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Hello Virat,

Here are some key questions to ask:

1. Current Workflow or services you were providing and for what countries, workflow you want me
to focus more on

2. Challenges and lacking currently about CRM

3. Goals and Objectives: What are their primary goals and objectives in adopting a new CRM system?
Are they looking to increase sales, improve customer service, streamline processes, etc.?

4. User Needs: Who will be using the CRM within their organization? It's essential to understand the
different user roles and their specific needs and requirements.

5. Integration Requirements: Do they require integration with any existing systems or tools (e.g.,
email, marketing automation, etc.)?

6. Customization Needs: Are there any specific customization requirements? For example, do they
need custom fields, workflows, or reports?

7. Data Migration, accounts and commission structure

8. Agents management

9. Training and Support: What level of training and ongoing support do they expect?

10. Budget and Timeline: What is their budget for implementing a new CRM system, and what is
their desired timeline for deployment?

You can give information of these questions in the demo meeting presentation or through call

Thank you

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