DM Questions

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Questions - Gerneric

CPM, CPC and CTR, Impression, Reach

What does CTR signify?
What is Digital Marketing and why do people invest in digital marketing?
What is the major difference between Google Search and all other platforms
What is the bounce rate?
What are the options in Search campaign - Search Network, Display Network?
What is viewable impressions?
What is email automation?

Scenario Based
A client is saying that they saw their search Ad on Dubizzle or Facebook Video Ad on
TikTok? Is it possible? What can be done to avoid this?
Website developer says the Google and Facebook pixel is implemented on the website?
How can you check or verify?
There is a huge discrepancy between clicks recorded in the Ad Platforms and Google
Analytics, what can be done?
Can we use same keyword in Broad match and exact match in the same Ad group of Search
How many Ad Sets do you create in a Facebook campaign?
What can be done to reduce bounce rate?
A client wants to increase followers on Facebook and Instagram? What can be done?
A client wants to run a YouTube campaign but not create a YouTube channel or post the
video on their YouTube channel? Is it possible?

What do you think is the future of digital marketing and what are the things going to be
trending in the near future of digital marketing?
Client is getting a lot of traffic but no leads, what can be done?
How will you allocate budgets withing different channels?
What channels do you use for B2B campaigns?

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