos, it was who asserted that ‘there are actually no poor people;
what we have are poor minds, mindsets and poor attitude.’ And there is no
gainsaying that it is the case. Since humans are what they eat; so also they are
what they think about their personality. If we think we cannot, then we will not. It
is not a curse but is the product of what and who we think we are and what we
think people think about us. All these things though simple and unnecessary they
might look or sound have a way of forming either a poor or rich mind.

The Rich mind is open while the Poor mind is locked

Many might think there is no need to bother ourselves about much talk today
because we have heard more than enough during the course of the week. Or what
do you think? Or perhaps we do not understand what we have heard? The truth
remains that - without an open mind there cannot be a reception let alone a
comprehension or an understanding of what was given. In fact, it is only an open
mind that can be really rich. Close your minds and you will remain poor forever
because you can neither give nor receive.
It will be pathetic that having gone through the tutelage of the great people
that fed us spiritually, academically, morally and experientially during the week, we
have yet to draw from their wealth of holistic intelligence. Could it be a sign of a
poor mind? Or is that some minds are so rich and have been self-sufficient?
Threats to Possessing a Rich Mind
1. Fear
2. Arrogance
3. Cynicism
4. Peer Pressure
5. Bad habits
6. Laziness of the mind
7. Lack of Exposure
8. Holding on to the old rules: This is the only way we do it.
Go to school, get a job and you will be fine. Is it that easy as ABC these
9. Mindset
10. Environment
11. It is almost impossible to have one who thinks big in a world of Lilliputians.
12. Attitude to life

What does it takes to be rich in mind?

1. Emotional Intelligence
This intelligence cannot be overemphasized in our world of today. It is
interdependent with academic intelligence.
IQ plus EI = Balance Character and success
2. Social Intelligence
No one is an island. You need someone and someone needs you. Anyone who
does not relate with other humans is either a beast or a god.
3. Intelligent Quotient
IQ is not enough for one to succeed in life
Many successful persons were dropout e.g. Bill gates, Dangote,
4. Financial Intelligence
Invent money by identify a problem and fix it. Money is nothing where cash
flows. Please keep learning. Learning provides us with a wide range of
opportunities. Africans don’t read books, they say? Widen your horizon. Do
you want to go to Dubai without a visa? Read books.
5. Spiritual Intelligence
It is a result of our encounter with God of our religion.
Those who know God are the really spiritual. It is the same thing as
spirituality. Be human, care for all, forgive and try hard to forget and you
will be holy.

To those who have ears

I know you will be tempted to clap me after this dialectics. The only applause I will
appreciated and acknowledge is when every youth do not allow himself or herself
be lost in this dialectics but let his or her mind be wide open as one led by the
nose. It is often said that it is an educated mind who welcomes everything but
later reflect on whether to learn or unlearn what has been received. Beware that
an open mind leads to rich mind. This is because such mind has allowed itself to
accumulate a lot and then utilize those things to build a rich mentality, positive
attitude and thinking.

I therefore charge every young mind here to adapt an American mindset; and what
is it? Asking for what you can offer. But it is a tragedy in our society today that
most youth will approach you thus; brother, anything for the boys or the girls?
[Though for some, it is a joke]. Many really meant it. And I have sworn an oath in
my anger that unless I am sure I am doing charity or supporting someone’s business
or trade or learning or maybe lending someone money, then I do not give cash out
again. This is because there will be more liabilities i.e. youths who cannot think
outside the box on the streets.

1. The Holy Bible - Community Bible
2. Rich Dad, Poor Dad - Robert Kiyosaki
3. Be Human, Be Holy - C. P Varkey
4. Emotional Intelligence - Daniel Goleman

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